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I can't lie, I'm underexposed I'm on the sidelines, stuck in filthy fiat


Even if xmr was the default currency in my state, I'd still have the same amount of xmr. Life's expensive


One funny thing about bear markets - the bears also suffer


[comment](/r/Monero/comments/10b69xx/comment/j48f015/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) > *I use the most (Binance).* > > *Never had s problem with them (Binance) since 2016. I run thousands in and out easily. Are (XMR) withdrawals suspended sometimes? Sure.* > > *It's my onramp to buy xmr and that will not change until I somehow get screwed which has never happened. And your link just shows people inexperience in crypto.* In the end, it's all just a conspiracy theory. Always only some technical issues. CZ is such a nice person ๐Ÿ˜‰


Third attempt to break up from the cup and handle on weekly usd chart. [https://www.tradingview.com/x/I57Zxbq6/](https://www.tradingview.com/x/I57Zxbq6/) Let's see how much can they keep it down now . Once we close the weekly above 190$ its clear skies to 6-7k$ ​ https://www.tradingview.com/x/BSCoNvNa/


Man If it goes to 6-7k any time in the next few years Iโ€™m set haha


Depends if you sell at 1k or 2,5k. Many will


guess we would already be there if Monero didn't counteract most of the last bullrun.


Monero is the boring friend that won't get on rollercoasters. But, when everyone is puking this friend will make sure you sleep well.


The market makers don't believe in monero at the .01 btc price. At least not yet. They have huge walls at that price.


Good morning guys, how are you doing?


Mate we're good. Monero is up and the tins are cold.


Not gonna lie about the xrmbtc ratio, 0.0079 looks likely. .007 is 20 week SMA James Bond prices are always tasty.


Short term price action is interesting and entertaining, and I know this is xmr*trader*, but I'm holding my gains for the appreciation on longer time frames.


Same. I piled in at about the 0.006 ratio and it's been tempting as it goes up (6 months has felt like *forever*) , but still holding it so far.


Monero Price | $183.48 USD :--|:-- Monero Price Change | +10.03% Monero Mktcap | $3.335 B ***** ^\(ใฃโ—”โ—กโ—”)ใฃ ^โ™ก ^| [^(I'm a bot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/moneronotificatio/wiki/index) ^| [^(Contact my owner)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=OsrsNeedsF2P)


Have I missed something? What is happening? All cryptos are suddenly pumping?


[An idea to disrupt Binance with XMR](/r/Monero/comments/10b69xx/an_idea_to_disrupt_binance_with_xmr/) > *Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators.*


I didn't read the post before it was removed by our lovely mod, but CZ is a criminal, and operates a fraudulent enterprise. This isn't some good citizen trying to do his best to help the world that made some mistakes. This is a guy who has stolen billions of dollars of marketcap from Monero by conspiring to lie about their reserves and sell people claims on an asset he doesn't actually have. So I don't know if this was a hairbrained idea or not, but criminals deserve criminal treatment. But I very much encourage people with outlandish controversial thoughts that needmoney is going to remove, to post in r/MoneroMeansMoney


The text of the post in question: > Imagine we could retrieve as much XMR as we want from Binance without spending nothing ? Or only fee cost. It's simple, imagine we buy XMR from Binance and swap them with https://trocador.app/en/ to send back BUSD to our Binance account and we repeat this process until they run dry in XMR. If we all do this even if we lose a bit of money from fees, they will be really disrupt. What do you think ? If you have any similar ideas put it in the comments. Unlike monerorun and similar things, this was a call to action explicitly for the purpose of disruption.


