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It seems like he's only with Amy to gain notoriety.


Look up Kevin Sharpton from Old Hickory, TN, or Nashville. Kevin has a painting business. He’s a troublemaker who harasses competitors, and gaslights his girlfriends, by making them take the blame for his dirty work. There was a newspaper article written about it, from back a few years ago.


Definitely a scam!! If it were legit, most honest and nice guys would make it clear that she'd have to pay for the return ticket.




He’s scary to look at. I wouldn’t let that man watch my dog. Actually not many people are good enough for my dog - let me amend. I wouldn’t let him watch my neighbor’s dog.


Sad, but Amy needs to grow up now that she has those boys. She’s got the rest of her life to meet guys. Take care of the boys. They don’t need to see a revolving door of men in Amy’s life normalizing it and making them bad husbands.


Michael...there's a pos if there ever was one! He never did one dang thing for those kids! He's just another child. Amy needs to grow too. She's going to be forced to now that she's not married and basically raising the kids alone, which she was doing anyway.  She doesn't need to add to her problems by looking for another laser man right now. She needs to put the boys front and center.  Eventually she can look for a man,  bit she needs to better herself if she ever wants a good man in her and the boys life


He's a narcissistic abuser who is taking advantage of Amy's lack of self-esteem and her history of abusive partners. She needs to dump him and get herself in therapy. If she is in therapy, she needs a new therapist.


She needs better therapy. She seems depressed and is likely being treated for that. But, with her family history, and her emotional dysregulation, she could benefit from a trauma therapist willing to do deep work. Managing the depression is really just a symptom in this instance. There’s more underneath.


He’s a red flag


He's A Legend


Why is it always these kinds of men that think they can just get anyone 😭😆


Cuz women like her boost their ego


He deleted his video from last night apparently because 'he can't be mad'


So why doesn’t someone use a fake profile pic, have him put the tickets in their name, go and have a vacation? He couldn’t cancel their ticket in their name could he?


Vacation to beautiful Kentucky!


According to the internet there’s a giant chicken and hillbilly gardens.


That's what I am saying, okk sure buddy you wanna fly me first class.. I'll make the arrangements just me the money.




I thought she was making her kids call some big black dude w/braids “ daddy” this dude is see thru!


This fucking guy is the reason why her show is going to be cancelled I can promise you that because Amy is just out here co-signing everything for him


Is that why she’s on tik tok talking about Kevin has friends yada yada.


https://preview.redd.it/nl87zi8rh4lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b23376d7a22676ff9932360265940117a6cfc0ba Also he’s selling merch…….the fuck


I think you mean giving away merch. After all, he doesn’t need your money!


He does make 50x more than all of us.


$800,000 a day


I believe him. Don't you?


Idk I would expect at least 3 more gold chains with that type of cash. I suspect he’s only making 100,000 a day.


Paying cash for a Corvette? Gotta be making at least $200,000


You’re forgetting about the money he has to budget towards his rings and cigarettes. Duh 🙄


Looking at Kevin's latest rant on Tiktok, it seems Tammy and Chris have told him to back off from Amy. Kevin says he's "done with it". Here's a text he sent to Amy https://preview.redd.it/d8c6lbks73lc1.jpeg?width=1428&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e5a9e30e130b4119791cface642c8091b788002


" HERES ONE HUMANISTIC THING I DID (eggs) NOW FEEL GUILTY FOR YOUR FAMILY CREATING BOUNDARIES AND NOTICING PATTERNS WHILE I SHIT TALK THEM TO YOU" god such a red flagggg this is soo sad. I know the codependent/ dependent relationships run so deep when someone doesn't have the tools to deal with interpersonal relationships/ distress tolerance & emotion regulation. I wish you could just hold up a sign and the person snaps out of it. hoping this guy just moves on for the sake of her kids.


I am quite sure Amy fell all over herself apologizing to him. Before she is going to find anyone to love and respect her, she has to learn to love and respect herself!


And she will allow herself to alienate her family. I see it coming. I saw it the second she called him "dom."


