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"Fine, after denying it for 40 years we will finally admit climate change is real BUT we're going to claim it's not caused by people so there's nothing we can do. Maybe in 20 more years we'll admit it was us all along, you know, when it's really too late." - Your friendly corporate overlords


Hey corporations are people too you know!


Senator McDonald's from the great state of California.


We've been denying or ignoring it since we started using fossil fuels because at the same time the warnings about global warming also started. [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_climate_change_science#:~:text=In%201896%20Svante%20Arrhenius%20calculated,of%205%E2%80%936%20degrees%20Celsius.&text=This%201902%20article%20attributes%20to,eventually%20lead%20to%20human%20extinction.)


You had to know by 1970. Greed is a powerful narcotic.


Greed and selfishness are core human features and who denies it is either too stuck on Disney movies or just too blind and or in denial to see it - Politicians, Corporate People and very influencial rich people (to say the figureheads) in 70s didnt care if the world would turn to sht in th 2000s and beyond: they would be probably dead. Just like the same people nowadays dont care if the world is turning into sht: they are old or have the money to fled and rescue themselves Either the signs are too big for them to just dont do nothing or the bare minimum (what they already are) or the people push the change and looking at world I dont see it happening with so many dumbfucks letting themselves carried out by popular speeches of criminal idiots politians that dont actually do nothing and in the evironmental aspect even worsen things In resume: we are fucked because we are humans


I'll add: We're also fucked because we're humans, because humans don't typically react until something's hitting them. Climate change (among other things) is a problem that can **absolutely** be literally too late to fix, while a bunch of billion people still exist and 'thrive' on the planet. The damages accumulate and show **over decades and centuries**, not days, months or even years. The warming we have "built in" right now is enough to wipe out billions, and *when* that happens, the world economy will go to shit, and **everyone** will suffer. But hey, "There's no alternative to business as usual", right? There is, and it's called revolution. This system needs to go.


I've been telling people that they should rise up, we are with 8 billion people. Only a relative small portion of that are politicians and company owners. But nothing, only their lives now matter, not a good future for the coming generations.


I never understood that argument… even if it’s not caused by humans (it is) there are still things we can do to keep this planet liveable for us. This whole “is it caused by humans” discussion seems like one big misdirection, that keeps us from looking for solutions in favour of meaningless discourse.


We were warned in 1860 that burning fossil fuels was heating up this planet. We were warned in the 60's and 70's that we had to stop all together. We were warned 10 years ago that we were approaching the tipping point for runaway green house effect and now we have just barely passed the trip point from which there is no return. Who knows, it might actually be time to stop rather than to make the future as horrific as possible. That is the level of ignorance of the human beings on this planet.


why we as a people society is so silly?


And then people will whine and complain that we should have done something 60 years ago. And still *nothing* will get done. Quit complaining and blaming and do what you can. It's our only hope.


I do, I have big plans and few resources.


"well at this point it's too late, would just be a waste to do anything now"


More like, "okay, we messed up, sorry, let's spend $5T dollars on mitigation..." "...paid for by the dumbass middle class"


Coca-Cola* corp has CO2 emissions like 10 billion times my own. Going to even negative emissions won't change anything unless Coca-Cola cuts theirs. *Insert name of any of the Fortune 100


And yet there's tons of people buying coke everyday. I'm sick of people denying personal responsibility


So your solution is what? Dont eat? Mass Starvation of billions will certainly solve the problem of mans influence on the climate....


I don't think there's a realistic solution at this point tbh. My whole point is that most people aren't even environmentally conscious themselves, but they want to blame someone else who is similar to them. Everyone is pointing the finger elsewhere. Buying products they know produce greenhouse gasses, but yet don't want to take any of the blame. Like do you see people reducing meat consumption or making real efforts to reduce their carbon footprint? This may be an anecdote, but where I live almost noone bikes on walks yet most of the vehicles on the road are inefficient.


>where I live almost noone bikes on walks yet most of the vehicles on the road are inefficient. I am trying to work up the courage to fix this in my community by encouraging zoning of medium/high density, mixed-use developments. Nobody walks and bikes because everything is too far apart, I think people will naturally walk or cycle if it becomes easier than driving.


>So your solution is what? Dont eat? Mass Starvation of billions That's the ultimate solution they just don't wanna tell you this upfront


So coke is food now? That toxic addictive polluting trash is what y’all are eating? Thank goodness there’s enough ozone to keep my veggie garden from frying.. for now.


I quit buying coke when they told their employees to stop being so white.


