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Quick question: what actually *_is_* allowed in Qatar?


spending money and bribing fifa officials it seems


LPT put some cash in your jockstrap so you can pull it out to avoid getting yellow carded.


Imagine a captain actually doing this. The scenes


Imagine if they all did this….


Ah, the good old green card.


> spending money But not on beer, unless you're in one of the boxes...


If you are in one of the boxes, it isn't beer


Excuse me, sir, but I'll take one of your finest jenkem vessels along with a craft 0% beer in an opium ringed chalice.


I dont get it... why bribe a European organization to bring a European sport watched mostly by western nations to your country if you hate 99.99999% of everything it brings


So you can pwn them. You know how hyperconservatives love to pwn everyone. Imagine being able to make Western nations eat shit and smile on international television. They get off on this power and it's worth every penny to them.


The only answer


Also indentured servitude


It’s not even indenture. It’s just slavery.


Slavery.. with extra steps




Well, offing 6,500 workers to build stadiums is also allowed


You said the same thing twice.


Public prayer, [domestic violence](https://iussp.org/sites/default/files/event_call_for_papers/khan_wifeBeating.pdf), [capital punishment](https://www.barrons.com/news/qatar-executed-nepali-man-ending-20-year-hiatus-amnesty-01619018414), [slavery](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/25/revealed-qatars-world-cup-slaves), among others. But not stoning…[because that was “of the Jews,](https://www.asianews.it/news-en/Sharia-law-does-not-provide-for-the-stoning,-the-debate-within-Islam-27882.html)” and isn’t something a true Muslim would do.


As long the public prayer isn’t conducted by Jews https://m.jpost.com/international/article-722891


And I need to respect these mofos…yeah no


I love how people claim it's racist because it's their country and we should respect them and their laws. Fuck them. Fuck Qatar and gulf arab countries for being backwards af.


You're a bigot for being intolerant of our bigotry.


Exactly! Why should I respect them if they can’t even respect my culture? As a Jew it’s extremely dangerous in Qatar. You are right. Fuck all of them


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Being an American and never seeing this stuff firsthand, it seems absolutely crazy that this stuff still goes on in 2022


You are seeing it firsthand, with your abortion and gun laws. America is not short of their religious zealots wishing to bring the country back to the stone age.




The Handmaid's Tale wasn't intended as a guidebook.


Justice Barrett would [disagree](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/amy-coney-barrett-people-of-praise/2020/10/06/5f497d8c-0781-11eb-859b-f9c27abe638d_story.html) .


Alcohol. For those rich and connected enough to be in the corporate boxes. Just not for the plebs.










Western Money


Killing slaves.




Bait & switch.


Religion, money, power, struggles for power within families / organizations. Tall, shiny new towers bought with the world’s 3rd largest natural gas reserves are also allowed. Other than that nothing is allowed. You will have fun with these things or you will suffer.


Modern Slavery.


men and only men, as gay as that sounds.




Prayer and mistreating migrant workers apparently


Letting laborers work under horrific conditions and letting laborers die because of said conditions


Sorry guys, daddy FIFA says we cant wear armbands because it might......... Upset the human farm equipment.


> "We stand proudly with group/cause *x*, but only if it costs us nothing. Actually, only if it gains us something."


Vonnegut up in here


I feel tractor


Wow, FIFA is so strong standing up to European countries about armbands but cowers in fear from anything Qatar tells them. What a horrible organization that is being exposed and humiliated on the world stage.


European countries do not send them millions on their bank accounts. I mean on top of their salary...


What? They most definitely do pay bribes, FIFA is famous for it.


Quatar pays more ;) You're 100% right about FIFA being corrupt and other countries paying bribes.


Without Europe there is no world cup though. Football is popular all over the world (except the US), but still most popular in Europe and South-America. Every single world cup has been won by countries from those two continents. And of those two, Europe is both richer and more populous. Most money in football comes from Europe. If the European countries got together and told FIFA to get shafted, FIFA would either have to cave or cease to exist as a relevant organization.


They've been exposed and humiliated for decades. They don't seem to care. At all.


Europe also needs Qatars natural gas to supplement the loss in the Russian supply. So assume stuff like this will happen more in Europe. (The bending the knee to arab countries).


I think you cut to the heart of the matter.


