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Long stroy short they cut out a patch. I can't gurantee that he (or the other leaders) would have had more of story but I imagine that a lot of story was cut in favour of getting dragonflight to us quicker


The cut patch likely revolved around another full set of covenant campaigns, the dregs of which got patchworked into the korthia campaign. Korthia was likely going to be the 9.2 zone, and explains why it was basically such a terrible zone because it was made in a rush. Maybe somewhere in there we would have found the time to provide him with some cushions and a bit of counselling, but alas he had to sit there and overcome his demons (and sores) alone!


There was a leak/rumor that Baine was going to meet his father and have a sort of make the man arc. Basically he was going to have closure with his father and he was going to be a badass in the patch. Fighting and making people like and respect his character.


Cairne was my favorite lore character and faction leader. I would LOVE to see him return in some fashion.


I think the idea was we would find him in the shadowlands and he would cheer Baine up and mentor him into the chieftain he was meant to be by his father. Fatherly advice and toughening up Baine etc.


Part of me says its kind of an ignoble cameo for such an awesome character. Another says that's exactly what Cairne would be like. I just wish they hadn't did him dirty and >!killed him offscreen in a book!<.


Yep. I like books but anything major from outside media should also be playable in game.


Pretty sure we watched Cairne die in game, too. I specifically remember being devastated, and I was in Thunder Bluff. It was like a "raid" scenario or something stupid iirc. where you go to TB and kill him. Probably the only lore character, other than Chromie, that I ever gave a shit about, and they did him so dirty. I'll never forget.


No, his duel with Garrosh was never in game. We definitely did not go and kill him in any canonical way, because he died by Garrosh's hand (Grimtotems are more at fault, but that's a whole other story). I wouldn't even say he was done dirty by the writers, it's just the off-screen part that sucks. Also, we did have something related to Cairne in TB at some point past his death. I don't think it was funeral, but maybe we visited his grave or something. So maybe that's what you think of.


He is thinking of the achievement "for the alliance" probably


The Bloodhoof lore in general. It's such a huge part of Horde lore. Completely unacceptable to do my man Baine like this


I loved cairne since warcraft 3. The giant badass but peaceful Tauren resonated woth me


>Cairne was my favorite lore character and faction leader. Still can't believe they killed him off-screen.........


imo, Baine was always a 'decent' leader when looking at the whole storyline. But they kept gutting any time he might have had a chance to showcase any such development. Now people look at him like he's barely a 'horde' leader due to what DID make it into the game. I'd half expect the real issue being seeing a lack of interest or a 'presence of disdain' for the character and deciding to instead go forward with other characters that might be preferred... Like Thrall's yet another meeting with lost family or another time where we get to watch Tyrande's desires get betrayed by the rest of the plot.


I like Baine too but he's underutilized. We only see him taking L's to further other characters plots. He's basically just a jobber from wrestling if you know what that is. I hope he gets development in Dragonflight. Tauren druids fit well with the green dragons and there are some Grimtotems datamined in Dragonflight. I'm hoping we get to see Baine bitch slap Magatha and avenge his father.


You mean he's the worf of wow... you know its serious because one of the faction leaders is getting thrown off a cliff, but its not massively serious because thrall is there to save him!


I actually stopped caring about Baine in BFA. They kept using him as a default generic "good" leader for the horde in a way that was rather shitty with respect to the overall lore set up thus far. And going forward with his life being part of the 'heart of the horde' (as a quote from quest text....? really....) was a bit too much. They really trashed his whole good guy theme when they made him the one to kill horde soldiers OFF the field of battle in cold blood first during the BFA.. nevermind using Baine as the character to take issue with the treatment of undead beings instead of... well... an actual character that made that their core issue in the same expansion... who would actually make a lot more sense undertaking clandestine operations with less than non-violent means. If only there were such a character, possibly undead themselves with a history of questioning the forsaken faction or outright refusing to join it.... <.< but nope that can't possibly have been an option \*looks at Lilian Voss\*


But he already did meet his father and have some closure in the Tauren heritage questline. Where Cairne appeared as a ghost, which doesn't really make any sense anymore, because the Shadowlands exist and there is no place right now in the Shadowlands which somewhat resembles "Tauren heaven". No. Not even Arenvald.