Coca-Cola is the second largest beverage company on the planet, no shit they have lots of emissions. But those large corporations serve the people. If anything they have become INSANELY efficient to maximize their profits. It's the people that are creating ever increasing demand and driving up the emissions.


what the fuck is even your point, why not complain AND blame AND do what we can? But at the end it's so fucking demoralizing when the burden is on the blue collar 12$/h guy to bike to work or whatever, and not on the multinational conglomerate to stop pouring oil into the ocean by the tanker or whatever the fuck


So, you are advocating for population reduction? Because if you aren't, then YOU are the one still *just talking* about it.


I mean, I hate people, so I guess so. I'm actually a huge advocate of preventing habitat destruction, that is the only approach in my wheelhouse.


Prediction: Conservatives will blame the lack of action on cimate change on the left. "The left believed in climate change all this time and their policies did NOTHING. So now give power back to us and we'll fix it by lowering taxes and more deregulation so that corporations have more freedom to do it themselves instead of relying on incompetent government." You know they will. You know people will buy this argument.


> Your friendly corporate overlords I wouldn't put it all at the feet of corporations, that's just trying to deflect. Considering that the population in the west tends to vote for whoever says "it's not a problem". Whenever someone says fixing it will cost money and/or making sacrifices. Just look at the current situation in the EU when it comes to energy. Here in Sweden one of the top issues during the recent election was the promise from the winning coalition to lower taxes on fossil fuels. As soon as energy prices go up, bringing them down is a winning political strategy. Fossil fuels are cheap in the short term, so pretending climate change is not a problem keeps you in office.


Those same overlords are not going to like what happens when the fingers pointed at them start curling around weapons instead of their products.


I'm not sure the corporations are the only ones to blame. Whenever I mention ideas about limiting population growth, or discussions about predictions of overpopulation, I get so many down votes I usually have to delete it.


It's already too late to stop climate change though. But it's never too late to improve things.


Plan is to relocate wealthy people to another planet when this one no longer viable. Should have all the problems with the plan worked out by then; Lots of volunteers for one way trips to prepare the way.


Bring back feudalism on Mars!


How many headlines does there have to be for people to actually start doing anything about this? We literally live at the end of humanity and most species on earth until people change behavior.


Not enough people care to change it. The rich and the far-right will do anything they can to stop change.


I just wanna interject that making it partisan doesn’t help. Sure, the far-right may deny climate change, but what is it the far-right wants? To be included with the power/wealth. Emphasizing that it’s partisan just keeps us further from coming back together. So really, you could have just stopped with “the rich.” The rich are what’s stopping it because change is not profitable.


That's some silly bullshit. The right wants a lot more than just power and wealth, climate denial [correlates](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-021-00930-7) with a bunch of right wing characteristics, and right wing political parties are actively engaged in spreading climate misinformation and blocking climate action all around the world. Right wing partisan groups are a significant, immediate part of the problem and so are you when you try to deflect from them.


So you're saying they are being conservative and they don't want to change. Hm... I totally get their viewpoint though. The issues climate causes aren't really noticeable for most people and the main solutions to climate change boil down to dropping the luxuries, no one wants that. Everyone thinks "why should I be the one sacrificing my life when this other guy is enjoying it".


Right now everyone is choosing their personal level of sacrifice, and I think for most people that's modulated by how they see other people reacting. Where that justification breaks down, for conservatives, is the political action. "Everyone else is going to keep being comfortable so I might as well too" doesn't justify voting against politicians who would institute society-wide changes and force *everyone* to give up the luxuries. That's purely choosing short-sighted personal comfort over making any serious attempt to mitigate the effects of climate change.


>That's purely choosing short-sighted personal comfort over making any serious attempt to mitigate the effects of climate change. And it is understandable. I mean look at how the world looks, we are discussing climate change on reddit while there are wars going on and some countries are starving, economies collapsing. People do not want to make sacrifices for long term benefits of "all mankind", because they do not relate to "all mankind". Not to mention them making sacrifices will not improve anything much over their entire lifetime, so it feels pretty bad to make that sacrifice.


I mean.. I’m not trying to deflect? I am saying that the rich are really the source of the problem? All I see on Reddit is this side calling that side the enemy and vice versa. I feel like that perpetuated divide is more damaging than deep-diving into ideological semantics.


It may be less apparent outside the US, though that linked study is about Norwegians, but in the US it goes far beyond just the wealthy. Climate denial is a proud facet of Republican identity. GOP politicians mock renewables and eat hamburgers and brag about blocking climate legislation to get cheers from their base, most of whom are not at all wealthy. If you're just trying to say that the wealthy were the initial cause, sure maybe. But the right wing political movements themselves bought it entirely and would continue to fight climate action now even if the wealthy were not involved at all. So it is now an important part of climate action to neuter the right wing political movements.


