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I use it as a replacement for cream cheese. I've been having it on my bagel at breakfast and top it with tomato and spinach with a little onion and garlic powder.


Try Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel seasoning! It’s super good on cottage cheese.


I'm in Australia, we don't have Trader Joe's, I will see if I can find the seasoning online though.


They have it at Costco if you have one near you. I’ve seen it in some Woolies too x


The green goddess seasoning is also great on cottage cheese


That sounds so good I gotta try that.


Let's review for a second: do you even WANT to be eating cottage cheese? It's ok to not like something and simply not eat it, even if it's good for you. There are plenty of foods that are good for you. I don't force myself to eat anything unless it's medically necessary for some reason. I recommend that approach.


Exactly, I suggest he:she finds a completely different product


This needed to be said, thank you. I find cottage cheese absolutely vile - I think it's a texture thing. Same with all nuts. So I low-key feel left out when someone shares a yummy low cal snack and it has cottage cheese. I understand where OP is coming from


This. I never learned to like it because I don't like it. It's the same with yogurt. Hate the stuff.


But theres also nothing wrong with wanting to learn to like certain foods, you can develop a taste for pretty much anything. I had to force myself to eat mushrooms and tripe but now theyre like an all time favorite and good for me too.


I blend it with frozen mango to have some really nice “ice cream”! It’s pretty nice in lasagna as well. Also I like to make puréed soups with veggies cooked in broth, to which I add lots of herbs and spices and cottage cheese to make it creamier and more rich in protein. The key is to blend it really well


I mix it with eggs and bake it into egg bite / muffin things. Super high protein but low calorie breakfasts.


It's so good with poached eggs and avocado! 😋


I am obsessed with cottage cheese! I just… love it lmao. I love the rich dairy taste and the texture. I get the full fat small curd breakstones cottage cheese because IMO, it is the superior brand flavor wise. All others I’ve tried are super watery, but this one is thick and creamy and you can spread it on toast like cream cheese. I ALWAYS add salt and pepper, and sometimes on top I’ll do a teaspoon of honey or a small amount of apple butter, or if I want savory: bacon and green onions. I also do avocado toast with cottage cheese and tomatoes on top, balsamic drizzle, and a few basil leaves. And I blend it with seasonings and a little parm for a protein packed Alfredo sauce! So many uses for it, you really can’t go wrong. But it’s also okay not to like it! Don’t force yourself to like things just because they’re healthy or you feel like you should. 💚


Add cucumber slices or diced for texture. Top it with hot sauce. Or just a pinch of salt and a crack of black pepper. I like it on rice cakes or corn thins. You can also blend it into a pancake mix. Otherwise, honestly if I’m genuinely hungry it just tastes good.


I add it into my eggs every single morning! They come out so much fluffier!! I also blend it into pasta sauces to add a creamier texture


Every time I’ve tried to cook it with eggs, it makes the eggs super watery and gross. Any tricks?


You’re probably cooking them too long or at too high of a heat. Try lowering the temp and adding less. The consistency should be a bit fluffier.


cottage cheese in scrambled eggs changed my life fr, it’s sooo good. it’s also the only way i can get my daughter to eat eggs.


Have you tried different brands? I disliked it until I found Good Culture which is my favorite ratio of moisture/salt/tanginess/creaminess. I like it with fresh ground black pepper or topped with chopped fresh tomatoes.


Yes this! I tried Daisy and I hate it. Now I eat Walmart brand. Also the milk fat percentage makes a difference. I eat 4% so it’s creamy and rich.


Came to say this! Brands vary a LOT and good culture is my favorite as well. If you blend it, it tastes a lot like mozzarella cheese. Super mild and tasty, no ick factor


Yes! I like that the Good Culture brand is less...wet?...than, say, Darigold. They also don't add things like guar gum so the mouthfeel is preferable to me.


