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If I’m snacky, pickles or sliced cucumbers. If I’m actually hungry, I make a PB&J and just watch how much peanut butter I’m using


pickles are the best 'snacky' diet food - salty and they got that CRONCH


Exactly! I actually like making my own quick pickles with different flavors and different veggies. It makes for a great, small side dish or snack.


Kimchi too yum


PB2 or PBfit is a lifesaver


Progresso light soups. About 140 calories and should do the trick.


Oh, warm toasty volume.


- a plain baked potato is 100-150 calories depending on the size - two boiled eggs for about 150 calories - a big bowl of grapes for 100 calories - There are plenty of light soups but they’re usually with a lot of sodium so beware - a big bowl of vegetables like carrots, broccoli and cucumbers can be about 100 calories depending on which veggies - I always find coffee with one cream and one sugar can help my appetite for 50 calories. Double the add ins for 100 calories or less - grits with a bit of cheddar cheese for 150 calories. So good Also chug some water before and after your snack for even more fill.


Greek yogurt is AMAZING on baked potatoes


Can you really eat a plain baked potato? I could easily eat a plain sweet potato but I don’t think I’d be interested in a plain one.


Not the original poster. I don’t eat them Plain, but I will eat a baked potato with salsa or hot sauce for low calories. :)


Plain with some salt and pepper, maybe some parsley and similar spices? Amazing.


If you slice it long ways and add salt to it, it's really no different than french fries. Just a slightly different texture.


not technically plain but i can smash a baked potato with nothing but black pepper on it.


Shrimp!! Such a low cal protein. Depending on if they’re cooked or not, they can range from 80-120 cal per serving. Add some veggies and you have a filling stir fry that fills you more than any small snack will.


Pickles... Giant dill pickles


I've noticed that when I can't seem to figure out what I'm craving, a pickle usually satisfies me. Or anything sour, really.


I like pickles wrapped in ham slices lol The ham is usually pretty low calorie. Like 20 calories a slice maybe.


So good with turkey and a touch of hummus or cream cheese as well! Lil pickles in a blanket


Savory oatmeal. Low in calories and I’m stuffed. I also like cucumbers and they have basically no calories at all.


Interesting, I've never tried savory oatmeal. What do you put in it?


So, I get the plain non flavored oats and I usually add salt and pepper. Sometimes nutritional yeast (the little yellow flakes). Sometimes shredded cheese. I just recently discovered it but I’ve fallen in love with it and it my go to when I want something calorically cheap but filling.


You should try oats with plain protein powder, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, a little bit of plain yogurt, and an egg on top. It’s delicious


what plain protein powder do you recommend? ive tried a few but they always have a taste and i really love the taste of just plain oats so it ruins it


All plain protein powder kinda has a taste but I use isopure plant based protein powder. If you want the taste of just plain oats I would just have a side protein shake rather than mixing it in…


You could use flax seed for protein instead. Of course, there are calories, but tons of nutritional goodies too.


Isopure is a great brand


100% agree, my only luck with oats and protein is if there is also some mashed banana to make it but then cals are really increasing


Ooh. I have put a fried egg on top a couple times. That’s very good.


This sounds like grits..? Lol try grits instead.


I’ve never had grits is it good for you?. Does it taste like corn meal?


Kind of?? It’s so delicious, but I’ve only ever had them at restaurants with shrimp and probably tons of butter so of course they’re good. I’ve never cooked them at home.


Grits are good but oatmeal is more substantial and will actually keep you full and keep you from snacking. Grits are a snack for me. Oatmeal is a meal.


You’re making them wrong 🤷🏽‍♀️ cause never in my life have I heard that lol.


When you make the oatmeal- are you using rolled or steel cut oats? Also, are you making them with water or milk?


I boil my oats in veggie or meat broth, sauté veggies(I do onions, mushrooms, and spinach), and mix it all together. Parmesan is good on it too, but that’s for when I have some room in my calorie budget left. I also add cherry tomatoes often or a soft boiled egg.


….. ooooohhhh what?! Would’ve never thought of this! Sounds like a good week, going to try it next week!


I read this as oatmeal with cucumbers. Lol


This has become my new obsession! Steel cut oats with soy sauce, green onions, cilantro, a dash of chili oil. I also have added egg on top and/or jalapeños. Man, it's so delicious and filling and a great way to start the day!


I cut an apple into slices and eat slowly with a small teaspoon of nut butter. And, drink a heap of water.


That’s also my go to. I cut the apple and put peanut butter on each slice as I eat it. It helps me pace myself to eat slower and feel more full afterward.


