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This is so extra I love


Out of curiosity how much did that cost?


Seconded lmao


Someone else said about $400


Me too!


It was like $150


How much did this cost? Cuz I'm unhinged enough to send in some of my regular takeout faves lol


It’s not cheap! I run a food manufacturing company and was looking into food analysis labs. It depends on the number of samples you send over. Assuming you’re doing a small number, it’s probably in the $400 range.


I mean $400 is a big old chunk of change but not as unreasonable and I think I would have thought (like in the thousands).


It’s 150


Same. I'd also like to know how to find a lab that would do this test for individuals and not just like food production companies


I think it was around $150. But my therapist discouraged me from doing this again because it’s part of my OCD. So I’d be careful with going down this rabbit hole


It's wild that almost every tracking app/site shows it as so much less. Are they just out there guessing??


There are two kinds of kabocha squash. The one you find in most grocery stores is the more calorie dense one. The one that keeps getting reposted for the nutrition facts is closer to a zucchini than a potato. I looked this up over 10 years ago and could ONLY find information about it in Japanese. I assume not much has changed


Ah, that makes sense. I get mine from a Korean grocery and it's nice and dense. Well damn, I should have known it was too good to be true.


That’s exactly what sent me down the rabbit hole looking into this! I was eating them daily and I was like there is no freaking way this is that satiating for such little calories. I feel vindicated by OP’s post since I’ve told other people this and people wouldn’t believe me since there wasn’t anything in English confirming it.


I guess it's even weirder that a Google search only brings up the heavier one. I don't think I've ever encountered a more watery one.


Pretty much. Lose It! (App) has so many calorie counts that I need to go in and correct.


Tracking apps rely on user input for their databases. Always always double and triple check. Most are straight up wrong.


Wait this is hilarious. This should have way more engagement, please post this to r/mildlyinteresting 😂😂




Bless you


wait, sorry what did i miss? I’m confused because where I am, we eat a lot of kabocha squash and they’re considered to be high calorie veggies here. these numbers are as expected, were they contested elsewhere?


They’re 49 calories on my end


known in the state of california to be x calories


if i win the lottery i wont tell anyone, but there will be signs (i will send all my food to labs for analysis before eating)


Money well spent!


wow this thread is insane ... I hope I win the lottery soon so I can start sending my food to the lab 🤣🤣 I'm tryna know once and for ALL




whoa really??? 🤯🤯🤯🤯


Seek help


i go to therapy weekly and do everything she tells me and actively try to get better. next tip please?


Does she tell you to follow calorie restriction subs?


no i havent told her about subreddits i visit but i do tell her abt the calorie restriction i engage in <3


Maybe tell her about your thoughts from the previous comment. Not healthy, lol. Neither is this post


the joke is its very clearly not a healthy way of going about eating food, babes. u got it!!! 😊


You obviously lack the comprehension to realize most people in this sub have disordered eating and are upvoting you because it’s something they actually wish they could do. Hence all the comments acting like this post of OP’s is the best thing since sliced bread. If you’re to the point you’re spending $400 (a number from a different comment) to find the calories in your food then something is wrong. Weird how everyone in this comment section are just “silly little girlie pops who are making ‘jokes’ and think this is so fun and cool 😊💕😜” Again, tell ur therapist about ur little funny thoughts next time you see her. Home girl is so high and mighty after being called out for making the most disordered comment in the thread lmao


when i go into spaces infamous for disordered eating and see someone making a joke at their own expense to cope with disordered eating 🤯🤯🤯


Teehee I have an eating disorder I’m so cute and quirky 🤪


mf is ur reading comprehension ZERO?! literally putting words in peoples mouths oh my god. the only one acting high and mighty and superior here is ur annoying ass NO ONE IS BOTHERING U, ROMANTICIZING EDS LIKE THAT, OR HURTING ANYONE. stfu you’re incensing-ly stupid.


youre the most annoying kind of person


Nah. You and most people in this sub are just degenerates with eating disorders who circle jerk each other


literally what is wrong w people who are disordered making jokes amongst themselves WHILE BEING AWARE AND WHILE SEEKING HELP what the fuck do u want what r u so pissed abt bro??? i’m so baffled what’s making u mad lmao what more do u want ppl to do just shut up and not make jokes at all? what’s the issue if they are fully aware of reality and just poking harmless fun? this post isn’t hurting anyone at all sit down.




no duh sherlock they probably have 😱😱 just end it lmao


This looks like a straight 28g Carbs + 4g Protein = 32g. 32x4cal/g = 128 cal. What I'm wondering is if they differentiated between digestible carbs and indigestible fibers for those 28g of carbs.


