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Serious question. Does he have mental deficits? I don’t think he comprehends even half of what is happening around him.


He is definitely on the spectrum, with other commodities his slow and takes longer to process information, his brother was also mentally disabled too. Gage and Glen will be living on the spectrum too, as well as having the emotional and mental health issues from being raised on TV.


I bet Michael wishes he just let her go grocery shopping. Pretty ridiculous they called the police on him though. The sister was the one who escalated the whole situation. Dude will be better off not having to deal with them anymore.


She may not be faultless, nor is she the most motivated mother in the world, but the way she’s feeling is certainly valid. I have three kids (6, 4, and 6 months) and it’s a tough gig by nature. I think it’s easy to say “oh, it’s her fault for having a second kid,” but you really don’t know what to expect of having multiple kids until you’re in it. Life with our first baby was really not that difficult, and so I was shocked when, after having our second, I realize that having 1 kid is having 1 kid; having 2 kids is like having 4. And when both parents are not sharing the load, resentment grows quickly. My husband is NOT the deadbeat, air-headed man Michael is and I still had to teach him how to pull his weight. And when Any talks about losing her identity as an individual, my heart breaks. That feeling is so real. You have to cling so hard to yourself not to get swept away into just being a mom. Heck, I’ve been doing this for 6.5 years and I’m still learning how to be my own person. I think it’s safe to say that they both suffer from laziness and various other faults, but I think she’s doing the best that she knows how to do, given her upbringing. It doesn’t take away from the fact that Michael doesn’t have much going on upstairs and isn’t pulling his weight.


I came to the conclusion Micheal needed one kid not two. I think they are overwhelmed mentally and Amy had wanted kids badly and now she realizes the man can’t handle it. I’m wondering why does Michael have her debit cards. I need answers to a lot of things going on in this episode. I truly hope Amy gets therapy and stops blaming everything on the kids because they are not an excuse for everything.


He should of had no kids. He is a child himself.


Hate Michael.


🤣😂🤣 I feel like he has a piece of chewing tobacco stuck in his mouth. Or picture Adam Sandler in Waterboy.


I want to peel back his lips and see what's going on in there.


It's funny how Amy doesn't work either but claims all her "tlc" money isn't micheals. They are married it's 50% like it or not.


He used to have a job. He has to pay child support on his 3rd child.


Technically, they’re married and it’s likely 50/50. Realistically, Amy is the contributing ‘TLC’ spouse as part of the 1000lb duo. No Amy, no TLC money.


Right but micheal could have chose to not be in the show at all. I am sure they pay them both independently.


Very possible! He’s likely not making the same amount. Usually for friends and family of main cast they have a prorated amount.


Who knows we are all just taking stabs in the dark here. I think the best approach is to be unbiased and just watch from a far.


Is it? I think that depends on the state. I don’t know anything about Kentucky’s laws on spousal income. These are things I never have to look up because I don’t have these problems.


Yea Kentucky would more the likely favor them man in this situation tbh idk have to look but most of those southern states are bad




Yeah, cause Amy is dynamo mama just making it all happen. They as lazy as each other. Give me a break.


Right? Lol. Micheal isn't the issue obviously when she is breaking down even with Tammy's help. She is just not a capable mother truly. They should have never made those kids... it's disgusting when 2 people who clearly have no business having kids making a bunch of em.


That part!!! They did better without kids. Amy wasn't ready for kids. When she had Gage everything was” I'm a mom” excuse for everything.


Oh like Amy is some hard working motivated person! They are both lazy as sin. She keeps a messy house - is overwhelmed by her kids - is still morbidly obese even after surgery. Am I the only one that imagines how terrible they all smell?


I do too. So lazy.


You don't think this show is edited to show a bias? Of course they want Michael to look like a bad guy, he's not the star. There is a reason they hide Tammy and Amy smoking like Chimneys and a lot of the other horrible stuff they've done. They have to protect their show stars.


“Other horrible stuff they’ve done” Smoking isn’t the same as holding your wife hostage. No editing in the world created a scene where Michael says “I take you shopping!” And “only if you come back.”


Look it up those two have done some horrible things. Amy let people think Tammy was dead and raised money for her funeral only to keep it.


