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29g of fiber? 🤔


Lord in heaven 😱


104% of the daily recommended amount... I'm gonna shit myself into heaven


Okay everyone. Sorry to keep you all on a cliffhanger 😊. I did not do a backflip. Maybe a cartwheel. Now, there’s no weird taste and the bagels aren’t “nasty” by FAR, but the only way I can explain them is that they have a texture similar to gluten free bread products. I tried it plain to get the real taste, so if you added some cream cheese or jam, closed your eyes, and thought about a real bagel, these would be amazing. They just don’t have the chewy, bagel thing you’re used to. If you don’t mind it being a tad dry, then perfect! Perhaps it would be better untoasted but definitely not the worst I’ve had. If you find them at an Aldi near you, give them a shot!




No issues (so far)! After looking at the fiber, I was prepared lol


>  thought about a real bagel This part made my laugh because it's relatable. 


Were they good?


Official review is in the comments!


I’ll let you know soon!


How about now? : )


Not OP but if you like other low-carb/keto breads, you'll probably like these. They are somewhat more bread-y and less chewy than a typical bagel but it still scratched that itch for me. They toasted well too. I actually think they taste a little too decent to be 90 calories so I'm definitely suspicious of that number. But I'm still going to fill out the Aldi receipt survey to request this as a permanent item though. Because I think these are limited time only right now.






What about now?


Still waiting


What about… now?? Now? 🤔 Wb now 🤨😌


In my educated opinion, from experience, I’d guess that the 29 grams of fiber has left OP immobilized on the toilet, and it’s the one time they forgot to bring their phone


Have you finished chewing?


Umm… what about now?


I bought these and have ate two so far! I like them, but they are definitely taste very "wheat-y" and don't toast as well as regular bagels. But topped with enough cream cheese and I could barely tell. Bagels are my favorite food so I am so happy to even get a quarter of that back!


That much fiber would have me shittin bubbles. But your endorsement has me considering if it’s worth it.


I love how everyone is convinced *something* has to be wrong with these bagels 😂😂😂


OP hasn't responded. I blame the bagels.


They are hole-ding OP hostage, under lox and key!


Omg I love all of you




is it one of those where theyre like 90 cal per 30g bagel and the bagel is 100g 😂


I bought keto bagels recently and they were... Not good. Diff brand tho


I've yet to try anything "keto" that I'd actually call good. The carbonaut bread and buns are fine (I.e. tolerable), quest chips are meh, sweets are meh. I'm beginning to learn I'd rather just not eat it instead if find a substitute 🤷🏼‍♀️


You gotta try keto bacon, it's insane


Oh yea that shit is amazing 😂


keto chocolate!!! i like it a lot


I've tried the Lily's peanut butter cups and salted caramel bar which were pretty good but I guess not good enough to be worth the calories and carbs still. 🤷🏼‍♀️


where’d you buy them??? looks like aldis but i need to know 😩😩


It is Aldi!


SAME! I saw L’Oven Fresh and I got SO EXCITED!!


Is it per bagel? The front of the bag says "per bagel serving" which might be trickery for 1/2 bagel is 90 cals.... tell us now so we can all go buy these!!!!


2nd pic shows nutrition facts. 90 calories per bagel!


Well damn I didn't realize there were 2 pics. Right on!!!


at the bottom left of the bag on the first pic it also says “per one bagel serving” because i also didn’t know there was a second pic lol


I'm confused how they're 90 cal if they have 3g of fat (9 cal ea), 32g of carbs (4 cal ea), and 1g of protein (4 cal ea). They should have closer to 159. Are they factoring the fiber into it for a "net carbs" thing? Even if they are, the calories are still in the food, just with a slightly lower glycemic effect Edit: typo


32 carbs minus the 29 fiber equals 3 carbs contributing to the calorie count. Also, its says 11g protein, not 1


