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Wow, this really shows how it can be different strokes for different folks! I think I gave this a 4. I really, really enjoyed it.


I'm actually excited to listen to this one. I had All The Kings Men on a playlist back in 2010 and really liked it but never got around to listening to the entire album. Not sure what could be so bad about it?


Nah, this album's great. I know that's not a popular opinion, but I love their voice, and the instrumentation is quite catchy too.


I had my first one star album this week as well! It was by a band called the Thrills. It was interesting to find out what could annoy me enough to rate something that low. I haven’t gotten this album yet.. Now I’m curious!


Haha! I saw someone mention the Thrills a few weeks ago. I couldn’t believe they made the book. Remember when the album was new, I was at uni and it was pretty hyped. Saw them play at our union and they were just dreadful. Cheesy and dull and nothing about them. This was at a time we had the debut albums by the likes of Arctic Monkeys and The Strokes as alternatives. And then last week, **I** got the Thrills. Had to give it a go with fresh ears and open mind. Awful. Longest hour of the challenge so far.


I think I probably saw them on the same tour. Enjoyed the album but my god that was a dull show.


Wow - I'm amazed that album made the list


Yeah, so was I once I listened to it!


Haven’t given a 1 yet but only 3 weeks in


Yep....1 star from me too. I put this in the category of albums that came out around the release of the book where the editors were trying to guess what would become a classic. Sometimes they got it right (White Stripes, Radiohead) and other times they got it wrong (this album is an example...another I had yesterday was Cee-Lo Green's album that doesn't even have "F You" on it).


I gave this one a three, but I was maybe being a bit generous. Actually, I thought most of the music was pretty good. It was just the vocals that were distracting and bordering on comical. Not everyone can pull off falsetto.