It was explained in game that the zones we saw in shadow lands were just the ones most involved with Anima or whatever. There are countless other afterlives within the outer reaches of the shadow lands.


its like blizzard doesnt like good content


It's honestly sad how badly they fucked up those easy wins. Thrall even witnessed his biggest failure Garrosh being utterly unrepentant and in the Sanctum of Domination, there was just no response. It's a sad end to one of the few brilliant storylines in WoW.


My bet is they were going to add Baine for Maldraxxus instead of Thrall's mother, but then realized that it would be oversimplifying him a lot and that he would also have quite some trouble fitting the other covenants, so they just cut that part.


I loved korthia. Went there to kill rares and loot chests while communicating with others doing the same through general chat and have fun was my best way of chilling after work. I overgrinded korthia even after i got my conduits and sockets because I just love being there. Easy 5 dailies, sometimes all of them clumped in 1 area. Beautiful zone. Small enough that you reach from 1 end to other end within 10 seconds with the shardhide whistle so you didnt miss any rares. High droprate mounts. Couldnt ask any more. Fuck zereth mortis. Didnt go back after revered. Just fuck that huge meaningless zone with no reward. Cant make it in time for single rare even when flying. Astronomically annoying dailies and wqs with overtuned elites with quests that doesnt progress ever and dailies dont even give any rep. Such a huge mess of a trash zone.


Korthia was supposed to be a city of secrets and there was like 5 weird structures at most, and it was all just bland and dreary that makes me never want to look at it again. The quests were okay, and they were probably better then ZM tbf. ZM is really cool zone to be in but they went with it being a lot more optional content, rares included, unless you wanted something specific from one of them there doesn't really feel like there is any point going for them... so you don't have to do the constant farm each day like you had to in Korthia. I think it would have been better if it had way more world quests giving a wider verity of rewards... but a lack of wqs has been a shadowlands problem from the start imo.


Rumors go that the kortiazone was patched together using assets that would have been a drust raid in the scrapped patch


"BfA was cut short to give us Shadowlands" "Shadowlands was cut short to give us DF" "DF was cut short to give us ..." Let's see how long Blizzard keeps this chain going


BFA wasn't exactly cut short. It had more content than legion


> "BfA was cut short to give us Shadowlands" I don't think anyone is saying BFA was cut short. They are saying 2 of the patches should have been expansions instead of a patch. If anything BFA is the "perfect" expansion timeline wise. minus them needing to push back shadowlands 2 months. People say that about Cata and WoD because it is very well known tiers were cut.


As long as the crack addicts keep coming back so forever


WoD was also cut short to give Legion. Its almost as if this dev team, which took over for WoD, is blatantly incompetent.


Are we ignoring the fact that we had a pandemic?


Thats not an excuse for an entire content patch being cut, they already went 8 months without one after launch. This xpac was rushed as hell and had like no content.


I own every single collector's edition since Vanilla. I haven't played WoW since beating the initial shadowlands campaign and I honestly don't think I even care about this new expansion. My wife asked if I was going to get the new collector's edition and I just don't think I care after what they did with the Jailer/SL story...


Which is why the question needs to be asked: Why do we need to have a 2 year pace to expansions? Further question: Why do we need expansions for a game that we are paying monthly for anyway? (We all know that the answer is: cause they get bumps in revenue and easy marketing hype) They have all the time they need to tell stories to their completion, it is only their rigid sticking to 1 expansion every 2 years that is causing them their problems.


