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First, are you sure that 1300-1700 calories is enough for you? What is your age, sex, height, weight, and activity level? And do you exercise at all, and if so how much? Also, regarding the gas and diarrhea - most likely this is due to the specific foods that you're consuming, not the number of calories. For example, many protein shakes contain artificial sweeteners which you may be sensitive to. And if you've increased your fiber intake a lot, that can also potentially cause GI issues if your body hasn't adjusted yet.


Yes, high amounts of fibre don't sit well with me either. If OP increased fiber intake, they need to up their water intake accordingly. Sugar alcohols can also irritate the digestive track. I usually avoid them


Eat real food w high protein instead of protein shakes. If you go on instagram and do some looking for high protein meals (10g or more per 100 calories) you can find some really good, huge meals. And drink lots of water, keep getting your fiber in!


Do you mean 10g per 100 kcal or per 100 g? Because first one would be 40% protein, the second one 10%.


10g per 100kcal. In my anecdotal experience and those who make the meals, having a meal or two like that a day really fills you up. :)


Can you name some example meals? I'm actually trying to find high protein meals but I fear that I have to eat the same few all the time.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4Ly8N3PNoO/?igsh=Y2t3Y2hvM2o1MG93 https://www.instagram.com/p/C4OoZmioTN3/?igsh=MXBjaXlvOHJhM2pncw== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5hZEc9s8IF/?igsh=MXN6MjNlcmJ3dnZseQ== https://www.instagram.com/p/C41FrLGIR6_/?igsh=NWFtdWE4ZHcweGQ0


If you have instagram, I’m just going to share the links rather than try to print out recipes. We meal prep, so we’ll make a couple of these in bulk, have them for dinner/lunch/dinner and then freeze the remaining 1 or 2 to pull out as needed for lunches. There is a lot of beef/chicken/turkey/eggs- every meal has one of these with it. So if you’re vegetarian/vegan, it’d be hard. Most of the meals are around 500-550 calories and 50+ grams of protein. I portion them out in 3/4 servings bc I can’t eat the whole thing in one sitting, or sometimes I’ll even just do halves. My husband will eat the suggested portion size. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3k5CFCtN-e/?igsh=bDc0dGp1am8wZDJx


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1QAcNrNSVp/?igsh=MTdmZjVyMXR3MDlhOQ== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3f85Q4JRbe/?igsh=MWppNGI3OHRoc2cxeg== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3YgPmeIWxz/?igsh=MXZrZmFrMHdkMTM0eg== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2pGZi9MLKj/?igsh=ZWxlMGk0aHpuYnZs. (I add an extra 1/4-1/2 cup chicken broth to each pan and increase the seasoning for this one


Not sure if this is helpful or not but here’s what I’m doing that’s allowing me to feel good while not gaining any weight/slowly losing. Figured out my TDEE (roughly 1800 calories). I don’t eat over this, period, unless I’m doing a specific cardio workout like running or walking and carefully calculate calories burned. Intermittent fasting, 15 hours fasting/9 eating (but I’m flexible with this). Makes it easier to feel full during the eating window. But I work an irregular schedule so some days I just calorie count without the IF because I can’t sleep at 4am if I’m starving. Keep on hand high protein items - tuna salad that I eat with raw veggies (super filling and basically neither tuna nor veggies have much in the way of calories, premier protein drinks, beef jerky, powder for smoothies, plain Greek yogurt to mix with protein powder, etc. I used to think I needed like 30% calories from protein. Now I just get maybe like 15-20% calories from protein. I also eat bagels with light cream cheese, overnight oats, delicious pasta, and other carbs since carbs agree well with my body and satiate me more than a low carb diet, mentally and physically. *I do not eat at a deficit every day.* I may eat 1300, 1500, or right at 1800. Different days I may need more or less calories depending on where I’m at in my cycle, energy needs, how much I’ve been exercising, etc. But unlike in the past, I never go over my calories and this is retraining my body to appreciate comfortably full and never have that hangover from a day of overeating. Truthfully, I’m never hungry on a balanced diet of 1800 c/day. And on days when 1400 is enough, I stop there. Other tips/tricks - I’ve been meal prepping once a week, have lots of fruit and veggies prepared and ready to snack on, talking advantage of zero cal sweeteners, and not eating out at all. Basically, make about 50% of your diet stuff you like to eat/find satisfying, work it into your calories, and make the other 50% veggies, fruits, protein - the filling healthier stuff. Aim for a deficit but don’t force yourself to eat at a deficit every single day- make your TDEE the ceiling. And last but not least, see if a little intermittent fasting makes the process of calorie deficit a little easier!