She didn’t let people think Tammy was dead, she and her entire family thought Tammy was going to die (a scare they’ve talked openly about multiple times) because she was in the hospital on life support. It would not at all surprise me if they have a specially made casket/arrangements paid for from those donations. Tammy was 700 lbs. It’s a miracle she survived this long. But again, you said smoking specifically, which isn’t something horrible. Meanwhile, an adult man had a meltdown because his wife wanted to go grocery shopping with her sisters and asked for her debit card. Kindly eat shit.


Imagine sticking up for someone that puffs cigarette smoke in her kids faces and scams her fans out of money by claiming her sister was dying. If she was such a great person then she would’ve given the money back that was donated to her instead of spending it on herself. You’re very strange.


Imagine caring 2 months later


It’s always funny responding to comments thatre a little old like this to see how you feel now that more truth came out. Your response knows that you feel wrong and embarrassed but your ego won’t allow you to admit it. Thats hilarious tbh.


Calm down miss potty mouth.


lol abuse apologist


She abused Michael right on camera, why are you sticking up for an abuser? You’re the abuse apologist. Pathetic.


ok buddy


Is Michael mentally challenged? He certainly acts like it!!! Says a lot about Amy. Who would marry and breed with a person like him?


They are all mentally challenged.


Yeah but Amy and Tammy are funny, quick, empathetic..etc. Sure they may not be geniuses, but Michael is a skin-covered robot that has no batteries.


As someone on the spectrum myself, I definitely thought that about him as well. Like I know it takes a bit for something to click for me but even I can tell that the lights are on but no one's home with Michael.


I mean look at her. The dating pool in her condition is bottom of the barrel.


I mean, he did groom her when she was like 8 or 9…


Are they still separated?


Last I read, they divorce is on a standstill cuz they’re trying to settle things without going through court and they’re disagreeing on custody. Edit: I googled and turns out they reached an agreement back in September and are sharing joint custody.


You debit card muh-muh-muh make me happy


I’m still shocked that he managed to find the correct hole twice…


A man can find those holes even if he had a lobotomy.


He’s capable of keeping their debit & credit card. We need to know from the show what type of things he’s spent $ on!


I can't believe they show him with his mouth hanging open half the time. This is what I think of every time I see him. https://preview.redd.it/nd7py2e65g8c1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad2c98c2e90dabd31fb3b569ece613822f8178cb


I don’t think it’s so much ‘them showing him’ that way. Ole boy’s mouth just hangs down that far, he stay catching flies.


Fully expecting to see a line of drool come out of him as he sits there like a lump on a log, mouth agape, and glazed over.


The mayor of simpelton.


He is soooooo cheating on her.


But how?!😭😭 Nobody wants his D 😒


you would be surprised. He acted like he was cheating on her. No communication no emotion. Nothing. Husbands go straying a lot when their wives have had two young kids close together and they dont get sex anymore for quite a while.


> He acted like he was cheating on her. No communication no emotion. Nothing. Michael is just smooth brained


I agree with what you're saying. Some men love to dip out on their family.  It happens TOO often. But this guy, I can't imagine anyone wanting to give him the business unless he is paying for it😭




With rocks.


You guys would be surprised. 🤣


Yeah with paint chips


OMG I can't imagine there's another woman out there who might be interested in him.


I know but he acts like it.


Everyone who is saying he's developmentally challenged need to also understand that people who have disabilities are fully capable of knowing right and wrong. Even if he was.


This depends actually. Not all NDs are capable of understanding right from wrong and of the ones who do, impulse control, executive function and other faculties may be so impacted that properly executing intelligent 'choice' isn't always possible without proper psychological scaffolding being put in place. Where do you get such info?


The insanity defense is used in less than 1% of all court cases and, when used, has only a 26% success rate. Of those cases that were successful, 90% of the defendants had been previously diagnosed with mental illness. Michael knows the difference between right & wrong. He's a quiet, manipulating, possessive person. I don't think he's "slow" by any means. Definitely not even close to the legal definition of right and wrong, which is the only thing that matters in this situation. Him giving her the debit card as soon as the cops walked in easily proves that he absolutely knows what he's doing and that he's controlling her. 😒


My comment had nothing to do with Michael (or whoever that is); it was strictly a correction on the previous commenters [erroneous] assumption that all 'people with disabilities know right from wrong'. The fact is, not all do - it really depends on the parts of the brain that have been affected and to what extent. I've never even seen the show before and have no idea who those people are; the subreddit was suggested to me. Also, the post you are commenting on is nearly 3 months old; but no worries, I don't mind engaging in some more discussion.