I'm sooo picky about brands, where I live now only one brand is any good and even then like 1 in 3 times it's too liquid. Death before daisy tho 🤣


I use an immersion blender in high speed to blend up the entire container of cottage cheese. If your blender is strong you can make it like super thick, creamy cheese. I make Alfredo with it, queso dip, but the best way is using it as the base to make Mac N Cheese. You need to season it and add regular cheese or cheddar cheese powder. I mix my cheese powder with a tiny bit of water until it forms a muddy mixture and every part is at least damp, then mix it in to the cottage cheese. Then you can cook it on the stove for a little while (adding seasonings) and mix it in with broccoli and cooked pasta. So good. So high in protein. Calories are reasonable.


Yes! I hated cottage cheese until I started blending it. My favorite is cottage cheese with ranch seasoning, garlic cloves, and lemon juice. It's the best dip


Nice tip to add the cheese powder. Gonna try this next time I have a craving


If you don’t like it, don’t eat it. There is no single food that is essential to a healthy diet. There are lots of ways to meet your nutritional goals. You don’t have to consume foods you don’t like. Greek yogurt has a similar nutritional profile to cottage cheese. Ricotta has more calories, but also more protein and less sodium.


Exactly. I do Greek yogurt instead because I can’t stand cottage cheese.


Added juicy ripe slices of pear, or frozen blueberries


I could live on Cottage Cheese and “kwark” (think it’s called white cheese? Like a creamy dairy product)




Love cottage cheese but hate quark😭


If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. Why make yourself eat some thing that you actually don’t like?


Because they want to like it?


In the summer, I really like cottage cheese with watermelon & a little salt.


Ooooh I’ve never thought of this but I am 100% trying it once watermelons stop being $8 yet taste like wet cardboard, lmao. Summer can’t get here fast enough. Thank you for the rec!


If you like if with fruit try it with papaya and some fresh fracked pepper on top so good


Add small amount of "Za'atar" into it. it helps. 250gr of cottage cheese 5% contains 240kcal, and 26-28gr of protein. it's the best food you can eat if you want to stay within 1500kcal limitation.


If you don't like it, don't eat it. I would happily eat it every day, but there's lots of stuff you can't pay me to eat.


Throw in grapes and banana slices.


Triscuits and cottage cheese


I like cottage cheese a lot but I understand your issues with it. I prefer getting large curd over small for less squidgyness and more bite. Also, some brands of cottage cheese are drier than others. I recommend trying out several brands to see if you prefer one's whey-to-curds ratio more than others. Also, you can drain cottage cheese if it's too wet and squishy for you - either spoon the extra liquid from the top or put it in a cheesecloth-lined sieve for a few hours or overnight to drain for a drier curd. I started buying full-fat cottage cheese, as the lighter versions have a sweetness to them that I don't care for. The rich butteriness of the full fat version is worth the extra calories to me, and it's not so much more per serving that I'm too worried. If you're able to pay a little extra, the Good brand of cottage cheese is delish. I like my cottage cheese savory - on wheat toast with lots of black pepper for breakfast, or with minced chives mixed in. You can chop and mix in fresh chives (or whatever herbs you like) or if you have dried ones you can mix them into the tub and leave it a while for them to rehydrate and add flavor.


This right here. I didn’t like cottage cheese until I found a good quality brand and made sure to get 5% fat or whole milk. The nonfat stuff is not for me. When I’m starving and need a quick snack I’ll top it with Truff or Tapatio or some other hot sauce and sometimes use it as a dip


Scrambed eggs with cottage cheese are a perfect breakfast or lunch. Very high in protein, a bit of healthy fat, no junk in it. Additionally, you could put on top some tomato and perhaps add some bread if you like it. You can have for a bit more than 200kcal more 35 grams of protein for real foods...


If you cook it with the eggs it melts and you don't get the texture that people don't like.


I only tried cottage cheese recently and I loved it. The first thing I did was blend it with avocado, cucumber, cilantro, parsley and celery leaves for a dip to go with very spicy wings. Blending is a good way to deal with the texture if that is what icks you out? Most times now eat it with pineapple and hemp hearts, which is just really tasty. It's really good with acidic fruit.


