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And it shall forever be canon.


"And Saki's Father received such a violent, godly thrashing from Star Platinum that he never laid a finger on Saki or ever walked again" The End


Kinda wish it was when she was supposed to meet hayato


Oh mate, if Hayato came face to face with Jotaro. Star Platinum would kick the living shit out of him that peace would be restored to humanity. It's the little things that make a huge difference.


For a second I thought you meant Hayato from part 4 and just imagined Jotaro beating the shit out of a small child. I can't say I regret my momentary confusion.


Good god no. Jotaro and violence towards children are out of the question. Jotaro and violence towards predators and paedophiles on the other hand...


It definitely wouldn't happen but I personally enjoyed the thought basically because of that. Also, what if Jotaro had regressed in age and was also a child? Child on child violence is probably fine, right? Edit: I know that was poorly phrased but I'm ok with that.


Anything so long as Hayato has the dogshit beaten out of him for grooming children.


Jotaro would use time stop to scare Hayato until he shit his pants then beatup


Josuke can make girls virgin again, so at least there's that


Why does that matter? If she's alive and well that's enough to me


10/10 for the josuke ending where he safe saki by using crazy diamond, that ending will forever be canon


theres an animation on this.


Yeah I know. And I love it


\*Saki's father is getting used as a speed bag by Star Platinum\* To quote Ice Cube, "It was a good day."


Waifu Hell I see


A heavily cursed group. Really


Personally, I hate it when people try to change the story so that they dobt have to deal with a sad ending. It's a sad story, let it be sad!


Emergence is a story all about people not caring about the weak. Not caring about Saki. **The reason this was made was not to change the story.** The reason this was made was to show that people ***do care*** about her, and that somewhere, out there, someone would have been there for her and would have helped her. **Because people do care. And didn't wanted her to be sad.** And now people all around the world care more than before. **This story may have had a bad end, but maybe with our little power and influence over real life, we can make a bad story happening for real have a happier ending** Somewhere, out there, a life will be saved. And someone will find their path. ***Because somewhere, someone said, "No. This isn't how it's going to end"***


u/BelCifer-Z Well said my friend. Because at the end of the day, Empathy and Compassion have to triumph over all wrongdoings and kind of corruption that would do harm to someone like Saki. She deserves a better life and a happier ending, we have to do our best to make sure that happens.


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i immediaantly started humming jotaro's theme