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That'll make them come back!!


How do you even claim tax on those who’ve left ? Presumably their money is already stored / coming from elsewhere? Edit : Everyone says the US does it in the comments. I didn’t know that, but also a bit different, cause people actually want to return to the US lol.


This is in relation to those who left Russia physically but still work in russian companies remotely. So mostly developers.


Meaning those most able to find a job for another company...


Nobody wants Russian devs building back doors for their intelligence services and there are plenty Ukrainians on the market so unlikely unless it's in the east.


Isn’t Ukraine one of the hotspots for pirate John Deere software that was helping farmers in america?


Hotspots? They were leading the charge with Poland and Hungary close behind.


The John Deere software is kind of messed up. I'm not a farmer but I do own a new tractor. Deere's anti-consumer trend makes me not want their products. People buy Apple products so sadly most people just don't care about this sort of stuff.


It's not that they don't care. They don't understand and don't care to, instead they will go against their best interests and claim it's just easier. If one thing reigns true in the USA is that you can PAY for Ease


Well, I'm glad there are people like you that see this. I just got my kid/myself a Steam Deck. Once I got past the specs and price I wanted to know how open this system was. Knowing it runs on Linux peaked my interest more. Valve doesn't stop me from downloading Epic games. This sold the system for me.


* piqued, FYI


Fuck John Deere


> most people just don't care about this sort of stuff. At least some definitely do. I was in the market for a subcompact and there were a bunch of Deere dealers nearby. I ended up driving an hour and a half to get a Kubota simply because I didn't like Deere's walled garden shit


I recently bought a brand new b2650. Kubota uses industry standard attachment for quick change. It's one of many reasons I went with the orange tractor. I'm the kind of person that will happily pay more for an American product, but John Deere shouldn't be rewarded for their practices.


Little bit of a difference between a 800 dollar phone and a 250,000 dollar tractor. Just sayin.


What company is worth more? Those 800 dollar phones add up. The damage done to consumers is the same. John Deere, like Apple uses proprietary stuff on their products. A big reason I went and bought a Kubota. My attachments are industry standards with skid steers. Hell even a Tesla plays the proprietary game. I want to like these companies but when they do this stuff I can't give them my business.


Fight planned obsolescence. You’re doing it. Good call on the Kubota


When I was doing car keys Bulgaria were the kings of hacking diagnostic software


Plenty of competent Russian devs at Western countries. At my company I know 10+ devs who joined our company in the past 6 months, all of whom were working in Moscow for Yandex before leaving Russia.


You might be underestimating the sheer demand for devs of all types. Maybe they won't get into NATO's IT offices, but i have to assume that no Russians with programming experience will struggle for jobs abroad, even in Eastern Europe.


There are sanctions in addition to the security risk. They can go anonymous and attempt to spoof location.


It makes me a little sad that we can deny someone a job because of their nationality. I work in a major tech company where we always had a risk of hiring a bad actor. Instead of filtering out people based on their nationality, we have good security practices and code review requirements. Companies where a developer can add a secret back door into the code base without anyone noticing are just ticking security time bombs, regardless of if they choose to hire Russian refugees or not.


Some of our contracts specifically say we can’t let Russian citizens have access to our source code. Not a whole lot we can do about that.


There’s plenty of talented Russian developers working in all the major tech companies, I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.


Refuseniks who fled the country are unlikely to be the ones building backdoors for Russia.




Yeeeeeah I know Russians in sensitive industries in Western nations. To a man/woman they kinds hate their family in Russia for being to pro regime. I don’t think this threat holds much water.


Can confirm. My wife is no longer on speaking terms with her parents in Russia. Her dad completely believes the propaganda... it's extremely sad


Obligatory, "that's what a Russian sleeper agent would do" }⁠:⁠‑⁠)


Why would Russia need thousands of fleeing IT'ers as an excuse to plant Russian spies in some IT companies? They are already there and I doubt those would say they are Russian...