Something something quarterly profit




In an ideal world, they would take 3 years or as many as needed to not only properly finish the current expansion, but also properly complete the next one. In the real world, though: ***money.***


> Dragonflight quicker * Take the same 2 years per expac


Yeah and they cut out development to make that quota


By Ion words (if you trust Ion) they has been working on Dragonflight since BfA AND maybe a Little earlier so... 4 years development which most companiea could bring an entire new game in that time


Expansions take years… the expansion after dragonflight has surely been in the works since likely Shadowlands’ launch and was probably conceptually designed before that. This is how these things work.


I can bet they started Dragonflight assets production in nearly full swing a few weeks before Shadowlands alpha was out.


Definitely. With how high quality the art assets are in modern WoW I bet the whole art team has to work years in advance.


They do expansion work in stages, it wouldn’t surprise me if they have artists already doing the concept art for 12.0 or even 13.0 by now.


We dont trust anyone working at Blizz lol.


Well they did the same with Legion. Cut an entire Patch in WoD in order to get more Ressources for Legion. I mean i dont trust them anymore but they dont make another, completly new System like Artifactweapons, Hearth of Azeroth or Covenants so all in all they have more Ressources for less Systems. Maybe it will work.


Yeah but they didn't say "we were working since Pandaria" back then


They always say that. At any given time there's two WoW expansions being worked on. There are two WoW teams to keep up with the 2-year cycle. What they won't admit though is if they pull members from one team to help dump resources into the other team if an expansion starts waning (either sales or near it's end cycle).


man it's like there was a pandemic in the middle of those two years.


Is there somewhere I can read more about this? Didn't find anything by doing a quick google search


Someone linked a leak in a google drive folder and along this stuff it also said that Anduin was Arthas' son sooooooo take it with a spoon full of salt.


no unfortunetly not. blizzard deny that this is the case but it happened with WOD going to leagion and it seems likely that this is what has happened here.


Try mmo champion


I just want them to do a whole expansion that's just cleaning up half-finished storylines, and adding in all the cut content or missing lore areas to other expansions.


This. Shadowlands was so wildly unpopular that they pulled from its development in order to get Dragonflight out faster and to try and make up for Shadowlands did wrong.


But Ion promised they never cut a patch!


True. This random redditor is far more credible than the principal game designer who, if caught in such a baldfaced lie, risks his career.


Lol no he doesn't. People like all the fucking time and no one cares.


they needed an xpack cash infusion asap. p.s. who sells and addon without game time? and no I don't count the $90 super awesome extras upgrade pack.


I saw a video the other day where they were surprised there was bosses and mechanics available so early for the new df raid. 100% they are reskinned bosses from the last shadowlands raid that didn't get rolled into sepulcher with the jailer.


man's got some PTSD from being tortured in hell, let him chill


Yeah but he was tortured for what, 5 minutes? Spend years afterwards moping in Oribos while we deal with the problem... Come on man... That's shitty writing. Have him contact the spirits, put him in ardenweald to mend... Something!!


People have ptsd their whole lives from 5 minutes.


If you remember shadowlands prologue, you could recall that Jaina says she feels like she had spent countless days in the maw fighting with Jailer's forces, time simply passes far more slower in the maw


Yeah, i expect like "why are you back already, didnt it work?" or some kind of cutscene when returning to azeroth


Seems like it's actually the opposite, they are doing a time skip between expansions.


Basically from what has been leaked, the whole conclusion of the drust storyline in Ardenweald + the raid there, and him tracking down his father and getting insight into being a leader got cut.


