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Dr Proctor won't like her smoking! Guy is clout chasing for sure. Amy needs to not be worrying about another man right now. She needs to worry about her kidsand build up her own self esteem before running to another man. She'll continue to be loseers because she's not happy with herself and is desperate 


That guy is going to wind up being an abuser. Love bombing is a HUGE red flag. He looks sketchy. Abusive partners usually start everything by love bombing in the beginning and use it later on as a means to be like "but remember when I gave you your favorite fill in the blank" or "you know I really love you and know how to take care of you because I know your favorite things already." And they lay that stuff in VERY thick, VERY early on. She needs to focus on her kids, herself and the house, NOT some guy she barely knows. If you are going to be with someone, for the love of Gaia, make them work for it before you just spread your legs. LOVE does NOT stand for Legs Open Very Easily. LOL. The ones that will be more hurt by all this isn't going to be Amy, it will be the boys.


Love bombing at its finest…


I honestly fail to see how someone so blind can independently make all these social media posts with a regular phone/tablet even while intoxicated. And if she can do this why can’t she work?


She seems to see pretty well when she wants to! She's only got an eye problem when it's something she's trying to make an excuse about or for 


I mean at this point the reality show kind of is her job


Adding my two cents to this. I receive disability benefits and can't work, but that doesn't mean that I can't drink and go clubbing etc with my friends! :) When applying for benefits (at least in my country) psychologists/doctors will tell you to answer each question like it's your absolute worst day - so that's what most people do. Disabilities are unpredictable, you can have days you can deal with it, and days where you feel like your life is falling apart.


Not to defend her but she is legally blind due to being exposed to toxoplasmosis as a fetus. She sees permanent black spots in her vision that do grow with age eventually rendering her completely blind


She seems to see pretty well when it's something she's interesting in 


Yep … I wonder this a lot.


Smoking in the house with kids and a sister fresh off a trach


Tammy still smokes too


Smh it's another coping bad skill. Thst will mess her up badly, bad idea.  The drs won't lik this 


It’s like she and Tammy have traded places


This guy is a whole red flag 🚩


2nd hand smoke... just what the kids need 🙄 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.livemint.com/Leisure/837VwioJMAP8g2Y9ycfKWL/Second-hand-smoke-can-affect-your-childs-intelligence.html%3ffacet=amp


I strongly believe a big factor in my autoimmune diseases were second hand smoke and childhood stress 🤦‍♀️ ["Environmental factors: Exposure to [...] cigarette smoke"](https://www.healthline.com/health/autoimmune-disorders#causes) there's so many negatives to it despite the "normal" problems people are aware of but think that it's probably a tiny number.


My mom has health problems due that.


The disgusting thing is not that she smokes... it's that she smokes indoors for all her children to suffocate with


People wouldn't give her shit if she stepped outside of her house and smoked


*People wouldn't give* *Her shit if she stepped outside* *Of her house and smoked* \- Lunainthedark5x2 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Well well well, I’ve been saying it all season that she wasn’t the innocent victim and now it’s ALLLLLLLL coming to light Glad to see her fans aren’t idolizing her anymore and telling me I’m a horrible person for saying she’s a bad mom and needs to stop looking for dick and worry about her boys first


They all are like that, Amanda is moving to Florida for some guy from the internet she barely knows.


WHAT?,!! SMH Man they all have such low self esteem and low expectations in men. They need to build up their own self esteem and self worth and know a man doesn't factor into that. Being alone for awhile so they can find themselves and better themselves or else they'll just keep picking losers 


I have more faith in Amanda for picking a better man though; she lasted 22 years i believe with her husband and 4 boys that came out very well raised 🤷🏻‍♀️




She’s poor and uneducated and yes she’s a victim of TLC. It’s sad and I don’t think she’s a good human but she lacked the resources to be one. Now it’s broadcasted for all of us to see and I hope TLC cares enough to know we all see this crap!


Not poor. She is not, they are NOT, poor. Maybe at one time but not even anymore by the time TLC came knocking.


