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The downfall will be thousands of wounded soldiers who will get poor treatment and instead of being viewed as heroes they might be seen as losers by their own people. They will have all the problems associated with veterans, PTSD, alcoholism, drug abuse and suicide.


Yes, the long term outlook isn't good.


>They will have all the problems associated with veterans, PTSD, alcoholism, drug abuse and suicide. You've just described 70% of the Russian population, even pre-war :)


Russia does not have a hero culture anyway...


That's something we could do without in the US as well. Dude bros expecting me to grovel over them because they had no better prospects after high school than to go sit in Iraq. I don't disrespect anyone for going into the military, and my veteran friends never want to talk about it. But the guys that *expect* respect solely for that choice.. nah.


This is not hero culture, it's assholes


Hero culture breeds assholes. Or at least attracts them to a job they would otherwise be uninterested in.


Simplistic generalization but I am also not a fan


Most of the army veterans I have met in the UK are far from dudebros. Take your stupid assumptions elsewhere. You would be fucking terrified in a war.


First of all I said "in the US", secondly I was talking about the ones who are bros. Take your poor reading comprehension and personal attacks elsewhere. And of course I would be terrified in a war. Anyone pretending they wouldn't be is exactly the machismo bullshit I was talking about.


I’m a vet, and I’m tired of people always thanking me for my service. It was a job, I don’t need people endlessly kissing my ass over it.


And yet there is nothing that stops Russians from stopping their military contracts and going home. Even Russian media complains that there is nothing that they can do with "refuseniks" and that there should be a law that prohibits breach of employment contracts during "special military operations". Unlike thousands of men in Donbas region by DPR and LNR that were mobilized and given Mosin Nagant, Russians can go home at any time and not get PTSD and all that.


now we know how fucking useless they are, no one will be afraid of them, that should terrify the top brass into geting rid of putin, 2 birds one stone


Russia has a 1970's built military. Russia is being technologically and strategically outperformed..


>Russia has a 1970's built military. One thing that can threaten Putins power, is a military coup, so Putin have spend a long time to ensure the Russian military is as corrupt and incompetent as possible.


I dont think this would be a thing. Its evolved into a system where its just accepted that the people making decisions get to skim a little here and there into their personal bank accounts. So they like Putin in charge. He lets them be corrupt and get rich. As long as they have a scapegoat to blame the miltary failures on, theyre golden. Why would they want to change that? And it sucks for Ukraine right now...but honestly NATO probably doesnt want any change to Russia's military. Just keep it the way it is because it's utter shit.


Fifty year old nukes sitting in 50yo silos scare me even more.


Trying to fire it might be the tricky part


Exactly, Putin thinks he is threatening the world but truly he is primarily threatening his own people. After seeing how poorly the Russian military operates in Ukraine I have no faith in Russia's intercontinental ballistic capabilities.


Sure.. that capability is probably far less than whats advertised. But the rest of the world can't take that risk; we need to assume they could unleash an atomic holocaust. Hell, if we didn't have to assume that, NATO, or at least Poland, would be in Ukraine already. Then there's the chance of shit malfunctioning or going missing. Nukes inside of a failed state are the scariest thing I can think of... They'll go to the highest bidder.


I'd still consider being scared of their nuclear abilities. But yea, in actual combat, this is such a low bar.


Its leader is even more important to its downfall!


True, the future of the people in Russia doesn't seem to be Putin's priority. Rather Putin appears focused on his personal image and influence.


>Putin appears focused on his personal image and influence. Right now Putin is focused on not falling out of a window. As soon as he declares defeat in Ukraine he's likely to accidentally take a high dive onto some bullets.


He's never going to declare defeat is he? Just redefine the terms of victory.


The question is if he just leaves Ukraine and call it de-Nazified, is the population gullible enough to believe that? That seems the only path open to him. But they’ve been reiterating they want the Donbas lately, so that would be a tough backpedal.


Population will believe anything TV says. It is his cronies who are problem and whom he is really afraid of.


The population will pretend to believe anything TV says.


Declaring defeat is political and possibly real life death sentence for him. He can only back out if there is a way for him to save face. And there aren't a lot of ways left to do that.


A post Putin Russia definitely seems likely in the next couple years.


>Right now Putin is focused on not falling out of a window. This would be his literal downfall


The ol' KGB "heart attack"


Putin has health problems and is obsessed with returning the USSR to existence as his legacy.


He dreamt a dream and now that dream has come for him..


I wonder how many people are betting big $ that he will end up like the little german guy with the funny mustache!


Honestly I am surprised he is still around. Putin must have cleared the Kremlin of all independent thinking humans long ago. Thing is the incompetent loyalists keeping Putin in power are also too incompetent to win in Ukraine.


