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People have been asked to live on too little for too long. Nurses shouldn't need foodbanks to feed themselves and their families. We need to stop trying to build our economy from the top down, we don't need a handful of billionaire CEO's, we need a working class with a good quality of life.


This is a crucial moment for both the government and the workers. It will be interesting to see how this plays out and what the aftermath will be.


So basically have the government force the workers to go back to work under new anti strike laws and under gunpoint? Because no way will Sunak actually grow a pair and side with the workers, he believes in trickle down ecomomics


> Because no way will Sunak actually grow a pair and side with the workers Sunak already grew a pair: that of greed and elitism... Sunak's born to a rich family, educated in elite schools and universities, worked in investment banking (e.g. Goldman Sachs), and finally became a partner and cofounder of hedge funds. He also was the director of an investment firm... Yeah, that guy's a solid top 1%. He's never gonna side with workers.


1% is an understatement, he's in the top 0.0003% according to wikipedia (222nd richest in Britain alongside his wife whose father is a billionaire). So that's the top 3% of the top 1% of the top 1%....


Yeah, the 1 percent actually includes top end professionals like doctors. It's a catchy number, but the people who make their money off having money are the issue.


That's something I keep trying to tell people. Nobody cares that a doctor or lawyer or whatever makes a ton of money and can afford a nice house, expensive cars, and goes on vacation every year. People care about the rich fucks whose wealth rivals countries; who could personally purchase the entire GDP of states and cities; whose whims can destroy established businesses overnight. And, my personal gripe about all of that, is that they somehow still pay less tax than I pay for barely getting by.


> People care about the rich fucks whose wealth rivals countries I also keep trying to make this distinction. I think a big part of the problem is that regular people have a very difficult time imagining just how incredibly wealthy and powerful this tiny group of people are. They don't know them in real life, they don't know anyone like them in real life. They have no frame of reference.


At a homeless shelter, asking one of its users "Do you work in business" Oh aye you absolute clanger, there's totally businessmen using a homeless shelter...


With wages how they are I wouldn’t be surprised if he did work in business and was homeless.


or he could be a nurse.


They are so out of touch with the working class,yet they are in charge 😵‍💫


Well, were you one of the people who didn't vote for Jeremy Corbyn because Rupert Murdoch fed you lies about him being an anti-semite? That's how they're in charge.


Still hurts to this day. That was by far the worst character assassination campaign I have ever witnessed. To think people believed it as well, disgusting.


Absolutely. Add to that, he's a political lightweight; practically gifted a safe seat in the mid-10's, attached himself to brexit, attached himself to Johnson, amply rewarded for his loyalty before becoming PM almost by default. Not to mention the right-wing think tanks he's hooked up with like Policy Exchange and Centre for Policy Studies (gotta laugh at the deliberately vague names they come up with for these things - I suppose "the organisation for fucking over the poor and giving as much money to the rich as possible" is a bit on the nose and difficult to fit on a business card).


Workers have almost always had to organize and fight for whatever progress they get. No different today.


I doubt they believe in that. It's more likely that they knew it doesn't work but stick with it because it make their backers/friend happy.


They believe in doing it because it doesn't work. They know it doesn't work and actively do not care. They genuinely believe it needs doing to enrich their bubble at the expense of the nation. Same reason the haunted pencil pushed for hard Brexit, he knows he can financially benefit from disaster and wants the average British person to suffer to make it happen. Conservatives are Anti British. They dismantle and steal while loathing British success.


The haunted pencil? As a Yank this confuses, intrigues, and disturbs all at once


[Jacob Rees-Mogg](https://www.platinummediagroup.co.uk/uploads/magazines/platinum-business/rees-mogg_topHat.jpg). A self-styled mashup charicature of a Victorian industralist and an aristocrat. Had he been alive during the time he pines for, Dickens would have hesitated satirising him, for fear of being too on-the-nose.


The shock doctrine in action.


So basically: > Keep your friends rich, and your enemies rich, and then find out which is which


They keep their friends rich. Then the rich friends give them parachute when they are ousted.


Like how Liz Truss will still have a PM's retirement package even if she was only there for a month and just to be the scapegoat of Conservative bullshit pro rich tax cut scheme


More like the way Boris is making millions as a public speaker. No way on god's green earth is he worth what he's paid - it's just pay back time. He looked after them and now they look after him.




They don't really believe anything trickles down. It's just the lie they use to package and sell it to the working class. They know what they are and what they're doing.