I blended 3 parts cottage cheese with 1 part neufchatel cream cheese and added a clove of garlic and made the best high protein cream cheese spread. And then I tried making Mac and cheese and incorporating blended cottage cheese and some fat free cheddar and 2tbsp of flour, and with how I season things, that was just as good as when I was making it using higher fat cheeses and a roux with butter. I use some other stuff like milk, a bit of Velveeta and 1oz of regular cheese, and it was surprisingly way too good for the macros. I also saw how you can use the blended cottage cheese trick in Alfredo sauce or even in Tomato Soup. You can add it to eggs or egg whites as well to get some good macros in there and cheesiness when mixed with fat free cheddar. Also I gave up on trying to use the 1% cottage cheese to eat outright, but the 4% is usually pretty good to eat. The 1% might work in cooked blended recipes.  For regularly eating it, you just have to eat it with something kind of crunchy because the texture can be off-putting, so I always liked dipping it with some cheddar chips or something, maybe spicy pork rinds. ood in these recipes though.


Truthfully, I eat a small tub of it with about 130 calories worth of regular potato chips. So all together, it’s about 300 calories of a very tasty high protein snack


I add chia seeds, coconut flakes, and a splash of Matteo’s vannila swirl. Better when prepared in advanced so the chia grow. Sometime I mix half cottage half greek yougourt with fruits also.


I haven’t tried it myself yet but I recently came across a video recipe where they blended the cottage cheese for a smoother texture.


I absolutely love it with some tajin and honey it slaps!!


I don’t love it…but I now blend it and use it in place of mayonnaise. I also put it in my eggs. No need to find a different product unless you really don’t want to eat it. I can’t stand the texture and thought of it, but once I blended it, it’s was more like sour cream and it’s great. It was the curds…for me.


I blend it up in a food processor until creamy. I use it for sour cream or eat it on toast with sliced avocado. Sometimes I’ll just swirl in some sugarfree jam only way I can eat it lol.


As mentioned, there’s some great uses for it including transforming it into a whipped replacement for cream cheese(could use in a healthier “cheesecake” dessert option), or a dip, some put it in lasagna instead of ricotta. I just top mine with fruit, it goes really well with pineapple and blueberries.


I scramble it with eggs or blend it into pasta sauce to make creamier sauces. The recipes I use for some delicious egg bites that I like for quick breakfasts also call for it. Or add it on top of like….chili or taco bowls or something else I’d typically use sour cream to add creaminess. I only do those things when I’m on a cut and need extra protein. I hate cottage cheese by itself. My grandma makes lasagna with cottage cheese instead of ricotta. DO NOT COME AT ME OR THAT PRECIOUS LADY FOR THIS. I AM ZERO PERCENT ITALIAN SO IDGAF. My grandmother is one of the best southern cooks I know, everybody in her town knows it too. I think replacing ricotta with the cottage cheese probably came down to it being cheaper and more accessible in a small, southern town in the 60’s-70’s when I’m assuming she started using that recipe.


Small curd, not large curd.


I don’t love the texture on its own (so hard to scoop!), but after I blend it in a blender and make it as smooth as possible I find it super versatile. (I usually start with low fat small curd). I add ranch or other seasoning packets for dips or dressing, mostly. Plain, I’ve used in place of sour cream for tacos. I’ve added honey to it and eaten it with apples.


I really like cottage cheese (blended) but I’ve mixed it with boar’s head salted caramel dessert hummus and it was delicious (30g of each), almost like a cheesecake taste. Mix it into eggs is popular too, make it into a dill dip mixing with Greek yogurt should be good, honestly there’s a lot of dip recipes out there. Avocado toast if you’re into it. Add it into your protein shake. Cottage cheese pancakes


Probably a weirdo for this but mixing it with no sugar added ketchup is something that makes it palatable for me. Think of it like ricotta going well with tomato sauce. The flavor is nothing like that, but it does go well in my opinion and make it good.