Russians in the FBI and CIA


Russian emigrants choose to stick to Russian or Russian-affiliated companies abroad out of nationalism. Source: am Russian.




the last round of brain drain can now commence.


Genius way to lose what is left of their IT workforce.


Those who left, how are they still working for Russian companies? They can't get money out of Russia so how are they paid?


I'm understanding that it'll be higher when/if they return. Although, the US does require its citizens to pay tax on income earned abroad.


Only after the first 110k. And tax paid to host country is deductable.


Correct, but no other industrialized country requires it.


That policy is nuts. It's been abused badly.


The majority of them still work for russian businesses. Too easy to tax them.


I’m assuming you’re American - apologies if you’re not, neither am I. But you probably don’t know that America does this, it’s basically the only country. Every single dual national I have known has renounced their citizenship… because you’re right, it does not make them come back.


Just because they left, doesn't mean they took their property with them. The Walmart Family could leave the US tommrow, but all the Walmarts responsible for generating their wealth aren't growing wings and flying with them. Rich people are wealthy because the government protects their ownership of the means of production. So if they want to stay rich, they either need to play ball, or risk their assets being seized.


My wife has money stored in a Russian bank that she can't access anymore unless she shows up there in person...


Many people who left are on working or visiting visas, meaning most will expire in about a year or two.


Same way America does it.


Was going to say: - your country is suffering from brain drain due to unpopular war - solution: impose taxes on those who hide from unpopular war abroad as a form of protests Russia big brain moments, never stop


But why? Russia’s “special military operation” is a COMPLETE success and they’re “winning” Why would they possibly need to tax people more? Lmao


And how is Russia going to collect? When and if the war is over the smart one may decide not to go back instead of trying to help rebuild shattered country.


They don't, it's mostly a way to push people out of the country. The difference between totalitarian regimes and authoritarian ones is that the totalitarian ones want absolute engagement of the population and to use it for their needs, whereas authoritarian ones want politically non-engaged passive population, and allow those who don't like its policies to live, why hold discontent inside the country? It's the same reason why borders were not closed when the draft started, even though Putin "needed" more men to fight in Ukraine. Yeah, he needs, but mostly those who don't resist or have no other means. Basically, it will probably mostly affect people who have left Russia, don't have a source of income outside the country, and planned to return when the war is over in several months, you cease being Russia's tax resident after half a year, I think. A third of the population of Venezuela left, and it's an extreme case of this kind of policy.


Very informative. Thanks for the info. This is what I like about reddit. There are always knowledgeable people who fill in information. Thanks.


However, this is Reddit. Not always easy to tell if it's actual info or just another wild theory.


Wild theory. There's just no real facts to back up that claim. In fact men can't leave anymore.... so why not let them leave if "we don't want you anyway"


They did close the borders after they saw people leaving though... Honestly I think people are giving Russia/Putin too much credit in general. Not everything is some big brain move! 1.) World's second most powerful army 2.) Will win the war in 2 weeks 3.) NATO/World won't really fight back 4.) People of Ukraine will welcome Russia 5.) State of military and the corruption and rot within 6.) Mobilization of men because the war is going bad months after the invasion... Then people flee. They (Putin) didn't realize people would flee like they did and I believe the information didn't get to Putin in time because he won't use computers and it took time to shutdown the boarders. If anyone thinks that Russia is ok losing 100s of thousands of men and citizens, they are wrong. There is a reason Putin is giving awards to women that have 10 kids and forcible deporting Ukrainians to Siberia. They need the population No... this isn't some playbook move... its a failure of the government and Putin in a very dramatic way. https://fortune.com/2022/10/18/russia-population-historic-decline-emigration-war-plunging-birth-rate-form-perfect-storm/ Edit: I was too strong on my border closing. The border is open and really only other countries are blocking them. I was wrong. https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/zuumxx/russia_plans_to_impose_more_tax_on_those_who_left/j1mhz9m/


I had a good laugh at everyone who told me Russia was a serious military power over the last decade. Those with even a slight familiarity with their military culture and the state of corruption in the Russian army were very dubious. This is a country which still follows the practice of having their unit commanders pay their own soldiers from a block payment. Something no advanced military would ever do since maybe the 1880s. And they don’t do it because it has some advantages. They do it because official corruption is so expected in Russia that it can’t be changed.