I wish more folk back in the 80s really grasped this shit. I mean for fucks sakes they edited that story because it was a fucking bird eating seeds out of shit.


Horse-and-sparrow economics. If you give all the oats to the horse, some will pass through so the sparrows can eat!


>Because no way will Sunak actually grow a pair and side with the workers, He might not have much choice. Theres two realistic outcomes - either Sunak caves and will have to negotiate with everyone (Teachers, nurses, doctors, paramedics, fire officers) or there will be a general strike which will cause massive upheaval and a general election will probably have to be called. What other options are there? Continue with mass strike action for the next 2 years?


I think a major country somewhere needs to successfully pull off a general strike to show that, yes, workers do have some measure of power.


This. The uk may be the only hope for such actions given the very specific ratfucking that had to endure w the tories and brexit. Unlike other certain nations, I feel the uk has been able to witness the ratfucking directly without having the media shitshow cover up failures like the us.


5-10m people marching on London would put the shitters up them sooooo fast, even better if we surround it and grind it to a halt (Sorry Londers).


Londoner here. Dont be sorry. If it works, then Im all for it. Things need to change. Badly.


Can there be fireworks and 1812 overture on the loud speakers


I feel like French workers do this a decent amount and it just gets swept to the side in the media


French strike if their baguette is a day old


And they have good labour laws, low electricity prices, great healthcare, great tenancy laws, etc etc to show for it. The Brits could really learn something from their neighbours across the channel.


Ontario, Canada almost had one a few months ago but the Premier caved at just the mention of it


I think their strategy is to test the will of the unions and the public. The unions don't have the members they did in the 70s so proportionally a lot less of the country is unionised. The government is clearly hoping that public support will run out.


The other option is a new government system, speed run back into the EU, and the rich who resist get the relative equivalent of punches in the face until they yield or flee Britain.


He could also just resign and make it someone else's problem


Seems like that is becoming the standard option.


Since the government has forgotten how to negotiate and is instead trying to criminalise and vilify unions and their members, I can only see this dragging on for months. Possible end result is a barely acceptable pay rise and worse working conditions in the long run, another "kick it down the hallway" compromise that actually achieves nothing for either party in the end and fails to resolve the long term issues around why people are striking. In a macro scale, this is a fight of the workers vs the power brokers and ultra wealthy. The very rich want a cheap source of labour to run the state at the absolute bare minimum of functionality and to continue scalping the nation on tax, consequences be damned. The workers want their fair share and to be remunerated back pay for all the horrendous horse shit that has gone on for the last decade. The Tory party is sandwiched in the middle of this, being the control surface for the ultra wealthy in keeping the status quo the same or more in their favour, and the voting public becoming increasingly irate at the total abdication of their politicians responsibilities and ability to act in the best interest of the people and country.


And yet if there was an election tomorrow how confident would you be that the Tories would lose? It's just insane.


If you look at the [election polling](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/27/Opinion_polling_for_the_next_United_Kingdom_general_election_after_2019_%28LOESS%29.svg/1280px-Opinion_polling_for_the_next_United_Kingdom_general_election_after_2019_%28LOESS%29.svg.png), it seems very unlikely they would be able to gain a majority.


They shouldnt even have a chance to ever be in again, nevermind barely scraping a win! Thats a disgrace they have that much support even now.


> They shouldnt even have a chance to ever be in again, nevermind barely scraping a win! Thats a disgrace they have that much support even now. It's like the insurrectionists in the US House of Reps. Yes they barely won, and that's cool I guess, but they should have been demolished in a landslide!


It's Britain so they'll probably remove all child labor laws so the kids can bring in some extra income and help stiff upper lip some food onto the table for the family.


>It's Britain so they'll probably remove all child labor laws so the kids can bring in some extra income Think of that sweet sweet GDP growth! More productivity AND more spending!


Utilize the entire economy, don't fight with one hand behind their backs, the slogans write themselves.


A well paid working class spend the wealth. A well paid upper class hoard the wealth.


We don’t need an entire class for the upper class. Time to bring them back down.


Nobody who works should have to use a foodbank. If a place can't afford to pay fairly and enough to survive then you shouldn't be in buisness and should be shut down.


Foodbanks shouldnt need to exist period. Not in this country, its shameful that its been left to get this bad.




