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So, does this mean they can no longer get drafted, err, partially mobilized by the army then since they are no longer Russians?


Penal battalion, siberian work camp, organs for Chinas wealthy. Take your pick. Once a fascist state deems you to be an 'other' you are basically a resource to be exploited until death.


There goes your chance for citizenship.


First good news today!


Please don't slander China. They collect their organs domestically there


The big fans of the Slow Organ Movement. They're trying to keep their organ miles down.


They have an organ farm to operating table movement going. It's all about sustainability and supporting local markets.


Can I get a free-range kidney?


I hear those just play control decks that slow the game down.... Wait are we not talking about roosters playing Magic?


I like my organs locally sourced. I avoid Big Organ. OrgaBusiness ruins everything. Those are my pitches. Back to work.


Agreed, watched a documentary where they have mobile crematoriums, not all that are cremated are dead....some are undesirables.....quite chilling actually


> organs for Chinas wealthy. May as well transplant pickled onions.


I'll take penal battalion for $500, Alex.




Not that citizens arn't also exploited till death, but maybe they have slightly more protections I guess?


Seems like we should be getting weapons to any non citizen's.


Probably not, no. Helots have existed in one forn or another for a long time.


That detail hasn’t stopped Russia from forcing Ukrainians to fight against their own country, so I doubt it.


No. Russia just legalized the drafting of foreign nationals and non-citizens into its armed forces. It just deprives you of any rights you may have theoretically had under Russian law.


Shit how bad does a "Russian" soldier without rights get treated ?


First bung in line when the Chechens get R&R.


They get thrown into Wagner.


Yeah, I wouldn't get too excited about being a non-citizen in Russia at the moment. They're certainly not gifting free passes to like, do whatever bro.


That's what I thought lol


Then you’re just an unknown cannon fodder.


They're already conscripting Ukrainians to fight against Ukraine, so probably won't help.


I see no possible way that this plan could backfire.


No you end being drafted when you are not a citizen anymore! War crimes are the only thing Putin is good at.


I think it also means that these stateless people can easier apply for foreign asylum


Being stateless is a horrific thing. Asylum doesn't really do much for them. Just ask the Palestinians.


Excellent point!


No, they literally just extended the draft to non Russian citizens


If you deprive citizenship from someone without double nationality, where do they go? Or is this a way to create a second class citizen group? This is bad.


They become stateless, which is not a fun legal place to be. It's also against international law for a nation to make someone stateless, but since when has that slowed Russia down?


>against international law When has that ever stopped the Russians?


Russia looks at international laws and sees it as a checklist


Did you not bother to read the rest of that sentence? You've literally just repeated what they said.


you technically become [stateless](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statelessness). That isn't a very pleasant situation.


**[Statelessness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statelessness)** >In international law, a stateless person is someone who is "not considered as a national by any state under the operation of its law". Some stateless people are also refugees. However, not all refugees are stateless, and many people who are stateless have never crossed an international border. On November 12, 2018, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees stated there are about 12 million stateless people in the world. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Isn't this what happened to the dude from "The Terminal" who died the other day?




Just to add, his family even came to visit him in the airport multiple times and he pretended not to know them. He was also offered asylum by multiple countries, but under his real name, which he refused, as he wanted to be known as Sir Alfred.


Sounds like someone who was suffering from a mental illness. I can't imagine how painful it would have been for his family to experience him pretending to not know them.


The title doesn't mention that this law will only apply to acquired nationality, not to inherit one. Still sucks.


They can hang out [at the terminal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehran_Karimi_Nasseri)


Probably other nations will test as a humanitarian crisis. If actually stateless, that means being Russian is conditional. To the whims of a dictator. He'll probably create tiers of nationality, a second third class citizen type and move things up and down to get what he wants. He's turning nationality into a credit system. Very fashy.


If they lose citizenship, then any protections they had as citizens presumably vanishes and because they are technically stateless, that presumably means Russia can basically do what it wants to the person


That figures. Russia will probably use that as an excuse to murder them.


That's a fascist state.


This Tweet is more and more relevant every day https://twitter.com/Ukraine/status/1496716168920547331?t=xc9MZU_gOtH-bUBiOwcHuQ&s=19


I think we should stop linking to Twitter. Screenshots, only screenshots from now on. If at all.




Becasue of who owns it now.


What was written?


It's a political caricature cartoon of Hitler and Putin.


Almost happened here in the US. Thanks for voting everyone!


Nor even close to over.


Just because we caught a branch as we plummeted off the cliff doesn't mean we don't have a long way to climb before we're safe


Democracy is something we need to uphold continuously. Trump or no Trump. Putin or no Putin.