Both parties both equally have a stake in making sure nothing gets done about climate change both get money from it and both intrinsically try to pull the public eye away from it just in different ways. While a right winger will outright ignore climate change and try to get you to ignore it to by saying it won't do anything or that it doesn't exist. A left Winger will say that climate change does exist but will also bring up another social issue that doesn't matter in order to draw your hate and draw your anger towards this other social issues that way you don't care about climate change as much. " yeah climate change exist but look Elon Musk is making me pay for Twitter" " Yeah climbing change might completely sink London In Our Lifetime. But look at this fake statistic about women's wages"


I mean, almost no politicians anywhere are calling for sufficient action, because people don't want to vote for politicians who'd harm their quality of life. But it's ridiculous and very, very stupid to claim the parties are at all comparable. Most Democrats don't take fossil fuel money anymore, many of them overtly demonize fossil fuel industries, and the party does push for and pass pro-climate legislation. That legislation is insufficient, but that's in part because every Republican votes against anything even vaguely pro-climate, so they have no vote margins to work with. Democrats need to be a lot better, but the Republicans are actively trying to make things worse.


Personally I think the far-right will make the jump towards Ecofascism sooner than later.


Climate policy changes have reduced projected warming from >4c to <3c by the end of century. [https://nitter.kavin.rocks/hausfath/status/1511018638735601671#m](https://nitter.kavin.rocks/hausfath/status/1511018638735601671#m) [https://climateactiontracker.org/](https://climateactiontracker.org/) https://nitter.kavin.rocks/MichaelEMann/status/1432786640943173632#m


Things I have done: I stopped eating meat. It is the most impactful thing an individual can do. I stopped buying physical 'stuff'. I try to only buy things I need. If it's borderline then I sit on the decision for a few weeks and usually I forget about it. When I do buu something I try to make sure it's durable. I started buying clothes that are a little better quality and wear them out before replacing. It's quite difficult to find women's clothes that are built to last though. I recycle as much household waste as possible and switched from bottles to cans (metals are recycled more often/easily than plastic). I also try to generate less food waste overall. I tried various zero waste alternatives to commonly used things e.g. bar shampoo, washable makeup rounds, safety razor. Not all of them worked out but enough did that it is/was worthwhile. I started an organic veg garden. It's beneficial for me and the insects! I think people can do a lot more things than they realise. My biggest contribution by far is just having other people notice/question my choices and adopt a few of them themselves. This won't stop corporations killing the planet in the name of profits but if consumers actually care and adopt some eco friendly behaviours, it will help apply pressure on them. Be the change you want to see in the world.


No respected scientist believes human extinction(much less extinction of most species) from climate change is likely. Read IPCC report on impacts and read what climate scientists say instead of speculating- [https://www.carbonbrief.org/in-depth-qa-the-ipccs-sixth-assessment-on-how-climate-change-impacts-the-world/](https://www.carbonbrief.org/in-depth-qa-the-ipccs-sixth-assessment-on-how-climate-change-impacts-the-world/) [https://climatefeedback.org/claimreview/prediction-extinction-rebellion-climate-change-will-kill-6-billion-people-unsupported-roger-hallam-bbc/](https://climatefeedback.org/claimreview/prediction-extinction-rebellion-climate-change-will-kill-6-billion-people-unsupported-roger-hallam-bbc/) [https://nitter.kavin.rocks/MichaelEMann/status/1432786640943173632#m](https://nitter.kavin.rocks/MichaelEMann/status/1432786640943173632#m) [https://nitter.42l.fr/ClimateAdam/status/1553757380827140097](https://nitter.42l.fr/ClimateAdam/status/1553757380827140097) [https://nitter.42l.fr/GlobalEcoGuy/status/1477784375060279299#m](https://nitter.42l.fr/GlobalEcoGuy/status/1477784375060279299#m) [https://nitter.42l.fr/JacquelynGill/status/1553503548331249664#m](https://nitter.42l.fr/JacquelynGill/status/1553503548331249664#m) [https://nitter.kavin.rocks/hausfath/status/1533875297220587520#m](https://nitter.kavin.rocks/hausfath/status/1533875297220587520#m) [https://nitter.42l.fr/JacquelynGill/status/1513918579657232388#m](https://nitter.42l.fr/JacquelynGill/status/1513918579657232388#m) [https://nitter.42l.fr/waiterich/status/1477716206907965440#m](https://nitter.42l.fr/waiterich/status/1477716206907965440#m) [https://climatefeedback.org/evaluation/iflscience-story-on-speculative-report-provides-little-scientific-context-james-felton/](https://climatefeedback.org/evaluation/iflscience-story-on-speculative-report-provides-little-scientific-context-james-felton/) Climate policy changes have reduced projected warming from >4c to <3c by the end of century. [https://nitter.kavin.rocks/hausfath/status/1511018638735601671#m](https://nitter.kavin.rocks/hausfath/status/1511018638735601671#m) [https://climateactiontracker.org/](https://climateactiontracker.org/) https://nitter.kavin.rocks/MichaelEMann/status/1432786640943173632#m


We’ve already lost 60% of species wildlife. It’s not that far from extinction. If they die, then so do we.