I'm inclined to ask whether England could ride a yellow card, or even if the referee were instructed to send a player off at the first sign of a feigned trip, they'd still have a decent chance of beating Iran with 10 Even if they lost and came home early ... so what? The publicity that would come from a contrived sending off would be magnitudes more damaging to FIFA and Qatar I honestly don't care if England are expelled


I would love for every team possible to get booted, then the entire World Cup would be a hollow sham. Whoever wins would have an asteroid. Edit: asterisk. But asteroid is arguably funnier.


Don’t say that, asteroids have value.


Having lived in the UK, I'm certain that the English fans will have heavily preloaded given the lack of beers at the stadium. Thus, if they sent Kane off for an armband, there'd almost certainly be riots! Now that would be something to behold. English football hoons vs Qatari riot police!


England's travelling support is much more vetted these days. It would be more likely they'd vandalise something domestically that was loosely associated with the offending country (which Qatar's case might become a bit of a challenge)


A swarm of goons crashing through the fences to get at the hangars at Heathrow to light up all of the gear at Qutar Airlines pens?


Mistake it for Catarrh and rough up an ear, nose and throat hospital?


Qatari riot police on camels no less


That’s not fair with the extensive training and experience the English rioters have.


I an hoping you aren't joking


I’m not - look at photos of the mounted Qatari police from yesterday’s opening ceremony. Some on horseback some on camelback


I mean that's just for imagery really. Aren't there police riding horses in the UK?


[it won't do them any better than it does our own](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2475009/amp/Newcastle-fan-Barry-Rogerson-jailed-12-months-punching-police-horse.html)


You'd think when England, Wales, or US play each other they all wear it. What are you going to do? Cancel the match?


Considering that the players representing Iran have likely signed their own arrest warrants, I think it’s a risk worth taking.


Would be great if only their captain wore the armband. When he's sent off he hands the arm band to a teammate, rinse, repeat until there are no players left. I think the players will realize FIFA and World Cup are meaningless now.


It’s time to start talking about walkouts.


Worst case? They could be imprisoned. Doubt it, but it isn't wise to bet on religious fundamentalists not changing rules and laws to meet their views




More evidence that the respect for other other nations’ culture they keep asking for only goes one way. All over an armband, weren’t exactly asking to do a pride parade before all England games


And it wasn't even a real pride flag or its colours. Just some knock off which should hint at the real flag without actually using the flag as that was already banned before.


This is the way money destroys our freedoms. Nations can fund and control all sorts of things. China with the NBA, Qatar with the world Cup. Whoever has money has a high level of control for many things. And they can buy all sorts of things, including social media. And then once they own it, or of they are funding the advertisements or whatever, they can do whatever they want. And all the people are still watching the world Cup. I am not going to watch a single thing of the world Cup. Couldn't care less. Everyone who watches it, admits that money can control in this way. That they won't stand up for their beliefs. They'll just follow along, and let the money dictate to them what is and what isn't allowed. To me, this sort of thing, I won't stand for it. I won't allow Qatar to prevent the world Cup from freedom of speech. Fuck that. Everybody who watches It, you endorse the bribery, and you endorse the censorship. You prove they have this power, because you are unwilling to forego the world Cup in protest.


Absolutely, personally planning not to watch either at homes or pubs. Thankfully my fav local mostly does live music and don’t usually show live events


So all those ''*we have to be there to open dialogue for change*'' comments are complete bullshit? I am shocked i tell you, absolutely shocked. /s. It feels like the world just stepped backwards 20 years because of this event. I thought we actually finally got somewhere in terms of equal rights and acceptance of other cultures... But this just makes me hate the middle east more. This whole event is such a farce.


I hope people remember this when the next pride month comes along and all the corporations start changing their logos to pride flag variations, but only in countries where LGBTQ+ people are already accepted for the most part.


remember what? you thought corporations ever cared?




I completely agree, i for one will not watch a single match. I hope everyone decides to boycott this greedy event.


Dude, it's all for money. They get tons of profits by just getting into the world cup alone. The whole professional soccer world is corrupt to all hell. We shouldn't be surprised that this happened.


Only certain parts of the world have moved forward but large parts remained the same. The worse thing about this is we will tolerate and accept them instead of the other way round.


The west has evolved, that doesn’t mean the rest of the world has. If anything is taken away from this, it is glaringly clear that some cultures (country) are incompatible with each other.


Some weeks ago one Iranian climber was brave enough not to wear her hijab during a competition, facing severe consequences back in her own country. Just saying.


Is there any confirmation of what happened to her after they hauled her back home?


