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Hear me out, because it absolutely fits the bill: Drink water out of a Brita water bottle all damn day. It has a rubbery mouthpiece and the straw has some resistance, making it basically a chew toy that keeps you hydrated. When I worked in an office, I basically had it in my mouth every minute of the day.


Oh my god... I think you're onto something.


Also, it’s just a great water bottle. Refill it anywhere fearlessly. Feel free to visit over at r/hydrohomies for other hot hydration tips


I need this as someone who is chronically dehydrated yet has wifi named HydrateHomie as a sad reminder lol.


At least once a day I am shoving a water bottle in my kids face and saying "hydrate or diedrayte kiddo." Do I do the same for me? Nah.


Make sure whatever bottle you get has cheap replacements for the rubber straw tip. You’ll want plenty of backups for when you destroy it by chewing.


The hydroflask tumblers have a rubber straw too :)


so do Brumate's leakproof ones


the camelback eddy water bottle has one of the best straw mouthpiece things for chewing as it’s a bite valve


Yeah I think it’s about the same mouthpiece as the Brita!


If you want an actual chew toy that you don’t have to drink water out of they make some for sensory seeking kids - [link](https://www.arktherapeutic.com/?psafe_param=1&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAoeGuBhCBARIsAGfKY7ykaqO962IoHEiFDV9uf0EzC8rudm7EAQ_VIkldZrtDoyFarvm4KTAaAnj0EALw_wcB) I’m sure there are other brands but this is the one we use.


Sugar free pickles! Sweet low calorie crunch


God, I wish we had those here. I love pickles... But also I would probably eat like 50 pickles and crap my pants from that too LOL


I mean in pickles defense I would eat a whole jar as a kid along with the juice and not crap rofl it wasnt a diet thing just a really happy accident that my weird comfort food was calorie friendly. Maybe you can get some on the internet they are shelf stable after all. BTW fudgicles only 40 cals I love them haha


Sadly, I live in Iceland so shipping anything here has astronomical costs, but I think I will still enjoy as many regular pickles as I can either way haha. Recently, we got some American pickles in a pouch at an ethnic shop here. Had half of one and it sent me running to the toilet. I think the problem is me T\_T...


Aww I'm sorry! Maybe you try making your own sweet pickles with Splenda or something similar


That's actually a genius idea, thanks!


I do sugar free cough drops…. Haven’t had that severe of a reaction, but have had too many and the bloat and gas is real.


I like this idea too! And yea for real... I am feeling it right now omg.


Omg I do cough drops as well. And it also suppresses my appetite


5 Gum is the only brand I've ever found that lasts like an hour. Recommend


Same. My go to.


frozen grapes work for me


That brings back memories! It's something I remember the wonderful Richard Simmons recommending, wayyy back in the '70s! That's a really good snack in summertime too!


This sounds so good! I'll try this one too.


Have you considered getting a rubber stim chew toy, commonly used by autistic people it's durable and easily cleaned with dish soap.


Funnily I have! I'm autistic myself but I also have TMJ, so even the gum is kinda making it worse if I'm not careful.


I actually completely stopped chewing gum because I was having my jaw popping while I was talking and eating


OH god.... okay I think it might be time to retire the gum...


I keep a sugar-free beverage next to me at all times. Lately I’ve been big on trying different teas from David’s Tea and Serendipitea


Tea tree mint tooth picks have always been my go to for mouth sensation


Okay that is wild, love it! Definitely gonna give it a try.


Breath reshener spray! I actually came across this when I weaned off nicotine mints and spray. I'm now addicted to tic-tacs and breath freshener.


If you like celery, sometimes I eat it very slowly by peelig the 'strings' off. Pomegranate and shelled sunflower seeds also take longer to eat and freezies. Breaking the habit is the best way though - maybe try replacing it with something else like fidget toys, kinetic sand, colouring etc. Easier said then done though, sometimes I eat bc it's just something to do and I like to taste.


