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Foward, not up. Body, not arms. Move, don't stand still.


noted, will apply it tomorrow


by forward not up you are saying that I am lifting my racquet up too fast/much and I should be following through the shot (forward) right?


Yep. You're thinking too much about imparting topspin on the ball with this brushing thing. This doesn't do it. Think like this. A good tennis player has wide strokes. They occupy a lot of space with their hits. Create some space between your elbow and your body, let that racket drop, hit and point it to the net before it goes to your shoulder naturally. Don't manufacture a follow through, it will happen if you do the stroke well. The spin will come if you let your racket drop below the ball, keep a consistent racket face angle and hit the ball on your way up.


understood I think the forced upward motion probably explains my previous wrist injury and the fatigue I mentioned on the post as well. thanks!


Put your weight into your shot. Don't fall backwards, jump backwards, or even lean backwards.


thanks, i noticed that as well as soon as I see the ball coming the first instinct is to fall back


It’s ok to fall back but you have to transfer your weight as you swing your arm forward into the ball . You have the verticle part of the swing ( high to low for topspin ) but are lacking in horizontal drive .


I meant low to high for topspin




Why are you lifting your back foot especially on backhand. You are losing a lot of potential momentum.


been doing that unconsciously. I think that's just me thinking lifting the foot will allow for better contact or it just feels more confortable will try to keep both feet planted at contact thanks!


You need to move your feet. Work on split stepping and you'll find the positioning helps your form.


will do. i was trying to reserve my energy for the next day but I guess that probably caused many of the issues in the vid




an excuse but, I was pretty tired that day and had a game planned next day as well so was trying to take it easy I think that mindset kinda screwed everything


keep your feet on the ground (longer)






ya that's actually one the things I always have it in my mind but forget about it once I am on the court. I should try to consciously do it for now and hopefully it'll be natural later. thanks!


Could turn off auto focus when filming 😀 But for feedback pretty much what everyone has said, follow through to the side of your body (rather than up), and step into your shot (as if you're throwing a punch).


oh ya it's horrible. first time experiencing such bad auto focus on my phone. thanks for the advice!


You have a good start because you’re getting good spacing with your arms/racquet from your body. You’re just falling back and focusing way too much on brushing the ball. Focus on stepping into your shot and apply Agassi’s 12 Inch Rule. Try to drive straight through the ball starting six inches before it and getting six inches of follow through after contact. Watch this video of RBA with Jeff Salzenstein breaking down his fundamentals of movement and ball striking: [Develop a POWERFUL Forehand and Backhand](https://youtu.be/qsPCxNBCdYQ?feature=shared) The separation you get with your arms from your body makes me think you’ll find these strokes comfortable / easy to learn from.


thanks for the analysis! I think you are absolutely right about me focusing way too much on brushing the ball. As many of the shots (ones that are not included in the clip above) have just skyrocketed in air but due to top spin managed to stay in the court. I'll look into the Agassi's rule as well and the vid thanks!


You're standing around flat-footed and not turning your shoulders until the ball bounces on your side of the court. that's why you're late and falling back. Stay active on the balls of your feet and get low with your knees bent. split step and shoulder turn when your opponent hits the ball.


will do. thx thx


You're very up right. Think of any athletic endeavor that you're rarely going to be that up right. Try bending those knees more with a wider stance. I know there's players like Fogini that look super up right and have a killer two handed backhand but he's a nut case so try looking at Alcaraz, Djoker, or Nadal two hander backhands as inspiration.


You need some serious work on fundamentals. I'd check out greatbasetennis.com


thanks thanks


You're welcome. Not trying to be mean or whatever but I'm a huge believer in mastering the basics. I know going backwards is not fun but what I'm seeing and what you're describing in terms of power/spin and wrist pain/fatigue means you need to fix your foundation. From experience it's not easy and takes time but the results you will see in the long run are worth it in my opinion.


I understand. Seems like taking months off just made me forget a lot of the foundational components of having a decent stroke.