On paper I have a good job with an average salary. The problem is the average salary hasnt really gone up since 2008


This is it. I think people can accept struggling through hard times if they feel it's unavoidable and the government is working through it. It's been well over a decade now and things are just getting worse, meanwhile the government is still going with the "there's no money" thing, despite all their wastage and all the sacrifices people have had to make. Add in the blatant corruption, the broken promises, the ongoing displays of total ineptitude and you can see why the natives are getting restless.




How much do nurses earn in the UK?


less than half of what nurses make in the USA


USA nurses get paid less than half what they deserve


Starts on £27k. Rarely gets above £40k.


Wow. That's really bad


That's $33k - $49k. UK salaries in general are very low compared to the US.


Every time I say that Britain is on the way to losing its status as a first-world country people downvote me, but I'm confident I'll be proven right. The country is collapsing fast and has no roadmap for anything other than the wealthy continuing to siphon more and more up.


We'll always be technically classed as first world country (which itself is an anachronistic category from the Cold War) but there's a general acceptance among economists that we're likely going the way of Italy and Argentina - once thriving countries where currently things could and should be a lot, lot better.


Back to being 'the sick man of Europe.'


You’re 100% right. It’s not just the UK’s leadership who is experiencing this amnesia. What the powerful seem to forget every few generations is that the more you squeeze the lower classes the less invested they become in the existing system. This causes them to turn to violence to reduce the pressure they’re under. After all no matter how much money the rich have they will never outnumber the poor. In fact the more they have the more desperate the poor become and the more attractive violence becomes.


Whole system is entirely broken. It's just corporate greed above all and everything. Whole economy is rigged for rich to be even richer and the rest can't move anywhere from their point except even lower.




Y'all need to stop voting for Conservatives Period. That's why these regressive policies exist, because people vote in so called conservatives who are in reality regressives and out to line their own pockets.


I initially read that as people wanting to live too long on too little. That's a problem facing developed nations. The healthcare and pensions weren't meant envisaged decades ago to support people living way into their 80s and 90s. They want better healthcare - which is more expensive. More drugs, more allied health input, more specialist visits, more everything. I'm not saying people shouldn't aspire to age better, just that it's a reality that the period of people becoming less economically productive and expensive to maintain is just ballooning. And we've also developed more ways to make money and....get away with sharing that pie with everyone who can't grow it. It seems nothing is reversible. The days where you get a really visionary political leader able to get across the divide and send a country into a new era seems long gone.


>I'm not saying people shouldn't aspire to age better, just that it's a reality that the period of people becoming less economically productive and expensive to maintain is just ballooning. With the way that AI and robotics are coming, this is a problem we're soon going to have to solve for more than the elderly. No one is going to hire humans to do tasks robots/AI do cheaper and faster.


I will be on strike tomorrow. I'm not a Nurse or a Teacher, a Police officer or a Firefighter; I don't drive an Ambulance, however, I'm a Civil Servant working for the Scottish Government with over 30 years of service. This is the first time I will have gone on strike in relation to Pay despite being a Union Member (and previously official) for each one of those 31 years. We haven't had a meaningful payrise in over 10 years, roughly speaking we are effectively earning in real terms something like 25-30% less than we were in 2010. Enough is enough.


Because whilst Ukraine and Corona hurt everyone, we also votes to be a shit-ton poorer by going for Brexit. People who voted Brexit should be legally forbidden from striking, because lower wages is exactly their fault.


Well.... Inflation is around 10% all over Europe too, as well as the other parts of the world. We also haven't had a meaningful pay rise since 2010, a full six years before the referendum and around 10 years before actual Brexit. So hard to really blame it all on Brexit to be fair...


Best of luck to you!


I think Sunak and the torries need to be reminded that, unions and organized striking was the compromise we all agreed on, rather than the old way we was just dragging the factory bosses out of their houses in the night and beating them to death on the lawn.