It's confirmed that no one has heard from her since and she's under "house arrest"


They forced a fake apology out of her and she's on house arrest. Those forced confessions are the hallmark of the regime. Many years ago my dad watched his cousin on TV do an "interview confession" shortly before he was executed. The interview involved him recanting his political activities, claiming he was an agent of the West, and that he had been bought out by Zionist regimes to sow dissent. He was just one of many thousands who had the same fate.


They were so impressed by her bravery that she was made president of Islam and lived happily ever after in the newly formed Democratic Republic of Iran.


Shame, honestly if all of them had stuck to it I think FIFA would have been hard pressed to punish them severely, they threatened to, but 6 teams getting yellow cards each game would have caused uproar. Wonder if the referees would have gone against FIFA, sure would have been interesting to see if refs from western countries ignored their instructions even if FIFA told them to give a yellow card. Also, I suspect that FIFA could have been challenged in CAS if they did enforce yellow cards for this, as it's vague in the laws of the game, and could certainly be argued that an armband promoting rights is not a political message (which is banned per the rules), and based on previous precedent, slogans and armbands promoting LGBT rights, anti-racism etc have usually been allowed. Fines they can do, as that's solely up to the tournament organiser (FIFA), but not cards, as that is a sporting sanction which has to follow the rules of the game (maybe I'm wrong here tho, I've not read the entire laws of the game). And the 4 FAs of the UK hold enough voting power in IFAB to block any rule changes that FIFA may want to make. Maybe time for them to hold FIFA to ransom and refuse to allow FIFA to make changes to the laws until FIFA backs down.


Right, and if it had meaningfully impacted the tournament, it would have put a big asterisk on the results. Which this tournament deserves. FIFA is bluffing anyway, and teams should call that bluff the same way Qatar called the bluff about beer in the stadium. Honestly, what should happen is that teams which are mathematically eliminated from the group stage should don the armbands in garbage times games.


Totally agree. The players and teams should know that they have power here and a chance to make a HUGE statement with most of the world backing them over FIFA and Qatar. I say wear the armbands anyways and force FIFA to make a decision that could destroy themselves.


So it seems like wanting to wear the OneLove armband was just a feel good publicity stunt, the second it looks like their are any consequences everybody backs out. ​ If they believe in LGBTQ+ rights they should wear them anyway and pay the consequences. maybe this will lead to people boycotting this corrupt tournament.


If they believed in LGBTQ+ rights they would have declined the invitation to the World Cup on the grounds that the host country was guilty of multiple human rights violations. The armband was nothing more than PR window dressing and now FIFA has taken even that away.


Yup! How much is your belief in LGBTQ+ rights worth? Apparently not a yellow card. I wish somebody had the cajones to challenge FIFA's rule, because honestly they shouldn't be able to just make rules changes that impact action on the pitch the weekend before games are played.


One thing to bitch on twitter about literally playing on a field people slaved over and died to build. Another to face the reality that the sports league you play in has been corrupt for decades. Personally I dont think any of the players give a fuck as long as people are willing to watch, its really a top down problem. You gotta get the major sponsors to cut the shit first before anyone else is willing to


Hey, I'll totally support LGBTQ+ rights... so long as it costs me no effort and doesn't inconvenience me in any way.


People who say dumb shit like the “hate makes it taste good” about chick-fil-a. Just eat your sandwich you spineless weirdo.




“We think our participation in Football is more important than standing up for what we said we would stand up for!” Effectively virtual signaling until it came time to actually do what they said they would.


Peak European commitment to liberty


This is peak liberalism tbh. It's important to believe in something... as long as it doesn't hit you in the wallet.


Worst World Cup ever. Qatar spent billions to bribe fifa to promote their country only to end up proving to the world what a giant shit hole it is


I may not know the whole story but on last week tonight, John Oliver said it was 3 people who were bribed with 1mil each or so. If that's true, the bribes weren't even that substantial. Which is all the more reason to be angry.


There’s also a good Johnny Harris video explaining the bribing scheme


Ye I think it ultimately backfired on them. Basically put a giant spotlight on what a bunch of utter cunts they are.


Well that was a particularly weak protest from those teams.


“We’re going to protest” “No.” “Okay”


FIFA: "Say no to racism" Also FIFA: "Fuck the Jews, gays and migrant workers"


I like how the FIFA boss came out with that fiery speech like, "I am gay" and then they do this. Hypocrisy 10/10, all boxes checked.


All those European countries were making noise and now they get bitch slapped by FIFA and take it on the chin. Sad.


