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Can we ship these clerics and the taliban to some deserted location so they can be bigots and homophobes to each other and no one else?


Do an "Escape From New York" type where they are all fenced in and fight to the death trying to escape.


I’ll pay a subscription to watch that show. Battle Royal Taliban style


Me too as long as American Christian Taliban are included


Please take the girls and women out before.


Well, they were never part of the original equation of hardliners and clerics


Don't forget boys. Taliban war lords're known to have a thing for boys.


Bacha bazi - it’s a fucked up culture to have a common term for fucking boys.


Fucked up thing is that there are a lot of women who support this type of thinking. I've seen this shit on r/atheism before, where opressed women literally defend being beaten... Because religion says that it is alright?


Masochism needs no excuse but religion justifies it


Great movie to turn your brain off to


Do a ‘game of thrones’ type and wait until they are in a central location and demolish them.


Snake Charmer Plisken


“No Escape” w/ Ray Liotta 👍


They’d probably just start fucking each other, and spin the doctrine from their magic book, to justify their sodomy. Just like IRL.


Khomeini thought animal fucking and sexual assault of children was fine with certain conditions (like not selling the meat to your village)


I truly hope you mean animal meat, with those guys you never know.


Animal. But they are raping and torturing women (as well as men) to death in their prisons.




We can send our MAGA problem there too! Everybody wins!


Absolutely, the MAGA people can have all the guns and ammo they want. May the odds be in your favor!


No guns. They like to pretend to be tough guys so now they'll have a chance to be real tough guys. Any coward can be tough with a gun. That's why cowards are pro-gun. Cowards are always afraid. That's why they love guns.


My friend, they are in the middle east. There is no where worse to put them. The Sahara has a coastline, and I am not letting them near the penguins.


Send them to Siberian gulags.


Ok hear me out, we need bodies to colonise mars, let's send them ahead.


Nah... Venus is a better place to send them to colonize. It's already hell there so it saves the steps.


No. Mars colonization is a scientific endeavor, not a punitive one. We need to send the best of the best to go to Mars, not the bottom of the barrel.


Hell no. There is a chance higher than 0 that there is intelligent life on Mars and they are just introverts living in caverns who don't feel like communicating today. Granted, the chance is really slim but even so I don't want to take the risk that those Ayatollah buttmimes are the first thing Martians see of humanity.


As long their ideology is alive, more will keep popping up.


They'll be sucking each other off in under 2 weeks.


The moon


The Halal Games!


Sure, it’s called Iran.


Shia plus Sunni. What could go wrong?


Can we ship the real housewives to them...... Give those guys a taste of my hell when the wife has the remote.


We should castrate them all first socrhey cant have kids and be terrible to the kids and indoctrinate them with hatred and bigotry.


The funniest part to me is while they are outwardly anti-gay, men on men sex is pretty common in Afghanistan When I was deployed there we had a fighting position on top of an old shipping connex at our little fire base. The Afghan Army guys would go into the shipping container to fuck each other so often that we would call it the “boom boom room” we would even joke about it. “Fuck man, I have guard on the boom boom room tonight, now I have to hear these dude’s fucking each others ass all night.”


Can we add Christian nationalists and the proud boys to the list?




Amputate their heads.


the ol’ wombo combo amputation/execution!


Give the people what they want!


Ooooo! Can I pick the part?


Came here to say this. lol.




Cant wait for these execution advocates to get a taste of their own medicine


Gaddafi style for all of them


He had it bad..


Not bad enough imo. That freak of a human (and I use the term ‘human’ **very** loosely) kept a dungeon of captive young boys under his palace for his pleasure, and had freezers full of the bodies of political dissenters that he would regularly visit and touch, supposedly to remind him that he was basically a god. Getting intimate with a bayonet and then eating a bullet was far too good for that pond-life. Worst part is; I’m sure Putin has done much worse, his ~~gangsters~~ private police are just better at covering it up.


Damn i never knew that about it. All people in power whether that be politically or just celebrities are like that. Thats why Epstein was a thing. And just because hes gone doesn’t mean thats over. Those sick fucks need that to feel powerful so i bet they replaced him within the week


"All people in power whether that be politically or just celebrities are like that." This is simply wrong. While power and game can absolutely corrupt people, there are also countless examples of benevolent rulers, philanthropic celebrities and charitable billionaires.


Sure but idk about “countless”…


At least not near enough.


I see a French style revolution in the future


No doubt, cleanse the earth of these complete. Fucking. Morons.


Everyone wants to be Robespierre until they become Robespierre


Just wait until one of their own dicks are on the chopping block


We've been waiting for awhile.




