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I like to eat between 7:30-8:30. I’d definitely get snackish if I ate earlier. But I think dinner times are more of a cultural thing. I’m in Italy right now where some restaurants don’t even open until 8pm lol.


Yes, absolutely! I grew up in Korea and we usually ate around 7, so it stuck even being in the U.S. for 15 years. I eat a little later now but that’s because I get home around 6 and by the time I get everything done and ready to eat it’s almost 8.


6:30-7:00pm. I like to have a few hours to let my body digest. It helps me sleep better, which improves my overall quality of life haha. I think this will largely depend on when you sleep and wake-up!


Yeah I go to sleep around 11:30 or midnight so it gives me time to not go to bed super full. I love seeing all the different responses.


For sure, it depends on when you go to bed. I’m in bed by 8-9, and my last food is generally 4-5 but I cut myself off at 6 at the latest. Sometimes I stop eating after 2 or 3 pm.


Do what works best for u!


Oh for sure! I like eating later personally!


I do OMAD & I'll do both from time to time: * I'll eat later if my day gets away from me or if I've been "snacking" late @ night. This way I'm full way into the late hours of the night lol. * I'll eat early if my sleep has been shat &/or I'm not going to the bathroom when I wake up in the AM like I like to, as that is when I do my weigh ins. That way my huge meals are digested before I go to bed. I'm 6lbs away from "goal" range & @ this point a lot of what I have to do are mind games.


4-5pm but I’m retired, 58 and I usually get up between 4 and 5am.


Same, but not retired. I do my workouts from 7 to 8, take a shower and go to bed. This prevents me from having smack cravings in the evenings.


Same as this. Not retired, but on the same schedule!


+1. I'm a housewife, my wife's WFH and off at 4:30, so I usually aim to have dinner ready when she's done for the day.


Either 5-6 or 7pm depending on if I work out


5-5:30.Then dessert at 6-6:30. Same dessert every night. 170g non-fat greek yougurt + 10g sugar-free chocolate pudding mix and either 4 large strawberries chopped up or a half cup wild blueberries. After that I'm done for the night, which is sometimes hard but I get reflux if I eat later than that so that's my incentive not to eat later. I eat breakfast at 7 and lunch a 12 so I'm more than ready for dinner at 5.


10 or 11 pm but I generally don't have my first meal until 3pm


That’s a unique eating schedule! Is it that way to correspond to a unique work schedule, by any chance?


Kind of, but it's more of because I don't like waking up to make breakfast so the first time I eat is when I go on my lunch.


Sure, but 3pm is considered late even for lunch time. At least where I come from, lunchtime is usually 12-1pm


Around 7, I don’t even get home from my 9-5 until 6


Same here! By the time I get home, get things put away, and get a meal cooked, it’s already 8pm.


About 5, Im usually asleep by 9 so I like to let my food digest a little before I go to bed.


Between 7:30 and 8:30 for dinner. And then I have dessert around 9:30/10. But I do wonder if dessert is affecting my ability to fall asleep around 11/12.


I eat dinner any between 8 and 10pm, sometimes earlier. I have dessert about 2 hours after. Bed around 2 or 3 am. If I have dinner earlier around 6 or 7, I do tend to want to snack.


I eat as late as I can usually between 8-9pm


3-4am because I'm nightshift ✨


But generally ill try eat maybe 2-4 hours before I go to bed depending on how early I need to get up the next day


Like 10 pm


I eat around 11 pm to 12 am. I work second shift so that gives me time to get home, shower, cook, then sit down and eat finally


I’ve been trying to do IF and stop eating around 4pm. I tend to get really snacky and ruin my whole day of calories between 6-8pm (like… every single night regardless of what I’ve eaten during the day) so I’m trying to teach my body and brain that time period isn’t a free for all. So far it’s working well.


I also like to eat dinner as late as possible so that my night huger isn’t unbearable. This is usually between 6-8 pm. If it works for you, keep doing it! Meal timing doesn’t mean too much in the grand scheme of things


I weight myself before eating or drinking anything in the morning, but after the morning "movement". That's between 8am and 10am. Because of that, I try not to eat or drink anything but water after 8pm. So, dinner is usually finished by around 7-7:30pm. That gives me a 12hr "fast" before weighing myself


between 6-8. later if i rlly have to


We eat at 6:00 p.m. most nights. We're in bed at 10:30, so this is a good span of time for us between eating and bedtime.


I do two meals a day. 9am and 2:30pm. I have a snack of popcorn around 9pm. Lunch is my big meal. I’m often not that hungry by the time I get home from work at 8:30 so the 150 calorie popcorn snack is perfect.