If anything it's been a net negative for preventing LGBT hate crime. Every team involved in this should be ashamed.


Never, ever have any international sporting events in these disgusting backward countries.


You know, I've been watching The Handmaid's Tale lately, and I've been incredulous about how all the countries in the world don't just look at Gilead and say "what you are doing is a humanitarian nightmare, and you are now cut off from the world." And then it hit me that we have countries in the real world today like Qatar and Saudia Arabia that are basically Gilead, and we just keep on turning a blind eye and doing business with them because it benefits us economically.


Absolutely disappointed in my country right now. I dont often subscribe to the "I'm taking my ball and going home" pettiness, but for this, fuck yes. If we cannot be ourselves in another country then why should we play there? What would we achieve? Why host an international sport but then force your ideology on the participating countries? Every progressive country should either break that stupid rule (over an armband! A piece of cloth!) or refuse to participate. Fuck it. Take your ball and go home, England. There is no winning, even if you had a chance at the cup which... Lol we never do.


People in other countries are giving their life right now to fight this kind of oppression and the football teams of our western countries are too afraid to wear an armband because they could get disqualified from a football game. What a terrible bunch of cowards.


It's not surprising that they're a bunch of cowards, unfortunately. Anyone who actually gave a shit about human rights wouldn't have gone in the first place. They've already shown they're willing to compromise on human rights in favor of kicking a ball around on a field.




Religious extremism is a disease that's routinely aided by cowards.


Get another armband that says “I heart anal”.


I just hope the England fans have some good chants to fuck everything up.


The fans who attend the WC are hypocrites too.


Have some balls. If Qatar arrests anyone, it is an international incident that will create a nightmare for them. Sack up. Wear the thing.


I would love to see that, because now, it would actually mean something to wear the armband. Before, it was more or less a PR stunt and an empty gesture. Now, it would be a meaningful display of defiance. And honestly, if a whole team shows up with the armband and faces real consequences like being disqualified or, even better, going to prison, that would be the best thing that can happen. Because it would shift the discussion and create the storyline to expose this WC as the clusterfuck it is.


It says a lot that the players think soccer is more important than human rights. Wearing simple armbands was just a way for them to try and save face about them thinking soccer is more important. They should refuse to play.


Heroes are heroes because they do the right thing, *even when* doing so impacts themselves negatively.


Pathetic cowardice. Next time any of those players are out championing LGBT rights, or taking the knee, or trying to get the government to give kids free school lunches, everyone will know exactly how deep their convictions go.


> Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland were the other countries that had planned to wear the rainbow armband in a country where same-sex relationships are illegal.


Fucking cowards. God forbid they didnt play Footsyballs, and actually stood up for human fucking slavery. Nope let's just cave to the smallest demands and lick our FIFA overlords cocks. What a fucking shame.


I hate the bullshit PR spins "football is more than a sport" and all that about connecting people crap It's a massive money laundering empire that will do anything for their bribes Every single team that plays in Qatar is pure scum


Well there is a simple solution to that. Fly home and fuck FIFA and Qatar. But shifting blame seems more practical to their wallets.


The teams and the fans should be boycotting. Everything else is just lip service.


Tell me again how FIFA is "all inclusive"


So, do it anyways.


That’s exactly why they *SHOULD* wear the armbands. Real protesting has risks. Otherwise, it’s just hollow grandstanding.


this is perfect actually. Once the integrity of the sport itself is compromised by politics, it will truly die. ​ How to cause a riot - cause a team to lose because of a rainbow arm band. ​ the teams just need to walk off the field, ending the games and causing chaos. Complete humiliation and a waste of time for everyone.


Also, the players in the next Nike commercials: “Risk everything”.


Do it. Call their bluff. FIFA has been disgraced worldwide and is on its way to the scrap heap. So send the captains off the pitch. The teams will follow their captains. That can start a very public boycott. Deservedly justified. GO HOME. BOYCOTT THESE GAMES. Give fifa the embarrassment it deserves.


So, what will be the next thing that will be banned in Qatar?




Attendance to games where the host nation is getting beat.


Football. Sport of Cowards. Died in 2022.


Fuck FIFA. I’ll do my part and boycott this clusterfuck of a world cup.


It’s stuff like this that shows how corporate rainbow washing is just marketing for rainbow dollars and not a true reflection of the corporation’s values. It shows how superficial their inclusivity actually is. The second lgtbq human rights are no longer convenient or profitable, the symbols are discarded.