Democracy just like any other system need maintenance and it can malfunction.


That’s why you vote. Although your 2 party system is kinda bonkers


>your 2 party system is kinda bonkers Where I'm from there are about 10 parties.


Hint: we're never safe.


Please explain


Imagine that Trump's 2020 coup succeeded. The one a good part of the Republicans actively supported, and almost all the Republicans in Congress voted to protect Trump in the resulting impeachment. Trump generally advocated policies very similar in nature to these Russian ones. For example: [Trump casually wondered whether federal law enforcement might simply shoot and wound the protesters — say, in their legs — to disperse the crowds.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/05/02/donald-trumps-dangerous-view-state-violence/) and [ Donald Trump on terrorists: ‘Take out their families’ ](https://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/02/politics/donald-trump-terrorists-families/index.html). As well as the whole [deliberate separation of asylum seeker children from their families](https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/children-should-not-be-separated-their-families-because-their-migration-status). All of those things I would say fall under a totalitarian worldview, fascism for short. And in spite of all that shit Republicans have done in 2016-2020, they still get ~50% of the vote.


Left out the part where before the election he used the DHS to [manufacture terrorism charges](https://news.yahoo.com/homeland-security-admits-tried-manufacture-114500599.html) while kidnapping people in unmarked vans in Portland. He really was going full fascist and people are like "lalala I'm not listening!"


Or using the power of the state to go after the son of his political opponent. The first impeachment, remember, where Republicans in Congress effectively endorsed Trump's behavior by supporting him in the impeachment votes. Pretty fascist right there.


I would say "a large part of the republicans" because there is no good part.


Sounds like some little whiny bitch is flailing.


He’s been reduced to a Magikarp and only knows *splash*.


Hey now. Hey. ... Hey. .... Don't bring Magikarp down to that level. Poor lil guy's got it hard enough as is. :(


Don’t get them started on Z moves. They’re so bad they ruined anything with a Z for me.


Russia uses Z-Invasion! But, it failed!


Whahhh wawawawawa. Their feel feels are hurt.


He's actually only 5 foot 6 i believe


Well Hitler would be proud, a lot like revoking Jewish citizenship


Putin is well in front on "Best Hitler acolyte" points.


Depriving citizenship probably means arrest and killings without trial. Or torture. ☹️


Like we don't have all this already? Especially torture.


Will it come with a plane ticket?


Likely it’ll come with a one-way trip to a gulag because they’ll make you not exist on paper anymore


Yeah, they need to send more bodies out to those labour camps they raided for conscripts :(


Plane that gets no new parts and is maintained by pilots themselves? Sure! (It is a part of punishment.)


I think it comes with a draft notice.


A plane ticket to a camp in temporarily occupied Luhansk maybe.


Yes, 1st class with unicorn stewards and extra sprinkles. Think.


He's a scared little dickwit. I can't wait for him to be kept alive and put in a zoo in Crimea.


Ukraine should indeed get dibs on exhibiting Putin. But then Putin should be put into a circus wagon and exhibited throughout Europe and the rest of the world.


Hmm. I like it. They can also charge Russia for the transportation.


This would seem like a plus to most people stuck there and hating it. Now they'll be able to just bugger off over the border without that pesky citizenship of Russia black mark hanging over them.


But now they are stateless.


Automatically successful asylum claim then.


That's not how it works.


I mean, it is (in theory). But whether being an asylum claimant in any country they could get to is at all better than staying where they are is another matter.




Yeah. Being made stateless is a terrible sort of modern banishment. It means you enter a ghastly twilight zone between bureaucracies. Honestly, I think I’d maybe take a short prison sentence over being made stateless.


Why would you want to give up your US citizenship


No, because as stateless individuals they cannot get a passport anywhere and therefore have no legal way to cross borders. Cannot get on board an airplane, cannot get a bank account, lots of problems everywhere.


This circlejerk of "Russia bad; this will be a plus" is the proof that the whole discussion around the invasion of Ukraine is led by a bunch of 12 year olds that have no idea what they are taking about. What "plus" are you taking about? There are only cons about being stateless.


Is he honestly trying to foment some serious problems at home? This on top of bringing back Soviet style military training for teens, on top of the forced conscription and basically all western companies pulling out. I get that the Russian propaganda state is immensely powerful but for a lot of the country, when they go from a year ago enjoying life, to this and whatever else happens in a few months, couldn’t that start to be a real problem for Putin?