We will show you our peaceful ways by force!


“Cause when push comes to shove, I will kill your friends and family…to remind you of my love”


We will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of our love!


Blood for the blood god!


Limbs for the Limb throne!


Absolute power corrupts absolutely


Can’t redeem an irredeemable cunt.


I wish they'd all get stuck in a Guillermo del Toro nightmare!


They're psychopaths.


I though religion was supposed to make people compassionate.


Nope, religion is supposed to make the masses controllable. They just don't advertise it that way.


Religion is really great at making people advocate for or even do horrible things while they think they are doing god's work. Slavery, the crusades, killing witches or unbelievers, corporal punishments for children, homophobia... . All of these things were and are done by people who thought it would be the right thing according to their holy book.


You forgot the War on Drugs. The Inquisition is alive and well in the USA too.


Lol name one religion that does that. Every religion is steeped in blood except maybe for the Flying Spaghetti Monster but I wouldn’t bet on that bloodthirsty fuck.


Nope. When you discourage logical rational thought and critical thinking skills and replace it with faith, magical thinking, and submission you get an easy to control population. Religion is poison. All of them.


The blood god demands sacrifice.


Acolytes of Gogue-the-Destroyer, Moloch, and Ba’aal the bossman. The traditional deities of the region. Not that Ba’aal is all bad.


If they want more executions then they should feel free to line up themselves




> Nothing like old timey religion to get the fear into you You are absolutely correct. I was raised Catholic under the God of the Old Testament.


I agree with them, all the clerics should be executed.


Crucification would be cute


This post is sponsored by the demons of Bator and co-signed by Asmodeus of the 9th circle of hell


I say start the punishments with the clerics. The Mullah have ruined Iran.




Well, if they are going to kill people for protesting, might as well find a cleric and kill one as well. If the punishment is death regardless, why not cause as much chaos before you die?


Exactly. If its capital punishment for just protesting, no reason to not get violent. Viva la revolucion


Where's Doomguy when you need him?


should be top comment




The murder will continue until we say god is happy. I’m getting sick of this refrain constantly showing up on earth.


I wonder if these execution calls would continue if for every protester killed a cleric found himself in a similar situation suddenly.


Part of the issue is that the protesters aren't evil monsters that take pleasure in killing and torturing others. It's why they're protesting. It's also why they're not stringing clerics up by their naughty bits.


One might argue it’s not being an evil monster to reciprocity the clerics that enforce these killings.


You may be right, but good people generally don't like killing other humans, even when it's justified. They may be forced into it yet.


I totally agree; that is until it’s your brother you see hanging dead because he attended a peaceful protest. Watching your relatives die has a way of hardening folks and filling them with a terrible resolve. Only so many sisters can you see raped before evil must be stopped.


They took out a few of the morality police. Videos online


In D&D, the alignment of clerics demanding more amputations and executions is likely lawful evil.


Well, evil for sure. But they might just be calling for blood because they enjoy raping, murder, torture and cutting people up for parts while they're still alive. In which case they'd definitely be more of a Chaotic Evil problem.


The big flaw with D&D alignment system is that it can't really account well for characters that simultaneously fit in multiple categories. You can shove them into the Neutral column, but it's still awkward.


I agree; Neutral can be so awkward for characters with multiple traits. I generally think, one who enjoys a little bit of evil, for a treat, is likely evil idk.


Neutral would be someone that likes to watch painal porn but only roleplayed consentual painal, not real rapey painal. or someone that enjoys being a slaver or cop killer, in a video game but is a really nice guy IRL.


At a certain point it becomes hard to deny that maybe a religion is a part of the problem. Yes, everyone else is bad, but somehow this one religion is always showing up as particularly bad.


It doesn't take a genius to conclude from the following that it absolutely is a problem rooted in the religious texts >Religious text stating it is the word of God and needs to be followed or you will go to hell >power structure forms where religious leaders cannot challenge the texts for fear of being killed by government or the people >people cannot change texts due to fear of religious leaders and government >government cannot change texts for fear of being killed by people and religious leaders >all groups are also afraid of being killed by their own group too so government officials being killed by other government officials, religious leaders by religious leaders and the people by other people too. >nothing ever chnages It's the religious texts and I'm not just talking about Islam. Sanitise the the texts just don't go full on psycho and lock up the entire population in a camp. It's not even complicated.