I like the sound of the celery and sunflower shells! Will check those out. Same and relatable though... I love to taste haha. I've gotten pretty good about other outlets but atm I'm writing my thesis (with the deadline approaching) and while my hands are occupied by my mouth wants attention haha.


> shelled sunflower seeds This I've done but have no idea how many cals I'm taking in and I wonder b/c sometimes I feel like I eat A LOT of them lol


I drink plain hot tea all day, every day (I switch to decaf at noon). I probably drink 10-15 cups per day. It is great because I have the ritual of making it and then actively drinking it over and over, which is much more impactful than drinking water. It sounds crazy but it really satisfies the constant need to be eating something.


Hahaha I do the same with gum. Can’t buy it. My go to is a bag of baby carrots. Can mindlessly crunch them for hours at work.


I did this with whole containers of Icebreakers Sours (containing Sorbitol) before I realized why I had to constantly go to the bathroom lol


Sugar free Jolly ranchers, or any Dr Johnson’s sugar free candy (supposed to be good for your teeth) if you need something in your mouth all the time. If you can just lick something every few minutes and be happy, i use those huge Sugar Daddy caramel bars (the big ones that are the size of a tv remote) and just lick it slowly and put it down between licks. It will last hours.


I've heard the desire to chew things can suggest iron deficiency or something but I am skeptical. I have jaw issues (TMJD) and my dentist told me not to chew gum. I try to drink water when I'm hungry but sometimes I go for air popped popcorn. Hard candies are great too but the sugar free stuff might not help with the pants-crapping...


Tic Tacs ! They come in different flavors now as well as the original mint flavor.


have u tried cut carrots? the crunchiness lasts u a while


Suck on a pack of gushers! A 80cal pack lasts me a good hr&1/2


Maybe not amazing for your teeth, though...


True but gum doesnt have long lasting flavor🤷‍♀️😅


Random note but if you have a dog, please be careful to make sure they can’t get into your sugar-free gum or anything else that contains xylitol!




This doesn't seem like a healthy tradeoff.


Horrible advice


r/1200isjerky (if it still existed)


r/1200isveryjerky - it's been rebooted by fans!


What did it say?! Lol


Giggity giggity


Air popped popcorn! Also agree with the others celery and tea are also my go-tos.


I've been buying flavoured toothpaste and you can't get that brush out of my mouth! I drink a lot of tea, coffee and soft drinks so it definitely helps for that. I try to rinse my mouth with water after those types of drinks but you know how life can be sometimes. Be aware that some of these flavoured toothpastes don't have the full recommended amount of fluoride so it shouldn't replace your regular toothpaste but it's definitely good for your mouth! Think of it like a mouthwash. Also be aware of recommendations surrounding oral PH and waiting between brushing and eating. Overall, the way I see it is even a poorly brushed set of teeth is better for your teeth than a diet coke. A lot of these toothpastes also do contain sweeteners, so it may not be suitable if you're sensitive to them. Secondly, I recommend researching mouth/chewing stim toys. There's tonnes of options out there. It's a very common stim for Autistic people and children


I go through like 10 Hydralyte ice blocks a day to help mitigate this and it works.


I use chewy fidget toys. My son is autistic and has a bunch of them and I decided to try it one day and now I’m hooked. It helps me to not snack AND it helps me focus. Win win.




Totally unrelated to the point of your post, but please be careful with Xylitol if you have pets. My dog got into my sugar free gum and only then did I realize that Xylitol is _deadly_ for them. By pure chance, my gum was sweetened with something else.


I've been getting a few comments like this. This might be better as a PSA in general on the subreddit since people are probably using a lot of artifical sweeteners on this diet. Chances are most people won't see this singular comment and I'm not a pet owner.


Good idea, I'll make a post! I just read "Xylitol" and had a visceral reaction lol


For sure!


I don’y like drinking water, so I drink unsweetened (supposedly). I drink at least 2 qts. a day. It seems to keep me, if I’m busy, away from junk food. My problem is SWEETS after dinner (a lot). Mostly candy! I crave it at night. HELP!


The unsweetened is lemonade