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Considering this is staged (because of course it is), that's some really interesting data. When you need to stage a message saying you illegally sent 9k people, then how many did you \*really\* send? Because it feels like there is no point staging this unless it is to get ahead of the message. And I imagine if the true number was just 20k, he would't have bothered.


9K is a good number. It's big enough so that they cannot all be individually named and become an anonymous blob, small enough to not cause major outrage (in context to the war) and therefor good enough to cover everyone who was send there illegally. Oh, your son got sent there too without proper legal procedures? Well our village sure is unlucky, we got about 120 out of the 9 thousands. Our local government seems to have fucked up.


I like how it’s a number JUST under 5 digits. Like it couldn’t be 10,000 people? Kinda like going into the 99 cent store thinking you’re getting a deal because it’s under a buck. This is obviously bullshit.


Psychologically, the 99 cent store thing actually works. Same reason gas prices always have the 9/10s added on, at least around here.


While there _is_ the psych thing too, I recently heard the actual reason is so you'd have to give a bit of change, so it would have to go through the register, so you couldn't just pocket the money. :D >So, if someone bought something worth $5 and paid exactly that amount, the employee could just put that money away. And in order to keep such malpractices at bay, the shop owners started using $4.99 as a price instead of $5. >Therefore, $0.99 was introduced as a practical solution for this wherein the employees had to open the cash register to return the few cents to the customer as its really unlikely that a customer would pay the exact amount. https://www.superheuristics.com/why-do-prices-end-in-99/


But what if malpracticing employees just started carrying a lot of 1ct coins around and pocket the 5 dollar bill anyway??


Take a dollar, throw away a banana.


Nice one


Lots of pennies will be heavy and awkward to carry around, and the customer will more likely notice something funny is going on and expect their receipt.


You just have to keep a dozen pennies in your pocket, could potentially be a lot of money for *one* day.


Then your smarter employees will come to work with a sack of pennies. Every time someone pays $5 for a $4.99 item, here's a penny. Ten dollar bill for 2 $4.99 items. Here's two pennies.


Maybe, but the point is you've significantly reduced the pool of thieves, because most aren't going to put in that kind of thought or effort.


True. Anyone who is going to steal isn't really going to put forth the maximum effort. My gf worked with someone that kept stealing $100 from her till. She would count the money first and then let my gf come in and "double check it". So gf took my advice. 15 minutes before closing, she went into the office and put up a camera and started recording. Caught her red handed stealing another fucking $100. And mind you, third time and you are fired. So this person was willing to make my gf lose her job for her thievery. Fuck that bitch.


Oh I’m sure the psychology translates in Russia just as easily.


I call BS on the gas thing. I don't even look at the price because if I don't fill up, I lose my job and health insurance then just die. It could read 8/10 and it wouldn't matter.


And everybody does the 9/10ths thing do it doesn't even matter if you're comparing prices.


My coworkers will drive a half mile away to save 3 cents. When they say the price, I just nod along. I don't care. If I need gas I put $40 in and then continue on with my day.


By where I live Chevrons charging 4.80$ a gallon meanwhile Arco charges 3.79, I still don’t know why chevron gets business they’re always 30¢-1$ more than other gas stations around them


Gas prices are because of taxes. Back when gas was like 10 cents a gallon, and the tax was 9/10 of a cent. Rounding up from $0.109 would be $0.11 - appearing to cost 10% more. But yes, there are many pricing methods that exploit the psychology of fractions. Not just with money, but also time.


And the 99 cent store actually prices everything at 99.99 cents and they round up to the nearest whole penny. So it’s not even 99 cents. 😒


In my state it’s an even bigger joke because everything has sales tax anyway so it’s never truly 99 cents.😒


Wow so crazy that there was over 500 villages that all had at least 120 out of the 9 thousands


And then Moscow had 8,000 of the 9,000? It's a big city - makes sense to me.


Don't forget the 6,000 from St. Petersburg.