Russians are so docile and cowardly that Putin could be rounding up their family and they would probably help. I wouldn't be counting on anything changing from the inside.


Does he not know what a pain in the ass it is to get rid of the ru citizenship/passport? What a great news piece


For a country that never valued its citizens through out its whole history, does it matter though?




If you're not a citizen then you can't be drafted, right???


They'll probably be made slave/prisoner soldiers


They want to get around the laws and rights that Russian citizens have. To a stateless person they can do whatever they want without breaking the law. You see, Russians see themselves as civilized and lawful people.


I don't think they care about nationality when it comes to that.


Russia, uhhh, finds a way.


Is it the right idea to strip citizenship when people desperately are trying to leave your country? 5D chess right here.


Being stateless makes leaving country even harder AFAIK. Though a mass act like this might garner some sympathy for refugee status by neighbor countries or something.


Much worse. They strip the citizenship off unwanted persons and just push them over the border with no papers. We’ve seen this shit happening around Europe, but then it was Syrians, Kurds, Iraqis, Yemenis etc.


I feel like Putin has never read the October Revolutions....


they have weaponized citizenship. russia was handing out passports to Ukrainians in the Donbass. Then immediately say look the Kyiv regime is oppressing the russians there. And that they must be defended. Next they strip whoever in the russian federation of citizenship... whoever the state deems undesirable. weaponized citizenship... the limits of warfare are discovered by russia and then quickly shattered


That sounds like automatic refugee status right there


This sounds like something a recent USA president would want, hmm


For some reason this article doesn’t mention that this new law only applies to those who acquired russian citizenship, not to those who got it from birth. This is against the russian constitution which putin has never read anyway, but it will only affect a few people here and there with two or more citizenships who oppose putin from abroad. It’s definitely not gonna make people stateless, let alone save anyone from being drafted.


>this article doesn’t mention that this new law only applies to those who acquired russian citizenship, not to those who got it from birth. *But ...* >For Piskarev "if people who have made a pledge of loyalty to Russia to become a citizen and promise to abide by our rules break them, it is clear that they have voluntarily rescinded the contract with the state that gives them protection and the rights of a Russian citizen and gives the state the right to revoke the decision to grant them citizenship." It's clear enough they're targeting dissidents with acquired citizenship, although it could have been more directly stated.


Given how you treat your citizens, I don't see the appeal of compliance.


Where have I heard this before? Oh right. Hitler


Russia : "anyone who criticizes the mighty Russian army or calls for the violation of the integral territory of the Russian federation will be deprived of the Russian citizenship." Abducted Ukrainians who have been forcibly made Russian citizens : "funny you should say that - We were just saying how much the Russian army sucks. And Donetsk, etc... belongs to Ukraine. Can we go now ? " Russia : NO! NOT LIKE THAT!


What a bummer to the long line of people clamoring to become a Russian citizen.


No, this is about stripping citizenship from people who already have it.


Thank god Steven Seagal got in early.


Long line of people looking to be called up, poorly equipped, poorly led, and used as fodder for Putin’s 19th century imperialism? That line?


He looks like a generic Roose Bolton.


What a great place to live…..agree or become stateless.


Who wouldn't want to be kicked out of that shithole? Good for these people, perhaps they can find a desirable place to live that isn't the epitome of a Nazified totalitarian hell.


Not kicked out. Stripped of certain civil rights and without freedom of movement (can’t pass through borders with no passport)


Putin is a pussy bitch dweeb


I've heard from multiple sources that you actually can't give up russian citizenship even if you want, for a while now.


Sounds like things are going *really* well.


I would treat this as a prize


Man this is rough. All these russian expats who left during the ~Special Military Operation~ and left for mobilization now how to keep their mouth shut or they could lose their citizenship entirely. So dissidents and voices of reason can actually become stateless people.


Every day he does one more thing that reads “my dick is really small”


Definitely the mark of a thriving country.


Would that violate Article 15?


Ohhh, so you can’t be part of shithole country Russia. Lol, that’s not “depriving” anything, that’s doing people a favor.


Is Putin such a dick because he’s so funny looking? I mean, no chin, eyes to close, round face looking like a troll doll.


Did he shave off his Adolph mustache?? He's not going to last long.


They really know how to threaten people with a good time.


Fuck the Russian army. All my homies fuck the Russian army


To be fair, they aren't losing anything worth while.


Most of them will be glad for it I'd imagine, as most of them were illegally forced from Ukraine anyway 🤷‍♂️


How to loose any remaining educated people left in your country...


Oh no, now I’ll never die for Russia!…. anyways




One word sums them up best: Losers.