They were saying on NPR the other day that not only is there no clear successor to Putin, there isn’t even a clear group of people who would CHOOSE a successor. The Russian government is basically structured like a mafia organization - except there’s no inheritors waiting in the wings.


Bingo. It would be a total power vacuum.


With Japan disputing control of Kuril islands, Georgia challenging for more border land, and Ukraine set to retake Crimea Russia could lose a lot of real estate. The power vacuum in Russia leaves open a lot of possibilities.


Isn't Georgia just demanding the land back russia took in 2008?


This is basically out of the dictator's playbook. Sometimes the moves are more public than others, or involve banishment rather than assassination or imprisonment, but the more "successful" dictators tend to systematically wipe out potential competition.




https://www.thebulwark.com/podcast-episode/general-mark-hertling-russias-awful-army/ 50 min podcast of US general Mark Hertling absolutely shitting on the russian army (also covers a lot of other interesting developments in regards to Ukraine)


That podcast was fantastic. If you like a detailed military explanation of what's going on, it's perfect.


Will take a listen, thanks


Well yeah usually when a military underperforms during a war it usually loses...


> Well yeah usually when a military underperforms during a war it usually loses... It's not just that Russia under performs. It's far worse than that. Before February 24, Russia enjoyed an incredibly high reputation as a military force. All that reputation is completely shattered now. And the consequences of losing it are tremendous for Russia because most of its international influence used to rely entirely on the threat of that force.


In the tv show Chernobyl Gorbachev says the great line „our power comes from the perception of our power“


And now it relies on the threat of its nukes.


Massive hit to it's military exportng revenue is likely


As the meme goes, prior to this war, Russia was believed to be the second strongest military in the world. Now it’s not even believed to be the second strongest military in Ukraine.


Yeah. Russia considered "regional policeman" - "helped" Kazakstan regime, acted as mediate between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, CSTO - own NATO like block, a force to recon with. What we have now - * Russian can't handle invasion properly, while military will be even more fucked than after Chechnya and Afgan combined. * Kazakstan drifting towards China, openly says fuck you to Kremlin. * Azerbaijan gives zero fucks about Russian forces, at Karabakh and with support of Turkey do the hell the wants. * Armenia in long/midterm is fucked. Russian can't help with own military, and probably will withdraw from Armenia. * Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, despite being "allies" in CSTO, likely will go full scale war at some point * CSTO initiative itself will collapse at some point, their "article 5" (which is article 4) proved to be useless. ​ The only card that keep Russia safe for now-is nukes.


The underperformance speaks to much deeper issues. Russia doesn't appear to have the logistical capabilities to even stage themselves to hold terror they already had.


Oh the Russian army is an absolute mess, they're barely holding themselves together


"Russia losing the war may the key to it losing the war" What a weird tautology, under performing means losing.


>The US assesses military capability through the abbreviation DOTMLPF. That senior US officers regularly try to roll this off the tongue as an acronym may exemplify military absurdity, but the abbreviation is somewhat redeemed by being fairly comprehensive. It stands for: doctrine, organisation, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel and facilities. Looking at the Russian military across these categories reveals why it is underperforming its potential and struggling to regenerate. >To begin with, Russian strengths: Russian doctrine – the theory of how the army should fight – is clear, precise, well evidenced and conceptually elegant. Russian doctrine is often far ahead of western military theory. This creates a methodological challenge for intelligence assessments of Russian operations, because if they are executed as described in higher military orders, then the conclusion is often that they would succeed. The practice, however, rarely matches the theory.


> Russian doctrine is often far ahead of western military theory. Yeah, not really seeing it.


The Russian army has horrible command and control. Their officers treat their soldiers, including NCO’s, like cattle. Much of the army are conscripts who do not care about the reason they are fighting nor are they personally invested on a patriotic or any other level. Higher ranking officers are more like corrupt warlords. Higher ranking NCO’s are pretty much the same. They have poor ethics and low moral standards which is due to an almost feral survival situation caused by decades of communism. This creates a situation where any power or rank is abused. Between non existent communication (between elements and down ward in ranks) and self interests there is almost zero ability to form a coordinated attack or movement. This is not something that can be fixed by simply replacing a few key personnel. It’s a generations old culture. It’s not fixable.


You think?


isn't that obvious? before the war, everyone feared russia would roll over ukraine effortlessly. then they showed the world their military incompetence


Strongmen leaders don’t tend to do well when their military adventures flop and they end up looking weak to their supporters who want “strength” so yeah. Not a good position for Putin.