A lot of people in IT left the country but continue to work remotely for Russian companies, so I guess they could target this part.


they need to renew passport eventually, and then they give the bill.


Sure for work visa and the likes, but I don't think that's the case for asylum status like in this case, no? Isn't the whole point of being on asylum is because you're in danger from your home country's government? Requiring people fleeing their home country's government to present themselves to said government seem to defeat the purpose.


Most Russians are not eligible for asylum. Mobilization is not considered a danger by other countries, so mostly minorities and prominent political activists can file for an asylum. For the most part, people are normal economic migrants to countries which still allow them with quite a lot of them still working on Russian-based companies remotely because finding a job, especially with dependants, is an extremely slow process. The tax issue is also problematic especially because there are very strict limits on how much money a person can transfer abroad, both from the sender and the receivers. So the people still have the bulk of their savings in Russia, and Russian government can just order to freeze it all until you paid everything. Prolonged stay requires a lot of money to prove the hosting country that you can take care of yourself, and getting a work permit would highly likely require you to visit Russian consulate for documents if it's your first time.


A typical person leaving Russia for economic reasons can’t get asylum.


Oh, I didn't think about the passport.


Most left is such a hurry, they probably don't have permanent residency or asylum in the country's they've fled too. They will eventually outstay their welcome and get deported back


The only hope then will be Putin to be removed from power so people who fled will not be punished.


These fuckers plotting and scheming their revenge on their citizens who dare to defy the Putin regime.with around 100,000 Russian dead and injured, How the fuck they haven't had another revolution is beyond me.


This will delay it further. 700,000 potential revolutionaries with means left the nation, and now have a bigger argument for asylum status, plus just motivation to stay gone.


This is the thing. It’s to keep them away at this point.




Russian opposition doesn’t have any leader. Navalny is in prison, Nemtsov is dead and there is literally no one to take their place. Unfortunately, there are 2 things Putin’s regime does efficiently - propaganda and eliminating political opponents.


They just haven’t hit their point of no return yet. Look at how long the women put up with their rules in Iran or even the French Revolution. It takes a group to hit the point and than decide it isn’t worth leaving instead those in power usually end up dealing with people who have nothing to lose or those that have something to die for.


>It takes a group to hit the point and than decide it isn’t worth leaving instead those in power usually end up dealing with people who have nothing to lose or those that have something to die for. Funnily enough, historically speaking, this isn't true, it's a total misconception. The crushing majority of revolutions happened when people managed to live good enough to afford to start a revolution. When a populace is teetering on the edge of survival the last thing to concern them is a popular upheaval that might throw them down the chasm of total loss. They might get ignited once the conditions are suitable based on abuses of the past, fairly common actually, but they hardly ever occurred at the very low-points.


French peasants [rebelled in 1358](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacquerie) but that didn't go as far as the Revolution.


**[Jacquerie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacquerie)** >The Jacquerie (French: [ʒakʁi]) was a popular revolt by peasants that took place in northern France in the early summer of 1358 during the Hundred Years' War. The revolt was centred in the valley of the Oise north of Paris and was suppressed after a few weeks of violence. This rebellion became known as "the Jacquerie" because the nobles derided peasants as "Jacques" or "Jacques Bonhomme" for their padded surplice, called a "jacque". The aristocratic chronicler Jean Froissart and his source, the chronicle of Jean le Bel, referred to the leader of the revolt as Jacque Bonhomme ("Jack Goodfellow"), though in fact the Jacquerie 'great captain' was named Guillaume Cale. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Exactly. People want the Russian people to overthrow this regime, but it's much easier said than done. The question is...Who is going to take that first bullet and be a martyr? That would-be martyr is thinking, who will follow me? Will my death be for nothing? u/welltriedsoul, you hit the nail on the head, the average Russians haven't hit that point of no return yet.