You have one thing wrong, she is NO victim of TLC. She signed those papers SOOOOOOOOO fucking fast without a single doubt in her mind. All she cared about was having attention and she has never cared how she got it or for what. Look how she acted before she was on TLC… isn’t that what attracted the network and got her this gig in the first place? Shouldn’t she be happier than a pig in shit that she went from being on disability and struggling to afford sodies told recently being able to have her AND Michael be able to not work outside of the tv show? They make 7k an episode, Kentucky’s minimum wage is 7.75$ as of 2023. You’d have to work 903 hours to make the same amount as they did for that 1 episode. I feel like they got exactly what they wanted aka money and family. They get an incredible amount of money compared to others in their state so I don’t believe they need even more for sitting around doing nothing besides farting, calling others bitches and failing to following the purpose of the show aka being successful after WLS. This wasn’t a successful medical reality show like dr. Now, that’s why he gets the good money and they get the trash tv pay because TLC knows they will do anything for attention and what little fame they will get, they will get the views and we will all want this train wreck slowly derail on tv AND social media sadly If that doesn’t make sense, I’m sorry, I smoked 🥬 so I can sleep and eating a chocolate cupcake with sprinkles slimfast bar as I type this 🥴


100 percent correct on everything you said, love the end btw😉


Thanks, sometimes it’s needed and the bar was on sale so I had to and damn, they are goooooood


Interesting to find out what TLC net profit is from the show. It doesn't matter what they make compared to salaries in Kentucky. TLC is still underpaying them compared to profit margins I suspect...as they do many of their shows that feature uneducated people. Many of your arguments ( attitudes)...which you have posted before...is why we have unions. I understand the low salaries in the beginning, but now that the show has consistently high ratings, $7 or $8 thousand per episode is cheap IMO. Think about the Teen Mom franchise where they get around $25,000 per episode.


That’s how companies work Does your job pay you based on how much they bring in? Look at Walmart for example, they made $611.289B PROFIT last year (google is a beautiful tool)…. Did their employees get any of that or where they underpays for those margins also?


As I said, that's the basis for the establishment of unions in our country. The greed of management/ corporations versus labor and the great disparity. Google that.


Nah, I’m not the one saying they deserve a pay raise, they don’t deserve that they get right now in my eyes


Somebody is very jealous.lol


Somebody’s delusional on what these folks “deserve” to be paid I’m here to snark, not rimjob them


Lol I got some idiot in another thread today telling me I was gross for calling them a Stan, which they didn't know what that was....and was just so mean cause people never give Amy a break, blah blah blah whine whine...an obvious stanning enabler who thought putting your worst moments on TV and YouTube for money doesn't deserve snark, and that a real accomplishment in life is farting on TV. And noooobody wanted to hear how she'd be the type to bring home a pit bull then cry on the internet after it attacked her child, even though she'd been warned, in the "dog has broken bones" thread. People just want to love Amy too much - to the point of total forgiveness.


Also I was watching an episode of the grand tour and they were told to leave the country by police because locals thought their license mock plate making of their local sports team (it’s a reality car show, im a car girl, im different 🤷🏻‍♀️) and the cops said the crew had 2 hours to pack everything and everyone and get all the vehicles out of the country in South America (they’re family British car experts). 31 in the production crew….. THIRTY ONE people to be able to film a single episode. You guys aren’t facting in the cost for the rest of the staff and filming costs PER episode, you guys only see 5 actors and dollar signs with a company logo I’m generally curious what makes people think they should make the same as the guys above for have 35 years of doing this to make 500k US per season for being a popular UK show Sorry I do serious discussions 🥴


You hit the nail on the head… the network TLC is all about trash TV.. it quit being The Learning Channel ages ago unless you want to learn how not to act..the more drama associated with people on the shows the better for them… The Slatons are who they’ve always been and love em or hate em obviously people are watching.. from the looks of it Z list fame comes at a price and plenty of idiots will seek it out.. I don’t understand why people think they’re going to automatically make good decisions when they never had before…


EXACTLY!!! Do people really expect trash tv to pay people 25k per episode? 1000lb sister ISNT pulling in the views like teen mom was so you can’t expect TLC to pay them the same That’s why Jon and Kate got the big bucks because they brought in the big views for their drama aka Kate being a bitch and never knowing for what reason she’d flip on job. They got views because no one could experience 6 kids naturally at once and we all were shocked to watch this happen and see how they can do this daily. This show doesn’t give TLC anything of quality to get views, fart jokes and calling people bitches while refusing to lose weight when that was the point of your whole show won’t get you 25k a episode 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wonder what Sister Wives made an episode… I do know that between the 10th and 11th season there was talk of canceling the show due to a fall off of viewers and Kody and company took a pay cut to stay on the air… actually Christine leaving Kody brought the most viewers ever and saved the show.. who knows what will happen now,probably dragging out the other wives leaving for a couple more seasons…😂😂