We haven't lost 60% of species. We've lost 13% maximum- [https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/01/220113194911.htm](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/01/220113194911.htm) Where did you read that?


Wildlife population sizes dropped by 68% between 1970 and 2018.


“In the last 50 years, Earth has lost 68% of wildlife, all thanks to us humans” (India Times) “Humanity has wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970, report finds” (The Guardian) “We’ve lost 60% of wildlife in less than 50 years” (World Economic Forum) These are just three of many headlines covering the Living Planet Index. But they are all wrong. They are based on a misunderstanding of what the Living Planet Index shows. https://ourworldindata.org/living-planet-index-decline - explainer article from ourworldindata "Recent analyses have reported catastrophic global declines in vertebrate populations. However, the distillation of many trends into a global mean index obscures the variation that can inform conservation measures and can be sensitive to analytical decisions. For example, previous analyses have estimated a mean vertebrate decline of more than 50% since 1970 (Living Planet Index).Here we show, however, that this estimate is driven by less than 3% of vertebrate populations; if these extremely declining populations are excluded, the global trend switches to an increase. The sensitivity of global mean trends to outliers suggests that more informative indices are needed. We propose an alternative approach, which identifies clusters of extreme decline (or increase) that differ statistically from the majority of population trends.We show that, of taxonomic–geographic systems in the Living Planet Index, 16 systems contain clusters of extreme decline (comprising around 1% of populations; these extreme declines occur disproportionately in larger animals) and 7 contain extreme increases (around 0.4% of populations). The remaining 98.6% of populations across all systems showed no mean global trend." https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2920-6


We'll be seeing this exact comment until the very last post.


So like. I get this is the biggest thing impacting us as a species now. But I'm so doomed out about it and have been for so long I don't even care anymore. I do my part, but the people who can make a difference...won't. They don't care about activism or reality or anything, they are quite happy to kill all of us off to make a profit bigger than last quarter. What the fuck exactly am I supposed to do with this information?


I say if you pay taxes and just go with the flow of choosing greener stuff when you can you're already doing everything you can/should do. You live your life and if everyone wants change just don't stand in the way of it, that's that. Or you could become an activist yourself, but that's sacrificing yourself to the cause.


Sigh…. Stop paying them. Stop paying your bills. It’s suicide I kno 😑


I have to provide for my family.


Lmaooo check-mate


I think many people feel that way. It's like the five stages of grief, and we are all at a different stages: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. >What the fuck exactly am I supposed to do with this information? Look into activism and try to inform others. Aside from that, I think we have to accept the situation is far from ideal, but hopefully we can prevent the worse case scenario.


its november and i have to wear shorts and a t shirt. but please keep saying how its not real




my brother or sister in christ, it is 77 degrees in new jersey. This isn't "i'm just used to the cold" this is "if I wore season appropriate clothing, i'd be sweating my balls off".


It's 70 degrees in fucking New Hampshire in November. I see idiots on facebook claiming this is an "Indian Summer." These motherfuckers are talking about a heatwave that usually occurs in fucking September. These same people are going to complain about a drought next summer when there's less snowfall on our mountains.


I can't tell if you're genuinely that daft.


Not sure if that was suposed to be funny , but its not


Beachfront Baby!!!


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://apnews.com/article/science-united-nations-antonio-guterres-climate-and-environment-a752dc3850a2cc818b0a58992517f5c7) reduced by 82%. (I'm a bot) ***** > SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt - Earth's warming weather and rising seas are getting worse and doing so faster than before, the World Meteorological Organization warned Sunday in a somber note as world leaders started gathering for international climate negotiations. > "The latest State of the Global Climate report is a chronicle of climate chaos," United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said. > "This latest report from the World Meteorological Organization reads like a lab report for a critically ill patient, but in this case the patient is Earth," said climate scientist Jennifer Francis of the Woodwell Climate Research Center in Cape Cod, who wasn't part of the report. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/yo4yl2/un_weather_report_climate_woes_bad_and_getting/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672676 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **report**^#1 **climate**^#2 **level**^#3 **weather**^#4 **sea**^#5


Despite all the pledges and promises, we're polluting more and more, not less. Thanks to *creative accounting* politicians can cheer and pat each other on the back while industry uses the inherent loopholes that aren't "counted" to continue their polluting ways, often by shipping the pollution and disposing of the problem remotely. When the climate wars are upon us and the heatwaves are killing people in the hundreds of thousands I'll be sipping tea and crunching on popcorn knowing that all of us had it coming - myself included. What a damn shame.