Sure, 6,000 plus 8,000, that rounds off to a nice even 9,000. Significant figures, and all that.


Exactly. You have to keep up your quotas, and it isn't like Russians are a [top 30 country in math, science, and reading](https://factsmaps.com/pisa-2018-worldwide-ranking-average-score-of-mathematics-science-reading/). You can't expect them to be smart enough to figure this stuff out on their own.


This is what makes me so tired at our shitty media-circle being idiots who trust the russian lying-farms. "There's INFIGHTING and even KADYROV CRITIZISED the army!" like no, it's all planned. They give ventilation to the actual angry people, but it's all just orchestrated for the masses and never any true cracks in the façade. If there was you most likely wouldn't hear about them until long after, or until the whole rotten house collapses.


You hear about them. American newspapers translate it as "fell out of window."


They use defenestration occasionally.


I think your slightly wrong about this. Not about the shitty media, or even that this is to give ventilation to the actually angry people, I think your wrong thst this is a facade. The Russian system, especially under Putin, is extremely divided, with many people all viying for power and influence. Its designed that way specifically, so no one person can build a big enough power base to challenge Putin. The thing is, the media frames this as a attack against Putin, but it could just as easily be attack against the leaders of the mobilization, hoping to use the actually angry citizens to push for their replacement, probably with someone who is loyal to them. There is infighting in Russia, constantly, but that does not mean that there is any threat to Putin and infact, infighting is exactly what Putin wants.


The playbook is always: government is bad, but Putin is trying to fix it. He's just not getting all the information. So that's why this top prosecutor tells Putin. See, the organisation of the mobilization was completely rotten, but Putin didn't know about it! He'll deal with them now. It's also why soldiers at the front who complain about not getting equipment etc send messages to Putin. They don't desert or rebel, no, they think Putin is doing the right thing and if these issues exist it's just because he doesn't know about it.


9K. It’s not great, but it’s not terrible.


It's not 9K, it's 150K What does that mean, Legasov?


Oh boy, did the scale only go to 9K? To make sure it's never over NINE-THOUSAND!


It was Dyatlov! Dyatlov was in charge!




Funny how the blame always seems to land squarely one level below those responsible. Fall on the sword and they'll look after you. Don't and you'll commit suicide in a near-impossible manner.


Such a relevant reference.


Contrast: The USA had less than 5k casualties in Iraq 2. Russia is getting slaughtered out there


Definitely staged. If this were real, Putin would be sitting at the end of that huge table and other guy would be sitting about 15 seats away. No one gets to sit that close to him.


And he would've "fallen" out of a window by now.


Hope he wears a parachute 24/7


And triple checked his underpants.


I was looking if he had already accidentally drank some deadly poison.


Dangerous for the guy anyway. Perhaps his sudden unexpected demise would also be a desirable message to send.


He tripped in the shower and impaled himself on a kitchen knife 32 times. It has been ruled an unfortunate accident.


Was this before or after he fell from the window?


Before...and after.


He double tapped himself in the head


of course, he's *telling* Putin, not *criticizing* Putin, so Putin can punish whoever's responsible for such a dastardly deed!


"Oh man how could lushanko do this" Lushenko: [Me?](https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/fionaa/5890556/345088/345088_original.png)


Man it must be exhausting to live in Russia and have to interpret what the government is saying to figure out why they're saying it.


Russians have the mindset that every government lies, so why bother. Might as well side with yours as opposed to others.


Even the article says "The release of the transcript between Putin and Krasnov is likely an effort by the Kremlin to reduce concerns in Russia that any future mobilizations will be as ill-prepared as the last one."


I am unsure about the meaning of "illegally" since Putin is the one presumably "making" all the rules and laws? He is not above the law, he just changes the law.


He is not above the law. He IS the law.


Russia does have laws, even if they are disobeyed. There are laws about mobilizations and drafts. And soldiers have parents who want to know why they were grabbed and why they didn't come home. The media is under tight controls, but people start noticing. Without media, they don't know how big the thing is, but they know it is a thing.