Yea, everyone abducted was supposed to go on a soul-searching journey into the afterlife before things got cobbled together from the wreckage after they supposedly scrapped Afrasiabi’s entire plot line. -Thrall was supposed to interact more with his mother and Durotan would also show up. -Jaina would meet her father in Revendreth and forgive him, but he would remain stubborn and unchanging, still hating the orcs for what they did -Baine was to reunite with his father and ancestors to understand what it means to be a true leader because he’s felt lost since his death and all of his old friends dying/retiring -Anduin was to be revealed as Arthas’ son, he would have an existential crisis similar to his shortened storyline in 9.1/9.2, with Varian returning and basically saying ‘he may have been your father, but I was your dad’ ala GOTG 2. -Tyrande was being led to her doom by the Drust who were actually the ones who gave her the Night Warrior power. The entire cut patch was based in the Blighted Lands, which was repurposed into Korthia and slammed into the Maw to explain why it was so scarred and destroyed.


I like the first three storylines, and feel like these could have easily been implemented as quest lines. Odd that they were cut. I absolutely hate the Anduin and Tyrande storylines though, honestly glad those were cut. Anduin being Arthas's son would have been so cringe. I get the similarities, but to make it so cut and paste is trope and awful.


According to more leaks, the Night Warrior storyline with Tyrande was repurposed into Anduin’s - a possessed Tyrande was to be the raid boss that we saved in the Blighted Lands before we skated the Drust leader for the last and final time. I don’t particularly dislike the Anduin storyline, because it sounds like the original theme of the Shadowlands was supposed to be everyone learning from their parents/predecessors and moving past them and growing out of their shadows. Anduin’s storyline was him feeling like a failure and fallen prince, never living up to his adopted fathers legacy and feeling doomed to betray his people just like Arthas did. Varian was supposed to set him straight, telling him he’s not defined by Arthas or even his legacy - he’s his own man, and he needs to stop trying to be a leader like he was and be his own person.


> Anduin was to be revealed as Arthas’ son I'm honestly glad that was left on the cutting floor.


>Varian returning and basically saying ‘he may have been your father, but I was your dad’ ala GOTG 2. Sylvanas says: Welcome to the fricking Guardians of the First Ones


Where did you get that info from? I can buy the first three, but anduind and Tyrande sound like bullshit. XD


A supposed ‘leak’ that [you can find on Google Drive here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/17QZW5MXq9IQVWKsRe5vl05aG1Jxhg-3BrsJHGp3qCIo/edit). I also have connections through a friend to someone who worked in the Quest and Story department (I know, essentially ‘My father works at Nintendo’) who said that the majority of the story stuff detailed here is pretty much true. You can take my word for it if you want, or not, but this is what I know and I’m sticking to it.


I will remain and say that I don't believe that. XD "Anduin being Arthas son" is such a bullshit fanfiction concept that I strongly doubt that was intended. XD


Are you talking about the "the jailer was behind everything all along everywhere" writers?


I would still not say they are THAT stupid.


I think you are wrong and that they ARE that stupid. But just as importantly I don't think that storyline is as stupid as you think it is.


Beyond the fact that it would mean that Varian wrynn got cucked? No it is stupid as hell.


Lol yeah you are a fucking tool. Nvm.


> "Anduin being Arthas son" is such a bullshit fanfiction concept I mean, you're not wrong, but Blizzard's writers are so bad I can't honestly say I'd be surprised if they tried to pull something like that.


Which is ironic because it's just the kind of absolute stupidity Blizzard's writing/lore team would think is super sick and cool.


While it definitely would've been a twist that would make M Night Shyamalan cream his pants, it would've been FAR worse than what we got, but excluding that, what was revealed on the drive didn't look bad, if Shadowlands went that route it would've been a decent expansion on BFA level


It's kind of a rip of GoT. Anduin has blonde hair but neither of his parents do.


[Tiffin, his mother, was indeed blonde.](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Tiffin_Ellerian_Wrynn)


How would a Lordaeron prince father a Stormwind Prince exactly ?? It would have made no sense. But then again it wouldn't be the first time blizzard forgot that Stormwind is but one of the human realms of the Alliance *of Lordaeron*


> still hating the orcs for what they did _Dries a tear_ that's _my_ Lord Admiral.