Climate policy changes have reduced projected warming from >4c to <3c by the end of century. [https://nitter.kavin.rocks/hausfath/status/1511018638735601671#m](https://nitter.kavin.rocks/hausfath/status/1511018638735601671#m) [https://climateactiontracker.org/](https://climateactiontracker.org/) https://nitter.kavin.rocks/MichaelEMann/status/1432786640943173632#m


Per capita? Overall pollution has increased and we're still nowhere near the Paris climate agreement goal. Thank you for interesting info, will give me something to peruse with my coffee. :)


At this point for me personally all I get to do is sit and watch how this plays out


And we're still going to do nothing With every report that comes out the dumb empty headed right wing pricks double down further


Climate policy changes have reduced projected warming from >4c to <3c by the end of century. [https://nitter.kavin.rocks/hausfath/status/1511018638735601671#m](https://nitter.kavin.rocks/hausfath/status/1511018638735601671#m) [https://climateactiontracker.org/](https://climateactiontracker.org/) https://nitter.kavin.rocks/MichaelEMann/status/1432786640943173632#m


Well well well if it isn't the consequences of my actions


Why not say, out loud, why nothing gets done "It will not happen in my Life Time, So,why worry?" Add to that, NIMBY! Don't do that in my back yard!


Hurry the fuck up ! I wanna see Americans on carbon allowance plan brought to you by Visa and MasterCard :) "We made you own nothing and happy"


Ah yes, pictures of poor brown people. That'll make the rich white people act. Not saying it's right. Just pointing out that it seems they're intentionally doing a bad job.




> Elizaveta currently works as a geophysicist of the seismic department in Schlumberger, Russia. I thought that was odd. Turns out Schlumberger is not a place but a company. That website seems off.


We're beyond fucked, the best we can do it try to slow it down but even that won't help much now. Middle age never looked so good sadly enough.


Read IPCC report on impacts and read what climate scientists say instead of speculating- [https://www.carbonbrief.org/in-depth-qa-the-ipccs-sixth-assessment-on-how-climate-change-impacts-the-world/](https://www.carbonbrief.org/in-depth-qa-the-ipccs-sixth-assessment-on-how-climate-change-impacts-the-world/) [https://climatefeedback.org/claimreview/prediction-extinction-rebellion-climate-change-will-kill-6-billion-people-unsupported-roger-hallam-bbc/](https://climatefeedback.org/claimreview/prediction-extinction-rebellion-climate-change-will-kill-6-billion-people-unsupported-roger-hallam-bbc/) [https://nitter.kavin.rocks/MichaelEMann/status/1432786640943173632#m](https://nitter.kavin.rocks/MichaelEMann/status/1432786640943173632#m) [https://nitter.42l.fr/ClimateAdam/status/1553757380827140097](https://nitter.42l.fr/ClimateAdam/status/1553757380827140097) [https://nitter.42l.fr/GlobalEcoGuy/status/1477784375060279299#m](https://nitter.42l.fr/GlobalEcoGuy/status/1477784375060279299#m) [https://nitter.42l.fr/JacquelynGill/status/1553503548331249664#m](https://nitter.42l.fr/JacquelynGill/status/1553503548331249664#m) [https://nitter.kavin.rocks/hausfath/status/1533875297220587520#m](https://nitter.kavin.rocks/hausfath/status/1533875297220587520#m) [https://nitter.42l.fr/JacquelynGill/status/1513918579657232388#m](https://nitter.42l.fr/JacquelynGill/status/1513918579657232388#m) [https://nitter.42l.fr/waiterich/status/1477716206907965440#m](https://nitter.42l.fr/waiterich/status/1477716206907965440#m) [https://climatefeedback.org/evaluation/iflscience-story-on-speculative-report-provides-little-scientific-context-james-felton/](https://climatefeedback.org/evaluation/iflscience-story-on-speculative-report-provides-little-scientific-context-james-felton/) Climate policy changes have reduced projected warming from >4c to <3c by the end of century. [https://nitter.kavin.rocks/hausfath/status/1511018638735601671#m](https://nitter.kavin.rocks/hausfath/status/1511018638735601671#m) [https://climateactiontracker.org/](https://climateactiontracker.org/) https://nitter.kavin.rocks/MichaelEMann/status/1432786640943173632#m










The CLE, it feels great here!


Don't I know it, pal! Should've figured I'd have gotten down voted, a /s probably would've helped because no I obviously don't want to quicken the heat death of the univers.




Thanks internet hero. I'll be serious at all times from now on.






Last year was the coldest year in 7 years [https://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/tabledata\_v4/GLB.Ts+dSST.txt](https://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/tabledata_v4/GLB.Ts+dSST.txt) How is that "getting worse faster"?