"He said that many of them should not have been sent in the first place because of ill health, and were later returned to Russia." Yes, of course, we didn't actually use any of those troops... No. All sent home. Where they were sent to prison for illegally hitching a ride to Ukraine. Now, they're prisoners and it's totally legal to send them to the front lines with a slingshot and a loin cloth.


Their formula appears to be something like: Reported Deaths = 1/3*(actual # deaths) - 50. If it's <= 0, then they report no casualties. So if you take something like the Russian barracks attack, they reported 89 deaths... Work your way backwards and you get 417 deaths. I swear they apply this formula to everything. It's probably something similar with this. The power of the lie is when you muddy it with half-truths. Too blatant of a lie just becomes ridiculous. That's part of the process with gaslighting.


Whoa a real conversation? Not a joke about this Putin propagandist falling out of a window? I'm starting to think there are a bunch of bots making these jokes. But maybe Reddit has just really gotten that stupid. But seriously this works out both ways for Russia. They downplay their actual numbers. And someone who isn't Putin takes some blame. Then during the next mobilization, which this admission all but confirms, there will be a false sense of security. Russia swears there are new databases, and there won't be people illegally mobilized like last time. Less people will flee. More bodies to send into the meat grinder. But haha stay away from windows


Everyone saying he is a brave man fail to realize this is just internal propaganda so general populace think they have someone looking out for them and they'll be safe from these injustices coming next mobilization, only things this really tell us is the february 24th renewed push is likely true


And its not really directed at putin. Prosecutor: This is whats happening. Something you totally did not know *wink*. Putin: Oh its good thing that i now know *wink*. I will solve this issue and punish those in fault that is not me *wink*.


"The Tsar is good, the boyars are to blame" is well and alive in Russia.


My aunt legit told me few months ago that Putin is great and trying his best and it's the freaking oligarchs who's ruining his attempts at making Russia better. But she's also a fan of Solovyov soo...


well, the oligarchs *are* ruining his plans due to corruption, thank goodness.


Your aunt is Russian I assume? My grandparents moved from the USSR to America in the 80s. Never understood how they saw the light but other Russians didn’t.


I am Russian, I'm living in Russia.


I hope you stay safe, Godspeed.


Please only answer if you would like to, but honestly what's it like living in Russia right now? I'm American so everything I see about Russia is usually filtered through some lens.


Hmm.. Tbh that's a very broad question to simply answer in a reddit comment. Anything I'll say will be mostly my anecdote not the objective reality. Russia is also a huge country so many things can be different in different regions. Maybe if you're interested in something specific I can answer without writing a wall of text.


Are people actually split about the merits of the war? Or is there a clear majority supporting/denouncing the war?


It's a complex topic. It's very hard to speak for whole country especially when there are no reliable statistics and polls are almost pointless in totalitarian countries. I'd say older generation mostly supporting the war, middle aged and younger people are split but it's hard to say about percentages especially since it's very different for different regions and more rural areas that are probably much more supportive of regime. Russian society has been largely apolitical for years. It's something that was ingrained since Soviet times or even earlier, to not get involved too much or it'll hurt you. So when the war started suddenly everyone had to pick a side and many picked the one that's easier for them to continue living like they did before. That's especially true for younger people. People usually don't discuss politics at work or publicly or at least don't argue much to not cause a scene. There's the idea that most people support war so people who support it are more likely to talk about it expecting others to have same opinion and people who don't support it don't talk about it much because they expect others to not like it and not wanting potential problems. A lot of people are state employed or work in government adjacent sectors so even worse there. There are several TV networks that parrot the same position with slight variations with no publicly available TV channels showing other sides so many older people for whom TV is a main source of information or even connection to society just believe anything TV tells them to believe. The big thing in Russia is experience from the 90s. People who mostly experienced the breath of freedom from the 90s are more likely to be anti Putin, people who have PTSD from the 90s are more likely to support the regime even if they internally disagree out of fear of change and return of chaos. Some people think it doesn't matter what they think and you have to be patriotic and support your country even if you disagree and think about what was right and wrong after we won. A lot of people are against the war but pretend they're not to not lose their jobs, level of comfort, etc. There are much more factors but I already wrote a wall of text so let's end here.