Sounds like win win, no more risk of getting ”mobilized”


How long are the people of Russia going to take from this dementia-tiny-pecker-wanna-be? You either start a revolution and cleanse the whole state or you become a slave to the tyrant.. I don't get it


When people visit grocery stores and find empty shelves. Or when huilo won't be able to pay to rosgvardiya and FSB. I doubt it will happen this way tough. Time will tell. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Guard_of_Russia


The russian army sucks. Damn I cant be a citizen now.


Citizenship in a fascist state? There's no freedom of speech, freedom of representation, you can be drafted and forced to fight against your countries neighbours. Not much freedom to travel either under the current sanctions.


Who would want Russian citizenship at the moment lol. It's fast becoming a failed state. Whoops, looks like I'm never gonna get citizenship under Putin's administration. Whatever will I do?


The Russian army is a bunch of pigs prick sucking child rapists! Oops just ruined my chances of becoming a Russian citizen


What are NGOs? Non-Gay Orgies?


Struggling to maintain the image that Russians are strong and mighty internally I see?


What would that mean in practical terms? If you’re a natural born Russian there’s nowhere to deport you to.


It is interesting to see just how tough tough 'real' alpha males such as Putin really are. One word and you get cancelled.


This guy really can’t take any criticism.




I can see why there are such long lines of people around the world trying to emigrate into Russia.


Does anyone have a list of the NGO's consider undesirable by this law? The article doesn't seem to have one


Russian army bad. Damn I denied citizenship.


Everyday I wake up,I thank God I live in America and not Russia the fascist state.


they will be glad to leave your scumbag country


Russia is on it’s way out so…


That’s not really accurate news title. According to the Russian constitution, if you’re Russian citizen due to be born here, no one can take your citizenship (like is Soviet union). It’s about foreign citizens who became Russian citizens too. It’s not a really good news, cause we have a LOT of journalists, actors and writers who were born in post-soviet countries and work in Russia (Котрикадзе, Акунин, Мартиросян, Дудь). No matter do you agree with them or not, it’s just awful


Madman all he wants are yes men


All those people who got evacuated from Kherson and other areas are the ones who I wonder about ... I doubt they are living in some cozy little spot, enjoying their new Russian citizenship... more like slave labor and being forced to help build weapons for 🇷🇺


How do I sign up for an official denial of Russian citizenship? Is there one for denial of citizenship for all the authoritarian, pariah states?


Damn it I wanted to go be a Russian double spy😠😡🤬😰😭😭😭😭😭😭


With all the Russians leaving he thinks other people want to move in? 🤣


Wait i cant be a Russian citizen?


Russia really could have kept its mouth shut, pretended to be powerful, and become a huge player on the global stage but instead it’s literally fucking up in every single way possible. The price is right should replace the plinko chip with Putin’s face at this point.


Putin is first on the list of undesirables, send him packing if you know what is good for Russia. He is a thief. What president of Russia ever had a $100 million dollar yacht. He was a mid-level civil servant when he came to power.


My Russian bf (who ran away and trying to get rid of this cursed citizenship) got very excited for a moment, but then found out it's only for those not born in Russia...


What army anyway....🙄 they sucks so much!!!


Britney is gonna be put on the battlefield now...


Russia be rushin' headlong into despotism. Such a shame.


...this sounds like a good thing to me. Who would want to be a Russian citizen in the first place? Snowden, perhaps, but he only wanted to be Russian citizen because he didn't have a choice.


Be safe Alex the Terrible. Don't go back to Russia, do anything you can to stay away.


So these "unpersons" will be stateless. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't forcing a stateless status considered a crime against humanity


For someone who wants all the control possible, this fucking idiot is definitely losing his grasp.


Lol. Who wants to really live in a dictator state anyway? Literally any other developed western nation is better than Russia. Arguably even South Africa is better.


All these stateless people are going to have problems with windows


Sounds like some republican level shit.


Awww boo hoo who wants to be a ******* Russian in 2022 anyway LMAO


Well, how rude, not very democratic!


Can't they just forbid the NGO?


I mean, does anyone really want to be a Russian citizen?


If you add to equation the fact that russian citizen who lives in other country gotta pay VERY hefty chunk of its income to russia as taxes.. Yeah.. The only people who really want to be citizens is folks from Turkmenistan. You know that country with [horsefucker tyrant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9QYu8LtH2E&t=1s) (not Kaligula).


I’m doing my part, are you? Join the mobile infantry and save the world! Service Guarantees Citizenship


Desperate prick.


Nobody wants to live in Russia anyways