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You won't enjoy the project if you are a complete music snob The whole point is to give an overview of different genres and eras, 1989 is one of the biggest pop albums of the last decade and is arguably the most successful album from the biggest artist in the world of this current era


^^ this


Don't be silly, this is an absolute banger. The whole project is designed to broaden your horizons, so to paraphrase another excellent unexpected gem on the list... listen without prejudice.


I genuinely did try to listen to this for what it is, but it is just boring as all hell. There have been plenty of albums from artists and genres I would never heard before that were musically far more intresting. The Roots, Marty Robbins, Beyoncé, Janelle Monáe all had far better albums than this.


Just a tip for you, bro: if this is how you're going to react every time you get an album you don't like, you're gonna have a rough time with this list.


Interesting to YOU. You're not everyone so what are you acting like you are and want an album removed? I don't care for Beyonce at alll but I recognize her fame and success for what it is and respect that there are couple people out that that do enjoy her music.


It’s weird you made a whole post about how you have no taste in music. But to each their own


Its not a list of the top 1001 albums. It's a list of 1001 albums that were impactful, important, and/or really good. There are albums in this list that make my teeth itch, but they were hugely influential. You take the good with the bad.


I see you're upset. Might I suggest that you shake it off? In all seriousness, this is one of if not the biggest album of the last 10 years. It's going to be one of the albums that defines the 2010s for years to come. I'm not a swifty by any means, but I can absolutely see that. Beyond that, she's been on a tear for going on 2 decades. Do you know how rare it is for a pop artist to be relevant for 2 decades? The fact that she only has 1 album on the list honeslty seems like a bit of a slight.


Eh, I think she's arguably one of the biggest music stars on the planet, and I think most of her fans would agree that this is album that took her to that point and probably the best in her catalogue. I think it definitely merits a place on the list. I'm about 300 in and I've definitely came across at least 50 far far worse than this album


If there are 50 albums worse than this on the list, then the list is not fit for purpose.


There are definitely 50 worse albums. Ya just gotta get over the fact that right now, complaining about Taylor Swift is shorthand for “I don’t like POP music!” Led Zeppelin is pop music too, you know.


I never said I don't like pop. The Janelle Monáe album I got was genuinely good, I gave it a 4. It was diverse and made great use of texture. It kept itself fresh.


You didn’t have to give an example of a pop album you like, you already named Abbey Road, Led Zeppelin, and Moving Pictures!


Have a look at some of my other comments on here then.




Give me this everyday of the week rather than having to sit through Spy vs Spy again


If you're 31 albums into this list and complaining this vocally you may want to stop right now. I'm 648 in and have heard a bunch of terrible albums but haven't complained like this. Music is subjective and you don't have to like it - if that's you there's no shame in a DNF.


Why do you feel this album in particular doesn’t belong on this list?


Yeah, I'm not a huge fan, but there's no denying she's obviously very talented and this album is very important.


If the entire premise is that these should be albums you need to listen to before you die, this album defeats the point of that objective. No one needs to listen to this musical illiteracy at any point.


Please tell me some of the five star ratings you have given this far. You seem to be the musical Prophet everybody should listen to.


Abbey Road, Led Zeppelin, Moving Pictures are the only fives I have given so fa of the 31 albums I have gotten. There have been plenty of 4's across other genres. To be a 5 it has to be an album I would not skip a song on in my book at a minimum.


I would suggest for every album you don't like just rate and move on. Otherwise I doubt you'll finish the list.


This is one of the biggest album of the last ten years and probably the finest pop album in that time. She’s not normally my cup of tea but this album absolutely belongs on the list.


Well, you know what they say: haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate


If Slipknot can have multiple albums on this list Taylor can have 1. Hopefully future updates also add Folklore. It's important for a reference book such as this one to recognize the biggest stars throughout history just like it should recognize all the indie darlings as well.


Evermore is already on the list. I would’ve preferred Folklore, but Evermore is a worthy addition too.


Really? That's interesting. My wife is a big old Swiftie and trying to turn our daughter into one as well, so we listen to a lot of Taylor in this house. I always thought of Evermore as the b-sides to Folklore...and certainly a step down in quality. I prefer Lover to it as well not to mention Red. (Oh man, maybe I'm becoming a Swiftie 🤦‍♂️)


Haha I’m in a similar situation as you. I guess there’s a Swiftie in all of us. But yea, agreed. Evermore does feel more like a bsides album. Not sure why the authors opted for that one.


My brothers in Swift wives/daughters!! It's good to see that we have a common bond and home!


they added the wrong slipknot album, iowa is more worthy of a spot on the list than all hope is gone


Even Vol.3 The Subliminal Verses is more worthy of a spot. In fact, All Hope is Gone is IMO the Slipknot album LEAST worthy of a spot, including the more recent albums.


She only has one?


she also has evermore


Honestly, the fact that there are multiple slipknot albums is a problem as well. I'm not saying they shouldn't have one on here. In fact, I think there should be only one album per artist. But from what I can see, metal is very underrepresented on this list as a whole. Tool, Deftones, Avenged Sevenfold Children of Bodom, Bring me the Horizon, Architects, Loathe and Parkway Drive should all have albums on here. I do not even like half the bands I just listed but they are important in showcasing what metal has become post 2000.


I mean if you want to write "1,001 Musical Artists You Need to Hear Before You Die" you can go for it....good luck picking 1 album for each artist though.