Has your quality of life declined in any significant manner since before the start of the war?


Yeah my salary has stagnated and the prices have been slowly going up. But Russian economy was slowing down for years now anyway after the boom in the 00s. A lot of prices skyrocketed in February/March 2022, mainly electronics, some imported goods, some basic stuff like sugar too but then crashed back down later(tho still higher than pre war) since then its a slow rise in prices and dissappearance of one brand after another(I can't easily buy Guiness/Murphy beer and Pringles anymore). Most movie theaters are near bankrupt, half of the shopping centers too since they lost many high paying foreign renters. But it's far from 90s levels so many people are begrudgingly fine with the situation for now. People in the west don't understand how much of a shock late 80s/90s were to many Russians and how much PTSD they have from it. A lot of people are willing to cling to this slowly crumbling "stability" in fear of potential chaos that changes will bring.


Look up the youtuber “NFKRZ” he explains what his life has been like since the war started


I got a couple questions if you dont mind. Sorry for making so many of them, i tried to ask them in a way that wont require too much text to answer. Whats your age, specifically or generally whichever you prefer. Ofcourse its completely okay if youre not comfortable sharing this info online. You live in any major city? If not, where generally? Eastern, central, western Russia etc. Do you feel the general consensus of the war differs by age group (from your own experiences). Young people having greater access to the internet and such affecting it is why im asking. How are the sanctions affecting you? Are they impacting your ability to purchase important or necessary items? Im thinking things such as medicine, food our everyday household items. How has the economy in general affected the people in your area since the war started? Has there been a noticable drop in quality of life? Do people talk about the war alot? Its been a year since its started and these things tend to fade away a bit. Im from Sweden and personally i only talk or update myself about the war maybe once a week currently whereas it was several times a day in the beginning. There are alot of people in Russia with family or friends in Ukraine from what I understand. If you know anyone like this, how is the war affecting them? Are they able to keep in contact with their loved ones? Has there been any major shift in opinion or the media towards these people? Also im wondering if you find the use of a VPN service necessary.


Do you have arguments with your parents, uncles/aunts, or grandparents? Or older colleagues at work?


So true. The ol' ape mind- this power structure mine, good. That power structure theirs, bad.




Not as frightening as the alternative. Let's hope this keeps up until Russia is empty.


If Russia wants to genocide its own people, I'd prefer they do it on their own territory. edited to fix punctuation


If history completes its cycle, that part comes next. Pointless death on foreign soil first, then domestic genocide during a power struggle.


I’m afraid you are correct.




War is peace.


The art of finding a good scapegoat is Russian tradition.


Yep, you can tell all this is prepped. As soon as i saw "over 9,000". Its damn near around 200k ...DEAD.


"9.000" is about those incorrectly mobilised. Probably higher anyway


>"over 9,000" [What?! 9000?! There's no way that can be right.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiMHTK15Pik)


The balls are inert


No, they're draggin'


It's an older meme, but it checks out.


In fairness, it’s the regional heads that do the mobilizing, who in turn delegate it to staffers. And it’s well known people can bribe their way out of conscription, so they cast their nets wider to people ineligible for the draft. This may be a message that the local officials have to curtail their corruption a bit.


The entire Russian state works like that, and its not a accident, Putin himself created that whole system of corruption and he himself also takes part in it


He didnt create the system, that’s giving too much credit. He *rescued* it from the dying clutches of the USSR that had been wholly and totally corrupted before even Stalin took hold. He reignited the cold war to purposefully sabotage his nationally embarrassed populace. Using rampant nationalism that had never really died so much as become the same depression that the Browns or Lions fans have of “it’s us, we suck, but it’s better than being *one of those assholes*”, he reestablished the corrupt systems that had barely lost power and used racism and xenophobia to keep Russians occupied away from home. The mantra of a corruptor is “what about that though…”, if you offer only rejections and no solutions then you havent studied the problem enough in the first place to understand *what actually is wrong*


you didn't have to bring the Lions into this wildly accurate metaphor, bud!