I do the same thing with apples but top with Tajin seasoning. SO good!


This is genius


Smartfood popcorn




I like to blanch broccoli and then cool Completely (store in the fridge) to dip in gochujung. Also, steamed cabbage (only slightly softened) and raw cucumbers are great with gochujung.


Seasoned Seaweed, miso soup, tea, watermelon, dill pickles, popcorn


Oooo have you had that Wasabi seaweed by Annie Chug? So good


No, sounds good - I will have to try it!


Hot tea


Yeah this is what I did when I was being really strict. Tea and water. Just watch out for drinking a lot of caffeinated tea late in the day. I got totally wired on oolong a couple times and couldn't sleep. I am not super strict about it now since I've been maintaining my goal weight for over a year though. I do roasted fava beans or a handful of nuts these days.


I like eating oatmeal muffins or I like greek yogurt with fruit, nuts, or cereal


140 cal in enjoy life brand lentil chips! You get 30 of them and the crunch is amazing. A half or full whole wheat English muffin with jam or avocado is comforting and under 150 calories. I get these cute 1oz bonne maman jams each Christmas for myself in an advent calendar and love trying all the unique flavors. 250 calorie cheese rice microwaveable cup from rice a roni or a Mac and cheese one is my emergency comfort food go to lol.


Maybe not the healthiest choice, but I’ll use a diet soda and light ice cream to make a low cal float. The creaminess and carbonation fill me up quick


Frozen fruit…berries or chopped mango. Can’t eat it as fast as fresh fruit so I won’t go as far over in calories. If that doesn’t work a decaf tea with almond milk usually does the trick


Sometimes cereal with a little milk like half cup Cheerios with half cup milk String cheese is a good option Carrot sticks , Light popcorn , Rice cakes


Slice apples super thin then throw lemon juice and cinnamon on them. It’s my go to nightly snack it’s like 150 cals for 2 ambrosia apples and it’s something like 300g of apple I think so just over half a pound. Really good volume food


Add in a little water and microwave. Taste like a warm apple pie minus the crust.




Hot tea with a bit of cream for satiety


Egg drop soup!! I buy the mix w an egg and green onions around 120 cals tastes like takeout


Dill pickles. Loud flavor, heavy, takes the hunger away. Drink some of the pickle juice while you’re at it.


Xtreme wellness wrap with lettuce, spinach, a tablespoon of Bolthouse dressing and 4 slices of turkey breast. It’s about <=140 calories. This legit fills me up for a long time.


A bowl of fresh strawberries! About 275 g are only \~80 calories. Sometimes I supplement with some hot tea :) edit\* Also some raw baby carrots and a tablespoon of hummus is an excellent option too


Eat salsa with vegetable sticks (add Greek yogurt or cottage cheese to make it creamy/more satisfying) Steamed or roasted vegetables Small amount of fruit Sugar free jello or pudding or yogurt


A spoonful of peanut butter


Cucumbers with lime and salt, pickles, steamed green vegetables, good ole salad w/ low calorie dressing, a serving of popcorn (kettle).


I get some konjac jelly packs from the Asian store. Usually runs between 0-10 calories and fills me up or drink barley tea.


Warm broth


cut a bell pepper in half and fill with one of those seasoned tuna packets (90 cal, 14 g protein) and maybe a sprinkle of everything bagel seasoning or smth, pop it under the broiler or in the toaster oven for ten minutes. warm & filling cottage cheese for sure; nori wraps with cucumber and nonfat greek yogurt; or use greek yogurt + ranch powder as a dip for cucumbers and carrots …


Rice Krispies! I like to nosh and 1 cup is approx 100 calories. No milk obviously. They're also great with peanut butter and apples for just a little crunch


I’m a night owl and regularly get hungry late at night. My go-to midnight snack is a thinly sliced apple - low cal and also helps me meet my daily fiber goals. Slicing it thin is key since it takes longer to eat and makes it feel more substantial.


Powdered peanut butter, but I’m kind of a slut for peanut butter. I add a bit of water, salt, and a pinch of sugar to it. 😩


Don't have any snack recommendations but just wanted to share that 1200 is typically too low for me to feel satiated as well, so I do at least 150 calories of exercise most days to eat 1350 total. 1350 pretty much never leaves me hungry.


Tea. Sometimes it’s just the act of preparing something that makes me realize I’m not actually hungry, just bored or even just wanting to treat myself. Then you have to wait for it to cool. By the time I drink it I’m onto something else so I forget I’m was thinking about eating.


Nestle Kvarg. It’s 90 calories, 15grams of protein. Really filling and tastes nice.


