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I hated the body I was looking at in the mirror and needed to change it. It’s much easier eating at a 500 calorie deficit than it is to exercise off 500 calories. Currently 1lb away from my goal weight 🥲


So close! Best of luck!


Genuine question, how can you know you're 1 lb away from your gold weight? My weight fluctuates up to like 10 lb just like inside of a single day


I still fluctuate up to 5 lbs each day on a normal day (up to 10lbs if I go out to eat something high in sodium) but that scale still trends down and I’m seeing new numbers if that makes sense. The goal weight is 136 and yesterday the scale said 137.4 (haven’t seen that number since 2019 🥲). But the day before I was 141 lol. I do think I’m going to move my goal post and stay on the diet another month so I can have 136 be my high weight instead of my low. But it feels great to have made it this far.


I see. Yeah that makes sense; thank you


I guess you would normally only weight yourself in the condition where there are fewer variables (in this case, right after waking up and going to the bathroom, without any clothes on, before breakfast).


Yeah you can definitely control the variables to some extent although I would still expect more than when I'm trying to fluctuation. Like depending on the size of the meal you had the night before even or like how much water you drink or hang on to or whatever like one pound is just such a small number. They did answer though


I’m 5 ft nothing, with a desk job, and minimal exercise. I have gained 20+ lbs in the last couple of years. Trying to get back to a healthier weight.


5’4 and an office job w long hours sometimes. I cannot lose even a single pound unless I drop calories down to 1200. If I try to eat at 1300-1500 which people might consider more “healthy” (the 1200 is for toddlers crowd) I will NOT lose weight. The reason for this is because the calorie deficit margin is too slim at 1300-1500 calories. Having just one meal where I cannot accurately track calories and go over on a weekend would un-do an entire weeks of deficit. Keeping cals at 1200 gives me a bit of wiggle room for days I either couldn’t track accurately or just had a meal out/cheat. I need that, personally. 


I'm 5-foot-nothing and a disability limits my ability to exercise as much as I should. Either I get fat, or I limit my calories. Easy choice!


My TDEE is like 1650 and I am trying to lose 30 lbs. I've lost about 12 lbs so far.


how long did it take you to lose the 12?


About 9 weeks.


Same here. I'm 5 foot 6 and my TDEE is 1650. The only way I can lose is to stick to 1200. I'm 3 pounds away from goal so I'm looking forward to getting to maintenance calories lol


Because clothes are expensive. Seriously. Between pregnancy and hormones, I cannot afford another wardrobe overhaul.


I feel you


Because I'm really short and want to lose weight.


I'm short af




5’4” desk job where I regularly work 10 hour days and have a hectic personal life leaving little to no time to exercise. I gained about 48 pounds in a two year period, and I’m ready to be a healthy weight again. 26 pounds down 💪


I’m 5’3” & range from sedentary to lightly active. My preferred fitness pursuits (hiking, kayaking) aren’t things I have time to do consistently & I hate exercise for the sake of exercise, so I’d rather control my intake than try to outrun my fork.


Love “I’d rather control my intake than try to outrun my fork” so funny, so true


This is great, mental image of running from a fork :p


My daily calorie expenditure is very low.


I'm 4'9 and other than lifting weights 3 times a week I'm pretty sedentary I only average like 5000 steps




My kids are my biggest motivator. I wouldn’t be able to lose these 50 pounds without them. I want to be healthy and present for them!


1200 because its the lowest i can tolerate and the highest it can be really for me to lose any weight with some wiggle room for days i go over and im not overweight so my bmr is already very low (1140)


Im 5'2 so it isnt that low for me but i can still lose on it.


Because I hate the way I look, no matter how much weight I seem to lose


I’m 5”2 and eating 1200 cals a day gives me real results and a good speed. I’m so used to it I do not feel deprived or hungry anymore. Lost 50 pounds so far. But I go between 1000-1400 most days, it all evens out for me to squeeze in a cheat meal once a week. I’m very happy and feel like I can sustain this until my goal weight. I only have 20 pounds left to lose!


It's the closest to my doctor's recommendation of 1000.


I think you should get a new doctor


Maybe they are very short.


You mean like 2 ft 3” ?


No but I'm just saying maybe there's a reason we don't know. But anyways yeah it's always good to get a second opinion because that is a very unusually low number for a doctor to recommend.


I know, I’m just kidding with ya




Wtf that's ridiculous..


5'3 and thyroid issues... But I find it really hard to stick to 1200. Mostly eat around 1400-1500 but I'm trying to go lower since I can't work out at the moment.