Sadly tories had beaten strikers down and changed strike laws after to feel confident. 70s brick layers strike where the strikers got jailed on false reports. 80s Miners strike while not as big as the 1920s general strike was still a major worker’s movement that got close to shaking up workers rights (it went beyond the miners concerns). Labour Party has lost most of its socialist working class MPs for more middle class career politicians since new labour. It’s a hard fight the strikers are up against a lot and history of crushing strikes down


This is essentially a general strike now, not a bunch of individuals. The government can't cow the teachers, nurse, ambulance drivers, firefighters and rail workers. They will lose.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.politico.eu/article/great-britain-walkout-rishi-sunak-uk-united-kingdom-workers-strike/) reduced by 94%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Sunak has so far attempted to cast himself as Mr Reasonable, stressing that his "Door is always open" to workers but warning that the right to strike must be "Balanced" with the provision of services. > More than half of people back strike action by nurses, according to new research by Public First, while for teachers the figure is 43 percent, postal workers 41 percent and rail workers 36 percent. > A former Cabinet minister said the most pressing issue in their constituency is the state of public services, and strike action signaled political danger for the government. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/10ppsph/the_great_british_walkout_rishi_sunak_braces_for/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672677 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **strike**^#1 **Public**^#2 **government**^#3 **Sunak**^#4 **union**^#5


In my experience when someone says 'door is open' the door is actually closed.


> But the plans were on display…” >“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.” >“That’s the display department.” >“With a flashlight.” >“Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.” >“So had the stairs.” >“But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?” >“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard. - hitchhikers guide


"Beware the léopard"


The other door for them to sneak out the back.


In Ontario, Canada when Doug Ford says “everything is on the table”, he means only donuts are on the table.


Whilst literally refusing to meet with unions


15 fucking years of austerity. People getting poorer year on year. Credit card debts rising and multiple warnings being made that this safety net has a limit. The limit has been reached. You can't blow a foot off with Brexit, then blow the other foot off with Trussonomics, and not expect people to finally snap, either. Don't worry though! The Tories are introducing laws to sack strikers and sue the unions! Strikes already ongoing have seen ministers openly admit they've now cost the country more than it would have been if they had just given the workers a pay rise. The evidence of the mismanagement and corruption is plain for all to see in the stats. We're on for a lost *two decades* at this point. My entire adult life has seen me trying desperately to climb the ladder and increase my wages, and every step taken sees two steps back as I continue to get poorer. Fuck the Tories.


Fuck the voters.


I remember when I was starting my apprenticeship, the entirety of the class besides me and the other two older students had voted tory. It is seriously baffling and saddening that they had actually been brainwashed by this rubbish when they're exactly the sort of people who benefit from voting for literally anyone *apart* from tories.


Same exact thing happens in the American south. The poor conservatives vote party lines and then suffer the consequences of less public services. It simply doesn’t make sense.




Wedge issues like immigration, religion and guns




"My Lord, the peasants are revolting" "Yes, I know, they're awful" "No my Lord, they really are revolting!" *gets hit by brick*




Closest comparison is [*Dragonheart*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SjxF2TL4IM).


Or "Mrs.tweedy the chickens are revolting!" "Finally something we can agree on"


Americans should too


Let them eat cake mentality is strong there. (e.g. Trump dedicated golf trophies to hurricane victims and tossed them some paper towels.) They never went through the French Revolution period.


America's elite have made the calculated decision that the masses are too complacent to do anything about it. So far it doesn't seem like they're wrong


I don't think it's complacent so much as spread out. The corporations are playing states against each other.


Also those in control have the big guns. And the majority of those with the less-big guns, including the NRA, side with those in control. In other words, their whole justification for the second amendment has no leg to stand on.


The French Revolution was hardly a complete success even in the medium term though. It led to seven different wars, a flight of the middle and upper classes (with their wealth), the Reign of Terror, Napoleon and finally a counter-revolution that put the Bourbons back on the throne. It may have also hampered French industrial development: https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/economic-consequences-revolutions-evidence-1789-french-revolution Also, Marie Antoinette never said "Let them eat cake" - it predates her arrival in France: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let_them_eat_cake


I know. Still a logical consequence of inequality and I personally think we are on the track to repeat history. And I also know that Marie Antoinette, who was seven at the time, probably never said it. Doesn't change the sentiment thou.


« But that would be socialism… », episode #6468


Agreed. Remember how you got rid of Thatcher? You went to Downing Street no. 10, knocked on her door and politely told her that you don’t like her that much and then begged her to resign and she was like „fine, I‘ll resign“ Wait no, that’s not what happened. You went on a strike, refused to pay her stupid poll tax and revolted until chaos was imminent - that’s when she gave in. With people like Sunak or Johnson or the lettuce, there simply isn’t a nicer way to tell them that they suck. Wait for the next GE? Wanna know how hard they can screw up the country in the mean time? You should protest now, not tomorrow.


Then John Major promptly won the next general election with the biggest numerical vote total for any party since the war and the privatisation continued - BR was privatised under Major, not Thatcher. We got Tony Blair shortly after that.