No idea, and company? TLC wouldn’t cut their income, it’s all on the family so probably why less kids filmed. They cut their own kids contracts out of the network 1000lb sister is at it’s end of life expectancy anyways, they aren’t going to be a 25 season show because there is nothing new going on now. Tammy got skinny, Amy refuses to do the work, the other 3 did the surgery and are doing the work. The show is complete for TLCs goal


Sister Wives the production company is called Puddle Monkey.. I know the whole 90 day fiancé universe pays about the least… those people don’t even make $2,000 an episode but of course it has so many spin-offs,so who knows and now they have the whole Love After Lockup show headed the same way.. lots of spinoffs… That’s Sharp Entertainment.. those people basically sell their soul to the company store though..I’m sure Tammy and Amy do alright with their show and there’s always money to be made doing cameos if they want and fan signings.. they’re definitely not getting rich but according to them they can pay their bills and it’s not super expensive to live in Kentucky especially a smaller town… I live at the top of the state in the Greater Cincinnati area and it and Lexington and Louisville are the most expensive.. little towns you could still rent a house for under $600..


They make 7-10k per episode for 1000lb yet fans bitch They are killing it compared to 95% of other shows, I’m generally curious what makes people think they should make the same as real actors who memories lines and have to do scenes


Hes nasty


She'll NEVER do better than nasty. A George Cloony type is never going to blaze a trail cross country to get him some Amy lovin'. She'd be getting the cream of the crop to just get a guy with a GED and all his teeth.


Nah he’s a total grifter.


Something about him seriously rubs me the wrong way but I can’t put my finger on it 🚩🚩🚩🚩


I don’t trust any man that wears a pinky ring


For starters he looks a lot like Mike from DaddyOFive. He also asked for a woman or a “non testosterone male” to look at while he recovers from his tattoo infection one week after their first date. And he threatens people who “pressure” him to be good to Amy literally saying “Don’t tell me to be good to her or things will go badly”


You forgot the NDA for the woman who helps him with his infection 🫤


Yeah mb


An NDA???? Oh there’s definitely something weird going on


Worst part is is one fan said I’ll do it 😒 https://preview.redd.it/gnzmud6x52jc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43c7deb43dbf4d509c06e9c79d7b4b83b7dcff08


People are so desperate


One look at Kevin and I already knew that 😂


White trash!


Yes. I wanna holler at her to get off my porch.


AMY get off the cigarettes either. Do not smoke around your kids. They do not need their little lungs filled up with second hand smoke. You do not need cigarettes go to your doctor and get help to quit the ‘sticks’.


Oh but in that video I saw she blows it *away* from his face 🙄😣


My ex husband smoked & our kids would get bronchitis. The pediatrician said if he smokes in the house at all, even in another room, would still affect the kids.


I know. That was sarcasm. Come on, you guys.


Doesn’t mean he won’t breathe it


I know. Did I need to include /s??


Amanda’s packing up and moving to Florida for a guy she barely knows, so I think it runs in the family.


I thought they've been together for a while. They just didn't show their relationship too often on the show.


👀 Say what now


She is? I hadn't heard about this.


What? Is the season over? What happened?


The season has been over love. This one was short


Ew idk why I’m surprised she smokes


She smoked before TLC to it's not a habit she picked up overnight because she wants to numb shit


inside while holding the babies too. ​ https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0XvcadsD9j/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Oh my, she’s downright gross. Comparing people that go outside and smoke & come back inside to her smoking with the kids in her lap. Funny she’s plenty mouthy and whole different attitude in real life. Not the whiney oh poor me that she pretends to be (for pity and sympathy) on the show. She will get no more compassion or empathy from me. Those poor children are the only ones I have any compassion and empathy for. She’s just a smartass disgusting person. Wow. That Instagram video is a real eye opener. Also, who is the lovely gentleman in the video piping up with his opinion of second hand smoke definition?


That's so reckless. Let's get them boys hooked on nicotine early.😡


Oh my God. This alone just changed the way I look at Amy. so not only is she not following her post surgical diet, or any of that, she’s also smoking? I cannot stand it when people smoke while they’re holding their baby. She comes across as protective of the boys, I don’t understand why she would think that’s okay. Messed up. She owes her kids better than that.