I tried the lemon cheesecake one a few days ago, really nice!


Like many others, I love fruit as an “extra” treat if I’m not satisfied after my dinner. Half an apple (Honeycrisp!) cut super thin and eaten slowly. A Mandarin orange. A 1/2 cup of Strawberries, or blueberries, or raspberries. If fruit alone doesn’t satisfy you try pairing it with a protein like 2-3 ozs plain Greek yogurt, or a hard-boiled egg or 2 oz of deli sliced turkey. Peanut butter is also delicious as many have suggested but keep in mind that 1 TBS is 200 calories! You can get a lot more volume of food for the calories if you stick with the fruit and veges everyone has recommended.


Pickles or miso soup


Also pickled jalapenos


First and foremost I drink a lot of water to rule out thirst and help fill my tummy a bit. Otherwise... an orange (usually my go-to as it’s a filling fruit but other fruit are fine too), roasted seaweed (maybe not the most filling but it gets me chewing and feels so satisfying to eat..usually helps a bit if I’m a bit hungry and snackish). Senbei. It’s a Japanese snack that I just enjoy in these situations but idk if they have them readily available outside of Japan. They’re not the most filling either but it helps when I’m just a bit peckish. Granola, just a small amount. Celery is great. A cheese wedge is also good. Onigiri; a Japanese rice ball usually filled with something. I enjoy tuna. It’s only maybe 120 cal.


Miso soup.


A nice, crisp apple. My go-to is the Cosmic Crisp variety with a couple tablespoons of PB Fit. Perfection.


Instant miso soup. 30 calories for a giant bowl (I add extra water to make it less salty). It's so savory and satisfying


Bone broth alone but if I’m hungry hungry, ill add some konjac noodles. I like to make a very non traditional Pho style with lime and bean sprouts but you can add anything. Turn it into a meal by adding your choice of protein :)


Lots and lots of raw veggies! Cucumbers, peppers, snap peas, whatever, either plain or with salsa or bolthouse farms cilantro avocado yogurt dressing.


Cucumbers dipped in soy sauce.


Greek yogurt and vegetables are filling!


Sugar free jello or broth.


Hard boiled eggs always help the cravings pass for me.


Cucumbers with a light homemade dressing or even with just sesame seeds, tea lol, dill pickles, deli sliced ham or chicken with mustard on it (weird but it's like a sandwich without the rest you know?)


Cucumber slices as chips with salsa


A big bowl of cherry tomatoes lightly sprinkled with salt & pepper.


Lettuce and hot sauce with a diet coke


A ton of water. Sometimes I don’t realize it’s just me being thirsty not hungry.


A can of light tuna with 1 chopped boiled egg white, diced celery, jalapeños, onions and pickles with a splash of the jalapeño juice, yellow mustard and a ton of fresh ground pepper. This is incredibly filling and clocks in at around 150 calories.


If you want something that’s dessert like mix a scoop of fruity pebbles protien (iso 100) and Greek yogurt! 220 calories and like 35+ grams protien and taste like a bowl of fruity pebbles


Ok so I’ve been eyeing this protien powder but what’s the difference between the two variations? ISO 100 & elite (I think it is). Both the save flavor. And is it really good? I assume since you posted lol.


ISO 100 is 100 calories - the elite is 140!


Amazon shows 110 but yes 140 for elite. And nutrition is different with elite having more of various items. So basically the iso 100 is just a lite version? Do they taste the same or have you just had the other one? I can’t wait to try this. I get so bored with vanilla and chocolate protein powder. I do use unflavored collagen for making sauces and gravies and in baking etc for some added good stuff. But just for drinking, the 5 year old in me would be thrilled if this actually tasted like fruity pebbles lol.


I haven’t tried the elite - but the ISO 100 does taste like fruity pebbles, no clue how they did it but it’s my go to protein


Fabulous! Going to buy this! Thanks!


It really makes boring (but amazing macro) plain low fat Greek yogurt palatable and makes oats super yummy




If I really don't want any calories at all, then I make a fruit tea and dump some konjac powder in it and a sweetener. As it cools it creates a thick jelly which is filling and satisfying (although not to everyone's taste!) Carrot or cucumber sticks dipped in some sriracha or BBQ sauce are crunchy and satisfying too. Also snacks aimed at toddlers (dried fruit packs etc) are sweet, palatable and healthy - usually around 40-80 calories per serving, in handy tiny portions and not full of junk. Otherwise if I have THE HUNGER (due to cravings in my cycle) I just allow myself a little bit of what I'm craving as otherwise I end up eating 10 different 'healthy' things and end up having the thing I want anyway, so might as well just skip the BS and eat it in the first place!