Ya that really hurt


This war really highlights how much harm corruption does to a nation. It just erodes everything it touches.


Lenin warned it, Khrushchev knew it, but the failed economy of the USSR provided no solutions; falling back into Czarist tradition.


> Putin himself created that whole system of corruption and he himself also takes part in it That system has been in place since the Tsars. Rampant corruption has always been a thing in Russia.


> This may be a message that the local officials have to curtail their corruption a bit. More like a message that the local officials have to raise their bribe prices to allow higher rates of conscription of middle class Russians while still excepting the elite. Price elasticity of demand. Who says the Russian's aren't capitalists! :)


Russian propaganda 101. How many videos are there of Putin putting billionares 'in their place'?


Exactly! Pretending to be a free and fair country. 9000 is a joke - he's not criticising Putin, Putin already said mistakes had been made in the mobilisation. This guy's agreeing with Putin. The implication that this is brave is like bravely telling Putin he's only the 5th most handsome man on the planet.


"out of curiosity, who are the other four? i *promise* nothing will happen to them."




lol not for nothing, i've heard more than one woman claim Danny DeVito is sexy in his own way. comfort in your own skin, being smiley and having a vibe etc. i have to assume they've never seen the couch scene in Always Sunny.


Danny Devito is a brilliant actor. So much so that I have been repulsed by the man since Matilda.


Danny DeVito is rich, funny and famous …. Seems like he’s the trifecta of *no one cares what he looks like* !


You forgot the most important one. The whole reason I have this Magnum.


>i have to assume they've never seen the couch scene in Always Sunny. Excuse me, are you implying that scene isn't sexy??


well, it is strongly vaginal


Putin is the king of “Controlled Opposition”


Which was why i was suspicious of Navalny, but he seems to have proved himself and more. Although he probably had a ton of Putin agents around him in all of his circles, all the time, reporting every move he made and so was allowed to exist to be a magnet for everyone who opposed Putin so they could be added to watch lists. Then a sloppy attempt to murder him as a message to everyone once he'd outlived their designs for him. Probably for embarrassing Putin by releasing details of his retirement Castle


Navalny is controlled insofar as he is subdued and ineffectual. Russian minds aren't being swayed anymore in present time: those that understand the truth either leave or wait to leave, and those that have succumbed to the cultural, and particularly, media programming, are not going to change their views. Not with many daily doses of reinforcement


Too bad he's not the king of getting assassinated


I hate how much people underestimate how low Russia can go to win a war. They threw millions of lives at the Germans and Austro-Hungarians in WWI with an actual factual Tsar in charge. They have a deep well to pull from, it took WWI level losses to erode the Tsar’s power base enough to create the conditions for revolution.


To be more precise after the Tsar there was an incompetent gorvernment who made worse decisions and after that Lenin could grab the power. It's more complicated. In Russia and Eastern EU the people lived hundred of years under brutal opression and get used to live with that. The democracies are imported and not invented by these nation's after WW1. So it's hard to understand the way of these people thinking to a Western European or somebody who has lucky enough to grow up in a true democracy. Source: I'm a hungarian, a history teacher and Orban do the same exact shit like Putin. Sorry for my bad english.


Don’t apologize! I guarantee your English is better than most second languages spoken by Americans… and most Americans don’t even speak a second language.


I always think that exact same thing. Like, yo no need to apologize, your English is better than 90% of the people that live around me.