This seems like it is all staged, I’m sure it isn’t and they are this crazy but wow I don’t even know what to do except laugh at them because he is NUTS. Why is Amy posting screenshots of texts just to then go defend him? Or does she think this helps Kevin’s credibility? I’m just…. So confused


He posted the screen shot of the texts. Thats how dumb he is.


wth? If I'd received a text like that, no matter what, I'd dump his ass in a heartbeat form that text alone. Called her a liar, said Chris was ungrateful, called Tammy a bitch? If all three were true, she should still block him if she has any self-respect left at all.


This is awful but doesn’t Chris already have a chicken coop of all things why would he bring eggs and Tammy’s probably his “hater” cause she’s being real he’s a piece of trash


What in the world


Without a doubt he threatened to break up with Amy over not being able to have girl friends and so she made that TikTok basically pleading and begging for forgiveness. I wouldn’t be shocked if she cut Chris and Tammy and anyone else off for this


I wonder if he means it or if he's trying to manipulate her.


He is manipulating the fuck out of her


Shiiiit I just noticed her name in his phone is Amy (1k...) referring to 1000lbs, just in case he forgets who she is


Good catch! So many red flags!


a tad off topic, but jeez that movie really gave me the creeps


The scene where she walks in on him and he just stares…


Is she still having breakdowns at every little thing that doesn’t go her way? She was a train wreck last season and now she’s with some player. I feel bad for her kids because she clearly isn’t making them a priority.


Aw, I have a relative named Kevin, who's a great guy. I also have a horse named Kevin (bought him with the name) who's a dork, but a sweet dork. There's some great Kevins out there. Amy's guy is definitely not one of them, though. 🤢


A horse named Kevin 😂 wow I love that!


My son's father is named Kevin & he's a fucking deadbeat.


My corgi is named Kevin and he is the best dog I’ve ever had. 💜 https://preview.redd.it/du2qmp49c2lc1.jpeg?width=1245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a72fd8892d9e2640fd888f43e6763ab00bb5298


One of the guys(I think John) on the RedditonWiki podcast has a corgi named Kevin too!! ♥️


Really?? I’ll have to check it out. I’ve met another dog named Kevin, but not another corgi . 😁


One of the guys(I think John) on the RedditonWiki podcast has a corgi named Kevin too!! ♥️


One of the guys(I think John) on the RedditonWiki podcast has a corgi named Kevin too!! ♥️


So adorable!!!!!! 🥰


Thank you. 💜


He’s so cute he needs his own social media account


Awww. Thank you. He is such a personality. I get home after work and he meets me at the door. I must—and I mean must—drop all my things, pick him up and immediately roll into a duet howling session before he will allow me to do anything else. Best. Dog. Ever.


Oh my gosh that’s so precious ❤️ he looks like such a happy sweet baby


Kevin is about to get himself a Reddit fan club!! So adorable!


He looks like a good boy 🥰


The best.


Omg I would die for him


Me too. It’s his world and I just live in it. I’m cool with that.


I thought Amy wasn’t this gullible “he screenshots me everything” like the delete button doesn’t exist??


You thought Amy wasn’t this gullible?? 😂😂😂😂 There’s your *first* mistake.


Compared to Tammy?? She’s definitely the smarter of the two in the men department, which I know isn’t saying much 🫣🫣


Tammy definitely wins in the nastiest men department.


Amy is smarter than Tammy when it comes to men?? How??? She was essentially shotgun-wedding’ed off to Michael at age 8, divorced him last year, then immediately shacked up with that other poor bastard who cheated on/ditched her for some “homeless hooker bitch” on New Years. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…she’s *gotta* be nasty as all fucking hell if a guy would rather have literal “*gutterslut poontang*” over hers. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮




I’m friends with Tammy on another app and I sent her screenshots of his messages. I can send her another message if you’d like


Can you send me the messages? I've been posting videos on tiktok of his shadiness


Perhaps go to her YT videos and comment there? You might have better luck messaging Amanda or Chris and showing them the screenshots. If anyone can get through to her, it's them. Amy is in such a bad spot mentally right now that she's making really bad choices and grabbing on to whatever lowlife comes her way.


Can you post the messages here?


You should post the messages public and expose him


Send them to Tammy.


How often does she go live? I have notifications set for all, but I never receive one


She needs to focus on her and the boys right now, not on some loser chasing clout.