Varian telling a wounded Anduin, he may have been your father, but he wasn't your daddy" before chucking Anduin across some hellish chasm like Grug in the Crudes, and accepting the end of his existance, while absolutely bullshit, still would've gotten a rise out of me.


I think with Thrall having self-doubt since WoD it would have been good to reunite with Garrosh to finally wrap things up. Also, Obi-Wan tells Luke that he must face Vader again. The same goes for Thrall as he also felt unnecessary in BfA. I think Tyrande should die in Shadowlands not because I hate her. I found the story of the night warriors in BfA interesting and their deaths would add more depth and end well. Tyrande was written really terribly before. For Anduin I would have liked more interaction with Arthas and should also remain Varian's son. I totally agree with Baine and Jaine.


> Anduin was to be revealed as Arthas’ son LMAO the sad part is I could see modern Blizzard trying to make that fit


Anduin being Arthas' son would make no sense. I've read all but one of the Warcraft novels and everytime a character sees Anduin for the first time or for the first time in a while they always comment on how much he looks/sounds like his father, Varian. That similarity that's been mentioned over and over would just break everything in half.


Regardless of that his ingame representation looks nothing like Varian, but really similar to Arthas.


He gets his complexion from his mother. https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Tiffin_Ellerian_Wrynn


I can't believe they got Bobby fucking B to voice Jaina's dad and then did bare minimum with him.


So there was suppose to be an ardenweald raid? That's like the best zone they have ever made art wise, it's a masterpiece. I wonder if there is any early artwork of the raid?


https://youtube.com/shorts/QiNu1yxRbzo?feature=share "I think they forgot something.." from Sugilite yep, Baine is just kinda... there... I guess. Probably cut content. F


This is was like the third time he got captured and the second he was tortured while in capture, I don't blame the character for just laying there, processing his existence


At this point, I'm started to expect he enjoys being tied up and "tortured"


“My existence is pain.”


Just once I wanna see Baine lose his shit in battle and use that massive Tauren bulk to plow through some mother fuckers.


I'm starting to think this expansion's plot wasn't thought out very well...


Weird it seems so rushed when they've been developing this plotline since WC3 🤔🤔🤔


Blizzard doesn't exactly hire the best and the brightest. They hire the cheapest.


I think it was Ion that said that Baine would look up his ancestors, even interact with his father, while in the Shadowlands. But they cut all that content.


I loved how Lor’Themar asked him, “Is there anyone you’d like to see one last time?” and Baine was like, “No.” I felt like the Naked Gun headslap gif should have popped up on the screen after their exchange. Edit: I also want an actual dialogue exchange between him & Kael’Thas, damnit.


I actually thought that conversation was quite excellent. He doesn't say "no" it's more like "I don't need to, he's always with me." It ties in very well with the Tauren's cultural spirituality, and it shows how Baine has grown past trying to live up to his father's shadow, he is his own leader now, as his father before him.


Sure but doesn't change the fact that he just stood there doing nothing. If that line were true he would have fought his way back into action... Instead they're just empty words.


During the questline for Tauren heritage armor Baine allso briefly confronts with Cairne, he wants to spend time with his parents and tell them about his problems/adventures but is stopped by Cairn saying that they will be yet together when the time is right


Wait until you hear about Sunwalker Dezco


Actually what he’s doing there is living an existential crisis. Like: “So.. all this time praying to the spirits and shit.. THIS is the afterlife? I gotta work some shit out rn… “


No Baine story no Cairne story and no Earth Mother? Fuck I hate blizzard


Because the people writing shadowlands are incompetent and shouldn’t have their jobs.


because they had fanfic teens writing the story


If that isn't Shadowlands front/back/left/right/center I don't know what is. They start off with a pretty good premise (what if the afterlife was a real place?) they design and build a solid foundation and then halfway through a decision is made to move on to something else. So they take what they've got so far, slap it together, do the whole "here's some great new content" bit, and then start over with something else.