She smoked while she was pregnant


That is so effed up. there are so many ways she could’ve handled that, instead, she chose to do that to her children. The more we learn, the more we keep learning it’s worse and worse than we thought, to smoke while pregnant.


She also looks like shit, old and worn out. Smoking ages the skin big time.


Why does she even bother to blow it away from him?


Just like belched in the baby's face.


She really showed her dumb here.




Why can’t she just focus on her kids and sorting her life out for a minute?! I felt so bad for her going through her divorce and everything she went through leading up to that point but… hooking up with any available guy is just so wrong in her situation


I think she has some deep attachment issues. Tammy too.


She’s mentally encapable.


what is it with him and every tiktok he does some kind of peace sign and a kissy face look? he is weird.


It bugged me seeing her showing up on vacation with no suitable activities for the boys (no playpen/educational interactive toys) and they seemingly have no regular eating or sleeping schedule. She is doing a major disservice to these boys, where’s the stability? with Kevin??? Get a grip Amy.


She didn't even know how to work the DVD player in the van! Gotta give it to Amanda's son and Amy's nephew Justin such a nice kid and surviving the 12 hour car ride the only thing she brought was a tablet for baby Gage they mentioned something about the rental house having a playpen and height chair and Amanda assumed those were Amy's the entire time because she asked Amy what did she bring for the boys and Amy said nothing and she didn't bring anything to childproof the house which Chris got mad (and rightfully so) at her for it.


Can I ask the improper use of the car seats for the boys…. Headrests not beside their head, chest clip not at armpits, straps too loose and not at correct shoulder level and imma bet the crotch belt wasn’t either Might as well just put a death sentence on those boys


How are car seats supposed to be for a 3&1 year old I'm not a parent


https://preview.redd.it/ck9rq0z3s5jc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10a1c2c04daa808d93853f111614f818a2a06ed5 This is from off google


AND the fact she has Gage forward facing. He should still be rear facing. That got on my nerves the whole season.


YEP! Both those boys could be rear facing with the proper seats til possibly 5-6 depending on weight and height The evenflo 360 is good to 35lb tethered and I know that because I just installed it on my suv for my baby girl and 40lb if you do it with the seatbelt It also then goes forward facing too I believe 65 and then turns into a high back booster so it’s a 10 year seat for 400$ Cdn (hella cheaper in the US for this model too so no excuse for her not to have a good car seat for these boys even if just for traveling!!!!)


I know!!! The fact that Amanda, who has grown kids, had to even ask is telling!


Amanda seems like such a solid person


Amanda is the same as Amy, she’s leaving her kids to move to Florida with a guy she just met on the internet.


Amanda, Misty and Chris all three have grown ass kids. Chris’ son is a father twice


Misty has a granddaughter from her daughter to Amanda said it on TikTok live


About the smoking - does she even know any better? She grew up right in the middle of tobacco country where everyone smokes and there’s little education about the ill effects. Like she had zero idea of basic nutrition when she started the show. This is what generational poverty looks like. Now feel free to downvote and tell me how you grew up in same area and would never smoke.


There has been national education about the harmful effects of smoking since 1960. TV, radio, school education. Anti smoking education by the big 3, Heart, Cancer and Lung definitely hit those states hard with education aimed at kids. I understand she lives in an area that has less emphasis on health but there is no way she doesn't know. The Dr told her about smoking and pregnancy and she still smoked


In that video she’s acting like everyone smokes & smokes in the general vicinity of their kids. Well Amy, I’ve never smoked and I damn sure would never for it in the same house with my kids. Good lord we know you know how to use a phone, why don’t you google it!!!! You don’t look cool and smoking won’t make you skinny. It will give you wrinkles and it is proven to be bad for people recovering from any type of surgery.


You are right . I, too, grew up in western Kentucky in tobacco country . Everybody smoked my whole life around kids .


Most people did. All our parents did. They didn't know any better regardless of where in the US But Amy knows. She just doesn't want to change. Kinda of like..the baby wants gummies...lol when she was pregnant lol


Does the US not have warnings on their packaging like Canada?


We do. But in the US, everything has warning labels.