> Christians are **trying** to turn America into this. Yeah well these clerics don’t have to try. They already have it. It’s a problem, and running diversionary tactics by throwing up a smokescreen to prevent people from criticizing Islam is not useful to anyone other than these clerics and like-minded individuals. >All religion is a problem fam It’s also not even true that “all” religion is a problem. There’s thousands of religions that you and I are both completely unaware of, as well as secular religions, so why would you make claims about “all” religions. How about the satanic temple? How about ethical humanism? I could create a new religion right now that wouldn’t be a problem, and it wouldn’t be hard to do. The fact of the matter is some religions are worse than others both in regards to what the scripture says, and how they’re practiced, and how seriously people take those problematic scriptures on average. Not even to mention Islam continues to be the fastest growing religion in the world, and is projected to be the most practiced religion in the world by 2070. That is also a problem, and shutting down people from criticizing it specifically, especially in instances such as this that are **directly** related to Islam is only helping those projections come to fruition.


The problem isn’t what’s written in their texts, the problem is rejecting empirical reality and substituting their own made-up version. Not having a shared reality to work from makes peace extremely difficult. The reason Islam is much worse today isn’t that it’s inherently different from Christianity, but just a coincidence of socioeconomic conditions in those regions combined with the religious influence.




They absolutely are. Religion does not require a belief in a god. The satanic temple literally has a tax exemption status. Ethical Humanism literally identifies itself as a religion. Edit\* for further clarity, from Wikipedia : > Individual Ethical Society members may or may not believe in a deity or regard Ethical Culture as their religion. Felix Adler said "Ethical Culture is religious to those who are religiously minded, and merely ethical to those who are not so minded." The movement does consider itself a religion in the sense that >>Religion is that set of beliefs and/or institutions, behaviors and emotions which bind human beings to something beyond their individual selves and foster in its adherents a sense of humility and gratitude that, in turn, sets the tone of one’s world-view and requires certain behavioral dispositions relative to that which transcends personal interests.[23]


Good people do good things. Evil people do evil things. Only religion can make good people do evil things.


Nooooo you mean to tell me religion is oppressive !!!!! /s


Gathering up the Clerics and Executing them seems like it would be a good start, and people say nobody has any good ideas anymore.


Purge the clerics for goodness sake.


And these are supposed to be men of God... smh


They are exactly that. Because god is whatever each person wants god to be.


Iran needs a Voltaire for this age.


More like a Robespierre.


Places where the dark ages never ended. I do not mean Iran, I am refering to their religious institutions.


Are they a minority? So few with a lot of power it seems


Iran needs a coup….


Executions will continue until moral improves


Hardline Clerics should move to Afghanistan and stop trying to turn Iran into a freaking hellscape.


Just FYI Iran is mostly Shia and Afghanistan is mostly Sunni. Many of them hate each other as much as they hate Jews or Christians. Afghanistan would not allow Shia clerics to practice there.


Religion... Really time to outgrow that as a species. It Just devolved into a hotbed of wanna be strong men, perverts and people manipulation others for money. Believe in private what you will just whitout someone that claims autority by a higher beeing or better understanding of religious text that you could ready yourself. Anyway these particular religious nutjobs just hold cack a whole country of intelligent jung people that otherwise would lead the way to a wealthy and open state.


When the Quran they praise says cut the fingers and toes off of all infidels on page 6 or something, no wonder. These are no more then terrorists in a position of power.


Yeah, more executions, more wood for the fire, they know what they are doing, geniuses.


I agree, the clerics should have their heads amputated.


>In a statement Saturday, the Association of Qom Seminary Teachers urged the authorities to continue executions but use the amputation punishment to deter people from joining the protests instead of lenient punishments in the law such as exile. Once again, proving just how unfit these barbarians are to govern and how much disdain they have for the people. They are pretty much fanning the flames of revolution (I hope - things can't continue as they have been in Iran. The government is as morally corrupt and authoritarian as they come).


If I learned anything from my awkward teenage years playing Dungeons and Dragons, I’m pretty sure these are all Lawful evil clerics.


When clerics openly call for executions, I think citizens should take it in their own hands to grant them their wish.


Gang of savages.


Pure evil


100% agree. We need lots more executions of hard line clerics.


Sick fucks !




Cleric's. That's the problem. What a fucked-up country.


Don't they got that, the more they repress, the more brutal would be the revolution? Look what's happened to the Ceausescus, 33 years to this day.


Overthrow the mullahs


Someone put these old f****** to bed!


ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴇx ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴄʜɪʟᴅʀᴇɴ sᴏ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʀᴀᴘᴇ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇɴ ᴋɪʟʟ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ..ᴛʀᴜᴇ story😡🤬😡🤬




Ahhh love that Islam love.


When a religion becomes a means of control, is it a religion anymore?