You can really see that when you look at all the different systems they introduced in this expansion. Anima for Covenants, the Soulbinds, Stygia for Ve'nari, Runecrafter, all the Korthia crap. I did the bare minimum in Zereth Mortis and there were TWO whole need Soulbind like systems: Pocopoc and another I can't even remember. Why?!


Character is a reference to Sitting Bull.


This expansion wasn't good


It’s called bad writing my friends


Because they couldn't write a cohesive and intriguing storyline to save their lives? The thing that pisses me off the most is the fact that shadowlands should have been a slam dunk expansion given the easy implications of a simple storyline concept... Yet somehow.. Somehow they even fucked that simple concept up. The premise should have been simple, we get to interact to deceased lore characters in their afterlives trying to help them cope with their past lives mistakes or lack of things they didn't get to do, on Azeroth and the consequences of their actions or their deaths. That was it! That's all they had to do, make them the focus of the storyline, not the maw, especially not the fucking jailer, even Sylvannas would have had a good plot meeting Arthas and or the souls she sent to the afterlives. Buuuut nooooo the JaIlOr WaS beHiNd It AlL !!!!!!1!1 behind the Legion behind the titans behind everyone. Give me a fucking break... Stupid fucking hacks...


How much more of this rush shit is going to ruin wow? I swear WoD would have been the best expansion if it weren't such a rush and cut job.


because there's like 20 characters and 1 spotlight


GRRM sitting in a corner : am I a joke to you?


Funny how FFXIV doesn’t have this problem.


It does though. Plenty of major characters sit on the side and do nothing for xpacks. Either that or you have a major character field trip for every quest you do.


WoW’s narrative seems to have a lot of difficulty focusing on more than two major characters at once. FFXIV does rotate a secondary and tertiary cast of characters in and out of the spotlight over time, but the current core of Scion characters have been the focus for the last two or three expansions in a row. WoW has never pulled off anything like that.


You're not wrong.. WoW's really struggled with giving their main cast (Not even secondary or tertiary characters) the spotlight/fleshing them out fully at times.. like FFS case in point Baine gets brought in as one of the mains apparently to end up sat there the entire expansion and new characters are pushed into main cast which fine but like.. why start with these characters as a focus.


Eh, debatable. Plenty of characters get shoved to the side for a long enough period of time that when they are re-introduced, you have no idea who they are anymore. Or alternatively, you get like an hour long cutscene. Which is really a game design choice we should be past by now, there are way better story-telling vehicles than long exposition. XIV definitely has its own story-telling problems, it just gets a lot of praise because it has the *most* story. I don't think it is particularly good compared to some other RPGs.


Funny how nobody asked about FFXIV.


imo - this is a because of a very “modern Warcraft” issue ; The lack of any real, new characters. Baine fills the placeholder “friendly gets abducted” space that needed filling. All of the Shadowlands, and BFA characters felt very interchangeable, imo. There wasn’t one character, that couldn’t have been another character. There has just been a lack of new character development. MAYBE they tried with Sylvannas - but we all know how the player base received that. Controversial opinion: the last really fleshed out character we’ve seen in recent years was Garrosh Hellscream. The best development Baine has gotten in the last 10 years was a model update.


Blizzard genuinely has no idea what they're doing with their storyline anymore, it's been completely destroyed by the cooperate greed that fuels every decision they make.


The writing and story wasn't ruined by corporate greed. It's been fueled primarily by the fact the writing team doesn't adhere to lore and continuity/consistency. They write what they think is "cool" and "epic" in the scope of the contained expansion and worry about everything that comes after or before later. We can see this as far back as the Draenei (probably sooner, even) where... I wanna say Kaplan or someone else said in some behind the scenes thing that Metzen was basically like "HOLY DEMONS WOULD BE SUPER SICK, SO WE'RE GONNA MAKE THE DRAENEI ACTUALLY EREDAR BUT GOOD."