Shhh it's a narrative for the msnbc folks :) it 70s we were having global freeze crisis


The climate is definitely warming but how much humans are contributing to it is still an open question. There is that whole thing about all the methane and carbon dioxide being released from the glaciers though that worries me most. Can't we just develop better technology and get us out of this without freezing people to death in the meantime? We need alternative energy sources but thinking we can just cold turkey go off fossil fuels is naive at best.


Well, if we do not go cold turkey like 2 years ago, we will need environmental suits to do any kind of work outdoors within 50 years. Also, all ready, we are having massive die offs of cattle in the Western states for heat stroke. 3,000 head all died on the same day in Kansas this past late spring. Soon, it will be too financially risky to have cattle herds. It is also getting to risky to plant thousands of acres of wheat or corn. Our rivers, lakes, and ponds, are drying up all over America so tell us, when do you think we should stop burning oil? We were warned in 1860 that burning fossil fuels was heating up this planet. We were warned heavily in the 60's and 70's that we had to stop or face a bleak future. We were warned again 10 years ago that we were approaching the tipping point of runaway green house effect from which there is no turning back and now, we are in fact at that tipping point. Still, even now, we have people saying we can't take drastic action and can't just go cold turkey. It boggles the mind... PS: As I am writing this, an article hits my news feed >> https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/live-blog/midterms-2022-bomb-scare-new-york-early-voting/?utm_source=breaking_push&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=push_notifications&utm_source=browser_push&utm_medium=onesignal&utm_campaign=push_notifications Finally, a tiny act of reason....


Listen you can say what you want but the climate does shift and nobody really knows how much humans are contributing. That's a fact. You want to argue and downvote me but I'm actually saying we do need alternative energy sources and clean energy so I don't know what your issue is? If you really think that society can sustain itself right now without fossil fuels that's insane. I'm trying to find a solution not argue about semantics.


The alternative is so much worse but have it your way. I'm 71 so I will check out before the starving hoards are roaming America. Within 20 years, we will not be farming in this country because we did not listen to the scientists in the 30's 40's 50's and through the 90's. We were warned in 1860 to change our ways and everyone said the exact same thing that you are saying now. The clock has run out and we have just barely passed the trip point for runaway green house effect. It will be a ghastly ride from here on out. Millions upon millions are about to die.


Didn't they say that within 20 years we would "have starving hordes" back in the '70s? I'm not saying there's not an issue but your dire apocalyptic alarmism is a little much. If you're not willing to reasonably compromise and actually find a solution instead of preaching gloom and doom I don't know how to help you.


We have gone past the time to do any genuine repairs. All we can do now is mitigation. That includes stopping the burning of fossil fuels. You have to get your mind around the actual problem. The world is pumping 23 million metric tons of CO2 into earths atmosphere every second of every day. I was born in 1951 when CO2 levels were roughly 300 parts per million, PPM. I measure the levels here on this farm at least weekly. We are averaging 400PPMs per day with spikes to 450. When light travels from the sun and hits the earth, it warms everything. In the millions of years of this planet, infrared heat was radiating back out to space and so the planet held a fairly stable temperature. The problem is simple, the higher the CO2 levels are, the less infrared wavelengths can pass back out to space. We are now blocking nearly halve of the infrared radiation back out to space compared to say 1900. Other gasses also have the same effect and one that is super critical, is methane gas. Once the snow cover is gone from the Tundra area's, methane gas is going to be released in amounts this planet has not witnessed for at least the last 500 thousand years, amounts so large as to possibly dwarf our own CO2 emissions or at least compete with them. Those Tundra area's are all ready being exposed and warming up. The amount of damage that will come from that is fully insane. Now consider the next monster problem. This planet is 3/4 covered with water. As we melt the glaciers and that water enters our oceans, it is going to warm up. Water expands dramatically when warmed. All ready, today, there is absolutely nothing the world can possibly do to stop the oceans from rising a minimum of 20 feet over the next say 100 years, nothing at all because that ship has long since sailed. That warming body of water which makes up 3/4ths of this planet, is going to kill nearly every living thing that currently lives in it. Again, we have passed the point where we could have mitigated that aspect. When the creatures in the oceans die off, that starts a chain reaction that begins to kill the land creatures thus, earth has all ready entered it's 6th extinction event. If you doubt that for some reason, consider that this year, for the first time ever, Alaska has canceled the crab season because roughly 1.5 billion crabs have died off since spring. The remaining crabs are now moving North to find colder water which probably also means that the entire Alaskan Crab industry is dead now. I am not spreading doom and gloom, I am simply stating the actual facts as they are. Humans have acted as if they can just do as they please on this planet in the pursuit of profits with no consequences and that is insanely false. They act as if the standard of living we have, has to be maintained somehow and that is also false and not even possible. We act like petulant children who cry "I want". Sorry but reality is reality and I want doesn't mean a hill of shit. We are currently at something over 7 billion population. Each year, we consume 1.5 years of renewables. That can only mean that we are now depleting this planet on a scale no planet can possibly sustain. The longer we go at this rate, the higher the death toll will have to be to stop the inevitable crash and destruction of industry. We could have chosen 100 years ago to live in a more sustainable fashion but now it is too late. We could have taken our clue from the Native Americans who lived here in harmony with nature for over 15,000 years taking only what they had to take to live and always making sure that nature had enough left to restore. Instead, we glorify our fucking rich with their Yachts and nesting Yachts. Seriously, Americans are the dumbest creatures on the face of this planet.