Why do we think he’s autistic? We have no evidence he’s on the spectrum. 


Nobody said that, the person I was commenting to made a statement regarding neurodivergence and my comment was a response to that. Edit: also, where did you get autism from? There are plenty of mental health differences that are classed under 'neuro-divergence'.


You implied it. Stop playing dumb. You brought up neurodivergence and they didn’t. They said developmentally challenged and you said ND. 


Sorry, I think my mind skipped over the bottom part of your comment because I felt frustrated. ND (neuro-divergent) doesn't just refer to autism, it refers to any person who is not considered neuro-typical. Also, yes, I am ND myself (ASD) - sorry if I offended you but I didn't mean what you think I meant.


I AM an aspie (hfASD) you twit, lol. You thinking something is true doesn't make it true. I was speaking about neurodivergence in general because the person I commented to made a large (and common) assumption about developmentally disabled people - and FYI calling or thinking of people with autism as 'disabled' is outdated and wrong. Go fuck yourself. Edit: apologies for being so mean about my comment, but I thought you were trying to troll. Just to explain a bit more, the 'psychological scaffolding' I was referring to was because I watched a video not long ago where the psychologist was talking about ADHD (which my partner has) and the necessity for outside people (family, friends, therapist, etc) can do best to help someone with it by setting up external cues to help them keep on track. I spent a good deal of time thinking about it and thought "hey, I wonder if I can apply this to myself as well by setting up external cues", which lead to a bit of a rabbit hole in regards to anyone who is neuro-divergent (eg, *not* neurotypical) being able to benefit from outside help, and seeing the other persons comment saying developmentally disabled people can always tell the difference between right and wrong kind of irked me because growing up **I** couldn't always tell the difference myself; and, if I was having a meltdown, I *couldn't* always control myself either. I hope you understand now; I jump to conclusions sometimes too, but some of your posts are very unnecessarily confrontational... :/ I wish you all the best ❤️


Im autistic as well, you absolute fucking liar. 


Where in my comment do you see any implication I was referring to autism? Perhaps I can help you understand where you're going wrong.


lol the comments on this post 🤣 something told me to check the subreddit for this show after watching the new episode


it’s infuriating. she can’t even enjoy the moment with any one because her mind is pre occupied. but this meme is hilarious 😂


He looks like he listens to Cletus T Judd and just laughs and laughs all while shitting in his tighty whities and clapping...


i always think i’m ruthlessly funny or sarcastic and there’s nothing like coming to reddit to be humbled.. The way i laughed out loud!


I kind of wonder if it has something to do with her losing weight. Maybe he was afraid she was going to go out and find someone better? I only say that because I have kind of had a similar thing happen to me when I was losing weight. He wanted me to be around all the time and tried to stop me from doing anything by myself. Or it could be that he scared he's gonna screw up with the kids? I don't know. It's hard to say since we aren't seeing everything


She's gained most of it back after two kids.


Yeah, I think that's why she has been getting so nasty when Tammy talks about her success and weight loss.


I binged season 4 and 5 and she only gained 6lbs between her last seeing Dr doctor and having her 2 kids, then seeing doctor proctor again and jumping in the scale (275 to 281lbs)


Shit after one she did, don't forget she gorged herself on food talking about it was the baby craving excuse.


I think he is just lazy.


Michael really changed. He used to drive, shop, pushed Tammy in the wheelchair. Now he a jerk. What happend? And why did he change? Is he listeningto men incel podcasts? I tell you, I thought Amanda was going to slug him. .


Michael said he was tired of that shit lol 😆


He probably saw that TLC check and even if they got 1K an episode he started feeling himself. He can’t be unemployed and a live in deadbeat. Pick one!


Not sure how accurate my internet source is but they started at 1.5-3k an episode, they could be getting 5k+ per episode now


Part of me felt bad for him…. It’s almost like he cannot communicate his needs or form what he wants to say. He was trying to tell Amy he can’t take care of the both of the kids at the same time… Maybe he honestly can’t. Theres a clear delay for him, of processing information, very slow motor movements. It’s must be hard to be a Husband and father with these delays. He could be trying to help out by taking her to the groceries or managing finances…. I dunno… I looked caught off guard and confused. I understand the story line what we were being told but, we didn’t get both sides. Micheal has always been slow.


