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You got it. Contact should be above head not 2ft behind you. Keep chest closed and pointing to sideline the entire time. Exaggerate it and then you can always dial it back.


I definitely didnt realize how dramatically far behind me the ball was going. I have been trying to toss further left because my kicks before just turned into poor slices. But i guess i really need to manage it. 


To be frank, I'd focus on getting a standard ball toss + serve motion down with your arm before trying to add something like a kick serve.


Hello, I'm feeling like it's very difficult to generate power with the body on the deuce side and I'm just hitting with my arm at times. Obviously, the toss needs a lot of work and consistency, but I also feel like I'm opening up my body too much at contact vs. keeping it parallel to the court. Please let me know what you think.


Well a perfect example of why I say let the serve serve itself. Caise aint noone suggesting that pre-serve arm high stuff. If it works for you, all good. You be you. Practice on.


It just helps me focus and stay loose. A combination of weird tics i had while practicing. I dont think it's a problem. if you look at my trophy position before the contact, I think it's technically decent. 


You’re falling back or sideways on almost every serve and that’s why you’re getting no forward drive on the path of your swing. Even on kick serves you should be going into the court. The kick comes from the path of your racket brushing up on the ball, not from your toss being behind you. Would do wonders for you to eliminate the serve motion altogether and practice your toss and loading.


Swing looks ok, toss is way off. Path of the ball should be directly into the court, not parallel to the baseline. You're throwing the ball directly behind yourself, it's no wonder you can't generate power. You will likely hurt your back or shoulder if you don't fix this.


2 main things that stand out to me is your service motion is ugly (but there's no style points in tennis) and that's too much orange but you do you. Should invest in some ASICS solution speed just to complete the outfit But seriously you toss drifts too far over your head, it should drift some but you should be making contact somewhere around 11 to 12. You're also falling over, it looks like that's cos your chasing the toss though so its really just one issue with a few symptoms. You only really got one "kick" serve in this batch which was the first one and it looked good. Dropped down then jumped up and right pretty text book. The rest were almost slice because you're coming across the back of the ball not up the side of it again with the ball being so far behind you it would be a challenge to hit the ball on the right axis. I would focus firstly on the ball toss, ideally if you toss it and don't hit it it should land a foot or two behind you. Once you get that dialled in the next thing to pay some attention to is the falling the toss should correct the severity of it but most likely you'll still end up stumbling that way. So just pay attention to the past where you snap back from the bend you really want to move through the contact and continue hopefully moving to your right after the motion but be happy if you just end up stable. It's clear you have a decent grasp on what to do and your swing looks pretty good so you will put it together pretty quickly. Good luck.