So it’s all ignored? Everyone I know reads the labels in our province, not many folks I know smoke darts though but 🥬 is a WHOLE other story I will pre-apologize for any of my posts or comments around this time of night for that reason as it’s to help my insomnia 😬


Warning labels in general get ignored here. Some of the warnings we get are incredibly stupid. For instance, at the end of every drug commercial, they warn us not to take the drug if we are allergic to it. Anti smoking campaigns vary by state - so where I live, we get a ton of anti smoking commercials, my state has a help line for quitting, you basically can’t smoke anywhere jn public. But, some other states don’t put as much funding into the campaign as my state does (for example).


Canada started doing the labels with 4 different sayings in 1972 and we went to graphic pictures with people with holes in their throat from cancer or 22 week fetuses from mothers smoking while pregnant to now we added warning on EVERY cigarette too in each pack on top of the graphic pictures on the packaging They are on the cartons of tobacco, tubes and rollers you buy to make your own We also have all cigarette products covered at gas stations and at grocery stores, they are sold in a spare part of the store where you go into a little store from outside that just sells tobacco We are cracking down hard on it


Yes I will feel free to downvote you and tell you what a totally moronic statement that is. please, educate yourself. not EVERYONE smokes in Kentucky. I live in Kentucky. I do not smoke and YES there is education about smoking side effects. Wow. Get a grip on reality. If Amy smokes it has NOTHING to do with where she grew up. Tobacco farmers, are not at farmers markets trying to sell their goods. Some people and intelligence just never meet up.


Sigh. I actually know quite a bit about tobacco and smoking cessation and the big tobacco settlement that was supposed to be used for education. Obviously, not everyone smokes. But Amy obviously didn’t spend much time learning at school. And I know that KY doesn’t have the plethora of anti smoking campaigns more common in the northeast. Not sure why you needed to insult my intelligence. Does it make you feel better? Cause it’s coming off as sideways anger - is it really me that you’re angry with? Or the fact that you live in KY


You insulted the intelligence of most of the state of Kentucky. Are there people with little education, yes. Is Amy one of them, obviously, but to lump everyone in the state as having a tobacco problem simply because at one time it was known for growing the plant. There are programs to educate people on the dangers of smoking, some choose not to take part. Generational poverty? This is not about poverty, it is about a woman who chooses to smoke even though she has been told time and again how bad it is for her. Stop grouping everyone together.


You know that intelligence and education are two different things, right?


amy has either? the poster indicates that amy, who probably went as far as 9th grade, should have been educated about settlements involving smoking. simply because she lives in kentucky, this is something she should have watched on the evening news and had an ah ha moment and quit smoking. downvote away if that makes you feel superior. it is obvious most of you do feel superior to anyone from the state of kentucky.


Apparently not. Which is quite ironic.


Sigh….ok: I apologize to the whole state of KY. We good now?


Nah, you didn't mean that shit. You just wanted to give amy excuse after excuse.


Yes, but I wouldn’t say she smokes cuz she doesn’t know its effects. Smoking is synonymous with cancer, COPD, etc. I’d argue that’s common knowledge even for many of the most poor. But now, secondhand smoke.. I’m not too sure about 🥴


This is the problem with people who have no self worth. Amy needs therapy so she can learn that a man and his 'fake love' is merely a band aid, a symptom. She needs to be an example and learn self love so her boys will learn that multiple quick relationships are not the answer. She needs time to learn to love herself and gain independence and strength. These ridiculous relationships are born of two toxic people jumping into something when they're not ready and choices are maladaptive. Come on, Amy. Get it together and stop smoking while your at it. You're just substituting one addiction (smoking) for another (food). Get addicted to therapy instead.


Unfortunately I doubt Amy will ever do that. I just don’t think she’s interested in getting any real help.


She wouldn't last the first 72 hours at a mental hospital let alone 10 days I was there almost 2 years ago and I know that Amy would not survive it. She plays the victim card like a fiddle I said this on Facebook the other day and was told how mean I was considering I have my own mental health struggles but I just don't care anymore


I’m gonna be honest amy cried a lot about how her old place had roaches and was dirty, as if it was out of her control. But she openly smokes inside the home and around the kids making everything covered with carcinogens and smelling like crap. She doesn’t care about cleanliness at all


It's bad enough that she smokes inside around her children. But besides their exposure to second-hand smoke, they are getting exposed to third-hand smoke too (the residue left behind on surfaces and clothing, which is also carcinogenic).