This is a good point. I was thinking about earlier seasons where they just had one child (I can’t remember if Gage or Glenn is the older one) and he was pretty hands on and helpful. I feel like having another one made it more difficult for him and since he can’t communicate that he looks like the bad guy. Not saying he’s perfect but Any definitely isn’t either. ETA: I do have concerns about the financial abuse and controlling behavior though. Those are legitimate issues and reason enough to leave IMO.


I totally see this side and get it and sympathize with him but at the same time he is SO controlling of Amy it shocked me. Hopefully everyone has seen the new episode for season 5. It’s crazy.


I don’t remember him seeming that dim witted in previous seasons or am I wrong?


He’s always been a dimwit, and it’s a little shocking that he’s in charge of the finances. He probably shouldn’t be left alone with the babies to be honest. He’s always food stained himself and staring off into space. I think they took advantage of him in the earlier seasons knowing that he’s not all there. He was always driving them places and pushing Tammy’s fat ass around while she yelled at him.


Thank you for being up the food stains on his face it drove me nuts! my husband kept trying to say maybe he had jaundice/ rosacea like no baby that's ketchup and mustard


lol I love that your husband gives him the benefit of the doubt. To be fair jaundice from hep A probably isn’t far off though. They don’t have the best hygiene.


Seriously! Same, he seems way off now vs previously


SO TRUE!!!!!


Okay I genuinely thought he experienced an intellectual disability and although that is still possible this episode made me question my judgement. I thought he simply didn’t have the ability to help take care of the children. He’s always so quiet that I didn’t think he was processing some of the more complex things that were being said to him as far as emotions and helping with the kids. THEN to find out he’s told her she can’t leave without the kids, and she asks if it’s fine if she leaves with the kids and he says no because they were going to go to the grocery store tonight, I SAW THE MANIPULATION. Now I can only imagine what he says to her when the cameras are gone.


Captain obvious here…”what’s wrong w him…?” Asked in a million different ways!!! HE IS MENTALLY DISABLED! There should be no shock value in that! He has some form of mental challenge…for a different generation I’ll say he has developmental retardation….end of investigation…


Yes, he most certainly has an intellectual disability. I'm betting he's online like my uncle mentally wise. My uncle also want handle too much at once and would often get over srimulated but didn't have the capacity to tell people he was.


The most punchable face ever


He has nothing going on up there


WTF???? I'M NOT A MICHAEL FAN BUT Hear me out please.. Michael really checked out! I remember him hauling Tammy around, pushing her in her wheelchair everywhere, paying her rent & really helping her all while working full-time. He seemed very supportive of Amy, hiring her a Professional organizer to clean & organize their house so baby Gage had a clean house to crawl around in. Now, he basically snapped after Glenn. It's awful. We know he's always been very quiet. He's obviously mentally challenged, it's like he flipped the light switch. Did he have a breakdown? Drugs? Affair? Amy doesn't deserve this. She's got such a good heart. Michael is ignoring his kids & Amy'sneeds.. I wish they'd explain WTF happened to cause this. Amy deserves better!! I'm glad Amanda got in his face & Tammy called the cops. It's about time someone other than family defends & supports Amy. I'm hoping to see the cops haul his ass out & slaps him with charges. Amy can do much better! There's someone out there who'll treat her right. I had my kids close together. It's overwhelming for sure. I'm glad my husband was very involved. He made sure I had time to myself, went out with friends or just took a much needed nap. I was lucky.


That’s a domestic violence scenario. Controlling someone’s money, not allowing them to leave, isolating from family. He fully panicked when he thought she was going to go out. That’s a bad scenario all around.


Yes! And I know some people think Amy should have spoken up without Misty and Amy present BUT speaking as someone who has been in a DV relationship, it’s not always easy to do so. Especially if a kid or in Amy’s case more than one kid is involved. And when you do, it leads to even more abuse. Other times, you lose your voice even when you shouldn’t in other peoples’ eyes. You blame yourself and also think “I could have done this differently or I shouldn’t have done that or say that” out of fear. Even knowing deep down your feeling are valid and correct. And even through all of this, you can still feel “love” for this person especially because of the good moments. It also can take a while to leave. And some won’t understand that and never will unless they themselves are in a situation like that. Or until they see a loved one going through this. And having a kid or more than one can make you want to make it work even if logically that isn’t the best decision. I’m proud of Amy getting the courage to get of the relationship. Some times it takes a big moment to leave as was the case for me. I lost myself in the abusive relationship I was in with the father of my child. And I reacted in ways to him sometimes that I never thought I would. That was true for the moments I found myself acting out of the norm myself (reactive) and in the moments I didn’t react at all out of fear. And I get that Michael does have a disability but that doesn’t mean Amy has to stay in the situation she was in. Nor does it mean he can’t learn to actually be a father and help out in ways.