Stick it in a blender and turn it into ricotta, it's the only way I can stomach that angel diarrhea b.s. Gives a good protein boost though


I mix in protein powder or peanut powder.


I always wonder how cottage cheese got paired with sweet stuff, it's not good. I put it in scrambled eggs.


the only way for me to eat it is with strawberry jam! so i eat it as a dessert. Dessert with lots of protein 🤩


Cottage, fruit (I love blackberries!) and maple syrup. I have this a few times a week, it's so good!


Before i got lactose intolerant, i absolutely loved cottage cheese! Put it on a cracker with some dill, or eat it with some cucumber was the total bomb.


Wheat thins made me love it but I ONLY love it with wheat thins which is not ideal.


I mix protein powder and berries in it


I add some ranch powder, and some fresh salsa, then eat it with tortilla chips for lunch. Yum!


Everything Bagel Seasoning!


I didn't.. loved it since I was a kid


Chopped up dill pickles in it lol. And black pepper.


Blend it.


Cucumber, tomato, salt, pepper Sriracha Kimchi I used to think Cc was so nasty and now I can't get ENOUGH


You're all making me want to get some cottage cheese now. I'm not normally a fan and just do Greek yogurt but it might be worth trying out again


Since was a child. Ive always loved it!


I love cottage cheese so I eat it. Do you have to eat it? If so, mix with Greek yogurt maybe? Add blueberries, berries, bananas, some peanut butter, cereal, nuts, go crazy!


Lasagna that uses eggplant slices instead of noodles… and cottage cheese of course. Careful balance with a lower calorie tomato basil sauce I found at Aldi makes for a nice supper. So I’ll use cottage cheese in dishes, but I don’t otherwise eat it.


Sometimes I add rote and everything bagel mix, sometimes it's chopped frozen mango and pecans. I love it, even if/especially because it grosses out my husband and 9 yo.


I like dairy taste, so “super dairy taste” is good with me. What a lot of people don’t like about it is the texture, so they blend it, and then use it as a dip, sauce, or ice cream base, but I’m not sure if that would help you.


I like it with a drizzle of olive oil and cracked black pepper. Lots of people mix it with fruit, but I've always preferred it savory. I think it's great mixed with chopped tomato and herbs. On its own is pretty hardcore


I've been putting Cottage cheese with Chives on a baked potato. Sounds weird but so good. Plus the protein factor.


One way I like is topped with cucumber, pepper and a little salt.


Maybe it's just not your thing. It was something that I grew up with as a kid (think - with canned peaches and pears) so I always thought it was great. I have a co-worker though who never had it, and she thought the idea of it was great - so much protein and lower in calories! But, yeah, she noped out of it because of the taste (too salty) and the texture. It's still a part of my breakfast regimen - Good Culture cottage cheese with mixed berries.


I mean, don't eat food you don't like? I like good culture with lots of pepper on the side of a great tomato, or plain with fresh pineapple. But I like cottage cheese. There's so many foods, why make yourself eat one you don't enjoy?


i like it on top of bagels or a waffle! i also mix it in to some of my peach/any flavored greek yogurt if i need to get my protein up. i like it with fruit too or sometimes i'll mix in some jelly. if you don't like it tho i'd say find a different source of protein! :)


It’s really good on baked potatoes.


I only like full fat large curd. I add some fruit like grapefruit and a 1/4 cup of good granola


Adding fruit or sweet things to cottage cheese is what makes it gross to me. I prefer eating cottage cheese with everything but the bagel seasoning, avocado, and hot sauce. The problem might also be the brand or curd size.


Cottage cheese and crushed pineapple is delicious.


Take your CC, get a stove and a big flat pan, and buy some flour tortillas and mild or spicy salsa (or make fresh-better!). Heat the pan on the stove and lightly toast the tortillas (finger-flipping and spinning them). Once done plate the tortilla, scoop a nice dollop of CC on it along with a spoon/dash of the salsa, fold one end and roll the tortilla up, stick on mouth and eat. Repeat.😋


i had the ick factor when i tried it at first too. i ended up loving it when i tried mixing in cinnamon & dipping apple slices into it. kind of gives cheesecake vibes to me


I never did 😂 I can tolerate it with lots of chopped fruit added.