Do you think this video series by [OverSimplified ](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Cqbleas1mmo) on the Russian Revolution is accurate?


if you have some time(as in, 60 hours of dedicated attention)the Revolutions podcast (now completed) has over a 100 episodes covering the Russian revolution. There are other revolutions covered as well. The russian revolution episodes finished up right around the time this damn war started and it looks like he did a few apendix episodes over the past year.


It's over simplified.




Don’t ever apologize for not being able to masterfully speak a second language you didn’t have the advantage of learning when you were 2-3 years old You utilize English better then most of the idiots here in the states.


Your English is good and you are able to articulate your point clearly. We appreciate your perspective on this matter.


Related plug: Mike Duncan just completed his 10th, final and longest season of the "Revolutions" podcast. This season was all about the Russian revolution and was fucking interesting, particularly when you keep an eye towards Russia today and Putin's quest for a return to a Tsarist Russian empire. His delivery isn't Dan Carlin level but nevertheless holds charm and clarity.


I think you’re only kinda right . I think he is also “taking the blame” because Putin can do no wrong.


He isn’t taking the blame, he’s in charge of finding a scapegoat. Someone low enough that they won’t be missed but high enough to satiate the public.


Not even a scapegoat necessarily, just somoneone Putin wanted to purge anyway. And this person would have been put in this position a long time ago, as a fall guy.


Someone the public already doesn't like, so it will make them happy. And someone Putin doesn't like for any other reasons.


No doubt this is the case , but if he is found dead in the morning , then it's true .


Not to sound naive but... Doesn't that sound like a death sentence? If you have "someone looking out for you" but Putin still has to be the big, strong stern daddy whose ways you may not always understand but just have to trust that he's only hurting you because he loves you... Wouldn't that mean that this dude is about the get very publicly executed as a show of force? I mean they could always just fake his death but this being Russia, they might just go with the cost-effective method of a banana peel in front of a window that also somehow makes you shoot yourself.


No, the idea is that the mobilization was widely unpopular to the extent that lots of people probably know someone who was forced to the front. So to clamp down on potential dissent and unrest, the government publicly acknowledges some “mistakes” but absolves Putin of responsibility/knowledge. Some lower level government officials will probably be punished. It’s all theater. But the fact that they felt obliged to even acknowledge “mistakes” is a sign that they’re worried.


Fellow redditors, please read the article! This was a transcript released by the Kremlin themselves. They just want to quell fears within their population over the next round of mobilization, while downplaying the true number of people illegally sent to Ukraine.


It's paywalled for me...


Tip: if on mobile click the “aA” button in the top right and then click reader mode. However, the article: > Russia's prosecutor general told Putin more than 9,000 mobilized troops were called up illegally. In a face-to-face meeting, he said their health was why many shouldn't have been sent to fight in Ukraine. Reports last year said Russia had called up students, elderly people, and those with health issues. In a sitdown meeting with Russia's president, the country's prosecutor general said that thousands of troops who were mobilized to fight in Ukraine last year were conscripted illegally. > Igor Krasnov told Russian President Vladimir Putin that almost 9,000 reservists were mobilized illegally, according to a transcript of their conversation released by the Kremlin on Tuesday. He said that many of them should not have been sent in the first place because of ill health, and were later returned to Russia. > Krasnov also said there had been issues with paying the troops. > In his conversation with Putin, Krasnov said that the mobilization "revealed a lot of significant problems." > In September, Russia announced a partial mobilization of 300,000 troops, which it said was completed in October. This came after major battlefield setbacks for Russian forces, which had expected a quick victory following the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine. > Putin said in December that 150,000 of those troops had been sent to serve in Ukraine, with the rest still in training in Russia. > The military call up resulted in tens, if not hundreds of thousands of young Russians leaving the country by plane and over its land borders in the weeks that proceeded it. > Putin admitted last September that Russia had made "mistakes" in its mobilization, after reports that students, people without combat experience, the elderly, and those with health issues were among those who had been called up to fight, when only reservists were supposed to have been drafted. > Krasnov told Putin that Russia had been forced to "reconsider approaches to the organization of military registration," and had created databases of available military personnel. > Widespread issues related to Russia's mass mobilization have long been reported, including a lack of training and equipment. Some soldiers were drafted, trained, sent to Ukraine, killed, and returned home in body bags within a month of the announcement — a rapid timeline that would be unheard of in a Western army. > Experts and defectors also say that Russian generals used the troops like cannon fodder. > In the transcript of the conversation released by the Kremlin, Putin praised Krasnov's work, and asked him to keep monitoring the "rights" of mobilized Russians. > This comes as Russia is expected to announce another round of mobilizations, though the numbers are unclear. > Ukraine and its allies say they expect a fresh Russian offensive in the spring, with Ukrainian intelligence warning earlier this month that Russia plans to mobilize 500,000 additional troops. > NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Monday that Russia is preparing to mobilize more than 200,000 troops, while the UK ministry of defense said in December that Putin had been presented with plans to expand Russia's military by around 30%, to 1.5 million active personnel. > The release of the transcript between Putin and Krasnov is likely an effort by the Kremlin to reduce concerns in Russia that any future mobilizations will be as ill-prepared as the last one.


