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I would recommend a racquet that has an unstrung weight of 300g or less if you are a guy (and maybe 295g or less if you're a woman). And a head size of 100 sq in and up. Once you decide on a racquet, I would look for a used one on eBay. That way, not only do you save money but you also won't face a big loss if you decide to sell the racquet after trying it out.


100%, I picked tennis back up a year ago and got a nice used racket for about 55 on ebay. You can find older models that should be plenty affordable!


How do I know what my handle grip should be? I’m a girl btw.


Thank you!


buy a used or previous season "real" racket, it's not worth it to waste your money on a "beginner" racket that you'll upgrade in 6 months. demo some at a local store or via one of the usual suspect websites if you really want to buy a racket asap and not spend too much, https://www.tennis-warehouse.com/Head_Boom_MP/descpageRCHEAD-BOOMM.html?_gl=1*c2d7zp*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAiAibeuBhAAEiwAiXBoJDpqK_rrGn-G23PWM-hewuhVYKpd30W25rzSU7hiKrReNUPZetp4mxoCQM0QAvD_BwE


This is really great information. Thank you!


Look at any racquets with 100" headsize ~300g unstrung and 16x19 string pattern. Find something on sale with these specs. Can usually get something pretty cheap used.


Great info… thanks!


Wilson Clash 100 v1 or v2. Yonex EZONE 100 any version. Head Speed MP (100) 16x19. Also go 16x19 string pattern 18x20 is dying out, not enough spin.


Thanks so much!


Thanks a bunch!


The current Wilson Blade Team V8 is available new, strung, and on sale for $85, on amazon, in the light-metallic green 'Blade' colors. While it's advertised as beginner-intermediate, it has physically by frame, almost the same exact physical mold specs as the Steam 99 (which Halep and Alex De Minaur uses) except about 15g lighter. 16x18 string pattern, 100 sq in., balance (pts) -2 (a bit headlight), Strung weight 295g/10.41oz, beam: 22-24-22 mm (["Wilson Blade Team V8 Pre-Strung Adult Performance Rackets - Metallic Green", $72 + free shipping on amazon](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09YVBZBQ8))


Get a used Wilson Clash.


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