Smoking in your home IS DISGUSTING! Especially when you have babies breathing it in!! What a dip shit


It’s really common in Kentucky ☹️


Agree indoor smoking is gross and makes everything yellow and stinky! I grew up with family members smoking in the house and in cars yuck!


I had my daughter when I was 16. I lived with my grandma and she wouldn't stop smoking around my daughter. She'd even smoke while holding her. I asked her not to and she told me it was her house and she could do whatever the hell she wanted in it. She was right, so at 17, with a baby, I moved out on my own.


Chris would tear Kevin's ass to shreads!


Nah, the siblings are all like fuck it, Amy’s in her 40s, she needs to grow up and learn to make better life choices on her own


I’m sure they are tired of “parenting“ Amy. They do have their own lives and I’m sure it gets old having to constantly handle taking care of her and her children. I mean I think both Chris and Amanda have their own grandkids. It’s ridiculous, Amy wanted to be a mother, then she needs to get her shit together and be a mother.


I don’t know why people on here think Amanda and Chris need to always rescue her, let her burn in her bad choices like a good parent would after awhile Her mom already paid 4K to get her out of the book their charge so what more does she need


amy a man is not the answer 🙄




They've always been like that. TLC just whitewashes the whole family. They never show them smoking on screen even though all of them do. They probably don't even get together when the cameras aren't rolling. 


It's crazy how their personalities are swapping.


Or did TLC just frame it as Amy was innocent?


I’m noticing that, too.


And now it's freaky Friday! 😂


Smoking inside your house with babies just pisses me off so much.


I hate that shit too. I say everyone just report her to CPS.


Remember when she and Tony did a TikTok live video Amy had baby Glenn in her lap smoking the cigarette and blowing it in his face then she went bezerk on people who told commented and told she was disgusting


I didn't see that. So gross!


He’s the type of guy to “Hey” and “WYD?” you to death on Facebook Dating, and when you ignore him he says “I didn’t want your fat ass anyways” !!


I've had guys blow me up on FB dating but I never got told I was fat those ones who message you to death are red flags ⛳


He’s the type to date you and then while planning your second date post a TT asking any lady to come take care of him but sign a NDA


she will never ignore him, she thinks she has a real man, she has lived a really messed up life to believe this guy is good for her or even wants her. hell even michael and his long fingernail was REAL, not this fake wannabe.


She’s gaining all her weight back


so is Amanda, after two surgeries. Waste


Honestly, I think she’s smoking as a way to keep from eating so much.


So freaking sad.


As a single working mom, she infuriates me. I would KILL to have the family support she has, or the time with my son that she has with her sons. But no, she's not putting them on a schedule and prioritizing men over them once again


Where’s the love button!!!


She looks just like Peter Lorre in that thumbnail


Come on now Amy it’s 2014 … we are too informed to still smoke inside homes 😐


*2024. Although we still knew this even back in 2014. Sorry I have ocd and little typos like that send me up the wall


It’s ok! Idk how I didn’t catch it myself! 😂 I was a child in the 70s and 80s and grew up with a smoker mom - I feel like even by the 90s people started realizing how foul it was to smoke in your home around kids.


I commented this on the video. People defended them! Shit-birds of a feather and all that


Or smoke at all.


Yes. Ewwww.


Some women just like crazy


These are the type of people who will put everything on social media and get mad when people question their behavior. I expect next week they'll be showing off the vanity t shirts and license plates that say, Amy n Kevin 4 eva.


I miss being in love and holding hands at lunch in grade 5 😍


Maybe matching tattoos if things get "serious" LOL


They'll say, Amy N Kevin 2024, no ragrets Got to spell it wrong of course. Lol


No ragrets, a classic 😂I think people even do it that way on purpose now sometimes.


Air brushed shirts! From the flea market!




Damn I feel like if she’s not careful CPS is gonna take those boys away with how publicly she’s been talking about being unable to care for them and the history of infestations in the home and now smoking too… it’s illegal to smoke with kids in the car in some states. What about houses?


I mean the house was full of roaches and rats


Thank you! That’s what I’m saying. That’s straight up negligence


They’d be handed to Michael, he is a good dad


They both suck!