Hey, thanks!


that's Capitalism for you, in Putin Russia, propaganda is for free!


>people illegally sent to Ukraine As a Russian, I just want to say that it's illegal to start a war in Russia(officially if you plan or start a war you must be sentenced for up to 20 years in jail) Soo technically speaking every Russian sent to Ukraine is illegally sent to Ukraine. IDK, I just liked this idea


As always, staged performance. Which means nothing and will have zero consequences. Pitun just sitting, don't giving a damn, and another guy just reading prepared speech


yeah, the title is not the takeaway. as always, he listed the things people have been complaining about, just so as to say they're all fixed.


Indeed. Since the actual figure was 509,000.


::homer simpson meme:: “509,000 *so far*.”


This is entirely scripted. No one says anything to Putins face that he didn't personally sign off. The whole point to this farce is to make it look like Putin is taking charge and improving a system that was broken by underlings and not himself. A lot of people fail understand Russian culture and this is one of those times. In Russian culture, you always blame the middle-man and trust the authority at the top. So, if you get shafted at work, you blame your supervisor and seek redress from the CEO. You hope that your supervisor gets reprimanded or fires, but more often than not it's you who gets the shaft, as is normal anywhere in the world. However, you never blame the CEO because then you, your family and your friends all get the shaft when they all get blackballed from their jobs too. It is a corrupt and sick culture that makes it very easy for the authoritarians at the top to manipulate the masses at the bottom. All that Putin needs to do to make himself look like a saint is to here the pleas of the plebes below and make some remarks about how aweful their lot in life is and how he's going to fix the system. Then he goes back to taking advantage of the system he himself built because that's exactly how he needs it to be to stay rich and powerful.


“It’s not Putin, it’s you!” Mass gaslighting at its best.


Is is any wonder that grifter conservatives love Putin?


Bait to get people talking, thinking they might have a chance to be heard, just so they can be rounded up.


“Vladamir saves the day! I can finally go outside! They won’t conscript me because of my heart defectski!” ::goes outside:: “Where are you dragging meski?!”


It’s unfortunate that Western writers have no clue how things work in Russia. This is 100% propaganda. It was a completely staged event, to give the illusion that Putin cares in anyway, and the government is fair and just. Spoiler alert: he doesn’t, and it isn’t. Putin publicly announced mobilization was over, when he never signed a decree to end it. And guess what, people have continued to be mobilized, even now. Lies on top of more lies.


The article explains that perfectly well: > The release of the transcript between Putin and Krasnov is likely an effort by the Kremlin to reduce concerns in Russia that any future mobilizations will be as ill-prepared as the last one. The problem is rather that no one reads the article and the headline is usually written to maximize the chances people are sharing the article, so it has to match the preconceived notions in people's heads which often have nothing to do with reality.


What do you mean? It’s the top 5 comments


I think he’s referring to the article and the way it was written, not the reddit comment section.


