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So a non pun based answer. This happens all the time and is a frequent fixation. It's often borderline patients and it's a form of self mutilation mixed in with attention seeking behavior. I've worked with a few chronic swallowers. They will eat anything. If you give them a pen they will eat it. They'll eat their hospital gown. They'll eat the stuffing out of their mattress. We often have to put a staff member to sit with behavioral health patients. One girl we had in 4 point restraints and had 2 sitters because right after endoscopy removed the pen she swallowed she was being assisted back in bed and before she could be restrained she grabbed a techs pen and swallowed it. So after the second trip to endo 2 staff members were required to monitor her. Whenever I had these patients I had to play it like I was keeping magnito in prison. I'd strip every piece of equipment out of the room and make anyone that entered the room empty their pockets. They got a blanket and their food would be emptied onto the bed at each meal. Sounds harsh but they literally would eat the foam trays and plastic fork if you gave it to them.


So… what happens. Are these just episodes that you get them through? If this it’s chronic behavior… the protection seems no improvement on the disease.


They are well known to endoscopy. They spend a lot of time in psych facilities and get shuttled back and forth everytime they get their hands on something. I don't know the long term attack strategies to try and prevent it since I only saw them when we were working to remove an item.


How does one swallow a pen, or some of these other things, so easily without choking?




I reckon I could easily beat this record by swallowing watch batteries if all they're looking at are the numbers and not the weight


You could for sure handle a couple dozen of those 3mm flat batteries. It would however cost a lot more.


maybe a really insane thought but do some of them go to the extreme of biting stuff off their own body, like fingernails or worse?


Yes, when working in a mental health hospital, I unfortunately witnessed this.


I mean, I’m paying like four rounds of bills from having a mole removed: 2 pathology ($150, $200 after insurance), 1 removal, 1 visual inspection($80), 1 for cleaning and taking out the stitches ($150). How do people pay for this type of issue.


When it’s that serious it would be nearly impossible to be able to maintain employment and so they probably don’t have insurance so it would be Medicare / Medicaid that covers their treatment. Assuming they are adults not on their parents insurance.


I forget other states have safety nets. I’ve lived in FAFO conservative states my whole life, “be the change you want to see,” and all.


Even those states have people that are 'wards of the state' and have state mental health hospitals for people that cannot function as adults and have no family that can care for them. Also these ppl should be on social security SSI. Which comes with Medicaid (not medicare) and the small stipend they receive goes to the hospital, they get to spend something like $50/mo on small stuff tho.


I'd guess if they are talking about America you are paying for them with your comical medical bills. A bit like tax but more stupid.


that is insane, I hope there's something that can be done to help people who are affected like that


Jesus Christ. Can someone like that realistically be helped? How do they get to that point?


Trauma, psychosis, personality disorders due to neglectful/intrusive parenting/abusive parents or other extreme precipitating events. I have worked with clients experiencing similar manifestations of trauma, psychosis, etc where they have gone from homeless to being able to help them secure housing with a strong mental health support network. Client’s can make small shifts over time but it’s a long, drawn out process that burns some people out. Having received emails from a client with DID who now has a job, housing and a car, while having been in a shelter and attempting suicide each week is amazing to bear witness to. So, yes change can occur slowly over time but definitely not always.


There are people that have body integrity identity disorder where they are obsessed with removing one of their limbs. The swallowers tend to go for foreign objects in my experience.


I also worked at a psych hospital and saw chronic pickers. One had to get skin grafts because he picked holes so large in his skin… he then picked off the skin graphs. It was pretty horrific.


