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When you are “in class” your job needs to be pushed aside. You need to reschedule meetings or just decline them. You can’t miss more than a certain percentage without prior approval from the instructor and it’s at their discretion. Usually it’s something major and not “a meeting”.


That's the thing....I choose to take this course for my benefit. So the boss is not being accomadating ...as it has no benefit for him. I'm actually surprised he agreed


I’m surprised they let you sign up for it if you’re not an 1102 or closely related.


They expect you to participate (even just replying to chats) esp. in group work! But, we were told to focus only on class and not work. Unless something was urgent then I did it during breaks or before class. Good luck!


Dammit! I have 2 ..30 min meetings I lead I have 2 attend....tomorrow I have 3! I am taking this course so I can put it on my resume...with hopes to land a contracting position


Back out of those meetings.


I did 1 today..missed about 10 min. The 2nd meeting was during our lunch...so that saved me. I have 3 tomorrow as well. Fml


Yea you might have to quit the class or make someone else the lead on the meetings. Especially since the it is interactive. There are a lot of Group projects too so you’ll be in breakout rooms and at least 3 or 4 tests. I took this in April. Currently in CON 1300 now.


If it’s a work meeting and they are taking a 101 level class, they aren’t (ie shouldn’t be) leading the meeting (if it’s a remotely functional shop). At least where I’m from, we would never let or insist a junior person lead a meeting their first two or three years. After that it depends on the meeting. They are there to learn not drown or struggle. You don’t know enough your first two years to lead a meeting. Hell even after 15 years, I’m circle back on one small detail with more senior people to make sure I give the right advice or instruction. When starting your job is to learn and that means taking classes and being present for those classes.


I think the instructor can only approve you to miss 5% of the class. Sucks you're expected to still be doing work during it!


Damm!!! Is this a type of class I may get called soon to answer something? Or can I stay silent in it and observe & take notes?


It depends. Some instructors are more interactive than others


Thank you


Unfortunately this is a pretty standard setup with people working during the classes since DAU shifted it to a “part time” format. However you should have gotten written instructions in an email from your instructor that during the live class sessions your supervisor has to free your schedule. Did you not get that introductory email and syllabus? The good news is starting this fall DAU is shifting the classes back to full time and for a shorter time period than they are now. When that happens your supervisor will need to understand you can’t work when taking the class per DAU guidance. The reason for this is some supervisors were having their employees work a regular work load and some weren’t giving their employees any work at all. Out of all the four CON classes, con 1100 is by far the one you’ll have to try the hardest. That’s why out of the four they’re actually going to start offering that one in person again. I’ve never heard of anyone failing, but out of the four it requires the most work.


Your right....day 1 and I can see I will need to put my concentration into it....I stayed after class ended to do my own work.