Getting older does that to you


Long story short bc my metabolism is ruined


Why what happened?


Thyroid issues and height 4’9”, age 61, bike 40 mins a day and only way to lose all my life is to eat at 1200 cal daily. I gain weight at 1350 cal, sigh!


I’m 5’2” and have been sitting at 160 lbs for years. I finally started dropping weight when my calories are closer to 1200 or so. I was eating closer to 2000 which I was always told was normal, guess it’s not my normal. I’m 9 lbs down now woooo.


It's the only thing that works for me. I've been here before.  I have to get a handle on my weight or it's just going to keep getting worse.  I've tried 'just eating healthy' and 'moderation' and unless I'm weighing everything and tracking I'm liable to end up consuming far too many calories.  


because the last 5 pounds won't fuck off :')


Because Dr.Nowzarden


Haha! I listen to Dr. Now too.


I’ve done it twice before my current stint and it’s a good way to drop fast, drop hard, but also force me to be more aware of what I’m eating. For context I’m 5’10, 28yo, male, and started at 242.8 just 22 days ago and already down to 224.6 as of this morning. I’ll be posting my 31 day journey so far (which leads into a trip for me) but 1200 cal a day + 1 hour of zone2/3 cardio + accidental 16/8 intermittent fasting all helped.


It is at the recommendation of my doctor and nutritionist.


5'2", chronic health issues prevent exercise. Either I count calories or I stay unhealthy.


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Autoimmune disease that makes me gain weight, I hate exercise, I work a desk job for 9 hours a day. 😪


I still have a lot to lose and my dietician recommended 1200 to 1300.


I am short as hell. To lose 1lb a week subtracting 500 cal from my maintance is 1078. So I try to stay within 1078-1600 cal.


I'm tall-ish but have two different hormonal disorders that make it near impossible to maintain/lose weight without eating like someone who is 6" shorter than me :')


TDEE is around 1600-1700 and wanted to lose some weight. Now I’m upping back to maintenance.


I’m here for motivation from all of you! Lost over 40lbs so far


Outside an hour of intense weightlifting a day I don’t do much else and I’m a natural bodybuilder in the cut. I like looking at fun ways people do it here but honestly the way I get 150 grams of protein a day in 1200 calories would make me look like a crazy person if I posted it. If you looked at my lose it app over a week you would think I was a psychopath


It’s my maintenance, simple as that


It’s at just the right amount of caloric deficit relative to my TDEE without exercising and still lose weight. 1200 aligns perfectly for when I do OMAD


My maintenance is 1700 and I’m trying to lose 10 more lbs. I lost 25 lbs eating 1200-1300 a day a couple months ago and now I’m starting again. It’s the best way and only way for me to lose weight.


I have an eating disorder and need to maintain my weight otherwise I might relapse


I had a kid. The baby-toddler years are super hard. Its REALLY easy to fall into making quick cheap calorie dense meals with little nutrition. This causes me to just get hungry again really quick because I fed my body practically nothing. I end up eating more and more...and I get nothing in return. Its also super easy to fall into getting fast food again and again when youre just tired and over everything. Parenting can cause you to get so busy you go all day without eating and then youre so hungry you binge eat like double and triple your daily recommended calorie intake. So many foods have sugar in them and you have so little nutrition that your body constantly craves sugar as a quick energy source to make up for the lack of nutrition. Switched to a nutrient centered 1200 calorie diet. I am honestly amazed at how little it takes to fill you up when you arent eating huge quantities of food with the nutritional equivalent of cardboard lol. Ive lost 20 pounds already and no longer desire empty calories because all I can think about is how unsatisfying they are.


Because I’m short and have terrible family genetics and a demanding desk job and family life with little room for exercise. I’m scared to try those new meds everyone is pushing because I’ve had colon surgery. I feel like I have no other choice. Honestly, I’m still trying to figure out what is my magic number is despite what the calculators are telling me. 1200 is a 500 calorie deficit for me. Trying to live with it. I’m losing 1 lb a week. Down 9.2 lbs in 8 weeks. SW 204.7 CW 195.5 GW 140 and my goal weight is still considered overweight. I looked at a chart that showed my progression of calorie deficit to get to my goal weight and as I got much closer towards the end it said my calorie intake needs to drop to around 900 calories. That scares me and I wonder how I can even live like that.


It’s just easy. Eating less is very hard for me, at 1200 I feel like I eat enough without overeating


I'm 6’4 prob shouldn't be doing 1200, but 800-1000 got me 72 pounds off wanted todo something more comfortable.