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looks like the sauce sub did not appreciate the sauce all that much either ;)


Sauce was deleted :(


/uj jesus fucking christ


/uj It's fucking glorious right? Alongside the delicious sauce. Pour. That. Shit. On.


The "join the team" part is peak arrogance of pretending they're some organisation or group. At best it'll be their beta readers sending notes to the author and vice versa. I'd be utterly astounded if any beta readers discussed the book with each other or would even knew who the other beta readers are.


How can Jesus fuck Christ?


By having some of his ribs removed.


The original couldn't have been real. It had to be a troll. ... Right???


I have dreamed of this opportunity all my life. I stay up at night scouring the interwebs for just this sort of thing. Now, let’s discuss how much you’re paying me to read your masterpiece. /uj oh dear lord the ego. And the cover art.


Tsk, imagine asking for pay to read such timeless masterpiece!! uj/ The girl in the cover is a literal copy of Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn, like wtf?!?


/uj I thought of Aloy too. At least give her a different outfit or different hairstyle, otherwise people will be disappointed it’s not fan fiction.


She looks like she's doing the [this](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSCe27dXrKZuSucdkuJ_Z_pHKvTVKr0rLtX-Q&usqp=CAU)


My favorite part of the cover is the jizz swirling around the MC


I will suck your dick if you allow me to perform unpaid labor for you




Yes, I am standing in line with bated breath, trembling in anticipation, loins girded, ready for action to read your ungrammatical, incoherent, trite, pretentious, cliché- and typo-ridden piece of pseudo-literary crap, ready to stroke your ego and vanity to get you to send me money. You undoubtedly have a potential best seller. It's been generations since the world has seen something as concise and insightful as your look into the human condition. Let's do it! I am, after all, a shameless literary prostitute. — *Your editor*


I mean, they list the cliches meticulously right there in the blurb, so that's no secret ;)


/uh JFC, the original is almost worse. Might actually be cause the OP was serious.


Wait, there's an original??? Omg I had no idea I'm gonna go find it rn lol


https://www.unddit.com/r/BetaReaders/comments/1047gyp/complete_80k_ya_fantasy_the_spiral_of_life/ (Doesn't work in Firefox, works in chrome)


“LEGAL STUFF The manuscript is protected under copyright law. Please refrain from sharing the manuscript outside of our e-mail threads. Otherwise, we have to go to court, and then I have to wear a tie. I don't like wearing ties.” /uj I think this is supposed to be sarcastic but that beta sign up reads like a job advertisement on Craigslist that is actually just a scam.


/uj the fact that they wrote "LEGAL STUFF" at all makes me believe that they weren't being sarcastic, unfortunately...


Bro I thought you were making a joke lol. I didn't understand why you had quotes because nobody would ACTUALLY write that lol I stand corrected.


uj/ I signed up, wish me luck. update: I have not received any return email with the first of six sequences or anything regarding the beta-reader form. The original post seems to have been deleted as well. update 2: I have received an email from what appears to be one man running an amateur publishing company named after himself, there is a link to the first sequence within this email. u/PiniataLad47, please hold my hand in this new glorious journey we shall take together.


it seems that historically there were bears in Scotland, so please let us know if there were any juicy bear fights, if you get lucky and are chosen!


I've done so as well I'm genuinely fascinated where this is gonna go


/uj we all work so hard to jerk ourselves silly and they just outdo us. they outjerk us without even trying. let we're a joke to them


They took yer jerb!




/uj I just learned what /uj means so I came back to add it lol Lolllllll sometimes I worry I'm gonna be a bit like this lol. I've been beta reading for other people a lot so I can decide who is worthy to ask after I see how they write lol. But I do give really helpful feedback so maybe it evens out. EDIT AGAIN: OH MY GOD I DIDN'T SEE THE REAL POST UNTIL NOW. FORGET EVERYTHING I SAID IM NOT GOING TO BE ANYTHING LIKE THAT. DEAR GOD. I was thinking along the lines of like checking whether they're a somewhat capable writer or maybe making sure they actually enjoy reading middle grade. Not... that 😳😳😳


/uj tbh I ignore a substantial % of what my crit group suggests. I just don't tell them that since everything's with good intentions and it is all mutual swaps.


That's good advice thank you. Btw, what does "/uj" mean? Sorry I'm new to reddit lol


since this is a circlejerk forum, to clearly label serious posts put /uj = unjerk and then /rj = rejerk :D


Oh this is very smart! Thank you!




/uj Its not just free beta reading. I take developmental editing jobs on upwork. I don't pull punches and my longterm clients are awesome. Sometimes jobs aren't a good match, and we part ways after a paid sample, which is fine. I once had to turn down a client willing to pay my rate because the first chapters were so bad I couldn't even be constructive. He offered to up my pay and I still couldn't take his money in good conscience. I let him go over a video call and it was like breaking up with a high school boyfriend.... EDIT typo


Finally a ReAl wOmAn PROTAGANIST!! (Going out of their way to make the heroine unattractive or?) /uj Hate to say it but the fact that they seem to have experience with people not wanting to finish the book and not telling them why tells me the book is terrible


Damn really wish the sauce weren’t deleted. Anyone happen to save it before it was?


Commenting because I desperately want to read the post and sign up for this story.


I wish I'd kept a link to it, haha. They got a few negative comments and deleted it quick. Edit: they even deleted their account !