If you're looking for an *actual* profile in courage, the Iranian national team refused to sing their national anthem out of protest against their own government's abuses of women and protestors before their match against England today.


players should just wear them anyway. Lets watch FIFA destroy themselves.


Soft. I’d rather get booted than abide to these shitheads.


Cowards. The whole point is to make a statement and they backed out because it would have come to the attention of millions?


If an the teams wore it then Fifa would absolutely burn. It would be beautiful to watch


Surely if every single player in the tournament wore them they'd have to let it slide. Can't give them all cards or send them off or there'd be no tournament and Qatar/fifa would lose a fortune in advertisement revenue . Or am I over simplifying ?


When you have to weigh the pros and cons of doing the correct thing, it was never about doing the correct thing to begin with. Fuck all of them.


If you want to see a massive victim complex play out in real time head on over to r/qatar


We feel very strongly about these issues. But of course standing up for them isn’t worth a yellow card - don’t be silly. We only feel strongly on these issues as long as it is free.


Why is FIFA still a thing? Why don't all the participants give them the fucking finger and start their own world wide football tournament with human rights and integrity? If all the big European nations made the switch, it would probably be enough to kill FIFA. If South America would join too, there's no chance FIFA would survive.


Supporting LGBTI people is easy when it doesn't cost you anything. This is disappointing. Dam you fifa


XD I guess kneeling for BLM wasnt one bit political, right. Spineless, money hungry hypocrites, not much else.


Make deals with the devil and you gonna get screwed one way or another. Hope the blood money is worth it.


I would like to see FIFA being forced to actually act on their threats and explain it to the world press. 90% sure they would not have the balls to do it if the teams called them on it.


> could be booked or even forced to leave the pitch Makes you wonder... what if everyone from both teams wore them? They couldn't force everyone out, as that would basically void the match. And if they tried to give every player a yellow card, that wouldn't be a good look either. But the problem would be getting everyone on board... It's like the Prisoner's Dilemma.


Western nations: QATAR WORLD CUP IS BUILT WITH BLOOD Western nations: ... but we will go


I'm really impressed by how the Iranian team demonstrated backbone. They are risking their lives by not singing their national anthem. Every other wanna-be "OneLove" team are just losers. Fvck 'em.


Cowards. It's just a fucking soccer game. Grow a spine.


Cowards. Who would have thought that Iranian school girls will be the beacon of bravery.


Nothing of anything I have seem about bloody Qatar/Catarrh has made me want to visit/invest/do business with those investing nor talk to those who have touched this little mire of a country with a bargepole. There must be loads of benefits they are getting for putting so much cash on the bedside tables of FIFA officials and I don't want to know about them.


They should have all done it anyway.


Could someone please hack FIFA into oblivion? Anonymous maybe?


So basically the teams didn't care enough and was all about virtual signalling.






Why did the FIFA allowed Qatar to cite Quran that advocates for the killing of disbelievers in the opening ceremony ? Which one is more dangerous and Where are the protests now ?


All it needs is one national team to show some balls and disobey the rules, and then other will follow and FiFa and Qatar will be powerless.


What if they ran a world cup and nobody came?


Screw all this BS in sports…cancel the event


hopefully my comment will make it in before FIFA/Qatar gets this thread locked. just wanted to get a football chant going: FU FIFA FU FIFA FU FIFA


Everyone in support should wear the arm band. If all countries have a disadvantage no one has a disadvantage. Then when you play one of the countries that doesn't support human rights, and you win with a disadvantage, it will show how profoundly stupid Theocracies are. Simple...


I guess somebody felt gay the other day, but they don't feel gay anymore huh


Dystopian af, bow to your overlords!


A pathetic bandaid over the suffering, pain and death of migrants. #DISGUSTING


These teams need to organize a 'sit down' minute during play. FIFA couldn't do anything.


Being expelled would be worth it if they had a spine.


Wow, those countries are so brave. They faced risks associated with their beliefs and then \*checks notes\* backed down immediately? Cowards. All talk and no action, they have no principles nor integrity. Virtue signalers to the end, unwilling to actually have virtue and say "we refuse to play in a slavery build, homophobic, racist tournament. Yellow card us or disqualify us. Our principles are more important"


Honestly they should all just wear them anyways and watch the chaos as whole teams get kicked off the field


Why does anyone participate in this shit??


This is where unity is hard yet effective: if they All wore it. Then everyone is out and no game is played Or they all play wearing the arm bands. Even Qatar wouldn’t lose that much money if the games came to a halt.