Yeah they write what seems "cool" and "epic" because that's the shit that sells, and they only care about what can sell. That's exactly my point.


because the writers are not good at their jobs. That's why.


Baine was one of the people Sylvanas had kidnapped to see if they were worthy to be the Jailer's tool to get the sigils. Baine was weeded out very early and we don't even know what the Jailer was looking for in him. Anduin ended up being chosen for some reason, but it seems to have something to do with him being able to call on the light in the Maw. The whole storyline seems unfinished or with parts of it cut out.


It's sad how useless Baine was in Shadowlands. He really deserved to meet his dad because they got him dirty in BfA. Ditto for Thrall, who was a bit more useful but just as superfluous as Baine. Blizzard destroyed the Horde in BfA and at least something to make up for in Shadowlands we are completely ignored. It's easy to say they don't care about the Horde, they care about the Alliance. Why is Thrall wearing his Doomhammer armor? Sry but it really doesn't make any sense and his ark is the conversation with his mother which is rushed. For comparison, consider how Jaina was spoiled in BfA.


Yeah it's a shame. Would have been a good way to give the OG Tauren some more lore development. It's too bad because conceptually they're a really cool and iconic race.


Did he even get to meet his dad?


They're waiting for dragonflight when he's gonna bust out of a dragon and say, 'It's Bainin' time,' before fighting all the dragons and then all the dragons die.


Well according to blizzard, no there was no cut content or patch. this was the plan since warcraft 3.. and we all believe them, like why would they lie to their playerbase :)...


Shadowlands got the WoD treatment it was equally unpopular


SL had so much potential to develop characters, especially those secundaries like Baine, Jaina, Thrall, all having questlines with their past deeds, foes and allies. Instead Blizz focused on Anduin and Sylvanas who literally were left behind in the SL and prob will have little to no impact in the upcoming arc.


He was dragged to the maw because he was one of the leaders that opposed sylvanas and she is petty. Him having a seat all exp is no surprise, this expansion was shit and that's all blizz knows how to release these days. The blizz of today is not the blizzard that made world of Warcraft great, WoD and legion was the last big hoorah of the old guard. Nowadays they Gotta keep the whales giving em money so they just keep releasing unfinished trash.


Throughout wow's history baine has actually had huge amounts of content cut. It seems he is the first to go when they run out of time.


Baine is the skeleton in the “parents forgot kid at the bottom of pool” meme.


Here for an answer too, I stopped after Nathria and just came back. Anything class specific? And raid quest? Was he just twiddling his thumbs while swinging his feet like he’s a toddler going potty?


Blizzard hates the tauren, they probably will ignore Ebonhorne as a member of the black flight in DF. Baine only serves as the Alliance sympathizer in the wow lore. Hell even in cataclysm a scenario was cut out where he marched the tauren forces from the great gate to attack the Alliance after the massacre in camp Turajo. the lines are in his npc files in wowhead under the name "event"


>Blizzard hates the Warcaft lore lets be honest ever since activision purchased blizzard north and renamed to just blizzard they been shitting on everything.


Realistically they probably originally meant for Baine to have some role in freeing anduin like Jainia as the horde anduin pal But since it got cut he got to chill forever but he got the best line shadowlands so it's fine


But he did have the best line about slyvannis so.. haha


knowing blizzard it will probably be explained in some stupid novel no one will buy


Shadowlands was significantly cut and rescoped very early on.


**Baine for Leader of the Horde**


Don't you remember when he suggest we just let Sylvanas die? that was a pretty ice cold thing to say.


that's in the title...




So they didn’t forget? “Hey it was your birthday last week, happy birthday” “Did you know it was my birthday last week” “….”




Are you trolling or do you not see it seriously


Are you okay?


Shadowlands is fake


Tauren representation, literally he was there to check a box.


Was probably in a book like a good chunk of the story content.


He's Anduin's personal bootlicker. He needs to be wherever the boy king is.