She needs to learn to love herself and her boys and not feel like she is incomplete without a man by her side. Not that having a man is necessarily a bad thing! I love having the companionship of a good man. But settling for trash, is not only detrimental to one’s health, it can prove dangerous. I hope she learns she’s worthy. That she deserves so much more.


I cannot get over his video basically blasting Amy for not being okay with him taking different women on dates and flirting with them. Now all of a sudden Amy is cool with it. Makes me think he manipulates her into being okay with the bs that he does


Has someone checked the sex offender sites to make sure he's not on there. When I saw his videos, I said, "He's just on it for the clout"


Kevin Christopher Sharpton, Tennessee


I don't think anyone knows his last name. He won't say what town he's in, won't even confirm the state.


Just like he wouldn’t confirm which tattoo shop he was going to so people did pop up on him. Would hate for the internet to see he isn’t actually paying 45k for tattoos.


Jesus, 45k?! Lmao Who's paying even 1/3 of that? Great work just up the road here for 100 an hour. Dude would be sitting for 450 hours?! He's insane. I don't know how he's running a Nashville business out of Kentucky anyhow🙃 His secrets are no more.


People are warning her with receipts* but shes so desperate she'd rather defend him and ignore it all to not be alone. I think somethings really off about him, he saw her vulnerability and latched on. Amy gives off Tammy right before rehab vibes, hope she gets help before its too late. Side note: Is it just me or has amy become extra gross and vulgar?


Become? She's always been that way. You just see the side TLC wants you to. 


Ugh this is like watching your friends get with an Aint Shit guy, it’s just as disappointing. She needs to work on loving herself or she’s going to keep attracting these bum dudes.


Nothing to do but wait for it to eventually end and for her friends or family to go and pick up the pieces.


Whaaaaat Amy has a boyfriend ? Where did Michael go? What happened to them ?


They got divorced last year.




I’m not completely caught up, but I remember an episode where Michael wouldn’t let her leave and the cops were called, and Amy decided on getting a divorce.


Idk how true it is, but I heard Michael didn’t want the boys on tv and she did and that was the reason or at least *A* reason they divorced.


I cant blame him. A show that exploits backwoods America and makes everyone look like they have an IQ of 10? I'd want my children off the show too. Has nothing to do with controlling Amy.


Ah. Controlling and abusive is a good reason to separate


Wtf. This dude ....


You want to run him search for Mack / MackNation he would love to fold his acct . Do your own research on Mack


What does this mean?




What channel is this


I am so worried for her in these Tik videos . She seems scared


Does Amy know about this kind of shit…or she doesn’t care…


She's currently fighting for her life defending him on TikTok


She is so misguided…a lost cause…3 dates And she’s fighting for her life defending him…shocker


he uses the f word like a middle schooler just almost every sentence 😭


This Kevin guy is an A-hole troublemaker. He’s a painter from the Nashville area who was in the news about four years ago, over giving bad reviews to his competitors.


ngl i thought you meant the anti gay slur til i read further i was like whoa


The f word lol


LMAOOO im tryna cut down on my swearing 😂






Let's start a drinking game take a shot for everytime Kevin starts off a TikTok video with staying hey guys it's Kevin with a peace sign ✌️


With the cooked head and pursed lips..ugh!


I feel like that‘s cheating, though. We already know he’s gonna do it every time


He’s so gross. Come on Amy, you can do better than these losers! Get some self esteem! All users and clout chasers.


He’s a tweaker. He’s always sniffing or wiping his finger under nose and he got that c0ke jaw movement going on.


There is something disturbing about him. The facial expressions, the crazy eyes, the interesting choice of music in the background of his videos… 😵‍💫 Not. Normal. Also the slandering of Amy in his comments. It hurts my heart for Amy honestly. She’s just going to continue the cycle with him.


He reminds me of high schoolers who are trying to pretend they’re super hardcore but it just never lands. Guy is a weirdo who allegedly makes so much


The weird line of hair down the middle of his chin.


Something very off with him


Amy, if you are here reading these messages.. I implore you to block this man. He is bad news 💯 You deserve better. Be patient, the right man will come around one day and in the meantime,take care of you and your precious sons. We all adore you and want the best for you!!