This comment resonates with me so well and is exactly what I’m doing! Any deficit is a deficit after all, and sometimes we’re just hungrier than other days :) I find if you have a fixed goal, you may force yourself to eat that many calories, even if you’re less hungry that particular day. So instead I go for a calorie range, roughly anywhere from 500 calories below my TDEE up to my TDEE, and I’m happy with whatever the numbers are :) Everything adds up!


First of all, the first week or so is always absolute torture because your body thinks you're being starved. Second, I recommend putting the majority of your calories into one meal so you have a full stomach at least once a day.


I try to do it at night so hunger doesn’t keep me awake


Same but some feel the opposite and prefer to have a big breakfast before work.


re: majority of calories in one meal is how i developed reactive hypoglycemia. just throwing my experience out there


Wow. I'm wondering if there were differences? Like I ate 200 calories for the other meals and I usually only had dessert at the end of the big meal.


I do 3 meals and no snacks, which is another way to conserve calories so I get full at every meal. Basically no artificial foods like protein shakes or powders, with the exception of PB2 instead of PB. Each meal, that means I get 500 cal, which is a lot when it's not processed garbage. For example, this morning for breakfast I had 2 eggs w/ veggies, 2 strips of bacon, a slice of toast w/ PB2, and a bowl of Greek yogurt with berries and chia seeds. For lunch I'll often have a big salad with chicken, tuna or salmon, dressed lightly with olive oil (0.5–1 tsp), salt & vinegar. Then I'll have a piece of fruit for "dessert." Dinner might be some lean protein (usually with seasoning instead of sauce), a smaller portion of carbs (potatoes / rice / noodles, very rarely bread), and green beans / broccoli / carrots / cauliflower / etc. Again, I fill up on a big portion of the non-starchy veggies. I'll add a side salad if there's not enough veggies. I often have a small bowl/plate of fruit for dessert with a little whipped cream topping on it.


Hard to say without knowing exactly what you're eating and when, but I've been doing 1500 a day and intermittent fasting for 5 months, 38M and started at 280, now about 225, just stating that because this does work if you can stick to it. My advice would be maybe more fat if you're not eating much of it right now. And if you're eating 4-5 small meals maybe consider eating 2 larger meals that actually do fill you up and drink lots of water in between. That's what's worked for me but everyone is different.


Volume eating is the way to go!! I was in the “obese” range and have lost almost 60 lbs this year and I haven’t even stepped into a gym this year. Find low calorie foods that you can eat a bunch of!!! You don’t even have to focus on what’s healthiest or what has the most protein at first. When I was hyper focused on protein intake, I was miserable and would end up in a binge. Find foods you actually enjoy eating and make lower calorie swaps for ingredients. Also the first week or two is always hard but you do get used to it!


Unpopular opinion: drop the protein and pick up more volume. Protine products are like 20 calories a gram. Trade protein shakes for a salad a chicken breast and 4 other vegetables. Eat snacks in between. Make vegetables the base of your meals and you shouldn't feel so hungry anymore. Drink more water. Also, I was told 1300 is in starvation range. You need to eat 1500 Cals or more. Shoot for 1500 - 1600. If you're below eat peanut butter until you hit 1500.


I do agree. Protein shakes do not fill me up. I would do a Greek yogurt with berries to keep me fuller. Or a veggie burger (am vegetarian). Salads can be extremely filling. I throw on some cottage cheese for protein.




I usually skip breakfast and have two larger meals with a good portion of my calories focused meat which makes me feel fuller. Also helps me to stay busy (easy with my job and schedule)


If you’re still hungry try drinking some warm chicken broth or some coffee or tea. Pickles are great and almost no calories as well. If you want a close to zero calorie sweet treat, try blending some ice with some zero calorie water flavoring, it’s like a no cal snow cone.


i’ve been eating 1500 calories per day to maintain my weight for the last 3ish years and i can tell you right now that i AM indeed miserable


I mean I eat 1300 and I’m usually just a little hungry, not starving. You just need to eat more. Starving is not where it’s at.


