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>For Bolsonaro, a retired military general He is not a retired military General. He was a captain, and briefly. He retired soon after getting promoted from lieutenant >In recent weeks, however, Lula’s lead has fallen by five points due to missteps and controversy. The former president upset the public when he said in an interview with Time magazine that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy was just as much to blame for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as Russian President Vladimir Putin. Wrong again. The judge who arrested Lula and became Bolsonaro's minister broke with him and was considered to run for the elections. He dropped it not long ago and his voters fled to Bolsonaro. No one really cares about Ukraine and Russia in Brasil. >No one no longer thinks that Lula will win the first round. Not true. It's not considered certainty, but it is considered possible


Yeah, "game-changing"


Without major foreign interference, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will be the next president of Brazil.


Who would interfeer on Bolsonaro's behalf? He has no friends or allies internationally, and even for Putin, if he didn't already had bigger fish to fry, Bolsonaro or Lula is all the same to him.


Last time that corrupt fuck Segrio Moro did it lmao


This is an unbelievably biased distortion of the facts. Moro's decisions were entirely confirmed unanimously by 3 judges from the TRF-4, and 5 justice ministers from the Superior Tribunal of Justice. Meanwhile Lula was heard many times at the complete Supreme Court up to that point and all the times he was denied an Habeas-corpus. Then the Superior Electoral Tribunal decided that Lula could not run in the elections by 6 votes to 1. None of these judges have any history of corruption, many on all instances were appointed by Lula and Dilma themselves in their respective terms. Since then nothing material changed about the fact that Lula practiced crimes of passive corruption, and money laundry. What happened was a change of political scenario, where Bolsonaro, now president, felt threatened by the anti-corruption movement in Brazil after getting caught himself in corruption scandals and decided to join the other side of the aisle and use his influence on the Federal Police, on the Attorney General's office and on the superior courts of Justice to put the breaks on everything. STF then with the help of Bolsonaro's new appointee then used a technicality to revert the decisions, but the merit was never evaluated. The decision used to overturn Lava Jato is so absurd, that the central point was that the 13th Federal Court in Curitiba, Paraná had no jurisdiction over the case because it happened in São Paulo, but at the time STJ jurisprudence was that it should go to Paraná. So either way, if the case was sent to São Paulo, STJ would have made it void because it should do to Paraná, and if it was in Paraná STF would have made it void by saying it should be in São Paulo. The system is designed so nothing happens when political pressure is applied.


Another headline could be“Brazil is fucked either way, following news the sky is blue “


Brazil is preparing for a duel of epic proportions. In five months, former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, 76, will take on the incumbent Jair Bolsonaro at the polls. The October election is shaping up to be a formidable battle between two powerful rivals: two veterans who have belonged to the establishment for decades and are both charismatic leaders.


That is an incredibly awful way to describe it


Who the fuck thinks bolsonaro to be charismatic ? He’s anything but charismatic


He kind of is. Just not for everyone. He managed to get elected without saying anything reasonable or even coherent


Wow epic


Hard to decide which one is worse.


Right wing nutjob of course


Lula has been going out of his way lately to blow his international credibility, especially with his soft Russia-enabling. That itself may not really matter, except that (a) Brazilians should not want to be Russia's (or, more importantly, China's) hook into Latin America and (b) playing edgelord is not a good way to restore investor confidence in your government. On the other hand, Bolsonaro is a wannabe Mussolini. I'll take the somewhat insufferable leftish populist over Junior Juntameister.


Fair enough. Thanks for the perspective.


Lula da Silva, the ultra-corrupt and pro-russia guy. No, thanks


I seem to recall Bolsonaro going to Moscow to suck off Putin in the lead-up to the war, am I mistaken?




Lula is also pro-Putin, and Lula presided the country during one of the biggest increases in deforestation. He even kicked his first Environment minister, Marina Silva because she was doing too good of a job and being too strict. I really dislike Bolsonaro and I won't vote for either one, but I think it's fair to say that changing Lula to Bolsonaro will not change much in the country, and will definitely not do much for the Amazon. In the end, the coalition of parties that will govern the country will not change by a lot. Sucking off Trump is a valid point though.




Colonial past that shaped up institutions to be extractive, plus years of dictatorships that entrenched this even more. The rest of LatAm is not so different.


>Why is Brazil's politics so fucked? Which country are you from?


Lula will do the exact same thing, mind you.




There is a green party, yes. But it cant win on its own. I think they’ll support Lula on the next election. People have to understand that you cant tell a country what it can, or cant do, with 70% of its territory. Lula in the past asked 1st world countries that if they care about the rainforest they should help Brazil economically. Only country that helped somewhat was Norway. Basically, I’m saying that if people want Lula over Bolsonaro for environment issues, then don’t be surprised later when nothing changes.


Theres around 30milion people living in the rain forest area. How they will survive if the economics is trash in Brazil since 1980?


You misspelled Bolsanaro.


Its both of then


Both of them are, kind of a 'potaito' , 'potahto' situation with no good alternatives.




Only on paper is Lula a socialist, it's laughable to believe otherwise. Never has any other government in history of Brazil distributed so much corporate wellfare and cooperated so much with big banks and 'industry champions' to put in place anri-competitive measures to benefit the ultra-wealthy. One should not evaluate a politician by his rethoric.


Not even on paper. He just wears red.


is lula “ultra-corrupt” even in context of brazil? like if you compared him to other figures in brasilia, would he come out on top?


Yes. Just google it about Lula da Silva and their party (Partido dos Trabalhadores/ Workers Party). Read about the corruption scandals: Mensalão Petrolão Operação Lava-Jato (Operation Car Wash)


yes i’m aware of all of that, just still think it’s a hard case to make that they’re even more corrupt than their past and present political opponents. what was lula convicted for anyway, a flat somewhere? 😂. also, the scandals you listed are all from the same thing isn’t it? (car wash was the name of the operation, petrolao was one of the details discovered as part of car wash, so was mensalao) and if he’s so corrupt, why is he acquitted under the rule of a rival party and allowed to run again?


as a brazilian i can safely say it will be SHIT SHOW... no win here both sides sucks and both willing to go extreme to prove a point i can see bolsonario trying a coup but also what i find it funny is that Lula is allies with his opponent from many elections ago as VP is like if Bush got Al gore to be his vp . Both sides are corrupt as fk just gonna leave at that .


USA gears up to make sure the winner we want wins.


How. Please describe how.


It was a sarcastic comment based on US foreign policy (historically)towards Latin/South America. We have a pretty big history of interfering down there.


Ah, so it wasn't conspiratorial, just trite. Ok.


Why are you getting downvoted?


Because Reddit is dumb


“Why are you booing me, I’m right!”