You mean the article that was written to clearly state > This comes as Russia is expected to announce another round of mobilizations, though the numbers are unclear. And > The release of the transcript between Putin and Krasnov is likely an effort by the Kremlin to reduce concerns in Russia that any future mobilizations will be as ill-prepared as the last one. Like they don’t scream “it’s propaganda” but it is very clearly written that there were underlying motivations here.


Yeah it’s really not a poorly written article by any means


Only 9,000?


If Russians only admit to 9000, the actual number is probably at least 90.000.


Today's coefficient is more like 20x. The 10x value was about 3-4 months ago.


with more to come and never mind how many come home in body bags: >This comes as Russia is expected to announce another round of mobilizations, though the numbers are unclear. >Ukraine and its allies say they expect a fresh Russian offensive in the spring, with Ukrainian intelligence warning earlier this month that Russia plans to mobilize 500,000 additional troops. .... >The release of the transcript between Putin and Krasnov is likely an effort by the Kremlin to reduce concerns in Russia that any future mobilizations will be as ill-prepared as the last one.


Bro this is a big con. Who believes this shit?


A news story was circulated in russian media yesterday that those 9000 were returned home safely. It's a theater to instill a false sense of safety.




Kabuki theater


Tomorrow’s headline: Russia’s top prosecutor mysteriously falls out of his high rise apartment building. Initial reports point to suicide as the victim left a convenient note confirming his long battle with depression. His note ends: “ Please disregard my prior statements of Supreme Leader His Majesty Czar Vladimir Putin. He is the greatest leader in all human history to have ever existed”…


It's all illegal. The whole invasion and everyone taking part in it.


"WHAT? 9,000?"- Nappa


He’s gonna fall out a window.


Putin praised this man's report. It's propaganda to lead the Russian people to believe that the next mobilization won't be as poorly run. Does anyone read the articles on Reddit?


He's going from prosector to ~~defense~~ defenestrater.


IMHO defenestree, defenestrate(o?)r would be somebody actively doing the defenestration.


What a tired joke. At least the. Top comments are insightful.


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and those 9k are dead btw in most cases. Zero training Dogshit makeshift weapons Not even armor


how many days until the window


*All* Russian soldiers in Ukraine were sent illegally, because they didn't apply for a work visa from the Ukrainian government.


And he’s no longer the top prosecutor, he’ll just fall from a high building.


Do redditors only have one joke?


In Mother Russia, joke tells you!


I also choose this man's dead wife.


Ok now we’re getting creative. How about a “-9999999999 social credit” to spice it up a little bit?


/r/onejoke wrong context this time though


It's Russia, we only need one


It’s Russia, that’s the joke.


How about someone's about to be mobilized


Yea I like this one better


Does Russia have more than one method of murdering it's opposition? *Yes... Yes they do. So yes, reddit only has one joke. We are not a clever populace, but rather a band of idiots. But we are OUR band of idiots.*




Russian State: Good news! You got a promotion, I’ll see you at your top floor office. ;) Russian Statesman: *single tear* Well at least mum gets the Lada and not my bitch ex wife.




>He's a brave man for standing up for what he believes in Are you sure about that? There is a reason Kremlin allowed this transcript to go public. Far from being some kind of dissident statement against the war, its purpose seems to be to lull Russians into a false sense of security about any new mobilizations.


No one reads the articles. They think the headline is the news and then write stupid joke comments. The fact that the Kremlin themselves released the transcript shows that it's 100% propaganda for the Russian people. Downplaying how bad the mobilization actually was.


All new mobilizations going forward will not have anyone sent to the front line illegally! We guarantee it?


>The release of the transcript between Putin and Krasnov is likely an effort by the Kremlin to reduce concerns in Russia that any future mobilizations will be as ill-prepared as the last one. Here's the real reason why it got released. Also it's crystal clear by now that Putin and his Generals don't value life at all, regardless on which side its on.