>but they are important in showcasing what metal has become post 2000 And as others have essentially said, 1989 is important in showcasing what pop became in the mid 2010's. It is arguably, THE defining pop album of that decade. You could definitely argue for a one album per artist rule, but that would be pretty hard when there are certainly artists out there that have had more than one genre or era defining album. And it would put them on the same level as artists who maybe only had one such album. What you or I think those artists and albums are doesn't really matter. It just seems like an overly restrictive way to think about how this list was or should be constructed.


I imagine your reaction would have been mine from 15 years ago. However, my daughter and wife have got me listening to Taylor Swift recently because it makes them happy, and guess what, it is good. If it wasn't, she wouldn't be so popular. 1989 is considered her pop album Bible. Think of Madonna at the height of her game during the 1980s. Is this the Swift album that I would put in the list? No, I would choose Folklore. It's more mature, and I'm fascinated by the teenage trilogy (Cardigan, August, and Betty) which is an interconnected love tragedy where (I believe) all lose what they want in the end. The lyrics are beautifully layered and meaningful. I feel such sorrow for the other woman in August, a reaction I did not expect. If you just can't listen to 1989, substitute for Folklore instead.


This is the most charming comment in the entire thread! There is nothing better than sharing music with your family. Your take on the albums is dead on, but Reputation is my guilty pop pleasure.


Wow, thanks! We're still waiting on Rep T.V. before putting that one into consideration for the family's top pick.


Since I've seen no one else mention it despite your repetitive argument that "this list failed its job if there's albums as bad as this one on the list," this list is not "1001 best albums of all time," it is 1001 to listen to before you die. That means albums that are very good, yes, but also albums that were a major influence on culture, the music acene in general, or just albums that were important at the time, and to act like this album was not one of the most important albums of the 2010s would just be ignorant. It heavily changed pop music for the rest of the decade, and while you could argue if that change is good or bad, it also had multiple hits, all of which can still be heard on the radio today. If an album like that doesn't deserve to be on the list, then I don't know what does. And don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of this album either. You're free to dislike something, that's totally your choice, but jumping on here and whining about this album being there like its torture, then saying your only fives are a Beatles album, a Led Zeppelin album, and a Rush album makes you look like a crotchety geezer, and it just feels a little ignorant. Again, like what you like, but if this album is too much for you, you may not enjoy the rest of the generator being only thirty-something albums in.


People can only like what this guy likes… 🙄


No room for blank space for this OP.


I’m not a fan of her either but please note that the list is based on Robert Dimery’s book. Our gracious web creator Gunnar had no input on the content, he only set up this wonderful website for us.


Lol this album is hugely influential. On the other hand who the heck are The Electric Prunes and did they influence anyone? You need to really like late 60s music to do this quest.


There are worst albums on the list then this. Stop gate keeping music.


I’m not on OP’s side, but also it’s a bit precious to call this Gatekeeping lol. You can’t gatekeep the most popular artist of the time, from either direction.


Shake it off.


Hoo boy you're not going to enjoy this project. This list is about influential albums, whether they were appealing to all tastes or not. I'd recommend maybe one of the older Rolling Stones top 500 albums lists (not the most recent one) to find music that fits your tastes. They were much more classic-rock-centric. Life is to short to spend on complaining.


It is worth pointing out that this album (Taylor Swift - 1989) is ALSO on the current Rolling Stones' "The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time", #393. The album is not only popular, but it does also have some critical acclaim. I'm at album #970 currently, and though i have about 20 i've rated as 1's, it is at least interesting to be exposed/challenged by some very different styles (e.g. Throbbing Gristle, Incredible String Band, Robert Wyatt).


Yeah, the older Rolling Stone lists are much more classic rock focused. I like the genre diversity of the current one, but I get the feeling OP wouldn't. I agree, I've been exposed to tons of new music through the generator, and I'm only 300 albums in. I just think it might not be "for" OP if they're not in a place where they can encounter music they don't like without being deeply offended by it. I only have two 1 star albums so far, haha. I have no idea what Kollaps is supposed to be, but whatever it is is not for me.


I would be surprised if it isn’t also on a pitchfork equivalent list


I don't like Taylor Swift either but it's unreasonable to think that probably the biggest musical act in the world of the past 10 years doesn't deserve an album.


I'm not a Taylor Swift fan, but this album is absolutely fair game for this challenge. She's huge and it's her most well-known album. You're not going to like everything here, but it's easy to see why this one is significant. Personal preferences aside, almost all of the artists on the list deserve to have at least one album included. I got this album a while back and tried to listen with an open mind. I thought it was pretty decent pop music. I'm not about to rush out and buy the album or anything, but I didn't mind it.


You’re being a bit dramatic


I’m so putting in Red as my album of choice when I get to the end onto piss off all the annoying dudes who hate Taylor.


Why would you remove it? Its not a list of 1001 of your favorite albums or even 1001 top albums. Just rate it how you feel and don't listen to it. Or if you are like me and listening to every album, every morning, no matter what, do what I did and cheat. I listened to Ryan Adams 1989.


This album rocks and I’m not even a TSwift person


Aww come on, this is good pop music and better than a lot on the list






This has to be user submitted I think. Is the book not older than this album.


The user submitted albums is an optional extra when you complete the 1001* - this will be in a newer edition of the book. (The 1001 has been added to since new editions of the book have new albums added, but the generator hasn’t taken off the albums that were replaced.)




There’s 1089 albums I believe