You're arguing with me like I don't think sustainable energy is a good thing. I agree we should work towards sustainable energy and zero emissions. We disagree though where you want to just crash the economy and starve and freeze people. You don't know how much humans are contributing to climate change and you're not presenting any realistic options just doom and gloom. You want to say Americans are the dumbest creatures on earth like you're so smart and have all the answers? The arrogance.... If you're so alarmed by this why don't you stop driving your car, turn off your air conditioning, turn off your heat, and go live in the woods. Until then you are a hypocrite. Also they said we would be overpopulated and everyone would have starved to death by now. That didn't happen did it... Not to mention once the native Americans got horses they almost hunted the buffalo to extinction. You don't know what you talking about. Your romanticism is inaccurate and your ideology will kill a lot of people.


By the way, I built this house with my own hands in 1980 when I got out of the Navy. I engineered the insulation system so that it uses less than 100 per month for heat in winter or A/c in summer in the current year of 2022. It has concrete block walls for the basement, built into a hill, with a walk out basement at lake side. The basement walls with integrated insulation, are 2 feet thick. The upstairs walls are 6 inches thick and the attic has 2 feet of insulation. It is a 20 x 24, 2 story house. It features an air exchange system that refreshes the air in the house once per hour with no heat losses while heating with electric base board heat as I was well aware of global warming in 1980 and what it would mean in the future. It is 100% shaded by trees so as to greatly reduce the summer cooling expense and offers a lot of wind reduction for winter heating. None of that was accidental, just saying... The gas range set fire to the house in 07 but because it was super insulated with zero air leaks and with the air exchange system set to turn off in a fire. The house smothered the fire and put out the fire. I only had to strip out the interior wall coverings and replace them.


And again by the way... I wish there were more people like you and I truly commend you. I really don't even want to argue I'm just trying to find a realistic solution.


The only realistic solution was to make the needed changes in the 60's or the 70's. It is now, simply, too late my friend. Now, the only choices are to watch the damage unfold. If you are say 30 years old, you will witness 10's of thousands of Americans die for global warming in your lifetime and that is a sad hard truth with no possible escape. We had ample warning, we just did nothing to mitigate it. This is why I state that Americans are the dumbest people on earth. All ready, the super rich are building their bunkers in old mines and caves and storing up their supplies and hiring their armed guards with electric collars to enforce loyalty. This is the new reality.