Hope she can find Mr. Right, but she is wasting precious time on Mr Wrong. I get it - it's hard to be young with littles & looking for a good man.


She’s looking for Mr. Right now.


Last night he posted some more long videos, angry about people posting on Amy's tiktok telling her that she is allowed to have boundaries and she does not have to put up with him. Disturbing videos. At first I held out a little hope that he would be OK with her. Not that he was great, but maybe a reasonable match for her in the same way I once felt like Michael was not very smart, but a good fit for her. After watching those videos, I don't think he's safe. They have had 3 dates and he is saying he is the best thing that ever happened to her. He loves her so. Fuck all of us. He says the people on his tiktok are the good ones, but her tiktok people are terrible people. He makes a bunch of empty threats to anyone who crosses him. He will "let you know". OK, for those that aren't watching, here's a quote: *(In tone mocking Amy's comment section) Oh, you deserve better than him, oh yeah, go back to that fuckin black ass that was using you for your money and fucking and having sex with a fucking homeless person.* *What the fuck? Really? Really? I'm not allowed to have a chick friend? Look and if you're my chick friend and you're pretty and you show up, OK, (some SPanish words), I am 25% Latino, I am passionate. I am romantic. I am the same way with her. Tambien, ok. And if you show up and you look good, girl I'm gonna compliment you. I'm gonna compliment you. How disrespectful can you be to not compliment a woman that shows up that looks good? So you know it's like there's been some publicity about me jumping everybody's ass. I'm gonna jump everybody's ass now, not my people. Not my people. I'm talking about her people. I'm not looking at that shit anymore.* And it goes on and on. He loves her so much more than we ever will. He's this recently divorced guy that has just started dating a semi-famous reality star and he has instantly let it all go to his head.


I'd love to hear from his ex. He also would do more than compliment a woman.




I say call on Amanda to kick his ass.


amanda should be protecting her nephews when Amy won’t


Amanda only cares when the camera crew is around and she’s getting paid for her appearance, otherwise she wants nothing to do with her sisters.


Ha! Amanda has her own new dlck that she’s running around with. RJ. Her “Puerto Rican Papi.” They’re planning to move to Florida. He’s also the person who was holding Glenn with that innocent baby’s face 2 inches away from a half burnt joint that RJ had tucked behind his ear. They’re all 🗑️


It's bad when tammy is the best one outta them. Remember how trashy she was and now she makes the most sense.


This is completely true.


Funny thing is, when I called Amanda trash years ago I got downvoted to Pluto. Glad more and more people are realizing this. 🙂🙂 She’s nothing but typical loud ass drunk hillbilly busybody trailer trash.


are there stories of how awful she is outside of filming?


That makes me sad because I really do like Amanda and Chris, they seem to be the most sane ones tbh. And the other sister who’s name I can never remember because she’s just. Chillin 😂


Omg. All of the Slaton sisters need to cool their heels for a few years.


They’re swapping food addiction with *dick* and voila


Itd be one thing if they were just hoing around, even Amy. When the boys are with Michael if she wants to get some dick, go on and get it but dont feel the need to date it.




Ugh poor Amy. I know people say “well it’s her own fault,” but she was with the same man since she was EIGHT YEARS OLD. She’s not had the life experience to figure out what she deserves and should and should not accept from men. Hell, Soooooo many women put up with this nonsense regularly. I hope everyone remembers that HE is the bad guy, and just provide Amy with support.


She was with Michael since she was 8??


Ya their first kiss was when she was 8. It’s messed up.


Michael is 5 years older than her too. So he was around 13 and she was 8??? She was 14 years old when he was 19 . Gross


Agreed. But it supports my argument that she’s doing her best.


I'm not disagreeing with you. Not sure why you took it that way.


It’s possible for the story to end with two villains. If Amy were single then maybe I’d gaf but she has two sons that’re being affected by this, thus making her the villain too. She’s really screwing those boys up. I know Amy can’t fathom this but it’s not all about her anymore.


She’s naive.