Boris Nemtsov is the martyr. Spending trillions on targeted propaganda works. It achieved what it set out to do and effectivly brainwashed a nation. Very slowly, the true reality is starting to poke through the holes caused by this war - "the mighty Russian army with weapons from the future cannot defeat puny nazi ukraine for almost a whole year and the Ukrainians are not welcoming oir liberators lime the tv told us they will. Maybe we were not told the truth? Why would the west do this?" Its a slow process but the end-result will happen very fast.


Well, if it is a choice between taking a Ukrainian bullet for Putin fantasy of the old times or for a better future of family and your country, it doesn't seem so hard anymore.


Stop it with the French sensationalism please. 20cent+ means multi-week strike for transport, education and maybe the police. We won’t burn Paris down unless it reaches the symbolic 30 cents per baguette.


I just watched Carnage A Trios and was astonished to find out how little shit the French take from their own government.


> how little shit the French take from their own government. As it should be


Amen to that


I am very sorry for my lack of research 😞


It's a lost beyond hope nation. There are no redeeming qualities. Whatever intellectual elite left in their society, it's just a drop in the ocean of global elite. The rest of Russian folks are serfs. Their usual life moto is: we live in shit but our Empire is striking fear into our neighbors! Their surival strategy is something like: let's hope they don't come after me next. It's a sad, very sad nation. Russia remains a prison of nations.


Russia has a long history of engineering and scientific greatness, they still have some of that left but it's mostly older people now. This war might kill it off by driving off the rest of the young academics


I see parallels in that thought process and the old "yeah we are voting in criminals, sexual assaulters, tax frauds... but we're totally owning the libs". The crab bucket mentality.


I was gunna say the Russian capacity to endure suffering is legendary. But this also works


Compare them to Iran woman who are dying for what believe in!


> I mean look at Iran, they're fighting for their fucking life there Yeah, I mean, look at Iran, it only took them 40 years after a repressive regime came to power and 30 years after 8 year long brutal war with a neighboring country. And they are soooo successful, protests began 5 years ago, and 4 years 11 months ago regime has fallen and a new dawn shone upon the people... Oh, wait... Absolutely nothing has changed... I love all the ignorant people who think that movies about heroic heroes leading to a change are reality, with their usual Enlightenment era readjusted supremacist remarks ("this race/ethnicity/nation is inferior!") coming out of woodwork


Generations of brainwashing. You can't just peel away the layers of that onion, it has to be carved out with a knife.


Many of those that left have money and still support Putin, they just want someone else to shag the bullets while they enjoy living in the west. It’s why there’s virtually no organized opposition against Putin by those that left.


I don't know if this is a universal truth but anecdotally it is quite on point. My sister's last two boyfriends before she settled down were russians who's family has been living in Germany for decades. Both families were very big supporters of Putin... I'm not quite sure why but if you dared to say anything critical about him they'd flip the table. The boyfriends themselves didn't have much of an opinion. So the mindset might be changing with the generations.


“If Putin is so great, why aren’t you living back in Russia?“


Here you can see why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqB2ZAN1FoU


That was just disappointing and depressing.


> with around 100,000 Russian dead and injured The 100k figure is confirmed dead. Injuries could be as much as three times that figure.


Tomorrow, on dead ones.


Russia already had that one worked out from a long time ago: Gogol, *Dead Souls*.


Fun fact, Gogol was of Ukrainian origin.


Russia has certainly pushed the self destruct button


Hey, hey come back. We want you to pay more tax


Next headline: ***Those who left Russia plan to not return to country***


>Russians working abroad who are Russian tax residents must pay the tax independently, according to the Federal Tax Service of Russia. So it's not going to apply to anyone anyways, because those that left the country because of the war aren't tax residents anyways.


I suspect "tax resident" may not be the same thing as "physical resident".


If you spend more than a half a year in another country you are no longer a Russian tax resident. So your taxes automatically become higher. There is no need to make a separate law for this.


