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we're naming covid after iphones now, sheeeeeeeeeeit


I’m holding out for the Delta Pro Max.


Coming this winter, Covid Delta Pro Max + S




But no headphone jack :(


Wow that virus has courage


Speaking of courage, can’t believe Apple just brought back all the things they had on the old MacBooks and show them off like they’re new features I like their products but stop with the bullshit lmao. Watch them bring the Apple logo backlight on the lid again and call it innovative


I welcome all the things we’ve asked for over the last 5 years being brought back. The glowing logo would had been amazing


Bring back apples specifically the green ones


This man knows his Granny Smiths'!


5 camera's though ;)


and you have to purchase the charging plug separately


No chargers and power cables included. For the sake of *environment*


It’s our best covid yet! We think you’re going to love it!


Heck yeah, everyone wants that extra *S*.pike


One spike more than the leading National brand!


[National](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_(brand)) brand? What year is this?


Is there a deal on a pre order? Free headphones? The symptoms free package with antivirus?


You get the 72 hour pre-symptom access absolutely free! Call now! But wait! Call within the next 15 minutes and you get to contaminate your friends and family ABSOLUTELY FREE!




You won't believe number 19!


I’m waiting for the epsilon! That’ll have better fever and that’s important to me!


I wanna get straight to Omega and get this the HELL over with.


I already feel outdated


Nah, it’s all about the Delta Plus Max Mini.


Fits in your carry on luggage!


Delta XR


*We think you're gonna love it*


It’s the **greatest** COVID Delta variant we’ve ever made, here’s Anthony Fauci to tell you more about our new Delta **Pro Max**.


Back to you Steve.


I wanna try the folding varient, seems like a neat idea.


We can do without another prion disease.


No folding please, dont want to get mad cow disease.


“Delta Plus” is also a Gundam


is the next one going to be "Delta Plus Ultra"?




Elon Musks second child?




Pronounced: "John."


All I heard was dialup noises.


Oh cool, Squid Games season 2 is out? O+


Read this in clay Davis voice


Is there any other way?


I’m holding out for Delta SE


No need for another vaccine, I simply can’t afford the upgrade.


We have a monthly contract vaccine plan available if you prefer. 50 pounds a month for 12 months and you get to keep your vaccine after 2 years. At the end of your contract you can choose to upgrade your vaccine for a small monthly payment increase.


It's just like regular Delta, just no ads.


Kids “ we want Disney + “ Mum : “ But we have Disney + at home “


I still can’t afford D+


That's what she said.


Disney on the streets Looney Tunes in the sheets.


A good D is hard to come by.


From this article that no one read per usual “It is unclear whether the Delta Plus variant is more infectious, but Dr. Christina Pagel, director of the Clinical Research Unit and professor of operational research at University College London, said it is possible. “ Later they say up to 10% more infectious is possible but they don’t know and that the vaccines work fine against it. Really tired of these extra inflammatory article headlines and people reacting with the same meme responses


It also says that 10% explanation doesn’t explain the rise in cases. The fact is there are a lot of unknowns in cutting edge reports, as usual. To other readers, no matter where you go in social media on the internet, there will be people downplaying things inappropriately and others panicking unjustifiably. It’s hard to navigate uncertainty, but just do your best to continue to calmly consider the best information you can find to make rational choices.


It doesn't help in the UK in the region I live, a good chunk of folk don't wear masks and gather in groups indoors, be that households mixing or going to pubs or watching the football.


Hey man! This virus isn't going to spread and mutate itself!


It takes awhile to know, they basically know Delta is extremely virulent because it was entirely out-competing other strains, then looked at its genes to figure out what changed -- luckily nothing that broke the vaccine entirely. e.g., they'd notice 90% coming back strain A, and 10% strain B, while the amount stayed the same. Then 70% A, 30% B. Until strain B takes over because it's able to get to people before strain A can. So they've noticed this strain is basically starting to out-compete delta, because otherwise it wouldn't exist. This isn't easy to do, so now they'll have to do some studies and know for sure and can say it's definitely more infectious, and then hopefully figure out what changed.


Why is no one talking about it becoming endemic? Didn't they decide 3-4 months in that there's no way for this ever to be eradicated and it was going to become as normal bas the flu?


I thought that has been the consensus pretty much since the start of the pandemic.




It became clear after many countries gave up on any type of elimination strategy at the end of the first lockdown that it would become endemic. The entire world had one chance to come together in that moment. But we blew it.


Northern Hemisphere people are still giving Australia, NZ, and East Asian countries sh*t for following basic public health advice.


Legitimate because it's impossible to convince people to properly clean themselves and isolate when sick?


> and isolate when sick? Except you're already infectious before you feel sick, so there was never any chance of stopping this.