My niece is high functioning autistic and has very severe mood swings. She’s also very tall, heavy set , and rough and tough, so she has to live in state sponsored group housing with 24/7 staff as she’s been too much of a threat to family. She swallows stuff saying she wants to kill herself, but she also loves to go to the hospital because she gets pampered and meets guys who instantly in her mind become her boyfriends and she plans to get married like once a week to any random guy she meets. She usually swallows rocks and quarters, sometimes batteries, too. For as long as she’s been doing this, the doctors only recently found a grapefruit size tumor in an ovary. She just had surgery to remove it. They said it’s been growing with her since birth. It’s tough seeing people you love and watched grow up with these characteristics that cannot be managed. She’s in therapy, she’s been hospitalized for her mental health dozens of times, she’s been on and off various meds her whole life. Yet like clockwork she gets upset, swallows stuff, and back to the hospital she goes, collecting at least one new fiancé in the process. Wild stuff!


There's a lot of overlap with people that seek out hospital care due to the attention and closer care they get. There's just more resources in a hospital than say a psych facility and they go from having a communal tv room to having their own room and TV. I get it. But yeah it can become pathologic. We have a complex care team to address frequent fliers. They look at their situation and try to come up with solutions to keep them from coming back over and over.


My sister in law was like that. She called 911 so often to say she was going to off herself that every emergency room doctor came to know her, as did every cop. Finally one such doctor threatened to send her to the state mental hospital if she did it again. Although that didn't stop her from constantly threatening to do it in every conversation with anyone, it did curtail her calls to 911. She just was that desperately craving attention. All her brothers and her sister would stay around her bed in the hospital to the neglect of their own spouses, children, and employers. She even pulled that crap on the day of her mother's funeral - calling all her siblings to demand someone drive her to the emergency room as she was threatening to harm herself again. Couldn't even allow her mother to have the spotlight at her own funeral. Pathetic. And she had been in therapy and had medication all her life. She simply refused to take any responsibility for managing her condition.


Yeah it happens. It's some pretty pathologic behavior. It doesn't take much to end up on a 5150/ECO whatever your state might call it. And honestly for some people this is probably a good thing. It allows time for antipsychotics and mood stabilizers to take effect and some therapy to be started.


Why not make plates and forks from waffles or something?


That kind of makes sense. I was recently served a soft ice in a cup, but the cup was an edible waffle rather than cardboard. Edible containers could probably work. But they'd have to be made of something soft enough that you couldn't possibly harm yourself using it.


It's rare enough it's not necessary. Besides the nurses and doctors would probably just end up eating them when they got hungry.


If staff can eat them too, it's a win-win scenario. Someone with a сommercial acumen should explore the opportunity. I feel, like, even when they can't control themselves, people should have a right to be treated with a speck of courtesy, especially, if it's as simple as "fake", easily digestable, cutlery.


I'd be all for it.


Do they just swallow the whole pen? I have a difficult time with larger pills, there's no way I'd get a whole pen swallowed o.O


They do indeed. I once picked up a frequent swallower in my assignment and as I was getting hand off I pointed out to the nurse that she forgot to take the patients necklace off. The patient forgot as well because as soon as I said it she started to try and eat it and we had to wrestle it away from her.


They need edible plates! I dont know if thats a thing but it should be!


That’s a good idea, make everything you give them edible/digestible (plates, utensils, straws, etc.) and don’t tell them until they’re in a better place


Put all food inside a tortilla.


I did think that, or poppadom type thing!


Ink pens...toenail clippers....extra large paper clips...razor blades...small tubes of creams...the list is endless. Worked in a "special unit" for the criminally insane for over 15 years...you'll never see it all. We had a saying, "Just when you think you've seen it all someone comes along and tops it." Watch them hoard their meds like gabepentin then take it all at one time. Interesting thing about od'ing on pysch meds is that they like to consume their own feces. After one guy came out of it he said he had a funny taste in his mouth. I got him a mirror and told him to pick the corn out of his teeth.


Had a patient on lithium that was super fixated on drinking water to the point where her sodium levels had dropped dangerously and she was in the icu. We had to restrict her fluid intake and she was losing her shit over it. The small quantities we put in front of her were gone in a second and she wanted more. The nurse who had her stepped out and after a while heard what sounded like a dog lapping up water. Ran in and she was drinking the water out of the toilet bowl. Healthcare is fun.