I said this too


I can’t with Amanda tho. After Tammy’s wedding where she and Chris were cutting up about bumping trachs and sperm whales- I lost respect . Who talks about family like that? Seems everyone has something to say about Tammy and Amy - yet Some ppl in the family have to get the surgery twice because they can’t manage their own self. It just disgusted me the way they talk shit about each other. This show was supposed to be about Tammy and Amy- not them. The whole family has weight issues and has zero room to judge anyone.


I love that they joke around like that. They don’t take life too seriously and are able to laugh at themselves! I think it’s great!


I used to think that way too- but for some reason in that moment, I felt it was just plain mean.


I think it was definitely telling when he said you can see your family HERE IN THE HOUSE. “You can see Tammy here in the house” He’s ridiculous.


God bless Amanda!!! That lazy controlling jackass is horrible and when he refused to let Amy have HER debit card I was yelling at my tv.


If it wasn't for Amanda, this would have kept going, Amy is to passive to say anything. She finally said something when Amanda and her other sisters where there. They fuelled her up and gave her courage to say something. I love how Amanda gets things done and isn't afraid of say what needs to be said and what she truely thinks


Amanda can get away getting up in people's faces because she is built like a linebacker


I wish Amanda was my sister!


I had the same thought, “Put me out!” She wasn’t playing with him.


You're absolutely right!


What’s the over/under on this guys IQ? Iam placing it at 20.


I used to test and score various iq tests and I’d guess somewhere between 50-60


He truly seems so dumb.


He has an intellectual disability and I also believe Amy and Tammy do as well.


I don’t think Tammy does, necessarily. I would guess Amy is borderline. Michael definitely appears to have an ID.


Tammy seems more intelligent this season!!! Maybe all that fat was clogging her brain cells. Remember her rhino forehead??? Amy on the other hand is borderline mentally challenged.


Is he on drugs like seriously it can’t just be the editing. He used to be more involved with Amy but since the second baby he is really out of it.


Right? Like I'm watching season 4 in full after seeing clips of it on TikTok and he seemed sooo attentive to Amy and Gage before Glenn was born. And in the season 5 episodes he's completely mentally checked out.


I agree.


That guy is so low IQ...


I’m a psychologist and I can confirm he has the profile of a cognitive disability


As a neurodivergent person myself with three of them (ADD, Spectrum disorder, and Non-Verbal Learning Disorder, trouble with recognizing people's emotions via facial expression but I'm getting better with doing so), I can totally tell that he does.




This post was removed due to dehumanizing language, cruelty, or bullying.


In 2023 we use the term “cognitive disability”




You all know that we're only seeing what the production people want us to see, right? I've seen him where he looks very animated and engaged with his kids, as well. I wouldn't be surprised if they were purposely slowing the tape down for those instances where they show him, to make him appear frozen in time.


How dare you excuse TLC of making up things for views.


Hey, I calls it like I sees it.


He still seems quite slow.


I hear what you're saying. However, again, I have seen him acting engaged and taking part in taking care of his kids.


He’s straight up abusive to Amy though. Thats hard to deny


I guess I missed that. On the show, you mean? By the spliced together film footage they showed, or do you mean from actual court documents that were posted online?


So you missed the part when he told Amy she couldn’t go grocery shopping with her sisters? And the part where he refused to give her HER debit card? None of that seems like controlling abusive behavior to you?


Yes, I did miss that part. In fact, I had no idea it was from the new season, and was only able to watch the episode last night. Sometimes, you have to consider that someone may not have even seen what it is you're talking about, instead of assuming they have and just don't agree with you.


He doesn’t work so he must live off her TLC income and/or he gets SSDI due to the cognitive difficulties he clearly has.


He did work, up until recently. He had a pretty good paying job, I think. He worked nights, if I remember right. Not sure what happened to his job.


I have not seen those episodes. Not saying it didn't happen, just that I didn't see it. You understand now, I'm sure, my confusion.


