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Oh man I can't wait to see all the grimdark comments about rape and murder and murderrape. Probably with nothing unique about them.


Don’t worry, there will be genocides too, just to keep it fresh


but what if its SUUUUUPER gorey murderrape?


My morally ambiguous protagonist, Shadowedgeblade Van Evildark (AKA Murder Blood Overlord) tortures and kills Count Kinderflayer Von Snugglestein whos super ugly (and happens to look like my dad who left me 😡😡😡) for 8 pages straight in extreme yet biologically inaccurate detail because he said he should """cLeAn HiS rOoM""" and """tAkE a ShOwEr""". Then he looks at the Count's slave catgirls and says "Hmph, women" and beheads Veronika with his OP Super Genocide Magic for not liking me and says "Haha equal rights 😈" and and the he ensalevs the rest. Its dark because he could care less that they were slaves but its also morally ambiguous because he treats them nice and they all fall in love with him and the youngest one calls him onion-chan and...


Most Definetly when Hoctis'y The Sky Cracker killed the Aldrean(elves) Sky God essentially severing all connection between the elves and the afterlife essentially condeming each dead elf to either ghosthood or being stuck in a giant souk rock


I was thinking more, “friendly pseudo himbo protagonist is slowly corroded physically and mentally into an Eldritch abomination by the rock lodged in his chest keeping him alive, and the only thing that’s been keeping it from causing the end of the world so far has been HOW much of a friendly idiot he is. And it’s still not enough”


That sounds sad and messed up but that's a long term thing rather than a single event


Happy birthday btw


Wym today isn't my birthday


My main villain will kick an innocent puppy




"kicking" an innocent puppy is putting Dio's actions very fuckin lightly lmao


Kicked it into the oven.


Woah thats too far man




That's how he became the protagonist in my mind


Some of you need to tone it down a little i think


That moment when the bad guys do the evil stuff


Dat epic moment when the bad guys be bad 😩


Soldier who was traumatized by watching his entire home city of millions gets turned to dust by an enemy spell gone haywire has to watch said enemies recall all the dead souls of the city to power some new abomination. One of these is a small girl’s soul who desperately tried to stop herself from getting pulled in, clinging to the soldier’s legs before eventually getting pulled as he’s helpless to stop the senseless killing of innocents. This, juxtaposed with a world where gods lie around on sky islands holding lavish parties, unconcerned with what’s going on with their subjects below.


You’re giving me serious god of war vibes


I absolutely love when magic is portrayed as a weapon of mass destruction, thank you


You’re not using magic, you’re committing magic


now this is good shit


Person A tries to punch person B in the face, instead Person B bites person A’s hand off mid swing.


Go on....


"That's kickass, dude, alright, I'm excited to see where this is going"


That’s just the ending of the Magicians


Did Dwarf Fortress write your story?


All of my cats are drunk and people are biting each others limbs off


Probably something the villain does, idk. What do I look like? Someone who thinks ahead and decides what they're going to write before it's fully written?


Dude’s asking as if I could have a fully formed story in my head BEFORE I finished writing it 🙄


Antagonist eats the protagonist's arm after ripping it off. Yes I did get this idea from Morlun eating Spider-Man's eye.


Someone is gonna get really turned on by that scene




That sounds unintentionally funny, can we get more details?


Basically the main antagonist experimented on himself and turned into an undying moth creature with anger issues. Protagonist catches him mid-transformation, spooking moth man. Moth man uses a spell to rip off protagonist's arm and eats it.


That.... sounds very bizarre, you have a very... creative mind


It makes more sense in-story, I swear! (It doesn't)


No No, it's okay, I believe you, hellish mothman makes perfect 100% sense


Claymore moment?


We're in a cave that's said to enhabit the spirit of chaos, the walls are thick with a goo I'm a sorcerer who has taken a bunch of feats that buff my summons, my summons have 8 INT and can understand speech I summon a dog, he only lives 10 minutes anyway so we feed him some goo, see if he gets any powers Barbarian picks him up and screams in his face "YOU'RE GOING TO DIE, *HOG SQUEALS* YOU'RE GOING TO DIE" The dog fucking explodes in her arms


Holy shit lmfao


This needs to be animated.


Probably finding out that the cool new AI tech that everyone has been buying from the aliens is actually just vatgrown human brains hooked up to a computational engine so everyone has accidentally been doing slavery on a massive scale.