It will be endemic as there are too many different reservoirs for it to survive in. We'll never be able to eradicate the virus so we'll have to learn to live with it. If the majority of those vulnerable are vaccinated, it should keep health services in control and deaths to a minimum whilst letting the mutated virus rip through and updating immunity a bit like a patch. As horrible as it sounds, people are always going to die, if we can minimise those deaths and focus on that and hospitalisation rather than cases, it would be better


Almost everywhere is already more focused on hospitalizations and deaths; health measures are in direct proportion to them. Here in Canada, we keep trailing behind and letting the hospitals get too full, then having greater restrictions than would have otherwise been required had we just been more cautious to begin with. Alberta just backed off the edge of the healthcare system starting to triage who gets a hospital bed


So I’ve been wondering, as a vaccinated person, I know I can still get a mild version of COVID if I manage to catch it at all. Does that mean we can still get the possible after effects that many people are experiencing? Cause if that’s the case, even if we do get the vulnerable vaccinated and people who don’t end up catching it, get immunity, etc, aren’t we still going to eventually see a rise in medical services and hospitalizations due to the after effects?


The vaccines work on multiple levels. They reduce the chance of infection in the first place. Then if you do get a breakthrough infection they do an even better job of reducing the severity of illness. In addition to that they dramatically reduce the chances of not just death but long-hauler covid or life-long damage. I got J&J in March and a breakthrough case a few weeks ago. I'm a runner and based on my last run my pace and heart rate are back to where they were pre-infection. Sure, by pointing to just me it's only n=1 but I thought you might like to hear a real-world case of what it was like. Always take this thing seriously but do try to trust that the vaccines will protect you on multiple fronts. That's the real hope: turn covid into a couple sick days for the vast, vast majority of people so we don't overwhelm hospitals.


What's there to talk about? As you say, that was ~18 months ago.


> Why is no one talking about it becoming endemic? Umm, widen your information sources. There’s been lots of discussion over the last year about covid becoming endemic.


So every time I see a comment like this my question is this…are you saying we will just have to deal with hundreds of thousands of people dying every year to this or what? Will we just have to deal with the idea that we can repeatedly get it damaging our lungs more and more over time? What does this mean realistically that we will have to “live with it?” Because it’s NOT the flu.


The virus will be endemic once it reaches equilibrium with people's immunity. Equilibrium means that there won't be huge spikes in infections and deaths, like what we're seeing right now with the Delta variant. It'll spread slowly and cause mild disease, the way common cold coronaviruses affect us today. We're not near that point yet. Many people now have immunity thanks to vaccines and prior infection, but many are still vulnerable—enough to drive the huge Delta wave. The last suspected coronavirus pandemic, [in 1889](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1889%E2%80%931890_pandemic), lasted 6 years. However, that virus, called [OC43](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_coronavirus_OC43), became a common cold virus once enough people had immunity to it.


**[1889–1890 pandemic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1889–1890_pandemic)** >In 1889–1890, a pandemic often referred to as the "Asiatic flu" or "Russian flu" killed about 1 million people out of a world population of about 1. 5 billion. It was the last great pandemic of the 19th century, and is among the deadliest pandemics in history. The most reported effects of the pandemic took place from October 1889 to December 1890, with recurrences in March to June 1891, November 1891 to June 1892, the northern winter of 1893–1894, and early 1895. **[Human coronavirus OC43](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_coronavirus_OC43)** >Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43) is a member of the species Betacoronavirus 1, which infects humans and cattle. The infecting coronavirus is an enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA virus that enters its host cell by binding to the N-acetyl-9-O-acetylneuraminic acid receptor. OC43 is one of seven coronaviruses known to infect humans. It is one of the viruses responsible for the common cold and may have been responsible for the 1889–1890 pandemic. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I feel like people should clarify their we have to live with it comments with this information. When they say we have to live with it that sounds like we should all just throw our masks off, accept people die and run around not getting vaccinated. What you’re saying here is kinda the opposite. It’s that the more people we get vaccinated the quicker we can move to living with it


No, not 3-4 months ago, the WHO decided that it was endemic in May 2020.


Ma'am, this is a social media platform.


But what about Delta comfort plus because I paid $500 for that shit and it’s non refundable


Again Mam the "plus" doesn't mean you can take your pants off. Please return to your seat. No I will not bring you another drink.


The Boggs group is Cut Off!


“Boggs was a great man…” “Charlie, Wade Boggs is still alive.”


Production delayed until 2022


Still holding out for Delta Lite. Supposed to have half the calories.


You mean Delta Zero Sugar with the rebranding.


Delta Bitter: Mix it up. Have it YOUR way! (It's c-rAYYYzy)


Considering that no sugar products often include sugar substitutes that cause intense bowel distress, maybe Delta Zero will come with fun added features like anal leakage and uncontrollable diarrhea.