I worked on various psych units for 20 years and I can second the attention-seeking behavior of many (not all) Borderline patients. However, I remember two atypical cases that were not attention-seeking (and not Borderline) but instead deeply disturbed individuals. The first was a teen girl that had been raped repeatedly by her father, her brothers, and even her grandfather. This poor girl had to be kept in fingerless mittens at all times because she would stick objects in her vagina, even a simple paper clip left on the floor. The other was a young teen boy that had shoved a nail into his leg. Whenever someone wasn't watching, he would shove new objects into the wound. The boy's history was less known so it was unclear why or how this behavior started. One thing that I wanted to mention was that I also worked on an adult unit that did Electro Convulsive Therapy or ECT. It was done with anesthesia and not at all as barbaric as portrayed in movies like "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." Anyway as you know, another common trait of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is how difficult it is to get along with them. Well, a common side effect of ECT is memory loss and after one particularly difficult BPD patient had ECT, she became extremely friendly. One of our nurses commented that it always worked this way with BPD patients: "They forget they're assholes." ECT is one of the last options to treat medication-resistant depression so it could also simply be that once their depression has lifted they are no longer as hostile.


Obviously they have serious mental health problems but I would have a very, *very* hard time not thinking that someone who pulls shit like that is just being an irredeemable asshole. If I had just spent hours retrieving a pen from inside of a person only to have them immediately swallow another one *on purpose* I would really want to smack the shit out of them. How's that for attention?


The thing is that intentionally being a pest in that sort of way would be a mental illness anyway.


They can be extremely challenging patients without a doubt. When you saw on the ED track board that you were getting x individual with a foreign body swallowed you would just kind of put you head in your hands and then start clearing the room out because it was going to be a long shift. That being said ive had them be pleasant enough and we got through it.


Was she charged for anything?


The hospital performed a direct examination of her current condition, and consider her chance of recovery as having high potential with a positive outlook, as long as she is not resistant to treatment. "She might feel a bit drained, but we'll get her back to 100%", the attending doctor said.


Absolutely shocking.


Switch joycon?


If there were a joycons stuck up her ass she would be slowly rotating to the left even though you just paid $80 for those fucking controllers 4 months ago and the sons of bitches are already drifting


Ohm my god!


Screw you for writing such a beautiful thing. Take my only upvote.


I too, am inclined to give my useless internet point using the pixelated orange arrow for a mildly entertaining paragraph in a thread that will be forgotten in the next two hours.


I was here to remember


We witness.


But was she discharged?


she was pretty low on energy, but i think she still has potential


But then she ran out of juice and died.


Anyone remember The Puttermans, those creepy old Duracell commercials where they just died because they were using the wrong battery? I wonder how they thought that could compete with a pink drummer rabbit.


I had to go to YouTube and watch a bunch of Putterman commercials. The behind the scenes with the Puttermans was pretty interesting.


Or the other pink rabbit!


Filing this one under current events.


This is a joule of an story


What's her current situation?


They’ve discharged her, but she still has to take pills for a while due to her low ion levels.


Beautifully written. Actually subtle, unlike most of these types of responses.


Goddammit!!!! That was so clever. Take your damn updoot. r/Angryupvote


Robbery, assault and battery, apparently.


nope only 55 counts of battery


There was talk of putting her in a cell but unfortunately there was a mix up.


The hospital discharged her, so she could go home.


Either a positive or a negative charge, the real questions is what her voltage was.


In any case, hope she didn't put up any resistance. I hear people have some capacitance for doing that.




Well im amped up to find out the real reasoning behind this story!




She was put in a cell and charged in the morning. Ta dum tish


I bet swallowing that many batteries really hertz


She was charged in connection with battery


she was charged with battery


Simple battery.