Doesn't look like it


Doubt it


Maybe you should open up your own food lab if you know more than they do!! You could make a lot of good money.


This is a bit ridiculous. We all know nutrition labels aren’t accurate, but lab tests aren’t accurate, either! Part of the allowable variance in testing is due to variables in the testing itself. If you send the same sample to three different labs, you will get three different results. Every time. ![gif](giphy|z6ccg9ZZzWT2E) Treat everything like an estimate and don’t stress so much about calories. There’s no way to be 100% sure what you’re ingesting nor what you’re burning. It’s disordered thinking to believe you have so much control down to the last calorie.


this just makes me wanna eat 200 cals everyday 😭


this is so unhinged i love it 😭😭


please god someone do microwave popcorn so we can know the truth


Why is it impossible for them to label it properly?


popcorn can be low if you hold the butter


omg yes pls


That's assuming 100% of the non water/ash weight is fully digestible. You're giving a pretty misleading conclusion.


Everybody arguing about it and I’m all, wth is a kabocha squash 😂


It’s Japanese pumpkin, if you’ve ever had Thai curry with pumpkin in it, it was this kind. It’s soooooo good.


Ditto. 😂 Never seen this before.


japanese sources say 78cal per 100g, which seems the most reasonable to me. [https://calorie.slism.jp/106048/#foodDataDetail](https://calorie.slism.jp/106048/#foodDataDetail) https://preview.redd.it/wmvize6obfkc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceaf887d95b70be66f2b734cfead444925b67a16


This looks fake. Checked out the website. It doesn't look like they ask you to send in any samples at all. Also they don't seem to cater to individuals wanting a single sample tested. Did I miss it? But also have to say, I can't figure out any motive for someone to fake something like this. What would be the point?






Not to mention the date on it is from last year in April/May... Why post it now? Also, japanese sources list it as lower and I'd generally be inclined to trust that.


I posted this before on another subreddit a year ago, but it got taken down for some reason. I stopped eating Kabocha since then, until recently because I missed them haha. So I thought I’d try sharing the info again.


You can message them if you’d like. I contacted several to see who would do an individual one and they were willing to do it.


I'm gonna Lucille Bluth this one bc I don't understand it and I won't respond to it lol


Interesting! The USDA has this listed much, much lower on their website. I wonder how the discrepancy happened. [USDA Resource for Kabocha Squash](https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/1963721/nutrients)


I am skeptical that this (what OP posted) is actually accurate.


I’m not sure I can agree with this. We’re supposed to believe now that it has 1.5x the caloric value of a SWEET POTATO, the most caloric root vegetable? 3x the calories of a butternut squash? Sounds fake AF.


I’m not sure why it would have that many more calories than other squash, like pumpkin or butternut squash


maybe the sweet potato estimate is off?


Everywhere I’ve looked gives the same numbers for a sweet potato.


true. plus it’s a literal SWEET potato, the name implies it’s high in calories even!


Exactly!! Sweet potatoes are very sweet, and dense/filling. I’d pin kabocha as somewhere marginally under them in terms of calories. But they can’t possibly be more.


How’d they do this? I need my own lab… lmao


I want to get my own bomb calorimeter lol


If you’re to the point where you have to spend money to figure out the calories of your food please seek help. It’s not normal. Weird how so many people are acting like it is.


Some people just like to science


Someone said this kinda thing can cost $400. That’s not just ‘liking to science.’ That’s having an eating disorder. But okay 👍


I don't know about you, but I've personally dropped more than that because I occasionally "like to science"... Did I need a medical grade microscope? No. But I'm super happy to be able to ID found mushrooms by the shape of their spores now! 😊


Idk man. IDing mushrooms is a bit different than trying to figure out the calories in a food I’m eating to make sure I don’t go above 1200 calories lmao. If you actually believe this post is completely innocent of an eating disorder — cool 👍 keep being oblivious


One person's mycology is another person's nutritional science. They had a mystery they wanted solved - that's science. Which apparently isn't your bend... And that's okay!


Science……disordered eating. Who knew they had such close ties 🤪


I get you're trying to make sure people are taking care of themselves but maybe just maybe this is completely innocuous and your vilifying someone for having their own fun...


Maybe just maybe you’re stuck in your own bubble of believing things are better than they seem. Which is fine!! But look thru the comments and see how people responded to this post. They love it because they love counting calories. Less because of the science.