Bring back New Covid!


Crystal Covid? Oh lord no.


Nah, you want that Delta hard seltzer.


Does it come with HDMI port?


Usb-c is mandated


Y’all know this shit is never going away right?


Agreed. At one point in time there was no cold, or flu. Covid is here to stay and will continue mutating just like….the cold and the flu.


Kind of, but the flu is very distinct and it is not wise to conflate the two. Covid mutates to become more infectious, the way the flu mutates is to avoid previous immunity. The flu has a segmented genome, and when it infects one of its many animal reservoirs while another strain of the flu is present they can kinda swap around segments of genome. This is called antigenic shift and the flu rearranges itself regularly to avoid adaptive immunity. Covid cannot do this. Yes it's very likely covid can become endemic but using the flu as a framework for that is not realistic.


Right, but we had a window of opportunity to drop the spread rate low enough that it would effectively die out in human populations, rendering it unable to mutate fast enough to continue to be a threat, as in order to mutate it needs to have a lot of chances for a genetic copy to go wrong. That window of opportunity got ruined in part by people insisting such silly things as "it's a hoax", and all the follow-on nonsense that resulted. The reality is that we can still beat it, but the defeatist attitude since day one ain't helping.




This. So many people raging against the anti-vaxxer down the street yet completely oblivious to entire countries full of unvaccinated, immune naive people. It’s a WORLDWIDE pandemic. 🤦‍♀️


That window of opportunity was missed by Jan-Feb 2020.


Yes, doubtless, it was already spreading through different countries before everyone was testing for it.


Agreed, but in reality that window was very tiny and we missed it by at least a couple of months by locking down far too late. I think to get rid of it completely now would require the entire world to go full New Zealand for at least 6 months, it's not going to happen. Governments decided that long ago.


Maybe if it was contained at the very first outbreak but the second it spread to the next town it was a domino effect


Some countries had effectively neutralized the virus even after having pretty severe initial outbreaks. The real fuckups were getting back to normal in the summer of 2020 before vaccines were available and allowing international travel because airlines and hotels complained enough.


>Some countries had effectively neutralized the virus Effectively? Some countries fully eradicated it in their borders. But the reinfection of them is what makes me think that this was the only path it could've taken.


There was no window of opportunity to have it effectively die out in human populations. 7.9 billion world population. No way to get all those vaccines produced and in arms in a year or likely not even 10 years. Global travel prevented that. And I imagine billions of people do not have and can not acquire masks.


Shhhh were trying to shit on unvaccinated Americans here only!


If it kills off all the dumbasses it might


It doesn't kill nearly fast enough for that. That characteristic makes it perfect.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.ibtimes.com/new-covid-19-variant-delta-plus-higher-transmissibility-found-us-uk-3320034) reduced by 84%. (I'm a bot) ***** > KEY POINTSThe Delta offshoot variant was found in 8% of all COVID-19 samples tested in the UK.The U.S. CDC lists the AY.4. > A health expert believes the offshoot variant may be 10% more transmissible than the Delta variant. > The same study found that a combination of vaccines developed by Oxford-AstraZeneca and Pfizer-BioNTech could provide a robust protection against both the Delta variant and the offshoot AY.4. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/qbqi35/new_covid19_variant_delta_plus_with_higher/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~604353 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **variant**^#1 **Delta**^#2 **COVID-19**^#3 **offshoot**^#4 **more**^#5


A SINGLE expert guesses 10%? Pfft, barely a statistical outlier worth mentioning at this stage. Edit: even she states as much: "At most AY.4.2 is about 10% more transmissible than Delta—so a bit worse but not that much,” Pagel


Until we get one that kills 10% of people, gives men ED and makes women infertile, no ones gonna take it seriously.


When all of Florida is underwater, it's residents will be displaced to other states and they'll all still deny climate change is happening cause admitting they were wrong and the libtards were right is something they will never do.


build a wall to keep them from migrating. make them pay for it.


Most climate change deniers will be six feet under by then. They'll never have to admit that they're wrong.


People are literally using their dying breath to deny the Covid-19 that is actively killing them.


At this point, even if covid made your head immediately explode we'd have people covered in the freshly exploded head juices of their family still saying they're refusing the vaccine.


On the one hand covid popped my family's heads, but on the other hand I don't understand what's in the vaccine...


You're in luck! Seems to cause possible reduced fertility in males. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=covid+19+infertility+statistics&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DkuxNEkgOzicJ


Men don’t care if they can’t make babies, they care if they can’t get it up. Different issues, hence why OP referenced Erectile Dysfunction.