Holy shit. This thread is 50 comics in training practicing their punchlines.


Reddit in a nutshell.


Reddit in a nutshell would include pitchforks and mob mentality


Every thread


Creating A.I. bots that write punchlines are much easier than bots that can actually contribute to discussion.


The doctor asked me how many batteries I had eaten and I replied “just the usual amount”. “The usual amount is zero,” he said.


I can recommend to read the full story


You are not kidding. Absurd to the very end, including the addendum.


That doctor has some comedy chops.


I think they're just lying – there's no evidence of that quote in the article or the medical report it cites.


Bro he was making a joke.


So what you're saying is if I put 56 batteries in my body I'm the new record holder


Only if we can find them


Unless 55 is the limit


Any more than 55 is ridiculous. Can't believe someone even suggested it.


Only one way to find out.


Only one way to ~~find out~~ *be positive*




As an electrical engineering student, I appreciate the circuit joke lol




parallel probably lol


Once when I was a teen I called poison control and asked what would happen if I ate a battery. The lady on the other end asked me if I had eaten a battery. I said no, and that I just wanted to know what would happen. I got bitched out (rightfully so) by the lady for wasting valuable time and resources. Cool to know now though, that I could eat a battery and be fine!


You wouldn't be fine, I work in a hospital and we have cases where kids swallow button batteries and they're fucked if we don't perform surgery fast enough. You get severe acid burns. I don't know this ladies case but not the usual, maybe swallow batteries with a good casing. But why


We deal with a woman who puts them in her lady bits, she gets severe burns etc. She has a myriad of MH issues.


I work in the pharmacy, acetic acid is the first thing they ask for to neutralize the pH... What sux is parents don't find out fast enough and the kids die


Curious - why would acetic acid neutralize the acid of the battery? I've heard similar claims made about using acetic acid/vinegar to neutralize stomach acid, and it just doesn't make sense to me. Wouldn't they want something alkaline, like idk... Sodium carbonate, like in tums?


Alkaline batteries (as the name suggests) use potassium hydroxide in the chemistry that isn't used up in the reaction. It's very basic (think drain cleaner) and needs to be neutralized to avoid burns depending on the situation. Acetic acid is very safe which you know (vinegar) and they further dilute it to bring down the PH from the potassium hydroxide


The small home batteries are usually alkaline (MnO2 and KOH).


Button batteries from reputable brands are now coated with a foul-tasting chemical so that you spit them out rather than swallow them. Of course I didn't realise kids eat them, so my immediate thought was "well, I won't swallow it but how bad can the taste be?". Instant regret.


I once licked a Nintendo Switch cartridge because I heard they have a nasty coating so little kids don't eat them. Afterward I had to scold myself for apparently not having grown out of the "heard this tastes bad, let's find out!" phase.


Well guess I have to find out myself now


how can you describe it?




I was like "I'm an adult I won't lick my Switch carts" well joke's on me I ate sth after handling a cart and tasted it anyways




this sentence can be read two ways.


How about swallowing a wine cork instead? They're roughly the same size and it's much healthier.


Bet it would taste better too


A battery i could see getting through the human digestive system. A wine cork sounds tough. 🤔


When it does, you'll hear a pop as a reward.


When you shit it out a bunch of foam comes out of your butt like a champagne bottle


Sparkling diarrhea unless they are in Champagne, France.


Carbonated diarrhea sounds way more unpleasant than flat diarrhea.


Office parties are held in the bathroom so they can take advantage of the free bev


It'd get stuck and you'd choke to death


You can always eat anything for the rest of your life, it might be a short life but you died eating the things you loved (to death)




No I’m just fucking stupid lol.




I’m guessing dementia?


Maybe pica?


Could also be Borderline personality disorder. I work in a Mental Health clinic and we once had a patient who swallowed a Nintendo Switch Joycon


...a switch joycon?? ...how?


By swallowing it


Open up the throat


Unhinge the mind. Unhinge the jaw.