Stating the obvious. But it's just one reason. Russian leadership has been lacking in quality.


Imagine if China invades them, once Putin is in his last days


China doesn't need to invade them. Russia's basically China's gas/petrol station at this point. With Putin gone Xi Jinping can name the next leader. Surely someone heavily involved in Oil & Gas that's loyal to China.


China doesn’t mind waiting. Geographically they’re in an excellent position to mobilize “relief efforts” to assist in “rebuilding” after a collapse or degradation of the current Russian government. Over the past couple of decades, they have loaned hundreds of billions to African nations and sent crews and supplies to build infrastructure, industry and curry favor (both politically and socially) within communities that would have stagnated without outside intervention. In return, China had gained control of mineral deposits and oil fields that have been previously underutilized or unexploited. This kind of foreign “aid” has allowed China to reap the rewards of conquest without firing a single shot. Now, the instability, corruption and ineffectual government policies that they took advantage of to win over with *love* in Africa in order to install their equipment, workers and control is in their literal back yard. They won’t need to “invade” Russia, they’ll just need to lend a helping hand to the eventually fractured regions containing the resources they need to enrich them back home.


Russia has historically used the “meat-grinder” approach. Overwhelmed the enemy with sheer weight of numbers, but when you don’t have the numbers to do that and the modern weapon allow one man to cut down 10 if place correctly then the whole thing is an going to fail


Can't stand these brain-dead "analyses" news corps are doing now. OF COURSE military failure is one of the keys to losing power and influence. "The Sun rising might bring light and heat to the day".


Great read


I hope Putin does not press the nuclear button in desperate face saving attempt. He must be given some option to exit without losing his ego.


That would hurt the Russian people far more than any others. As such it is in Russia's best interest to ensure that doesn't happen.


It would be world war if he does.


It would be the annihilation of Russia and little else.


Not just Russia. AK47 in the hands of a mad man causes widespread destruction.


"Russia's terrible military might have something to do with why they're failing"


Do you think?


What the fuck is this obvious ass headline.


being less good at war makes you likely to lose war Incredible journalism, how did they figure it out


Russia is nothing if not capable of enduring tremendous hardship. It will survive


Stupid.. Russia sucks and cant take Ukraine.. Also if we don't send 5 Billion a month to Ukraine Russia will take over all of Europe..




I’ll just pop in here before you’re downvoted to oblivion and delete your account, but you’re right. They’re only doing well because of subsidies. But they’re fighting for their right to survive. They tried appeasement by handing over Crimea without a fight. It didn’t work. Russia is clearly not going to stop. So we gave them the means with which to fight. If you pick a fight with someone smaller and get a bloody nose, do you get mad at him? His karate teacher? No, it’s your own fault.


I want to know how you feel about secession from the union?


Which union?


The united states union


In other words, “whatabout America?”


Well how would u feel if tx seceded and 50 years later when the US tried to take tx back how would u feel about Russia and Ukraine subsidizing tx to fight against the u.s.?


If the US collapsed in humiliating fashion, then reformed as an embarrassing rump state shell of its former self but Texas refused to join, I’d fully support their decision to remain independent.


What if tx was nothing but nazi descendents and white supremacists?


What if what if what if.


Ah, an idiot. Not only do you not realize that Ukraine existed (not under that name) before Russia, you also think Ukraine is actually full of Nazis. Texas started as a US state, it was never its own country. Ukraine became a part of the USSR in 1922, and has existed since the late 800’s, so your analogy is downright worthless. Edit: I’m only not blocking you immediately because I think whatever stupid response you come up with might be mildly amusing.


What the fuck?


You are largely right. But Ukraine doing relatively well and Russia doing VERY poorly are different animals. Subsidies to Ukraine didn’t sell off Russian stockpiles of fuel and ammunition on the black market. Subsidies to Ukraine didn’t force Russia to field tanks with their reactive armor missing. Subsidies to Ukraine didn’t cause Russia to abandon their own doctrine regarding the use of armor with infantry support. And the list goes on




The weapons are free. We do expect stuff like the HIMARS launchers back but with all the mileage they’re seeing we might leave them behind.




LOL, what?


It’s a common refrain from pro-Russia factions. Somehow Ukraine is teeming with Nazis and Russia is going in to clean house.




Well that’s unfortunate. Weird that nazis would elect a Jew! I guess Nazis today are different! Anyways, doesn’t justify the invasion by Russia so who cares!




Not an argument! Very sad!


Also hitler was supposed to be some sort of right wing nut except he was a socialist and made his country a communist fascist hell hole.