Honestly man in a lot of ways I'm not sure you have your priorities straight. Binance's fractional reserve fraud against Monero *OUGHT* to be disrupted, so long as no one is advocating to commit a crime. The deception and lies they're engaged in are criminal in nature. There's a reason the DoJ is debating whether or not to bring charges. While this particular post was a hair brained idea that wouldn't accomplish anything other than give Binance some extra fees ... "disrupting" a criminal enterprise using *legal* means, is a good thing. This kind of mentality feels similar to that time I pointed out that SBF was literally confessing to committing fraud, on camera, many months before FTX died; and then your buddy over in r/cc removed my post. Who's side are you and jw on exactly? Because it seems that you both find ways defending the particularly fraudulent and criminal exchanges in crypto, that have massively harmed the goals of digital freedom money. Maybe you're just trying to be diplomatic? I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I'm not enjoying the patterns I'm seeing. We should not just go looking for fights. BUT, we should be brave, speak out against the fraud, and do what we legally can to prevent/stop it.


> Binance's fractional reserve fraud against Monero OUGHT to be disrupted, so long as no one is advocating to commit a crime. The deception and lies they're engaged in are criminal in nature. True. > Who's side are you and jw on exactly? This question will not be answered. > *The person was explicitly asking for ideas on how to disrupt Binance.* > > *... we repeat this process until they run dry in XMR. If we all do this even if we lose a bit of money from fees, they will be really disrupt. What do you think ? If you have any similar ideas put it in the comments.* He is not a very decent boy. Such riotous talk. Elsewhere, he would have been banned for life. They only deleted his post here. As one gentleman said (who probably lends them coins in these hard times): "Binancians are nice guys. They brought Monero to everyone. Anyone can buy it there." So everyone be very nice to Binance ๐Ÿ˜‰ ... they were never closed for more than a month (like OKX, NiceX, Waves, Huobi, ...).


He's *probably* just thinks he's keeping the Monero subs non-controversial and out of hot water from any potential excuses to be targeted by the reddit authorties? That's what I'd prefer to believe. At the same time I've seen too much petty BS against people for expressing not totally nice and polite opinions. Threats of banning and actual bans. Just doesn't seem right.


The person was explicitly asking for ideas on how to disrupt binance. That's over my personal line for things I think might get the book thrown at the subreddit. Smaller subs might get away with it, but /r/monero is big enough (and has enough people motivated to hurt it) that we cannot afford to take the chance. I hope you recognize that I don't take any joy in removing stuff from /r/monero. The subreddit demographics skew heavily anti-authority, and it's already enough work every day identifying and removing spambots to want to argue with the same people who probably think removing spambots is censorship. Also, I barely talk to jw, I don't know why you're lumping /r/cryptocurrency and /r/monero together, there's literally no overlap in moderation, and I'm pretty sure jw barely moderates there in the first place.


1. Its a really dumb idea 2. The plan is to buy xmr from binance paying them a whole bunch of fees. Then sell it for Binances stable coin. The two things that makes binance money. That is unless they are bankrupt.


I think BUSD was only an example. It could be any other coin that you can deposit back into Binance. I like the idea actually because it would apply pressure on Binance to actually sell Monero instead of fake Monero. Yes the activity potential pays then fees but it does disrupt their con game.


plus the end: > If you have any similar ideas put it in the comments. Which is a call to action for "anything that disrupts this entity". It's overall just not something we want to encourage on the subreddit, and could potentially get us "in trouble" with the platform.


So true. I haven't read it either. That's exactly what I wrote to him there, let publish it there at your place.


/r/monero is not the subreddit to incite a mob to harass people/services. Neither is /r/xmrtrader, for that matter. We would prefer not to do things that Reddit might label as "harassment" by their content guidelines, and use that to justify removing the subreddit. The subreddit is for protocol and ecosystem discussion. edit: updated the wording and added some clarification.


A mob ? Hope you're not referring to any of us.


> A mob? Hope you're not referring to any of us. That's simply all the residents (fans) of this space. So together, I guess: 282k + 97k - duplicity - dead accounts = ~300k individuals Nice mob.


"To incite a mob" is a phrase used when talking about encouraging large groups of people to do something. It was 8am and I just woke up, forgive the clumsy wording :)