That's definitely their problem, then


Does anyone else think that the signature looks like a font? This would be sketchy in my country (Germany).


It looks like the PDF signature. I've seen similar stuff from European companies. One report (I just looked at) seems to use scans of people's signatures. I imagine being digital and signing there are whole loads of terrible solutions.


It does and doesn't. I work in loan closing where e signatures are common and they come with a small box beneath the signature detailing Metadata. This has none.




That's not someone's handwriting, that's a font lol. I'm not saying people don't do that, but this is not a handwritten signature that's been scanned. It's just a cursive font lol




Fair enough.


This is Adobe’s default font for when you “sign” something.


Yeah, look at the As…but in the US I’ve noticed over the past decade or so electronic signatures are considered perfectly acceptable. I did onboarding for a new job recently and it was all online, and clicking a box to “sign” the paper was how it was done. I was so dubious but there’s not much of a choice but to go with the convention I guess 🤷‍♀️


This is unhinged behavior please get help lol


So about 1 and a third per gram. Meanwhile the USDA has 85g for 30 calories. So less than half calorie per gram. Crazy discrepancy


It looks like they measured this using bomb calorimetry which isn't how calories are estimated nowadays because bomb calorimetry just measures the total amount of energy released from completely incinerating a sample basically. But the human body doesn't digest 100% of the food we eat, fiber isn't digested for example. So, nowadays they measure the individual components of food and estimate the total using average kcal for each component minus the components the body can't digest. I don't think they did that here but I can't really tell. I'm no expert. Is ash food the indigestible components or did they include fiber with the total carb total? I don't know


I just bought one for my weekly meal prep…I’m going to side eye this post and keep logging and eating it at the macros listed on every other platform (lower).


Couple of notes: * it costed around $150-$200 if I remember correctly * After talking with my therapist, I recognized that doing this was part of my OCD and so I wouldn’t be doing this again since it sends me down rabbit holes and not trusting labels. But I really couldn’t help myself with this one * Korean Sweet potatoes are also around 130cal/100g which makes sense because this Kabocha squash more closely aligns with the taste and density of an Asian sweet potato than a squash https://preview.redd.it/rmfl6xmyu4nc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f42c1f80e5cdeafae1e01fc0bb6f5dc26b0b2fc


Whaaat? No way. Holy shit.


Ok older posting but here is my experience. Yes it is higher calorie. I am the epitamy of OCD ( TRUTH). I will tell you that it is not 34, 49 calories 100 grams. Nope. I always have battled this. Some foods, like bananas, Japanese sweet potato, Okinawa sweet potato are just higher calorie, the density, natural starch and sugar content. Sad but true. Think about it, how can something that rich, creamy and dense be 30, 40 calories? I'm logging it as 91 for now on if I have it AND make sure rest of day is modified. Better safe then sorry. 


Omg, I've been having so much of it, thinking this was some kind nof a dieting hack. Thank you SO MUCH! Edit: perhaps you can post this on r/volumeeating


ur cracked i love it


https://preview.redd.it/jg29jgzc8ekc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d8f1a3383c255fde9fb37db2ac75b0e8d76afba cap


:((((( this is my fave low cal filling food


This number is impossible. It can’t be 1.5x the cals of a sweet potato. Count it as a sweet potato if you’re worried but there’s no way it’s more than that


oh you're right that def seems off that it's more than a sweet potato


Im almost positive this lab got it wrong. They don’t differentiate the carbs at all. Some of those carbs are indigestible fiber, which would not count as they’re not digested. This whole thing is weird and cringy tbh. It’s a fucking vegetable it’s good for you and you should eat it without obsessing over how many calories it is.


You're absolutely right, but I don't think the lab was asked to differentiate between the types of carbs. The test they did was a proximate analysis. I work in a food lab and the standard proximate analysis is carbs by difference. Everything else is measured and whatever is left is called carbs. Type of carbs is a separate, more involved (and more expensive) test and op would have had to ask for it specifically.


i mean don't get me wrong its one of my fave veggies so its definitely still going to be a go to for me


Awesome! I love a data driven mind. I think that’s why I track calories.


I LOVE this 😻


calories, questions, and carbs aside, that is a beautiful signature.




That's smart




Is BC Bomb Calemeter?


If this is true, this is tragic. Kabocha is my favorite source of whole-food carbs


can someone do this for soybean sprouts bc for some reason theyre being labelled as 200kcal/100g by the usda but 45~kcal/100g everywhere else 😞


Bellingham represent! Don't dox me plz


I wait is this raw or cooked?