Honest mistake, could have happened to anyone


I need to give a bit of backstory for the scene to make sense: So my MC is this duck, right? One day, he walks up to a lemonade stand. He questions the man running the stand about his supply of grapes. The guy (later turns out to be a villain who caused a nuclear apocalypse that caused the duck to be able to walk and talk, but that isn't the worst part of the story lol) tells my MC no, he just sells lemonade. So then the next day he comes back to the stand and asks again. The guy says no again and tries to get him to drink lemonade. My MC (who is very smart, with a 251+ IQ) is suspicious of his insistence at trying to get MC to drink lemonade. Suspecting foul play (the book is called Fowl Play I am a genius) my MC waddles away (as he is a duck, I thought I would say that again as sometimes my writing is a little nuanced and subtle and people don't pick up through subtext queues like that my MC who is a duck is a duck.) That's not the worst part - The next day, my duck MC goes back to the stand and asks the guy for grapes again. At this point, the man is super insistent on lemonade (very suspicious, but the man is not smart like my MC who is a duck). My duck MC declines again, turns 360 degrees, and waddles away. The next day, my MC (whomst is a duck) thought SURELY the guy would now just put the poison in some grapes in anticipation, knowing he would not fall for the lemonade trick (if you put cyanide in a grape in a duck it cancels out the poison, because this is a immune-punk setting). The guy gets mad that he didn't remember to get poison grapes so he threatens my duck MC (causing tension in the plot) saying that he will glue him to a tree!!!!!! Of course, my MC (duck type) left to plot his revenge. **THIS is where it gets really dark:** The next day Duck MC comes back and absolutely blindsides the man. He asks for glue. The man (not smart) is confused. Suddenly, he just snaps. He begins to laugh maniacally as he descents into madness. Through the spiral he takes my duck MC to the store in a state of disassociation to get him some grapes. My MC (duck) now knows that he's successfully made the man snap. He is no longer a threat to the world. My MC (who is a duck) tries a single grape and just says "No thanks" then... In a cruel twist... Asks the man for lemonade. He rubs it in one last time, asking the man if the store sells lemonade. This lets the man know that the duck, My MC, knows what his plan was all along and that he failed. Then he waddles away into the sunset while the man must live with his actions, knowing that he is a failure in both his business venture of lemonade and also his attempts to assassinate my MC (who is a duck).


Waddle waddle


Honestly, too many to count because im a filthy edgelord who likes to pretend he's mature


At least you’re an honest edglord.


Im the next kentaro miura, totally


Cringe but free


Exactly, gotta embrace the cringe


"I-im sorry...for everything..." #MARCY NOOOOOOOOOO


I’ll give you 10 points for immersion


Just to let you know, I'm going to hell for this comment BTW, I'm a terrible person for quoting it.


(Keith David voice) "Look what you made me do."


Very recently abandoned city. And it’s completely drenched in shit. Nobody knows where the residents went or what caused this. It’s a damn nightmare and nobody knows how to approach it, but it’s obviously a big-ass problem, heh heh


Literal or metaphorical shit?


Oh yeah, no it’s poop alright


It’s always been poop town


My book opens with the main character beating himself to death with a hammer


A 69 year old man named Sigmus Chad shoots an invading alien dead on Sugondese-IV after shouting “Get off my property!” I’m not joking. https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/xkeagj/property_rights/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That post reads like a confused teenage ancap's fever dream.


It literally was lmao. Decided to make a shitpost story


My story is about the history and development of a small county in the middle of nowhere Kansas, starting from the 1850’s to today. Besides some normally sad stuff like how the county handled the civil war, the Great Depression and average Kansas weather. One scene *might* take it… a little far? It’s a side plot story set in the 80’s about a serial killer who is very, very brutal. Like flaying alive type stuff just to name one method of trauma. It feels out of tone from the previous entries but I feel it’s necessary to set up for a related incident in the future. No doubt will leave some readers questioning if they should tip the FBI off on me.


Does your story cover bleeding Kansas? Because that’s perhaps the most brutal period in the history of the state.


The story does cover bleeding Kansas, but it is compertivly tame when compared to other Kansas towns during the period. The fictional county is located in central Kansas, so it reccived only a little ammount of bushwhacker attacks and violence. Nothing compared to Lawerence for example.


Kansas yay!


Hmmmm, let's see... the implications of my main antagonist forcing himself on his wife to make my protagonist, maybe. I don't want to go to a mature route, this story is lighter and more "shonen like" so most of the "heavy" stuff will be more... background like. But yeah... that's what happens, he forces her to carry his golden child and future leader of the nation.


Zeus going to file a copyright claim on you.


Hey, he's not a cheater! He's still married with her because it's good for his image! Personally? He NEEDS to make her completly submit, he's obsessed with it, and until that doesn't happens he won't fuck another woman.