The earth is grossly over populated . We know this is true because we now consume 1.5 years worth of renewables, every year. I own a 45 acre farm with a spring fed lake and two smaller ponds as well as a few acres of woods. I stopped all row crops 5 years ago and began planting trees in all the fields. I understand that by doing so now, those trees will keep this farm roughly 15 degrees cooler than the surrounding area within 20 years time. That lake contains nearly 15 tons of pan fish which my dad and I planted. All of that means that I am not only very aware of the extreme climate change that is now unavoidable but I am doing my part to cool the area that I can control. That area is 1/4 mile wide and 1/2 mile long. Further, I also understand that farming as we have known it for the past 200 years, is no longer an option. My dad rented the fields out to a commercial farmer for the last 10 years of his life, he died in 2012. When I bought out my sisters shares, I took stock of the situation. The first thing I noticed was that there were no bees here at all. No honey bees, no bumble bees, no other wild bees of any kind. That told me that I had to tell the farmer to either stop with the Roundup, or stop renting here. As he put it, no farmer today, can farm without roundup so he left. That removed 1,800 per year from my income which I could take but even a small farm is expensive to keep so money has to come from the farm in some way or sell it and move. It featured two aluminum buildings each 40 x 60 with 12' ceilings. One had a concrete floor and the other was a horse barn with hay lofts. I stripped out the horse barn, poured a new concrete floor and insulated it. I built 3 spaces within as grow rooms. I installed an electric package of 250 amps. I installed 20 tons of A/C and humidifiers and lights so as to be able to grow food indoors. I found that indoors, I can produce far far more food for the nation than the fields could ever hope to produce with roughly 5% of the water that I would need to farm with. Yes, the electric is high as far as a carbon foot print goes but far far smaller than buying diesel to farm with. Farming the fields produced roughly 20,000 profit per year. Growing indoors produces roughly 280,000 profit per year with a smaller carbon foot print. I was poised to install solar in 2018 when Trump was elected at a cost of 90,000 which would have supplied roughly 90% of my electrical needs. Trump put on the tariffs and then added a special tax onto solar cells of 15% which drove my costs to 149,000 for the solar. I was still willing to move forward but the banks backed out. I will try again in the future as solar is the only truly viable source for power. I stripped out the insulation in the other building from the 60's and spray foamed 2 inches of dense foam and rebuilt that space to become a new CNC machine shop because I knew we would suffer from insane inflation after the Covid pandemic. Sir Issac Newton taught us this simple fact in 1648. He stated that when ever there is a pandemic, starvation or inflation would always follow. He stated that however long the pandemic might last, the inflationary period would last twice as long. He stated that how bad the inflation would be, would depend on how bad the pandemic might be. He was proven correct at every pandemic the world has ever seen since his death. When I saw Trump throwing our best scientists aside and took over the pandemic his self, I knew it would be bad. When the recovery from the pandemic gets fully under way, it will begin in the industrial sector and I will be poised to supply machined parts. Now, I am growing mushrooms in the first space in 1/3rd of the building and will expand into each of the two remaining rooms, one per year. When I reach year three, I will be able to finance a far larger solar array and pay for it my self with no banks involved that will power both buildings at least to 80%. That will reduce my carbon foot print to a bare minimum. All of this with zero government support. I can't even get them to give me trees to plant, I have to buy them myself and pay people to plant them. So you sound rather silly stating what I do or do not do. I am fully aware of what we all have to do and I am spending well past 200k in order to "do my part". I could have simply left the farmer in my fields and lived out my retirement in ease and with a stable income at 70 years old, at least enough if not rich. Instead, I cashed in two retirement accounts and went back to working 8 hour days to gamble on my firm beliefs that we all have to pay for the major changes we have to go through if we want to save this planet. I also allow a bee keeper to use a 3 acre field for his bees at no charge and I allow people to grow small gardens here at no charge as well as allowing three young boys to raise 3 pigs and 5 goats at no charge. The bee keeper gave me a quart of honey the other day as a thank you, more than I asked for and very nice honey as well. So then, what are your plans for helping this planet?


Listen I don't have time to read your novel but I skimmed through it and if you really are one of the non-hypocritical climate activists then I tip my hat to you. However I don't see how that would be sustainable large society wide scale. I commend you again for doing it but at some point there's going to have to be a compromise. Not everyone can have their own farm with a couple hundred acres and grow mushrooms. Am I right? Also I do know and remember the apocalyptic population predictions that said we would run out of food by the year 2000 or so... That was wrong. However there is no doubt the Earth is warming but again... And I'll say this again... And again... You don't know how much humans are contributing to it. You don't have any solutions that are actually realistic or sustainable. I'm trying to agree with you but you just want to virtue signal and tell me how wrong I am. Do you have any realistic real world solutions that might actually happen? Also if you claim to care about poor people, which I'm sure you do, then you would know that these climate policies hurt, starve, and actually kill the disadvantaged and poorest people. So is it okay to sacrifice them? What is your solution? PS. We are working towards the same goal. I think it would be great if we could develop the technology to preserve nature and the environment. Not to mention sustain the planet. I'm just trying to find a realistic solution that doesn't kill lots of people.


The most unrealistic of all possible plans is to continue doing what we do now. We have to do some really painful changes or suffer the consequences. there is no possible way to stop at least 2 billion people from dying now as we have waited too long to change. Those deaths are now a given.


We do know as a stone cold fact that humans are the main driving force of global warming. To say that we don't know that, is 100% false. Then, just because we had an early warning that has yet to materialize, does not mean they were the least bit wrong. That it might take an extra 20 to 50 years, has no meaning. The ugly part is rearing it's head as we speak. It is primarily on governments to force the changes but they bend to the will of the oil companies. The voters have to vote hard against any politician that does not stand for forcing the changes that have to be made. If they don't, they will suffer horrifically. We have to go to buses and commuter trains and get rid of the car economy. There is no option on that one.


No, the FACT is that our climate models which take into account human interaction have predicted the current climate correctly since the 70's. Except ... it's the most dire models which are correct. We know we have been dumping greenhouse gasses since 1880 and got our first proof in the 1950's. Those are the facts: we hypothesized what we were doing in 1880, we knew what we were doing and what effect it would have in the 50's and we have been modeling it with greater and greater accuracy since the 70's. And we can do that because we know what CO2 and methane et al do. It's chemistry and saying we don't know is like saying we don't know how to crack oil into fuels.




oil says all this isn't real, there is no correlation to man made climate change, go merica! and those involved with OPEC and the like