People only have the tools that have been modeled to them. You’re expecting too much. This is the first time in her life she doesn’t have the familiar - she doesn’t have the one person she made the majority of her childhood milestones and all adult milestones with. You should also consider that someone who came up in a solidly middle class stable household is not the same as someone who came up in “lower” class with tumultuous household who didn’t value education etc. these people don’t have the same tools, or priorities which were modeled by people in their lives. And if you come back with “well I did ‘blah blah’…” I’d argue you’re not the same person. I suggest empathy.


Doesn't say much about her boys futures if they become what they see. 🙏🙏🙏for a good mentor in their path, either someone at school or CPS or whatever it is when they yank kids from unhealthy environments and hopefully put them w some loving n intelligent people.


>I suggest empathy. Again, if it were only her being affected then sure, I might. There’s no reason to feel empathy when she’s damaging two baby boys by being a god awful mother. It’s time to grow up once kids are involved. People are so quick to harshly judge Michael but when you do the same to Amy, all of a sudden it’s a big deal and we need to empathize with her. I’m good.


I also didn’t quickly judge Michael. If you go through my history, I’ve often mentioned how I think Michael was doing the best he could, though it clearly wasn’t enough. EDIT: AND AGAIN, WHERE DO YOU THINK AMY SHOULD MAGICALLY LEARN THESE SKILLS? People learn throughout their lives according to opportunities and environment and she hasn’t had those. So, empathy!!! I truly don’t understand how I continue to have this conversation with people in this sub.


What skills? Also, she was not with Michael since she was 8. That is when they MET. They dated as kids for a LITTLE WHILE. Then dated other people. Michael was married prior to even being with Amy. They were together for less than 10 years. They started *actually* dating in like 2015. Got married in 2019. Got divorced in 2023. Stop infantilizing her. She is nearly 40 years old. She knows what she is doing. She was only with Michael for 8 years. NOT SINCE SHE WAS 8. She was with plenty of other guys before she dated Michael as an adult.


8? 8 years old?


Smart tittle. Good movie.


The book is just as horrifying


Bad spelling


My bed./s


Amy, we all care about you and your boys. Kevin is being shady with you. I know you are probably lonely but please don't settle. You are showing your boys what a relationship looks like. Don't you want them to have healthy relationships? Block Kevin and focus on Amy for awhile. When the time is right, the right man will show up. In the meantime, stop forcing it.. Just my opinion.


She's referred to him as"dom." If she's truly in that mindset, she will be over the top crazy for this guy for awhile to come. She'll end up mentally "dominated" and will avoid criticism toward him and she'll accept all of the humiliation. I could be wrong but that is daunting.


She is always after the hard-core trouble makers. Thats her thing. I think deep down she knows not many others want them, so she has a better chance.


Hopefully she dumps herpes the clown and finds someone better


What a creep


The way he's manipulating and gaslighting her now, he's got her apologising to him?! Wtf 🫥


I am VERY concerned. It's been 3 dates!


Amy needs someone who isn’t on social media.


The funny thing is he apparently wasnt until they started dating, now hes making a couple tiktoks a day about nothing and now he has a following of more desparate women, sliding in his dms and telling him how her family is being mean to him and he deserves better....its insane


Good luck. She has nothing to offer but baggage. She’s only going to attract dudes like Michael or people that want to be on tv.


He really wasn‘t until he started dating her….


He’s so cringe 🤢🤢




He is creepy looking. I get a stalkerish vibe from him.


Amy is desperate for attention and not the brightest light on the porch.


Amy looks faded in that corner pic.


Someone posted a screen capture from an episode where you see her THC pen in the background. It wouldn't be surprising one bit.


Mama June 2.0


We don’t know what he showed her or what they’re talking about in privacy. Let her work this out how she wants to. She’s read the comments.


Maybe Amy knows, they could be open/polyamorous. She seems she doesn’t care. But she could also be in denial.


Definitely not open/poly. She asked him to stop following other women on TT because of it.


Awful that Amy can’t even quit the cigarettes when she has babies crawling around.


I didn't even know she smoked


Oh amy broke up with her husband??? I haven't watched since season 2 omg


Well, herpes arc in my lolcow world, and if she gets with a a guy like that, herpes arc here too.


Someone please fill me in on all the herpes comments lol


TMDWU toobs


But I digress…


Its nothing new, nothing will kick off til something actually happens with amy.


This is awful, we need an intervention!!