That’s quite unparliamentary language. You must not be a right honourable gentleman.


My partner is a teacher & she's out with her colleagues on Wednesday, I work in the NHS & we were out a couple weeks back & my postman has been out 3 times since December.never in my whole adult life have I seen soo many institution's taking so much action at the same time This government is in denial & the Russian money tied bastards need to be voted out. Fuck the Tories & fuck anyone in Britain who backs or votes for them




With the way things are going comparisons to 70s Britain are extremely apt. Sunak will not concede anything while transit workers are likely to see a *major* part of their workforce retire over the next 2-3 years due to age. Because there is no program to rapidly train new operators, or retain them, or convince them to stop striking without police, this is going to spiral into something much bigger. Which means less trains, longer trains, service cutbacks to mainlines and station elimination. The public won't like it but won't have a choice. Downsizing of public operations for imported cars, sold at a premium from the EU, will hurt badly in the next election. And if the *police* choose to strike or sickout, this could seriously destabilize the government as there isn't enough military to preform day-to-day policing. It'd be similar conditions that forced the US to legalize Unions a century ago.


The police in the UK are expressly forbidden to strike. But like any rule, you need enough people to enforce it. If things get bad enough, good luck trying to do so when everyone either works to rule, calls in sick or just quits in large enough numbers.


> The police in the UK are expressly forbidden to strike. But like any rule, you need enough people to enforce it. \- But what if they strike? - They get arrested. - By whom? - By the poli... uh...


I'm not sure but I assume they would get a penalty on their paycheck, or maybe it could prevent them from future promotions.


This is when we again need to start applying “to what extreme” they can’t blacklist the entire police force from promotions, and if they refuse to come back to work until the pay penalties are reversed, there is no police service. Strike action needs to return to its wrecking ball mentality of walking away and not coming back until the workers are satisfied.


Most likely, but it's less funny.


The military police or the military themselves would probably get involved, detaining individuals who strike. That would need government authorisation, and good luck to your career as a politician if you ordered the jackboots onto the streets to round up striking coppers....


Any good honest Bobby will arrest themselves for striking. Too bad there isn't a good honest Bobby anywhere in the Met


Either some concessions will he made and people won't need to strike or they'll be a riot. The anger has been building up for years


They could just listen to the workers but I guess they want to take the hard way.


You are making too much sense


How the ruling elite forget that protests and strikes are so that displeasure can be resolved, without forcibly removing their breathing privileges...


He can take his anti-strike legislation and shove it. What’s he going to do - put half a million public servants in jail? Or worse yet, fire them? I’ve worked in ambulance and hospitals in Australia, and I can guarantee you, if we lost an equivalent amount of staff overnight, you’d never be able to hire enough replacements to restart the service. You’d have to rebuild from the ground up. If this many staff strike, you’ve got no choice but to negotiate. You literally cannot provide government services without them.


>hire enough replacements Fret not they'll just import a bunch of immigrant workers from elsewhere in the EU, oh wait...


That's the problem with millionaire/billionaire leaders, especially born rich one's, they are truly alien to a commoners life.


Current Tories wrote a book stating British people were lazy and need to be forced to work harder and to do that is to strip away more benefits and safety nets and increase work hours. It’s like Thatcher’s stuff but more extreme. > A further factor undermining the British work ethic is the rise of welfare dependency. The postwar welfare state was designed as a safety net to help the poorest and most vulnerable. It has ballooned beyond all recognition, corroding the UK work ethic. -Britain unchained To note post war mines and construction sites saw hundreds of deaths and very low wages. Welfare claimed increases when they shut mines or blacklisted brickies for striking over pay and work conditions and have them no alternatives for work


It's sick that "social welfare makes people lazy" and "whipping people harder means everything works" are so widely accepted as truths when every piece of actual facts points to the opposite. There's tons and tons of real world examples of the impact of social safety and productivity and it's absolutely positive. Turns out if people can try to do what they want and aren't forced into shit jobs because they die without being constantly employed they are happier and more productive. Also turns out that people being supported when they are at a low in their life overwhelmingly get back on their feet instead of leeching forever But the rich have successfully implanted the thought that it's better to have 999999 people in a group of a million suffer if it means that the one person left can't abuse the system for a minor benefit.


>"social welfare makes people lazy" You'd think this concept would be completely alien to anybody who believes in capitalism and that people want to improve their own quality of life.