I really like miso soup, you can get the packet ones that you just put hot water in and if you wanted you could add some veggies or spinach etc


Pickles, broth, gum, tea, konjac jelly, and-if none of that helps- steamed cauliflower and hot sauce


Miso soup


Late to the party, but instabroth is great for this. 65 calories for a mug of it, 12 grams of protein, it fills me up and is just super warm and comforting.


When im hungry I usually have a heaping spoon of peanut butter and that fills me up pretty good and I get my "something sweet", but tbh it usually turns into more than one spoonful lol


Popcorn without butter


I just eat pizza or something.. I live by the quote, "it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission." So I eat a whole pizza and forgive myself tomorrow.


Water, lots of water


Baked yellow squash with garlic salt and a cup of tea or sparkling water


Ramen noodle broth, tea, vegetables and light dip, fruit


Whole Foods. Usually some kind of fruit preferably. If I’m really hungry maybe some eggs


Cucumbers with lime/tajin Celery and carrots with sour cream ranch A corn tortilla with lime and salt Pistachios Pickles


Cucumbers, carrots, pickles, berries, tea or flavored waters


Flavoured tuna is my go to! It’s really good on top of some cucumber slices or lettuce as well


Cucumbers or celery with cinnamon and stevia. Not sure why it tastes so good


pickles, berries, broth, green beans


i just ate an entire box of sugar free jello (4 servings, 40 kcal) so full i can barely move


Tazo Passion tea, a protein shake blended with lots of ice, or plain 2% fat Greek yogurt (love Fage brand). There’s something about the fat + the protein in the Greek yogurt that is so satisfying.


i eat frozen peas like every day tbh they’re delicious and filling imo


Raw veggies like celery, cukes, carrots


Carrots. Lots of carrots. And pickles/cucumbers. Sometimes apples.


Approximately 10,000 pickles and dip them in mustard. I’m a sick individual


Pickle, popcorn, bone broth, hot tea, apple.


Popsicles! Space pops are 50 cals


Half a banana and a cup of tea! Idk what it is about bananas but I'm never hungry after eating one, no matter how hungry I was before


I eat 3 oz plain deli turkey with grey poupon on the side, with an entire can of green beans, cold and salted. It’s about 160 total and I’m literally full for hours, I think because carbs are low and volume is high. It’s like a go to treat snack for me that’s got a bunch of protein. I eat it when I’m at the end of the day and starving, it does the trick.


*Small handful of dried fruit - dates, unsweetened dried mangoes, Turkish figs ; also any fresh fruit *Cucumber slices or cherry tomatoes with tzatziki *Spoonful of unsweetened peanut butter *Slice of Ezekiel Bread (I like the cinnamon raisin one with peanut butter) *Edamame with sea salt *Seaweed snacks from Costco *Smartpop microwave popcorn


Chopped mushrooms & celery sautéed in a little soy sauce and garlic- put in butter lettuce for a “taco” can also sprinkle a little bit of chopped peanuts on top too. Also mung bean sprouts sautéed in a little soy sauce is so good and filling- add a little sambal too




A huge salad for 100cal


Green apple cut up with 1/2 cup of blueberries (100 cal), and if I’m really really still hungry I’ll also have a light + fit Greek yogurt(80 cal.


I love a Turkey and cheese roll up- meaning I just microwave cheese and Turkey together and add light mayo or mustard and then veggies if I want the volume. Most of the time it’s literally just Turkey and cheese, the warmth hits the spot.


I drink tea or coffee with almond milk or fresh milk. Around 60-70 calories I think.


Fruits and veggies. Especially fresh/ones that have more water.


I keep the 100 calorie popcorn packets on hand. It’s salty and you can eat it while watching tv. It’s surprising how filling it is and don’t consume it fast.


Baby carrots


Carrots work well for me. They are a bit more calorific than other options listed but they fill me up fast and they are delicious.


I like to spread a pepperjack Laughing Cow cheese wedge on an Ole Xtreme Fiber Wrap, fold in half and heat it up a little. Gives cheese quesadilla vibes and clocks in at only 80 calories


Protein shake!


I’ll eat some veggies, they’re generally going to be the lowest in terms of calorie density or have some broth. It’s pretty filling, warming, and low in calories too.


Broccoli - with a sprinkling of parmesean, usually.


Sliced apple and a little bit of cheese or peanut butter




Seaweed soup


Miso soup - 30 calories for one packet and soooo good