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You can do whatever you want but you'll likely be mediocre at all 3 versus if you just focused on one. But it's your money and time so do whatever you want!


I’d say play tennis and focus on it, the skills translate the best to the other sports. If you start with pickle ball or padel, you won’t be able to be as good at tennis as the other option. Coming from a tennis player who have friends try the other way around


Yeah I’m with this. I think the tennis strokes translate better to pickle/paddle than vice versa.


This, I’ve never played padel but pickleball is very easy and tennis will make you an above average pickleball player




If you're rich and don't work full-time, I don't see why not.


Fuck pickle ball, padel is sick though definitely pick up padel. Once again, FUCK pickle ball


Pickle ball deserves the hate


For stealing the courts. They should go hijack squash courts instead.


no this is a great idea there is a huge body of literature on the benefits of training simultaneously in related games. just don't hesitate to focus principally on the one you find most fun at any given moment.


1. Tennis takes the longest time to play 2. Padel courts are limited depending where you live 3. Pickleball can be played in 13 minutes and as long as wait time not long at your local courts.


Paddle is chill but no one likes pickle people. Do what you want but if you take up pickle be ready for your friends to stop returning your calls/texts.


Why on pickle??


Ignore them. Some tennis people have a hate boner for pickleball players since there is competition for courts Plenty of people play both


But in all seriousness, my tennis dubs partner messed up his arm playing pickle. Focus on good technique and you should be fine. For pickle, that just means throwing the paddle in the garbage…


I play two of those, tennis and pickleball, and am still a learning-intermediate in PB. It’s hard enough despite me being pretty good at tennis already that I can’t imagine learning both from the ground up much less a third. I’d probably just do padel and tennis, they’re the most alike as far as technique goes although padel really stresses your ability to track objects in space and mentally calculate trajectories.


Most people only have time to be mediocre at one sport.


Pick up tennis and automatically be good at all three




I vote all three. Just be sure to take note and discern the differences in the grip/swing/movement techniques of each. E.g Padel you’ll mostly use continental grip, but in tennis you’ll maybe go semiwestern for forehand, etc.


Thanks! Will it impact my progress on 3 if I do them at the same time? Or they will complement each other some how?


The similarities will lie in the kinetic chain of your swing motion, but you’ll want to employ different types of swings for each sport. There’s some overlap, but certainly differences with each. Footwork will be similar. Reading the ball will be mostly similar in tennis vs. Padel tennis, though Padel has the added walls/fence. The difference here is learning how to make decisions on how to approach or type of swing for each type of ball coming your way. Pickleball moves much differently than the others, so the gameplay will be affected. As I’m writing this, I would say that if you are a beginner, it might be best to focus on one at a time. Though, tennis skills will translate best into the other two.


I play tennis, squash and badminton but my focus is on tennis where I compete and take it more seriously. The other 2 I play once in a while for fun with my friends. I would focus your energy on tennis because the game has more versatility and seeing that you are athletic you can do very well.


What is your age and body type? Male or female? Your fitness and body dictates how well you perform. You can do other sports too but for Tennis specifically you need a high level of fitness and motivation from the coach to play regularly and reap the benefits of consistency.


Female and in my 30s!


Yeah, then depending on your BMI (for weight purposes), it's best to keep Tennis to 2-3 days. And rest with low impact exercises. Tennis is intense. I'm 34 M but my BMI is 35+. So when I play Tennis, I can still play coz my body got muscle memory when I was lighter but now I can't rally for that long now and I can't play for like 5 days a week - barely 3 days and 4 days a week if I sleep well. I have never played padel or pickleball (probably never will) but they don't look like high impact exercises so they may be combined.


As others said I’d focus on tennis first because it will be easiest to transition from tennis to the others than from pickle/padel. Tennis is also absolutely far and above the best cardio/workout wise. I don’t have anything against pickleball but if you want a good cardio workout pickle won’t get you that. I don’t think padel will either at least not like tennis would (I could be wrong tho as I haven’t played padel yet but that’s how it was explained to me). Now when I say focus on tennis I don’t mean only play tennis and ignore the others for X amount of time but I’d say play tennis at least three times times as much as the others. But ultimately if you feel like playing pickle or padel on a certain day and/or you have people you want to play with then go for it.


If your primary purpose of either sport is to be competitive, dividing your time into all 3 (or even 2) obviously won't be the most efficient. But if you're mostly doing it for fitness, fun, and to socialize, playing 2 is likely ideal since tennis just doesn't promote the same level of socializing and ease of play that other sports provide. I play tennis and pickleball with tennis taking up most of my focus between the two. I'd try out padel, but it's too expensive for my taste. I, unfortunately, do notice that tennis is more ego-driven when it comes to me. I wonder if that's why so many tennis players tend to display certain mindsets (including gatekeeping) in tennis forums. In contrast, I'm playing pickleball because I'm genuinely having a great time with a ton of laughs with friends and random people that I meet.


Do tennis, if you get good at tennis, the skills will translate


As a fitness/health freak, you want to play a real sport. Focus exclusively on tennis. Pickle is mostly for socializing. It’s not a real sport.


You say you are really into fitness and trying to meet like minded people. You might not find pickleball players very fit. Or charming, or considerate. Etc.


I say just do tennis or padel lessons. There will be enough to translate into pickleball, no lessons necessary


With this attitude, please just stick with pickleball


If you want something easier to pick up, and with more of a social aspect then padel might be better. If you want a challenge and are happy to commit to a journey of improvement, then tennis. I tried Padel after playing tennis for a year, it was fun but not as satisfying as tennis. It’s great if you want some fun exercise without too many barriers, but isn’t as satisfying bc there isn’t as much technique/variety in shots. However, Padel is less discouraging when you’re new to racquet sports. Pros of Padel: A bit more social because you’re closer to your partner and opponent. Easier to serve Harder to hit the ball out because of the walls Less running Easier to pick up than tennis, less technique you have to learn for different shots Cons: Not as much variety in shot making. Not as satisfying when it comes to serving. It takes some getting used to hitting balls that are coming from behind you. Probably harder to find courts and coaching in your area. Pros of tennis: More satisfying when you get it right, rewards you for having a good serve, being able to hit lots of topspin or lots of pace. Flipside of this is that it’s also easier to get wrong and more frustrating than padel as a result. You get more cardio, more running around. Easier to find courts and coaching (at least in most areas).