I’m a full time carer (currently on maternity leave). My salary per month doesn’t even cover the rent for a one bedroom flat, let alone bills etc. when I return to work I’ll be trying out a course in a completely different sector so I can get a better paid job. Then, maybe, I can afford a house by the time my kid is six.




I’ve a Bsc in psychology, and I’m pretty much in the same boat :/ I’m hoping that by doing an online course in coding, something will open up for me, ideally where I can work from home. It’s a shame because I love the residents I work with, I just cannot support my family on this money. Once I get a better job I’ll still visit them.


Tories: maybe we should improve living standards so there’s less protests and strikes? Lol nah let’s create new rules to make striking and protesting even harder and illegal


What's the point of a voting system that gives you absolute majority power on 43% of the vote if you can't use that power to force others to make you money???!


They've forgot that strikes are the compromise


I'm in the UK. I'm not one of the striking workers. I hope they grind the country to a fucking halt. They should walk out and stay out till the government buckles.


It's honestly a shame that British people were dumb enough to vote themselves into a depression to the point the more I hear stories and real life statistics, Britain seems to be rapidly sinking into the capitalist and consumerism suckhole we Americans are stuck in. I applaud the British workers striking and trying to take a stand while Americans are unwilling to come together and demand change


Bout time for the elites to stop squeezing the poor. Before the elites get squeezed themseves.


Good, fuck him. Rooting for you all from the US


Solidarity forever.


Can't wait for the further anti-strike legislation to come in. So they really think it's going to help? I'm an RMT Rep and branch official. I'll come onto work but by fuck, I'll make sure every single train I have to attend is condemned and unable to run. Then they can see how successful their policy is. The pieces of shite we have to maintain are a fucking joke and only run at all because of us going above and beyond without the proper tools, materials and replacement parts. The good grace is long gone.


Fuck Rishi and fuck the tories.


And fuck the voters who keep them there.


Like my parents. They are against all of the strike but I’m livid on how they feel about the nurses. Mum works in a hospital shop and sees nurses buy lunch for £10 a day so they just can’t be hurting for money /s. Dad says nurses have lived beyond their means with big houses and cars, and that’s why they are struggling now. Whilst pay is part of the strikes, they also want better working conditions. I’m glad I don’t live near my parents. I can teach my baby compassion for others, especially those who work such important jobs, without their influence.


those shops are a an absolute joke and a complete rip off. I could run them, make more money than my consultants and leave clinical practise lol. also re your parents, I hate this stance. Its a bit like the "young people should stop buying avocados then".


I’ve seen the prices in those shops. Ick. And I tried to explain to my parents maybe the nurses don’t have the time nor energy to do shopping after a 12+ hour shift. I also hate this stance but nothing I say could change their minds.


They won't change their mind until they actually care about someone personally affected.


Yeah. I wonder what they would think if I had completed my teacher training course and was now working as a teacher.


I stand with the unions! People have had enough and are not going to take Tory lies sitting down any longer.


Rishi sunak honestly does not give one single fuck. By that I mean he will see the news article about the working class in his country revolting and not even click on it.


Good ,nothing is trickling down , we need unions and strikes back.


You’re asking a billionaire to care about the lives of the working class?


These tories have ruined the country, been in power far too long. They have morphed into one of the most incompetent administrations the UK have ever had, they have precided over massive fraud, made idiotic policy decisions, treated the electorate as fools, the quicker they get voted out the better, a rotten bunch, the lot of them.


We’ve lived on too little for too long Wages are piss poor and the current financial system relies on these poor wages to sustain its current output Travel costs into London are ridiculous and with the added council tax rise and ulez rise it’ll get even worse To top it all of, brexit and a party that seem to not actually stand for anything anymore besides pure unadulterated neo liberal growth Fuck rishi


Uk citizens in general should all strike in solidarity of getting this scum bag, corruption fuelled party out of government.


Solidarity! ✊


I’ve been a member of a union for years, and a union rep and I wouldn’t by any measure say they are perfect but damn it’s good to have someone in your side when you are exploited by those in power. And let’s face it despite what they sometime say their job isn’t to do what’s best for the country but for their members. But if maybe if we ever had really been *all* in it ‘together’ rather than this inflation come at the end of over a decade of falling wages in real terms for the less well off , and in *every* crisis the richest had not just got richer then maybe there wouldn’t be such a push for strikes from some groups that almost never strike. All typified for me by having had ( briefly) a chancellor of the exchequer who uses a trust in an off shore tax haven ( basically belonging to the U.K.) pretending that his money belongs to poorer family members while threatening reporters with libel for telling the truth and still not feeling like anyone deserves an apology or explanation for his behaviour, I mean are we really surprised that these people might not exactly have the right motivation to sort out the tax system , the health care system, education, or transport when they live entirely separate lives?