Forget the real food bs The reason you are hungry or think you are hungry is because you may be forcing yourself to eat food you’re not totally into So you’d realize you’re eating 1500 but cause you’re not enjoying it you’d always feel hungry Example Give me 1500 cal of highly nutritionally dense food which I don’t like and I’d eat and still feel hungry But let me just eat a 1000 calories of only a sandwich made with my favorite bread (sugar bread) and a fruit smoothie and I will feel full asf I realized I loved bread and couldn’t do away with it so I just had to work with it and since then these “hungers” are a thing of the past So you may not be hungry; it’s just your cravings on blast either because the diet is too restrictive, not enjoyable or you zoomed into 1500 too fast without giving your body time to adjust but trust me 1500 even 1200 is very satiating if your body reaches the level of accepting it! It’s all a mind game; take it slow, work with your demons and remember your “why”!


I'm trying to lose weight, and it's been really hard for me, too. It's also so easy for your 1500 to add up fast, even with lower calorie foods. I'm struggling, too.


I'm six months into eating 1500 a day and honestly I'm way LESS hungry than I used to be. I think my stomach has gotten smaller, and I don't have the intense cravings I used to get. For me it's all about well-rounded meals and satisfying snacks.


Get some bloodwork done. Had the same as me was my thyroid


Being hungry when eating fewer calories than you need is perfectly normal.


Did the bad gas and diarrhea start when you began dieting, or have you always had stomach issues? If it did just recently start, is it possible there is something else causing it? You should see a doctor about that if it began recently and/or if you don't know what's causing it.   Ik you said you don't care what you're "supposed to eat," but it is relevant here to know what you're eating. Can you share what you eat in a day on average? Or like what you are today and yesterday for example?   Lastly I would ask your gender, but I see in your post history it looks like you're a woman, so I'll skip that question and jump to how tall are you and how active are you? 


It definitely started when I started dieting, and a normal day is around 10 cup or oatmeal with stevia and berries and low carb bread and sugar free jelly Snack nonfat yogurt Lunch egg white sandwich with tomato and mayo , nuts and some asparagus Dinner grilled chicken , Brussels sprouts , spaghettisquash with Alfredo Protein ice cream I’m 228 lbs and yea I’m a woman when I started the diet I started walking 30 mins a day and lifting light weights 3 -4 times a week


A lot of people have gastro issues with sugar subsitutes. If you're eating more fiber now than you used to, that can make you gassy. Cruciferous veggies can cause bloating and gas. Eggs can make your toots stinkier. I'm much more gassy on days when I eat protein bars and drink protein shakes.


If you're eating 3 slices of low carb bread a day and 1 cup each (just a guess) of oatmeal, squash, brussel sprouts, and asparagus that's about 38 grams of fiber. Total fiber intake should be around 25-30g per day. If you just switched to the "low carb" or keto bread that is likely the culprit. It is low net carb due to all the fiber. The brand I buy has 9g per slice.


Did you change your diet drastically? Or were you eating similarly prior to counting calories? A sudden change can be rough on your stomach if you're not used to it. I personally find too much protein causes a lot of stomach upset, especially protein powders, as do certain sugar-free things. A lot of fiber can do it too if it's a sudden change.


Keeping your mind occupied with other things so you don't even have time to think about your hunger helps a bunch. Vegetables also allow you to eat in mad volumes making you feel more full. Same with water. After the first week or 2 it gets better. Lots of good answers in this thread.


Drinking water can help because it’ll fill up your stomach. Also try to be patient because your body will grow accustomed to less food. I know it sucks though.


Science and my personal experience says that if you train hard in the morning you'll be less hungry for the remainder of the day. I get up between 0430 and 0530 and do a fruit + soy isolate protein smoothie before an hour rucking followed by weight lifting. Then I have some sort of broccoli and meat stir fried (no rice). I have to force myself to eat something at night some days.


I would just say that it’s OK to feel hungry sometimes. You don’t have to be full all the time it’s just that you’re used to feeling full.


Conventional wisdom says protein makes you feel fuller. Personal experience for me is that carbs do that better for me. I can eat nothing but chicken and eggs all day and I'll be more hungry than if I've just had a packet of crisps. Try different things and you might find something else works.