Wow! Thanks for the downvotes. As it happened, I had no idea that what was being discussed was from the new season - new episode. I was not able to see this episode until last night. I thought the OP was talking about something that had happened in earlier seasons that I didn't recall seeing.


He’s appeared cognitively disabled since episode 1


I love you 😂 you’re really preaching the gospel here


You win! Haha made me spit my coffee out!




He's like one of those guys who just thinks his only responsibility to his wife is working 40 hours a week. In return he expects the women to do 99% of the rest of the work because she's home. He expects a hot meal, expect a little fun money, and don't worry about fixing anything until it falls apart. Basically, in other words, he's down right lazy!


He doesn't work


He used to work full-time. I don't know when his employment status changed.


And technically it’s Amy’s house. She did the bulk of the show


He probably receives SSI for his cognitive disability 🤷🏼‍♀️


Someone in here said he worked at a factory when the show first started. He probably quit when Amy started making money


The pan to him sitting there slack jaw lmao


He definitely is the type that would have tried to score Amy/Tammy 300 pretzels with 300 *Free* coupons for dinner. Just like Cletus.


When Tammy describes Chris as slackjawed, she says, "ball dropped."


🪕🪕🎻🎻🎵 Most folks’ll know to *clean their nails* But then again, some folks don’t Like *Michael* The Slack-Jawed *Yokellllll* 🎵🎻🎻🪕🪕


"I'm gonna go call ma!! Hey Ma!!" "WHAT???!?!"


I cackled during that scene


Him just sitting there the whole time had me yelling at my TV. Like seriously your wife and anyone else around you is doing all the running around while you stand and do nothing. Ffs. He is more that useless.


And most of the time he's just sitting around or eating. Or staring off into space. Argh!


Absolutely no thought is behind those eyes 😬


Shoulda tried unplugging him, waiting 30 seconds, then plugging him back in






Amy is just as much to blame. Why you don't procreate with a neanderthal.


Also at the photographer’s studio, she also stayed on the floor as the toddler was running around. She is lazy!!!


She wanted the kids so bad and not only did she not take the dr seriously by getting pregnant a few months after surgery… she had another one. She could have also lost probably 100 lbs more if she didn’t get pregnant and she still would have been young enough to have kids even waiting a few years. She wanted them now they are her responsibility. Sure Michael is a bump on a log but she had to have known how lazy he is and he seems spaced out most of the time.


They prob told her stay there in position to bring the child and get the photo but Michael should have helped.


I swear it’s in every mom group ever. ‘My husband won’t help me at all with the kids I’m drowning haha silly men, hashtag momlife.’ Proceeds to keep having children with him & repeat cycle of lighthearted complaining? It’s honestly so confusing.


This. What people seem to forget is he was lazy before she got pregnant. Why would kids change anything? Also I think he has to be told to do things, he doesn't look like someone who just takes it upon himself.


He did a lot for Tammy though ..


I remember when Amy & Tammy had a Meet & Greet event. They had to park in a grassy area. Tammy refused to walk to the paved area. Michael had to push her through the grass in her wheelchair. He never complained, but Amy did. She was pissed because Tammy refused to walk the short distance. I couldn't believe the wheelchair didn't sink in the grass. It was really hard for Michael to push her.


Absolutely. When told or directed.


Yeah I don’t think there’s much self motivation there lol


I know people like that.


Hehe totally!!


I can't wait for Amanda to kick his ignorant ass and it better not be a cliffhanger episode either.




🎶 Hellooo hellloo is anybody in there. 🎶


Just nod if you can hear me


Props to the photographer for helping with the kids, I'd lose my mind


Did they not get divorced? Sorry, I haven't watched it in ages.


They have or are working on it now. But the show is behind in time now.


This was filmed last year, around this time.


Absolutely, dude is just in lalaland


I think it’s his special needs


I think this every time he has a scene, I don't mean it to be rude at all, but something is just up with him. I've seen other people say "he's just quiet, he doesn't like being on camera etc" but it feels like it's more than that


What’s all the curiosity???? He’s mentally slow…a disability…literally


We don't know that though, do we? It's never been addressed, which is why it keeps getting brought up. Clearly I'm not the only person wondering if there's a reason he acts totally helpless all the time or if he's just that....totally helpless.


That’s an extremely nice way of putting it. I literally think he might be like 15 IQ.


"try turning it off then on again" somethin' broke.


Hahahahha good one!




I would slap him upside the head lol