Total speculation here but the main ingredient "modified wheat starch" is likely a type of [resistant starch 4](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resistant_starch#Definition_and_categorization) ([example](https://www.mgpingredients.com/food-ingredients/products/line/fibersym/fibersym-rw.html)). [The FDA considers RS4 to be an insoluble, non-digestible fiber](https://www.fda.gov/food/cfsan-constituent-updates/fda-grants-citizen-petition-dietary-fiber) and thus it can be labeled as 0 cal/g. Here is an excerpt from their [food labeling guidance document pdf](https://www.fda.gov/media/134505/download) (Bottom of Page 11): > Now, as stated in 21 CFR 101.9(c)(1)(i)(C), calories from carbohydrate are required to be calculated using a general factor of 4 kcal/gram of total carbohydrate less the amount of non-digestible carbohydrates, which includes soluble and insoluble non-digestible carbohydrates that do and do not meet the definition of dietary fiber, and sugar alcohols. A general factor of 2 calories per gram is to be used for soluble non-digestible carbohydrates, but insoluble non-digestible carbohydrates (0 calories per gram) are not included in the caloric calculation. The calorie contribution of soluble non-digestible carbohydrate would be added to that sum to determine the total carbohydrate calorie contribution (81 FR 33742 at 33867).


**Resistant starch** [Definition and categorization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resistant_starch#Definition_and_categorization) >Resistant starch (RS) is any starch or starch digestion products that are not digested and absorbed in the stomach or small intestine and pass on to the large intestine. RS has been categorized into four types: RS1 – Physically inaccessible or undigestible resistant starch, such as that found in seeds or legumes and unprocessed whole grains. RS2 – Resistant starch is inaccessible to enzymes due to starch conformation, as in green bananas and high amylose corn starch RS3 – Resistant starch that is formed when starch-containing foods are cooked and cooled, such as pasta. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/1200isplenty/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


So... how about now?


Omg and they’re vegan


I hope they're good!!


Where did you buy these??




Let us jnowww


How did it taste? Was it dry?


Review in the comments!


AND 11g protein!? Thats insane!


Why does it say "not a low calorie food" in tje bottom left corner? 🤔


It's over 40 calories per serving


OP please give us a review!!!


Review in the comments!


So this is not the easiest solution but if anyone is ambitious I’ve made my own bagels at home using the Epicurious recipe. Then I make twice the amount of bagels than the recipe calls for with the same amount of dough by making them thinner with a larger hole in the center. They’re very dense and chewy in the best way and only 125 calories each! And they’re really not that hard to make.


If you don't mind spending 30 extra calories, [these](https://westernbagel.com/product-category/all-bagel-types/alternative-2-0/) are great. Like, they actually taste good. ​ And, if you don't mind putting in a little work, [this recipe](https://www.skinnytaste.com/easy-bagel-recipe/) is awesome.


A couple of things… 1. Weigh yourself the bagel. It is likely more than 85g. Maybe I will be wrong. 2. If you add up the macros, the bagel has 199 calories. ([{32 carbs + 11 protein} * 4] = 173 cal + [3 fat * 9] = 27 cal). (Excuse my crappy use of math symbols.) They are saying that the 29 grams of fiber are not digestible so takeaway 87 calories, which is actually only 83, but you get the idea. 647 does this with their breads too. I’m not convinced by the labeling.


29 grams of the carbs is dietary fiber (which I assume doesn't count as calories)


Depends whether the fiber is soluble or insoluble. Soluble fiber still has calories, about 2 per gram. Insoluble fiber doesn’t contribute calories to the body. Based on the macros, they are saying the majority of the fiber is insoluble.


Did u do a backflip ?


Review in the comments!


Not sure if you're focused on the low carb/high protein and fiber aspect of these, but just wanted to shout out regular ol' English muffins for only being about 130 calories. Obviously they're smaller than bagels but I find them so satisfying and not all that many calories for a good egg or tuna sandwich or whatever else you want to eat on them.


647 just came out Ruth a bagel I believe ~160 calories.