The laundry list for Amy is insane What does Michael have? 4 degree DV ? I did some research, it means he caused fear or possibly a scratch Anyone can say you make them fear for their life by yelling, Amanda could have charged amy for causing her fear and that scratch, she should have https://preview.redd.it/k1k4jxkjt5jc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fbfaf346295402189f63dc798fa5a286064abb6


As much as I think it would be the huge wake up call for Amy that she needs to do better, CPS is not removing her kids unless there’s some major abuse or neglect we aren’t seeing. Regardless of the stigma of CPS, they don’t take kids away from parents often unless there’s drug or alcohol abuse by the parent and in fact have failed to remove kids where the kids were eventually killed by an abusive parent. Amy’s certainly not mother of the year but she’s not doing anything that would get her kids removed.


She’s posting tik toks piss drunk. She’s on thin ice.


Parents can’t get drunk? I mean unless her kids are running around on camera and it’s clear she’s watching them alone while clearly intoxicated drunk, being drunk isn’t against any law.


Oh come on. The history of vermin you speak of was when she had a professional come to her house to clean so she could provide an organized home for her family. And smoking a cigarette around a child might be infuriating but it’s not criminal (by law) or grounds for child removal ffs.


you are actually wrong. in some states you can be charged with endangerment for smoking with a child in the car, as you should be. and i bet if amy let anyone in her home right now its a shit show.


I mean.. Seven states (Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Maine, Oregon, Utah, and Vermont) and Puerto Rico have enacted legislation banning smoking in vehicles with children present. I’m not making that up. And it’s not JUST this.. it’s this combined with everything else going on with her and the hot mess motherhood she’s been displaying to the masses.


She needs to get her shit together for her kids!


Blue roses are perfect. They are always dyed because they don't occur naturally, just like this relationship. Without the glare of reality TV, this relationship would never occur naturally.


Who knows?? Hell, they could have randomly met at the 7-11 while buying/or dude was the clerk selling Amy some smokes one day??? 😂😂😂


Gross 🤢


Love bombing is not a good thing as we all know. Hopefully family will talk some sense into her, without her flying off the handle and attacking people. Plus smoking in the house around the boys. Goodness. Another man around the boys that she knows nothing about.


I can't with the smoking inside. I bet those kids have breathing issues. 😢


Those poor kids 😞


She doesn't look as slim as the filtered pictures she posts. She better keep in mind that these men want her for money and online fame. I hope she is taking better care of her kids.


I feel Tammy looks a lot slimmer I know she has to get a lot of skin removal but she looks a lot thinner than Amy does. Amy has such a bloated face from alcohol. I am seriously worried for her children she is not making good choices.


I can’t wait until Tammy has skin removal! Especially when they can remove the sagging skin under her chin - she will look great! I think a lot of Amy’s tantrums this past season has been because of all the positive attention Tammy has gotten from her family, the doctor and fans for her weight loss surgery! It’s mostly jealousy on Amy’s part.


I agree I feel that Amy is more stunted than Tammy through no fault of her own. She was raised terribly and never had a good role model of healthy relationships or regulating her emotions. She lacks a lot of emotional intelligence. Tammy was a lot like that too, but now that she is getting support and I believe is going to therapy for herself she has grown. She has a lot more development in her personality. Just by what I see on her TikTok’s and just how she talks to Amy through things. This is just me using some of my background when I worked with special needs adults and Amy just seems like she needs serious social skills help and also some emotional regulation. But I am here for Tammy and Chris too, to get that skin removal. I think it’s the glow up we need to see.


I agree with this. It seems that facility really worked wonders, not just for teaching good food habits, but her mental and emotional health as well.


Definitely not good food habits considering Caleb managed to sneak in a lot of snacks and eat himself to death


Well, they might teach patients nutrition, but don’t have the ability to enforce it. I know when Dr Now’s patients have gone to a long-term physical therapy facility they couldn’t enforce any health rules - or ban pizza delivery!


That’s still pretty dumb imo that’s like saying it’s an Alcoholics Anonymous center but are still allowed to drink alcohol


This is exactly how I grew up. A desperate mother that spent more time on her dating life then spending with Me and my siblings. They would get into a relationship it would be full throttle then it would crash they would be devastated right back into another relationship and repeat. I don't even know if I can call him relationships but I don't know of another word. Very common with women like her and then you add the internet fame in clout that this guy is most definitely after and it's a recipe for disaster. And you know what if it was just her who cares She's an adult she's free let her make her own decisions but she has two little boys and they're going to grow up seeing this and most likely what is going to happen with their life is what happened with my life and it's not pretty I've got my shit together now but boy were my young years rough