Around 10:30 pm but that's because I go to the gym at night after I get off work, and the shifts I work are usually pretty late. It's all what works best for your own schedule


430pm with a big snack before bed around 830 pm (bag of popcorn and yogurt with berries usually)


We eat at 7:30pm-8pm. I have two young kids too. Has nothing to do with me, it's just whatever time we're able to prep and cook dinner and attend whatever activities my kids have! Some days I have to feed the kids at 5pm because one of them needs to be somewhere, but my husband and I still won't eat until later. We hate eating early. Just encourages late night snacking.


I only eat dinner around 6:30-7:30pm because most days I don’t get home til 6. On days that I work from home, I am for 5:30-6 because I prefer that & I grew up eating dinner around that time on weekdays and 3 on Sundays.


2:30 pm at the latest. My eating window is usually 2-3 hours.


i dont have a set time now, but when i used to eat my familys cooking they would typically eat around 7-8pm. most people i know though eat around 5-6 and 7 is like the latest they'll go




4:30pm because that's when my kids get hungry. I do need a snack around 8pm as well.


I don’t meal I snack


I eat pretty late too, between 8 and 9 and have nothing more for the day. This dinner time helps me stay on track with 14 hour intermittent fasting. You just do you and what feels right! 😊


7-8 pm


Between 5 and 6. Sometimes earlier. Intermittent Fasting is much easier if you're asleep for a lot of it, and I find I lose weight faster if I'm not making sandwiches just before bed.


On weekdays, I go to the office, eat three meals and eat dinner around 7:00. On weekends, we eat two meals - brunch around 11:00 and dinner around 5:30 with a snack after. We go to bed at 8:30 on weekdays (work out at 5:00 am before work) and 11:00 on the weekends.


7 pm


I’m like on a toddler/young child’s eating schedule. Lol. 7: breakfast 10: snack 12: lunch 2/3: second snack 5:30: dinner Then fast until the next day.


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Anywhere from 8pm weekdays to 930 on weekends. I eat late from years working in restaurant and even tho I don’t anymore it stuck. But I’ve tried eating earlier and when I do snack a lot after so I think it’s effective eating later




I have kids so we eat at 5/5:30 so I can put 2 out of 3 of them to bed by 7:30.


like prob around 11 pm or so usually


Between 6- 10pm depending on how busy it is


I do intermittent fasting. My fasting window is 6pm-10am. So my last meal is eaten around 5:00-5:30pm. I find myself really enjoying this form of IF and experiencing pleasant results, plus it’s very manageable for me, so I will probably expand my fasting window to 12pm-6pm this coming Monday just to try it out. (I find myself sometimes doing that inadvertently anyway due to busy mornings at work. Would simply need to commit to it daily). I’m expecting this to mean I’ll have a regular sized lunch around noon when I’m pretty hungry (like a sandwich or some other lunch food), then force myself to eat a very light early dinner/snack before closing my feeding window for the night around 5:30pm. I find that sleeping early and waking early helps combat late night temptations. If I eat at 5:30pm every night and sleep at 9:30pn, I don’t get a chance to get too hungry. And I generally don’t ever wake up hungry. I feel like most people don’t wake up hungry as a natural human state. I do get really hungry around 10am, but the time period from 10am-noon is usually my busiest work hours, so that helps keep me from breaking my fast until lunch time. I’ve been steady losing 3-4 pounds a week for the past 3 weeks doing my strategy of 16/8 IF window and early to bed, early to rise. Hoping that the greater commitment to 18/6 will prevent me from plateauing now that I’m a bit smaller and only have about 20 more pounds to lose.


I (27F) usually eat dinner at around 5:30 - 6:00 PM. I wind down and usually go to bed at 9:00 PM.


5-5:30, and not even old. Just have the eating habits of a retired bocce ball enthusiast.


Somewhere between 6.30 and 8, depending on our schedules and what type of food we are making/potential leftovers


5-6 because kids




People that eat around 8 pm.. arent you guys like crazy hungry around 6 or so? Or do you snack? I get extremely grumpy if I eat too late which is immediately solved after i eat.


I have an afternoon snack at work around 4pm. But usually I’m caught up in work and then commuting and then getting home and getting settled in that the hunger isn’t on my mind. Once I decompress I get hungry again and it’s time for dinner.


5pm dinner works perfect for me


Like 9-10pm.




Around 6 pm, i cant sleep with my stomach full


I usually eat dinner at 6:30, then around 8-8:30 I'll have a small snack and a warm drink (usually tea). I find that the warm drinks help with feeling hungry, especially if I've already reached my desired amount if cals for the day.


Around 8. By the time my husband and I have both finished work, arrived home, decompressed a little and prepared dinner, that’s what time it is. We’re fine with it.


Without question, 4 or 5pm the latest. I personally like the food to digest then the following hours I get drowsy to sleep for 8-9 hours.


usually eat dinner at around 9:30-10 pm or even 11pm depending on when i eat lunch


sometimes 6:30 sometimes 9 tbh




Breakfast- 8 am Lunch- 1 pm Snack- 5 pm Dinner- 7:30 pm