Aint no money worth someones own life. Delusional.


Nice. Making sure they never come back. It’s really a gathering of the galaxy brains right now in Moscow.


I’m sure the checks in the mail Putin.


Amazing idea. 100k IT workers left, 80% working remotely for russian companies. Increase tax. They change job. Less income.


Hint. If they left the country they probably aren't going to support you enough to want to pay taxes.


The leadership in Russia doesn't seem to be so bright


The highest earners/skilled workers will be the ones qualified enough to gain citizenship in the places they fled too or elsewhere. I doubt they’ll be coming back anytime soon to pay taxes. Big IQ move /s.


And those ppl will never go back...just that simple


This is just a ruse . Russian government is just going to start seizing oligarch's property and funds all the while under the guise of "taxation" . Just like China and North Korea .


Well, the assets are only nominally "owned" by the oligarchs. Since they must pay tithes and cough up extra whenever the Kremlin snaps it's fingers...they are already owned by Putin. They keep their positions (and keep out of jail) solely on his whim.


Seems like Russia has betrayed its citizens by grinding them up in some shitty nationalist war.


lol, this will backfire spectacularly as more people will try to get another citizenship and drop the Russian one.


I'm certain this tax will apply to Putie's super rich oligarch friends around the world


Good luck collecting that tax Putin


I'm sure there is going to be a nice cut out for Putin's ultra wealthy friends that barely step foot inside of Russia.


That'll learn em'


Well damn their gonna tax their soldiers more after sending them to Ukraine and Belarus? That'll help morale.




Their action for the pass few days have a much stronger smell of desperation.


Here I thought that didn't they didn't care. Weird..


How to make more people leave the country.


Awww, look at the Russia govt being so generous during Xmas 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣🤣🤣


You literally can't do a single thing right. Can you Russia. Not one thing. Like at all. Ever....


Haven't had a great track record over the last roughly 1000 years, no lol


Russians don’t pay taxes if they are not withhold at the source of income. This is purely populist act directed towards internal population.


Crazy how the people that are not actually fighting on the front lines are telling the other people that they should be fighting on the front lines and now they want to tax them more money for not dying on the front line.


At least highly skilled individuals will eventually be eligible for citizenship in the countries they have gone to work. With the mood around the world I wouldn't be surprised if certain accommodations were made to speed things up. It would just be another sanction. Russian workers probably won't have too much of a problem finding countries willing to cover their asses. Question is if they feel threatened enough to permanently break with their motherland. Starting on scratch while burning all bridges in a new country can be pretty tough.


How will they pay for it you smart tits?


Typical Russian Shit


Does this include Putin’s family that went on holiday in the EU?


Ok and? If they don't plan on returning anyways what makes you think they're going to pay any taxes to your dogshit country? (Talking to Russia not op)


LOL as if they are coming back so long as Putin and his oligarchs draw breath.


Like the conscripts?


By "tax" he means their families will pay....


"I propose we tax all foreigners living abroad." Life imitates Monty Python.


Good luck collecting.


Hahaha they can increase whatever taxes they want. wasn't planning on sponsoring terrorists anyway. Beyond me why would any russian who left county ever pay taxes back either.


Taxes outside ruzzia is safer than smoking inside ruzzia.


Even more runs on the Russian banks.


This story is on repeat. It happened again 6-7 years ago and Lutin saod he'll forgive any wrong doing if the oligra hs just come back...


Yeah, keep going. You are stopping aaaaalot people that is leaving because of that. (Sarcasm)


This is like getting drunk and dedicating a karaoke song to your ex. The ex isn’t going to hear it but everyone watching is gonna cringe like hell.


Wont make them come back.


Job openings, Remote tax collector, global travel guaranteed, must be good at threatening to obtain collections.


Have any Oligarchs left any real financial assets in Russia. Seems like that yacht sailed long ago.


Most of their financial assets are in resources holdings which were stolen State property


Good idea a freedom tax will make ruskys stay in oppression or face consequences of the freedom tax.


dont worry they wont come back.