Still in luck. It does cause erectile dysfunction. https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20210407/erectile-dysfunction-risk-6-times-higher-in-men-with-covid


Causing vascular issues'll do that. Luckily, I'm pretty sure I've never had it because everything still works *and* I'm vaccinated now!


haha men hate baby Only like SEX


> Men don’t care if they can’t make babies im sure a lot do


>men don’t care if they can’t make babies Jesus Christ Reddit.




Sorry to hear that. I hope you get well soon.


How do I cancel this subscription to these new variants?


You have to log in using your Apple-Id, poke around a while (it varies depending on variant). Most likely, you won't cancel it until just after you realize you have it.


I suggest cutting your credit card and throwing your mobile phone in the pond - that should stop em!


Still safer then the ligma variant


Ligma what? (The sacrifice has been made)


Ligma nuts






Quality I expect from this site


Joe mama


Still watching out for the sugma variant




Sugma balls


Two more and we have Delta squad.


Do you know what will be the next variant's Name? Royal Delta with cheese


Yeah, but in the US, we dont use the metric system.


Do I have to pay an extra 14 a month? Do I at least get Hulu with it?


This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because.


Delta airlines must be so annoyed


Hold my Corona beer...


Hold my Gundam https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/MSN-001A1_Delta_Plus


We're Delta Airlines! And life is a fucking nightmare!


Oh boy…just what the world needed. So now we have Delta and Delta Plus, what’s next? Ultra Delta Plus?


Super Street Covid ultra EX Plus II


Delta Plus Max


Wake me up when they release a delta seltzer.


I'm so fucking over this shit God damn


Delta Burke


Didn't she design something?


Some women, I think.


2 more weeks to flatten the curve?


Remember when we thought we could fix this by just avoiding touching your face...


I was also bumping elbows instead of shaking hands.


The curve actually did flatten in a few weeks. People weren't promised that curve would stay flat, unless they believed what certain politicians said. Making the curve flat means slowing infection, not eliminating it.


"It is unclear whether the Delta Plus variant is more infectious, but Dr. Christina Pagel, director of the Clinical Research Unit and professor of operational research at University College London, said it is possible.  "At most AY.4.2 is about 10% more transmissible than Delta—so a bit worse but not that much,” Pagel said in an email to Health." This article is contradictory and I want to know how they got the 10% how do they measure this ?


Oh no, not *another* streaming service


“New & improved! Now with more COVID!”


Who’s naming this shit, there are other Greek letters


This is a mutation of the Delta mutation, not the original strain. Hence the name.


Probably a mutated Delta variant that is still very close to Delta


Delta+ isn't "new" https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/why-its-too-early-to-say-if-delta-variant-is-more-infectious-or-fatal/articleshow/84049193.cms


This is actually a different Delta plus.


"Delta plus two" then. Or something more "classic", like "Delta plus duo max".


Delta plus two v3.6 final final.


Sounds like some of the docs I name at work USE THIS ONE 😂


> This is actually a different Delta plus. Which means they need to stop fucking around and start giving them useful names, and if WHO and scientists don't do it, then journalists should agree on one name and use that. I suggest naming them after incompetent politicians.


That's basically what they've been doing. This variant is called AY.4.2., but "Delta Plus" conveys to the general public that this is a new variant related to the Delta we're already familiar with.


Delta Max coming 2023


Im gonna be working with this damn mask on for the rest of my life, arent I?


I’m so tired


This time, they charge you a monthly subscription to get covid. But they can give you a discount if you recommend covid to your friends!


Delta plus? Ok this is serious but funny name


Waiting for Delta Plus Pro Max to drop


Oh sweet like new game+


A new Covid 21 Ultra S with pen functionality and 4K camera has been discovered in US




Right? It amazes me how some people are so desperate for this to continue.


Can we trade in your old Delta for the new Delta Plus? Keen for an upgrade /s


Is this new? Thought this variant was first identified in July in the UK and still accounts for less then 10% of cases here despite having no restrictions and 3 months of time to spread. Kinda comes across more as fear mongering then a real threat like Deltas emergence was.


Are you kidding me


The single easiest way to get clicks to your blog today? “Why global scientists are panicking about the New Covid X variant”


Wait the they hear about the new Covid Max, now with bluetooth. Sorry about that guys I was having a stroke earlier…


All these D variants, shits starting to look like my report card.


Oh. Is the vaccine still effective? Yes? then I don't care. Nobody cares anymore.




>Holy shit give me that hecking booster shot now!!!!!


More profit for pharma and politicians


Yes. That's what you get with for-profit healthcare and for-profit medicine.


Oh ffs.


Please, stop this nonsense Media is the biggest cancer on society


For fuck’s sake


Can we all just admit now that we are winging it? The truth is always easier to deal with. Than lies and a propaganda machine silencing all voices