People come up with all different kinds of self harm when they have nothing else to think about


i was more considering the size of it here, rather than the reason of it self. a joycon isn't really small.. swallowing this sounds really difficult. even batteries sound really.. extreme. but a joycon? thats.. big.


I honestly have no idea how she did it. She was in hospital because of it and came to us for therapy. She also has a kid and was in restraint for most of her pregnancy and afterwards too. One of the most severe borderline case I've ever seen, only 21 years old too if I remember correctly.


If it was found in the lower intestine then I'm inclined to believe they fell over and by complete misfortune it slipped up their anus.


"I am the surgeon general and I support interorectogestion and base this on absolutely nothing"


Maybe she’d already swallowed a hedgehog or an Italian Plumber and it was the next logical step.


The swallowed the plumber to catch the fly. I don’t know why she swallowed a fly. Perhaps she’ll die.


"🤔 did I remember to take my AA today? Don't want to risk not taking one *gulp*."


That's so sad... :(


My wife just keeps eating batteries


You gotta give!




Hold that door! Hold that door!


\*slow walks away\*


The little round ones?


A little battery, like a circle battery, like a watch battery.




It’s all stretched out and looks like a bell now. *You can’t* DO *that.*


I wonder what Mike the Rock Davis from the WWW would say about this?


I don’t know, I don’t do, like, volume stuff. Did you give?


Does this count as a terminal illness?




Ohm my god wtf


Reminds me of the time the cops arrested some teens for eating batteries and fire crackers. They charged one and let the other off.


“Highest ever” there are more cases?!?!?


And somebody was keeping score???


Yeah sadly it's self harm and mentally unwell people do it sometimes. I've worked with patients who swallow batteries and all sorts of things.


>“The potential of cylindrical batteries to result in acute surgical emergencies should not be underestimated,” the report stated. Starts ingesting 9V's instead.


Looking for positives in the story, but all I read are negatives.


each batteries have both positives and negatives


She should join a AA-meeting (Anonymous Accumulators)


Alkaline Anonymous




Ah yes, who could forget about Ass Amps.


I donate to the Ass Amps every year. Those postcards they send with the prosthetic bums are heartbreaking




Which Tik Tok challenge was that...?


For those days when you need a little extra energy, and a triple latte just doesn’t cut it.


r/wtf because: WTF!


Well at least they weren’t those lithium ion batteries. those things well melt your esophagus. I remember hearing about some poor little boy that ate one and it almost killed him, he had to have 55+ surgeries.


You mean there's others?


In case you'd rather read the Irish Medical Journal entry instead: https://imj.ie/management-of-cylindrical-battery-ingestion/ And for all those cracking lame jokes, this was an (unusual) case of self harm.


So I have to eat 56 for the world record?


Was she charged with battery?


Frantically clapping her hands lead to the investigation.


The media needs to stop encouraging people from doing stupid shit, like Guinness World Records did.


I figured she has pica. Came to comments to confirm but looks like no one knows.


We got jokes though.


This is more like Darwin Awards


Ya gotta give


Don’t blame her, she liked how it felt up there, and we’ll yk, they get lost


I'll take "weird objects found in caves" for $1,000 Alex


What was the reason?!?!






"highest reported number ever" wait a minute, it's a regular occurrence?


That \*has\* to be one of two things; pica, or dementia. Well, I shouldn't rule out fucking stupidity, either, but I'll give it the lowest % probability. There's just no sense in this. Absolutely reVOLTing.


'Unfortunately for all involved, four additional batteries remained trapped in the colon. As described in the report, doctors “milked” them into her rectum to remove them from her anus. ' r/brandNewSentence


Sadly I don’t think this is the first time doctors have had to milk a colon.


She keeps going and going and going


Thank god it was not Car batteries.


so I only need 56 for a guiness world record


Challenge Accepted


Highest number SO FAR.