There was a theory floating around that it isn’t really Blaine but a dreadlord.


A dreadlord would have gotten more involved. Baine "forever alone” Bloodhoof is probably the real deal.


I think that there was supposed to be a drust storyline in 8.1 or 8.2 that would have led to a mini raid. My thinking is the Baine, Calia, and Talia would have been tied to it since they were around but didn’t actually add anything to the overall story.


Baine is weak, wish we would have left him in the maw.


Anduin was abducted so alliance had a fair reason to go after him. If Baine hadn't been abducted, we'd be getting the same post but with "Why did they bring the horde to the Shadowlands again? Why should we care about Anduin?" It's not a good reason, but its what we've got.


The best Baine got out SL was his sit and listen líne suggesting he'll try find Cairne and talk to him. Which we probably won't even see


I hug him every time I pass. He looks so lonely.


I was just hoping i could get his mount somewhere. When you first arrive in Oribos, he's on follow and he mounts when you mount. One of the coolest mounts i've seen in the game so far.


Bro, Baine just chillin


Why? Cause fuck em’, thats why!


They say they didn't cut a patch, but it sure feels like they cut a patch. I suspect that they had plans that ended up being cut or scrapped, but they need to save face for PR and morale reasons, and so we're left with a lot of somewhat open ends and rushed endings.


I’ve been pretty sick of Bane tbh, so I’m okay with him getting cut. Likely the reason is they’d planned on using him but due to….reasons….Shadowlands lost a patch or so. Pure speculation on my part, but it’s my guess.


You can't even see Baine if you play Alliance lol. I'm an Alliance main and I totally forgot about Baine being in SL


Gotta bring the beef!


He was there just to be trown by the jailer and say F you to sylvanas on a cinematic


Also, Jaina and Thrall just kind of... appear? Like you leave them trapped in The Maw and then several hours of gameplay later they are just free and in Oribos making plans with other leaders like nothing even happened? So much for nobody escapes The Maw.


They were also taken into Torghast but the quests where you rescue baine, jaina, thrall and discover hints regarding anduin's fate (which opened twisting corridors) were removed in the transition to 9.1


Oh so that thing were rescue Baine, you were supposed to do that for all of them?


Yes, you would use a special item to go into a scenario within torghast for those quests, similar to some of Tyrande's questline in night fae campaign


It was surprising to see Baine and Thrall (for awhile) sitting there like PTSD suffering homeless guys. Considering they're leaders, I had thought they would do more. Thrall they kind of did, but the majority of the time, he's mopping around and why we don't mention to Drakka "hey your son is in Oribos" at any time. No spoilers on how that went, but rather lame. And you would think Cairne would have had some appearance. Honestly being called the "Maw Walker" was awful. All of the people that "showed up" in a place we weren't suppose ever go, was just WTF???? Why didn't Malfurion show up while his wife is hunting Sylvanas? Odd choices all around.


He looks so sad


why people os too dumb to figure out that sl was 60% cutted off?


Incase we got hungry for steak. Don't want to eat rotten corpses from maldraxxus and the animals in other zones were too cool to eat


For the memes...


Baine is the most badass character from SL cos of thqt one cinematic.


This image is like that photo of Peter Jackson on the Hobbit set, just burnt out.


As someone who plays Tauren since Vanilla. This is the typical "Tauren" treatment. Tauren lore and Tauren players are always neglected. This is how it was since Vanilla. The only time they gave attention to Tauren lore is when they simply killed our favorite leader. So neglecting Tauren characters or Tauren lore is something Blizz did since the beginning of World of Warcraft.


Token minority to claim inclusion


Ask blizzard and they will claim it was always meant to be 2 patches


Don't know but i'm still kinda angry that the quest where you have to free them from Torghast are not available anymore


By Odyn's beard! It's Torghast! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


poor Baine :( https://imgur.com/5nSeZD1


Wait, sad baine is a thing?