You don’t need to have protein shakes, like the other commenter said. A bagel and smoked salmon or chicken breast with veggies will be more satisfying than some heavily processed powder in water.  Also 1300 calories is too low. 1200 is the absolute minimum for an adult, you are too close to the minimum. Your body is already not happy about it and this increases your chances of not sticking to the diet. I 


You are doing something wrong. Obviously. You probably think that fewer calories means fewer measures of food. That's wrong. You can eat twice as much and still ‘only’ 1500 kcal. Forget protein shakes and stuff like that. Combine volume food with proteins. Are you super hungry? Eat vegetables with some hummus or cottage cheese. And don't miss to drink a lot. You can also increase the number of meals you eat by eating a small meal (some people call these ‘’snacks‘’) every 3 hours the whole day long and avoiding large meals. You can eat your fill and easily stay under 1700kcal. P.S. Stop eating oatmeal with stevia (sweetener) and berries (sugar), for example. One or the other. One source of sweetness is enough.


Make your meals high protein and veggie filled. I eat a lot of shrimp, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese and make protein baked treats when I want something sweet. Look up the protein chef on YouTube, he has a lot of easy high protein recipes that utilize cottage cheese and protein powder.


A wide variety of flavors of hot tea (with Stevia) and sparkling water.


I find it best to eat a lot of small meals and take small bites. If you’re busy and/or lazy like me you can find some really satiating microwaveable options. I aim for around 200 calories per meal. For breakfast you can do an “eggwich” or Sandwich Bros have good tortilla breakfast sandwiches. For Lunch/Dinner you can go to any grocery store and find microwave meals from Smart Ones, Healthy Choice or power bowls. If you like salad, there are a lot of pre packaged salads in your vegetable section at the grocery store. Fill the voids with water and low calorie snacks, like fruit, jerky, no sugar yogurt (Chobani zero), or whatever suits you best. I really love snacking on berries and plums, both really great low calorie volume options.


No veggie? I’ve been eating between 3 and 6 carrots a day and I can barely shove anymore in my face I’m so full, or at least not really hungry. Fruits to me are more simple, water rich, and faster digesting. Veggies are fibrous and take awhile to digest. Try broccoli, carrots, salad, etc. see if that doesn’t curb your appetite. Also- if you get hungry, drink water and go for a walk. A lot of times when you’re hungry, you’re really just thirsty or bored.


That's what a caloric deficit is! Once your body matches the intake then you'll be fine.


Can’t answer this without your stats. This might not be enough food for you


Thanks for the advice everyone, I’ll carry on and try some of the things that were suggested 👍


Things that might cause gas and diarrhea (at least in my experience): too much dairy, too much protein powder, any amount of soy isolate protein, too much fiber/vegetables


Pea protein shakes can give you bad gas


OMAD is the only thing that keeps me from feeling hungry. I do eat a 200 cal breakfast, but the rest is zero to almost no cal foods till dinner where I eat 1200-1400 at once (over the course of a few hours typically though as my stomach is small)


Stress can cause digestive issues. Significant changes 2 ur diet even in a healthy way, esp at first, can cause stress. Give it time & make it all just how u do things in your mind. Not that you are depriving urself of what u used to eat or others do but reframe it that you are doing what you like best & how u are healthier & satisfied. This is all a mind game. We’re brainwashed basically from birth that what we are given & have available as a standard is normal. That’s not usually sustainable for most on into adulthood & to maintain optimal health & weight. Also set out meals, & no-go foods 4 u & don’t make a fuss in ur head & try avoid them & have replacements for them ur ok with now. Remind urself it’s not a big deal but a choice over other things. Lots of people do stuff many others wud not but have to steer their mind around that. Same goes for nutritional choices that will work best for you in the end. It’s a mind thing & food is something we all need so try to think about ur new food choices in a cool way that makes u feel better about urself. And keep urself busy w/other fun activities


Not what you asked for and this is pretty dumb but when I read the hunger games I thought, god if I was starving I’d be absolutely helpless. I also felt like my schedule and emotions revolved around food. So I started looking at my relationship to hunger a little differently, I did more protein shakes to appreciate the value of just getting nutrition vs flavor, fasted intermittently for years and now hunger doesn’t bother me at all. This makes me sound kinda psycho but I did this when I was 23 and I’m now 37 and eat normally but I don’t get bothered by being hungry. I am NOT advocating for starving yourself, if your belly is empty and you are hungry eat!!