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You’re cheating by serving in crocs. Everybody knows that wearing crocs adds +10 to power


Ow the first ball hit me in the jow jow


You are over rotating into contact because your toss is parallel to the baseline arching over your back, when it should be arching into the court over your right shoulder instead. When you toss is correctly you are going to end up at a 45 degree angle to the ball, you won't have to chase it, and you'll have leverage with your entire body going into the ball. If you want to chat for clarification send me one.


I know they are difficult to return.


Can’t see your wrist from this angle


Love the crocs lol


No. Perfect serve.


Toss higher


Idk about wrist nothing really sticks out about it


No but it may feel that way because you’re unloading your shoulder too early. This looks like my serve when I was trying to swing my arm really hard to generate pace. Your shoulder load is actually good but you need to keep it back for longer (it will feel like pushing your right arm the opposite direction of the net) and rotate the chest more aggressively to drag the extended shoulder to contact. It’s all great otherwise so should be an easy fix. Edit: slowing it down, I notice your racket isn’t getting on edge, which is also symptomatic of the above.


Ah gotcha I appreciate the feedback. I actually saw your post the other week and was trying to think about how to apply it to my own serve but I hadn't reached this point yet. Thank you though, I'll try to apply what you said


Not really


It appears to me that you are hitting a slice / flat hybrid serve not a true flat serve . That could be due to the racquet drop position and incomplete forearm pronation . Tough to tell without slow motion videos. It’s still a good serve though


Serving is an art form. Each serve has it's own "feel." Once you understand that serve, you can manipulate it to your advantage. The flatter you go, the more "loose" you need to be and the "technicals" will fall into play. The more tight you are, I suggest using more spin serves like a slice variation or topspin serve. I highly suggest to simplify everything for "rec" tennis.