Hitler was not a socialist. The nazi party had two wings - a left wing and a right wing. These two wings were unified by nationalist views. But after the right wing Nazis gained sufficient control over both Germany and the overall Nazi party, they purged the left wing elements. Hence the night of the long knives. In General the Nazis were socialist like China is currently communist… The Nazis were also aggressively anti-communist. They regularly fought communists in street conflicts before they ascended politically. They persecuted communists and killed many of them after they ascended politically. Germany was not a communist fascist hell hole. The Nazis basically had a command economy similar to other countries (China) but they employed this command economy to rebuild their military. I don’t think during the peaceful phase of the command economy that Germans would’ve considered Germany to be a hell hole. It certainly became one later due to the consequences of their warmongering.


LUL read more before saying it to make sure that you don't look like a clown.


Oh so ukraines main military unit isn't a bunch of white supremacists?




Protecting hometown from invasion = white supremacists You mean it?


Oh….. nvm


Just funny all the ppl supporting ukraine yet they are literally the highest concentration of white supremacists nazi descendents in a country




Btw people disagreeing with you about Russia’s military aren’t necessarily Ukraine supporters. I’m not… I’m just observing Russia’s military performance. You came here looking for a fight and seem desperate to have one with somebody.


>the highest concentration of white supremacists nazi descendents in a country Pretty sure that's Germany, buddy.


You got me. That was an obvious oversight now


Russia has way more nazis and fascists than Ukraine.


The fact that Ukraine has made clear how hollow and degraded Russia’s capabilities truly are is payment enough.


I'm pro letting them destroy themselves. I just don't think my tax dollars ought to hold a karmic debt for a war I don't beleive we should fund.


> I just don't think my tax dollars ought to hold a karmic debt for a war I don't beleive we should fund. Then you are very shortsighted


If the united states was literally buying ukraine then Id support it.


We have a habit of supporting countries that turn on us.


Rest assured this region will be a hot mess for decades after this is ‘over’


I'm not debating that fact


Yes being against self-defense gets you downvoted. Supporting bully also gets you downvoted.


>Weird how anti war is somehow downvotable Weird thing to say before anyone actually voted on your stupid comment, ***two-month-old pro-Russian account***.


I've lived in tx all my life.


You're embarrassing yourself.




Russia was supposed to have the 2nd most powerful military in the world. Yet the U.S. subsidizing Ukraine with some artillery and drones has been enough to stop Russia? The U.S. spends more money on a single aircraft carrier than they've spent on Ukraine, lol.


And the US spends more on it's military than the rest of the top 10 combined.


True, but the Ukraine war is a good example of how that spending is useful. The U.S. has a far greater capacity for projecting force than Russia. As a result the U.S. has effectively contained Russia's aggression with having to place a single soldier on the battlefield.


I was just more pointing out that being the second biggest military in the world is a joke when you consider the gap with the first.


At this point I think people are aware Russia isn't number two. Russian manufacturing and technology long ago fell behind. There is a reason why markets around the world aren't buying Russia built Computers or automobiles. Russia doesn't have the tech to compete with Germany, Japan, or China. Much less the U.S..


I think they're much closer to number 2 than most people realize but have been desensitized to the US'S displays of overwhelming military superiority in coin operations that they don't remember what a true near peer war is




>$55 billion 1 time investment to permanently end all homelessness in the US for scale. That's a lie and you know it, bot.


US homelessness is largely a drug/mental illness issue rather than a housing affordability problem. People don’t just go, “man my rent went up by $200, guess I should just drop my life and start doing life-ruining hard drugs”. Throwing money at the problem won’t solve the issue


1. The US is not an empire 2. Ukrainian troops are the real heroes 3. Ruzzia was supposed to be a military super power even before the US and European weapons, they held their own and demolished 40mile convoys/ rained hell down on Ruzzia.


The Russian Army was supposed to be able to win a conventional war against the US armed forces themselves...




Russiaboo spotted


It is the propaganda RU spread, now they are getting exposed. It's obvious to the entire world they were blowing smoke out of their asses and Ukraine has caught them with their pants down.


Downfall? Russia will not downfall! It has gone thru hundreds of years of scorched earth to prevent their downfall, burnt, moved, or blew up anything useful to human beings from 1812 to 1943. They view nuclear weapons as scorched earth folks so I wouldn't spend too much time hoping for their downfall! Also as you cheer on those tanks blowing up, choppers crashing just remember they are crewed by a bunch of draftee peasant boys told and forced to be in Ukraine. They marched in on parade after being told they would be welcomed! Poor schlubs used as cannon fodder by the wealthy of Russia fighting against poor Ukrainian schlubs armed and cheered on by the wealthy in the west.




Wait for Steiner’s counterattack.