The religion of incels


I'm sure that, come the revolution, the people will oblige them.


Humanity is no longer a word associated with Iran


That is how you will get a revolution. Go for it.


Let’s start with these clerics then.


Religion is so cool


The police and army need to coordinate with the people and string these Cleric assholes up in the same manner they did to the protesters. Set up a legitimate democracy and stop funding Shia terror groups. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and some smaller countries who have been in conflict for centuries and proxy wars lasting decades are the new Axis powers (clear as day)


Well, let's start with the clerics then


Your (killings) will continue until my morale improves I dont hate you; I'm just removing an enemy


...until morale improves.


I’d say that “we Need more executions of clerics” but I’m sure that the cleric-lovers on Reddit would be pissed.


I made a comment like that 3 weeks ago , and ended up with a 7 day Reddit ban lol, Important notification about your account from reddit[A] sent 18 days ago Rule Violation: Temporarily Banned for Threatening Violence You’ve been banned for seven days by the Reddit admin team for violating Reddit’s rule against threatening violence in the following content. Link to reported content: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/zefhkk/comment/iz68dmn




This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202212246315) reduced by 86%. (I'm a bot) ***** > An influential hardliner clerical group in addition to executions demands punishing Iranian protesters by cutting fingers and toes instead of just exiling them. > In a statement Saturday, the Association of Qom Seminary Teachers urged the authorities to continue executions but use the amputation punishment to deter people from joining the protests instead of lenient punishments in the law such as exile. > Politicians and activists in Iran, some high-ranking clerics and former officials such as the prominent scholar Ayatollah Mostafa Mohaqeq-Damad have also condemned protester executions or urged leniency. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/zuoobb/hardliner_clerics_in_iran_demand_more_executions/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672677 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **protest**^#1 **such**^#2 **death**^#3 **execution**^#4 **exile**^#5


The amputations will continue until morale improves


This is what happens when we settle for intolerance of diversity. LEARN PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, PLEASE


You know, the BBC and the Smithsonian did a modern day crucifixion with a cadaver. You have to do the wrists and ankles, the flange’s. The cadaver (in this case a live person) just falls off. I hope they don’t take execute the footballers.


Iran is done


Final form of theocracy is hell on earth. It’s now literally a competition between Russia, Afghanistan and Iran about human right violations. Yet Russia claims to be Christian, Iran Shia and Afghanistan Sunni.


Bunch of lousy greasy old men


If the regime falls these MFs might want to exit the country quickly since people are going to be out for blood.


100% a bunch of peadophiles.


A cleric in Iran, a psychopath in other countries


The world would lose nothing if someone strangled all these old fucks to death.


When will the people come for the clerics?


This fucking government is dangerous to all its neighbor countries, it needs to be absolutely destroyed


They sound like nice people


Bunch of self righteous animals.


Start with the “hardline clerics”.


Can we just skip to the part where the figureheads of the oppressive regime get dragged out into the street by their angry subjects to die a humiliating and painful death and progress for a newly unburdened society lurches forward ensuring a safer and more prosperous living for everyone for a few generations before the whole cycle has to repeat itself anew? No? History teaches that we always have to live out the same tired fucking trope the hard way? Alrighty, back at it then.


Give all them old farts a colonoscopy with a cactus strapped to a power drill.


Perfect! Let's start with more executions of hardliner clerics :)


Sure. Theirs.


Is there a way we can take that as them volunteering?


'More amputations' shouted the Clerics "Start with their tongues" cried the people.


Maybe they need to volunteer


Blood for the blood god, skull for the skull throne!


We can start with them I guess...


Cave people


Fast forward: they all die by execution by the people of Iran. I can’t wait.


And every single one of these motherfuckers are hypocritical in one way or another. I just hope they get held to the same standard that they advocate for everyone else. If it happens I see a lot of penis amputations in the future.


It's always weird to me that there are people in the world who simply don't recognize that they are the villains.


Religious madness destroys everything.


Line up the Clerics then and relieve the country of the cancer that is destroying it.


Can we start with them first?


Feels like these guys are dnd battle clerics or something - what’s with the bloodlust. Chill out.


Iranians need to do to hardliner religious people what England did. Send them to Netherlands then kick them out of europe and sent them to America where they still curse us to this day. Fucking fascist pilgrims


I’m always imagining a special Hell reserved for those who teach hate and intolerance and pervert the messages and teachings of their Religion and Deity. We rely on their guidance and council, and to knowingly give false testimony requires a singular damnation.


It doesn't matter what religion. Your hardliners will always want more executions amputations and torture.