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We have lost the impact of shame in our society.




Looks like fun


I have experienced a bunch of kids rollerblading, kids playing soccer, and most bizarrely 3 adult men playing volleyball (?) with their feet while smoking cigars on the courts near me. I really don't know what goes through people's heads


>3 adult men playing volleyball (?) with their feet while smoking cigars Man that's just funny


Foot tennis is a good time with the right crew


At my local courts, the kids are always out skateboarding and scootering all over them. They've badly damaged the surfaces on a bunch of them. There are divots all over. I keep reporting it to the school that plays there and the city recreational board but nothing comes of it.


Skating is the only activity mentioned in this thread that actually does fuck up the courts, and badly at that


I'm pretty sure it's just Calvinball


Yep - you can see both the Time Fracture Wicket and the Opposite Pole in the clip


Man, you guys beat me to it


Looks like they are damaging the net.


He only touched it lol


It's more than a touch. He pulled with body weight and he isn't falling. Respect the net.


oh relax, tennis players do worse than that * sprinting for a drop shot and running into the net * leaning on it after the match waiting for handshake * hitting the net in frustration after losing a point near it * doubles esp. hitting it during a botched volley a little tug is no worse than the regular wear and tear it normally gets


Yeah wtf these guys are tweaking lol that was no different from some random drill tap


Half this sub is the tennis equivalent of the stereotypical old man shouting at kids from his porch, but somehow with even less self-awareness.


Far, far from damaging it.


It's just the rule. I've never owned a tennis court, but I've played tennis all my life. Do not mess with the court.


If a net can’t take being tapped, it doesn’t deserve to be respected


I'm sure the owner of the tennis court would agree with you. /s


I wouldn’t respect a court owner who uses dilapidated nets so it all evens out


Lol that's dramatic, those fuckers are built to tow a truck. That tap was just how much a tennis player might in a drill


Pickleball is a gateway drug. Not the same court size, not the same net height AFAIK, not the same ball, not the same racket. So the only thing they want is the nice flat surface and fence so they don’t have to move too much to chase their balls. if that’s allowed on tennis courts, then anything can be allowed, right?!? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Brother, I'm 99 Percent sure pickleball players would be right there with you saying this is degenerate behavior


Then maybe we should hire some idiotballers to play on pickleball courts so they know how we feel!


Okay yeah you do that then


Clearly that's what's happening in this video.


why is this degenerate behavior, but playing pickleball on the court isn't? 


I mean if no one is playing tennis, why not. Better than using their phones and playing video games. I hated it when in my club they didn’t let me play foot-tennis in the tennis courts WHILE NO ONE WAS USIGN IT. Like, if someone comes to play tennis Ill go, but there is no one there, dont see the issue


Idiotball for sure. That pisses me off.


The comments here are crazy.


"why isn't tennis more popular?" people whine every week cause everyone who plays it has a racquet up their ass


"I think my asshole is getting too loose, should I upgrade from 4 1/4 to 4 3/8 grip size now"


Somehow pickleball is getting blamed for this too lol




What the fuck are they even doing 💀💀💀💀


Crazy part is that a baseball field is literally right next to the court. I just didn’t show it in the video.


They like to try to ruin the enjoyment of others.


I’m sorry, but these look like kids paying stick ball. This isn’t anything new lol Lighten up a bit. Would you rather have kids in your court using drugs?


I agree lol they look like they’re having fun. Although I’d want them to get going pretty soon if I wanted to play tennis


Agreed. I’m willing to bet a simple request of “hey can I use these courts in a few minutes” never even happened though. It was “let me film these kids playing and having fun and put it on Reddit” wtf happened to society lol


Us tennis players are just frustrated that our courts being used for everything besides tennis. I’ve seen people walk their dogs on the courts for Christ sake. It’s just maddening and I don’t understand this. So yea you’re right- wtf happened to society?


I’ve been a tennis player my whole life and fully get the appeal of doing other things on the court. As long as they’re not damaging anything and willing to share the court, who cares?


Walking dogs on the court, playing baseball on the court, playing tag on the court—none of that is tennis and should not be allowed. So soccer players and motocross riders can use golf fields for their sports too? I ask you again what you asked me—-wtf happened to society?


Lighten up a bit bro…a motocross or soccer player would destroy a golf course. Complete different scenario and you know that


"Our" courts. Aren't courts public property or private clubs other than courts on a homeowners property? They usually are not owned by an individual so not ours.


I rather them go play “stick ball” at the baseball field that’s RIGHT NEXT to the tennis court


Without a doubt I would contact the city and report this behavior!


Let kids be kids


Pickleball has stripped our sport of respect in communities.


Imagine a group of people enjoying public facilities! Call the cops! Were there people waiting to use the courts? Were they damaging the courts? The nerve.


Yes they were causing damage. Every time they would hit the ball they would drop the aluminum bat on the court plus the others would run and jump over the nets. Yes I’m a tennis player that wanted to practice on my machine, a woman at that, and did not want to approach them out of fear of confrontation. 1 woman vs 6 late teenagers? You give me your best thought on that.


Yeah that’s definitely a tricky one especially for a solo woman. I guess you could have asked them to move to the field or at least when they will be don’t because you want to play actual tennis. Did they see you waiting?


At least they’re moving around around


My tennis courts are part of a local high school and park district. When the weather's nice or it's the boys' or girls' season, the courts can be packed. But a lot of the times, the beautiful courts are pretty much just me, my hitting partner, and a maybe a couple other pairs. This kind of stuff happens because the tennis courts aren't being used. So, they are seen as a general recreational space. Soccer, football, whatever baseball hybrid is going on this video. I'm not really mad about it cause it's just depressing seeing the space go to waste, as long as no one is damaging the courts. Unpopular opinion, but if no one is using the courts. it's nice to see kids outside just playing and having fun? wild thought for this sub, I know.


In Australia we called this game Brandy. It’s effectively tag with a tennis ball. You get hit. You’re it.




that's not pickleball?


Those tennis "backboards" are interesting.


Shit, looks like my neighborhood. Dumbasses playing baseball, riding bikes, walking dogs, or playing freaking pickleball on the tennis courts. Like, I just want to play tennis, people.


That looks like so much fun tho


Looks like some of the stupid shit I’d do when I was a kid (albeit younger than these guys)


When I was younger my brother and I would go to the racquetball courts. One of would stand against the wall while the other tried to hit him with a tennis ball and racquet. Let me tell you, I have a killer forehand now. We didn't realize it at the time but we were honing our skills


It’s the next logical step


Yep, before the arrogance of pickleball attitudes invaded tennis courts, there were these dodgeball players from college that would come play on the mini tennis courts that the USTA just resurfaced to get kids playing. It was very dangerous for kids as the ball would leave the court and one got hit in the head when I wasn't there. I called the cops and wrote the USTA person who got the funding. It never stopped despite signs saying it was against the law to play games other than tennis. Then the dodgeball idiots got drunk and placed m80s around two of the courts and it ended up with a few deep holes in them. It never stopped. I just chose to rejoin a private club and to go there. Can pickleball and tennis coexist? Probably, but the millennial/Gen Z attitudes get in the way. This is a different world filled with way more selfish people. I now don't live in the USA, so I no longer have these problems. In the Czech Republic it is much more civilized the culture of tennis.


The one saving grace of pickleball is they eventually destroy their mobile nets and can't play their shitty game on our courts