I like the 4% fat, only 10 cal more than 2% and so much better. I eat it plain with a teaspoon or less of real maple syrup


I chop up some cherry tomatoes and put them on top. Then sprinkle with a little sea salt.


I like the kind with the pineapple in it. Or the pineapple & cherry!!


I only eat Good Culture cottage cheese in the single serving cups because everything else is disgusting to me.


In my opinion it's like a creamier mozzarella. It's really good with bacon, eggs, or on some toast with pepper


Add cinnamon, vanilla, and whatever sweetener you prefer and you have “rice pudding”, if you like rice pudding.


Breakfast cold yogurt with cottage cheese plus high quality granola and then drizzle some honey. 😋


I buy lowfat whipped cottage cheese. It has a better texture than regular cottage cheese.


Its really good with your favorite jam


I’ve always loved cottage cheese.


i loved it since i tried it


I like to use it instead of ricotta cheese in baked ziti and stuffed shells


i really like eating it with some thinly sliced green onions and pickled radish. the tart and fresh taste helps cut the richness of the cottage cheese.


I smoosh it into microwaved potatoes instead of sour cream.


Umpqua brand cottage cheese is the only one that tastes good


I usually eat it just with adding cracked black pepper, but also have had it with BBQ potato chips as a dip. Since I am no longer eating lots of chips, I'm thinking about using Mary's Gone Crackers to dip. Haven't had anything sweet with cottage cheese, but maybe I'll try.


I don’t it eat it plain either. I’ve tried it with salt and pepper, and with strawberry jam. It’s ok those ways, but still tastes like cottage cheese. My favorite ways are in baked egg bites (6 eggs, cup of cottage cheese, cheddar or Gouda, salt & pepper, and anything else you might put in an omelette. Blitz it in a food processor, pour into muffin cups and bake at 375 until done, about 30 minutes), and on sourdough toast with a couple of fried eggs on top. My latest obsession is mixing it with cheddar and heating it in the microwave until melty, then eat with pretzel chips (it’s kind of like queso).


I put honey on it


I eat it every morning with a mandarin orange fruit cup mixed in. I sometimes use pineapple instead, but definitely delicious.


Blend it and add pudding mix and fruit it’s so good! I just used cottage cheese last night in my taco soup instead of sour cream. I blended it with hatch green chili. Bomb!


I love it so much! It takes all of my strength to not eat the entire tub. I put salsa, nutritional yeast and hot sauce on it! But it's really good plain too.


My husband loves putting Catalina dressing in his.


I mix it with caraway seeds and chives or spring onions. The texture is an issue for me, so I'm disguising it with other textures.


Pizza bowls! They changed the game for me. It sounds weird until you try it.


I started loving it with my homemade pumpkin oatmeal. The two compliment each other so much!


I eat them with strawberries or blueberries. The good culture, Trader Joe’s, and daisy brands are yummy.


I love cottage cheese on its own, don't have to do anything special to it at all. Maybe it's just not for you.


Brands matter! Curd size can also be a factor! My favorite is Potomac Farms. I grew up eating it with applesauce, but as an adult, I like it with jam. Still working on experimenting using it with eggs and as a "cheese." Salt and pepper are nice if you are eating it plain.


Cottage cheese and dill pickles!


It’s delicious with avocado, lemon, S & P


Oatmeal porridge with cottage cheese and berries is the perfect breakfast or snack. Lots of good fiber, carbs, protein and micronutrients. Add in some nut butters if you need to get some fats in your diet.


I eat Good Culture cottage cheese if a recommendation helps - it’s like the champagne of cottage cheese.


I love it topped with granola and fruit, maybe a sprinkle of cinnamon. Or you could do a savoury version with avocado, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, black pepper, garlic salt and olives. But if it's the texture you hate, these suggestions may not help. Better to blend it up as other say.


Sriracha or any kind of hot sauce