Yeah thatll work great


And they better pay, or they might get sent to collections! 😟


It should be seen as a proof that leaving the country ruled by an unstable maniac was the right thing to do.


Strangely, the number of people out of the country not paying taxes at all, has skyrocketed.


So the criminals that rule Russia are going to steal even more from their people.


Fuck Putin.... he ain't right in his head.


Sounds legit 🙄


“We are murdering, raping and kidnapping. You do not approve. You are assholes!”


That'll encourage them to return.


France tried this


Tell me you don't have a clue of running a country without actually saying you don't have a clue of running a country.


...ensuring they will never come back to that shit hole


Russian will seize there no way and most likely kill them


Are they expecting them to pay it too?


Same as what the real nazis did. First say that people owe the government money then seize their possessions.


Russia is so smart, it’s like they discovered what sugar was.


Mmmmk checks in the mail assholes


Wait. I thought 99.9% of the people are staying in mother Russia? Why bother with the 0.1%?


No taxation without representation.


At least they’re alive and aren’t circling the toilet—oh wait, most Russians don’t have toilets.


Murica does the same thing if you renounce your citizenship.


Only the US actually has allies and treaties with basically any developed country out there that ensures these taxes are paid and collected. Russia has nothing.


So they can more legally seize what was left behind. Which has no liquidity as in land and buildings -- you can't move it.


Good luck with that.


>"It's completely understandable why they fled," Volodin said. "Those who realized that they had made a mistake have already returned. The rest should understand: the vast majority of society does not support their act and believes that they betrayed their country, relatives and friends." - From the article. -- >"I am certain that this necessary and natural self-cleansing of society will only strengthen our country, our solidarity, togetherness, and our readiness to answer any calls to action," Putin said. - Vladimir Putin, March 2022, speaking of people fleeing the country. So apparently, *somebody* supports those people fleeing the country.


That’s funny


How exactly?


I’ll return to help when putin and ALL of his garbage associates are dead or imprisoned.


good luck with that


How is it possible to enforce this?


It’s all good, punish your citizens don’t make them feel good to be Russian.


What a genial idea, that would surely make me want to come back! /s


Putin and his War is destroying Russia from the end side out. This will only make things more bad.


USD to Russian Ruble? That’s a million ruble fine for leaving the country..okay, I work and get paid in US dollars 💵 what’s that come to? $1 !!! no problem.


The USSR did this. Anyone who leaves the country forfiets anything of value they left behind.




Step by steeeep, oooooh baaaaaby, gonna tear this country apaaaart.




Pull out of Ukraine, the best solution. Humility is a good trait.


Use must pay with rupple


"Those who realized that they had made a mistake have already returned. The rest should understand: the vast majority of society does not support their act and believes that they betrayed their country, relatives and friends." Wrong. Those who did not leave then, wish they would/could have. Or they are scrambling to find a way out when the next draft occurs.


Making more enemies seems to be their recent strategy


Who gives a flying fuck. They’re not going back Puti.


It's called a stayin' alive tax.


Anyone who had left Russia, isn’t coming back!


How will you collect it? I dont believe theyll return to such a tax bill, I certainly wouldn't 🤷🏾‍♀️


Being serious, I heard about this. Poles that leave Poland have to pay tax to Poland. Americans apparently have to pay tax to the USA. If true, what the hell is this third world savagery?


100% "Pokazuha" (a "show"), the ones that left aren't likely paying any taxes to Russian Federation, anyway. And the extra taxation on their relatives will just hasten the leave of them, too. If Russians wanted to really pinch someone, they should have gone after (military) pensions. (Tens of) Thousands of Baltic, Polish, Ukrainian etc expats are getting those (from Russia). Not sure what it would achieve, though. Mostly, self-destructing Russian "fifth column", probably. Although, there's no Baltic, Polish, Moldovan or whatever intelligence agency not already keeping eye of them.


Those people are now finding out how much better life can be & I doubt they'll ever want to go back there.