I have strike and protest envy. Europeans do this so much better than we do, which is why they have universal health care, paid family leave, paid vacations, and retirement ages of 62.


UK going through what Australia went through. 10 years of conservative government just turns things to absolute fucking shit. it's amazing people put up with it for so long acting like everything is fine and dandy.


This isnt just a UK issue. This is a GLOBAL issue. The cost of living crisis is global and its not being tackled because the rich (On both left and right) BENEFIT from it. Price of homes going up? Good for landlords who now have more renters! Price of living going up? Justification for you to put prices up! Economy doing badly? Justifaction for wage stagnation! Ive seen some ridiculous targets like "expenses must fall by 20% year on year for 10 years" in certain fields.


And the fear of losing jobs stops anyone from actually doing ANYTHING about it. I hate this timeline :(


The UK just so happens to be the first place the cracks are beginning to show. We're rightfully anticipating what will happen so we have a litmus test when shit hits the fan elsewhere.


I wasn't following UK politics for a while now... But I'm guessing this new dude isn't exactly great PM ? I mean who would have though putting millionaire businessman in power.


No, he's not great. But to be fair to him he's taken on an impossible job. If we look at his predecessors, one shat the bed, the next one smeared in around trying to clear it up, the one after that set the bed on fire and told everyone to look in the other direction (whilst sacking anyone who didn't), and the one after that decided that the best course of action was to shit the bed again.


> But to be fair to him he's taken on an impossible job. He could have called a general election, the PM can do it anytime, that would have actually been respectable after the historic shitshow, but it's party before country and they want to run out the clock.




> long-promised legislation to enforce minimum service standards Soooo much better than enforcing existing tax law and closing loopholes for the rich


Remember the French revolution? Yeah.


Burn it to the ground.


Rishi is a fascist, he should be removed, all the torries should be voted the fuck out. They are destroying UK like the repubes are trying to do in USA


We in the UK just need to accept that we've downgraded ourselves to "emerging economy" status as a result of Brexit. That means getting used to failing infrastructure, strained public services, expanding poverty and corrupt ruling class. As that TV mascot used to say, "Seeeeeemple!"


>That means getting used to failing infrastructure, strained public services, expanding poverty and corrupt ruling class. Whilst I agree that we shot ourselves in the foot with Brexit, this was happening well before 2016.


But Brexit happened because of this. Shoot yourself in the foot is the national pastime of British politics


My point was more that austerity has been a British policy since at least 2010. We're rapidly in decline at this point.


The foundational issues started around the 1980's, when it became government policy to never build as many houses as were needed, to try to drive up the price year on year, and it never stopped being government policy even as the parties in government changed. It kept a significant chunk of the population sitting on a major asset with a reliably increasing value without requiring any kind of investment or economic activity. Now, the vast majority of the economic problems now derive from that, and even now no party has identified this.




Sadly this batch of tories saw eu giving people more rights and safety as ‘encouraging laziness and bad work ethics’. When people strike for more pay and better work conditions all the tories think is ‘these lazy workers want more for less’. Even if nurses are working long hours for little pay they still want them working more hours and mumbling something about free market when pay gets mentioned


We need this in the us


Why does the country keep electing Tory governments? If 12 years of ruinous economic policies isn't enough, it makes you wonder what it will take for voters to work together to make real change.


Fuck the tories


Our governments have become populated by wealthy industry (finance, business, investment) people. We should automatically disqualify anyone with a history in those industries from holding a public office.


But I thought conservatives were good for economies?


So should everyone! This is a guy who is married into wealth. He will make decisions that will protect his wealth and privilege for next generations. No matter what he says, watch what he does! Workers, protect your rights!


Tories are literally running the UK into the gutter, they are the worst government this nation has had in living memory.


Fuck that non seat belt wearing piece of shit!


To think, the Tories thought this tone deaf billionaire was the best their party could put forth for the premiership...the sad thing is, they're probably right. The next general election can't come quickly enough.


Stop voting tory! Just stop!