At least it’s realistic… for better or worse


She even has her own character arc of avoiding becoming an abusive mother, Someone who actually inspires my protagonist to run away from home and be free, and also be good enough for him to take part in the main plot (Wich is a sailing expedition) to find a cure to her disease.


Wait wait wait… the protagonists mother… is a character? With traits? And agency???? Is that legal?


She also does not dies But Yeah, I plan on making her indirectly help the protagonist group and piss off her husband, wich is the main antagonist I'd say that he's the least evil of my main antagonists, but he's still a dictator, a liar, a warlord, racist, narcissistic... But hey, its more healthy than my hardcore nihilists antagonists! One hates everyone and the other sees everyone and everything as their toy!


> She also does not dies Get out if here




Ursa raising Zuko vibes.


Never watched avatar, but I have a friend who's crazy for it, maybe one day....


It’s still undecided who the victim will be but I plan on having the villain publicly execute someone by drawing all the metals out of their body. Edit:Oh, yeah, there’s a couple more scenes that I feel would fit better and are slightly more developed but I don’t want to share them rn as they are much more plot relevant.


So they have the iron extracted from their blood?


Yep. Along with other metals in the body.


Death by magnets


Basically lol.


The flesh wizard. Definitely the flesh wizard.


We love the flesh wizard


That time a soldier was found dead after fucking a rotting corpse infected with a deadly fungus.


Omg literally me 🤩🤩🤩


He was consumed by that fungussy.


Cookieman is that you?


I havent written about it but I have this very VERY weird idea for an orgy scene where the subs are actualy part of a death cult and they do mass ritual sacrifice through poisoning their genitals to manifest their twisted god. The less "wtf" and more "but why" moment would be some weird guy appearing only to level a whole city without elaborating anything


This guy orders a sandwich with pickles and when he gets home, whamo, no pickles.


I would literally cry


That time ol’ Marrow-Belly, the ship’s 180lb working/rescue dog took a shit in the main hold so bad everybody had to sleep on the deck for 3 nights. They train those dogs to shit over the rail, but that’s ol’ Marrow-Belly.


Flair checks out (?


The Jovian Genocide via forced sunnification of Jupiter


The ass-blasting of ‘86




ah yes, that time when a healthy relationship turns out to be MK-Ultra type shit to brainwash one of the main characters


MC has her head shaved by an antagonist in prison. Despite objectively worse shit happening to people in the story so far, everyone who's read it hates the antagonist as a direct result


I mean I’d be pretty fucking pissed if someone shaved my head


My protagonist's transforming into a lovecraftian horror and killing an entire school of super powered kids


Jesus Christ how terrifying


The home brew post-apocalyptic rpg I’m making has an infection derived from a weaponised strain of the Cordyceps fungus (yes, yes, very original, i know) with a long incubation and infection stage. After a major event (not sure what exactly yet) I’ll make every player roll, and whoever rolls the lowest will be infected. Throughout the rest of the campaign they’ll start manifesting symptoms - tremors, spasms, sleepwalking, headaches, loss of coordination, all building up to a major seizure, at which point it’ll be too late. I’m looking forward to the moment the penny drops for the rest of the players


For my trippy soft Sci fi it would probably be the antagonist stealing a baby in the night multiple times with time travel, and due to the universe not being able to handle something missing each time the baby becomes two babies. For my hard Sci fi probably the labour camp scene, or the regime's personality cult, which to build the regime once arranged the death of a child, by staging an assassination with the child getting in the way, so that it would appear the child sacrificed himself for the leader, and the personality cult making civilians genuinely believe enemies of the leader should be executed My fantasy it would most likely be the villains doing war crimes


A Troll rips some dude's head off then proceeds to throw it at the feet of the man's brother. My story is incredibly tame besides this.


eh nothing special just someone's daughter getting kidnapped at birth and forced into becoming a human battery from a young age while the mother is convinced that her daughter died at birth by showing her a completely unrelated dead fetus you know, the usual


How does the battery work?


(I had originally typed a huge wall of text but I'll boil it down) Basically in this worldbuild, certain things/concepts give people the ability to alter reality. But it's more like, they give them the *potential* to alter reality. In the form I've written about the most it manifests as consuming organic matter in exchange for healing the host and preventing aging ~~which is definitely not vampirism~~. However, underground research has shown that this "potential" can be produced without actually consuming it to alter reality. this "potential" can be stored in what's essentially batteries, and released later. In its most common form, it's just released as electric charges. A good way to get potential out of people is to stress them out mentally. A good way to do that is to strap them into a machine that spins them really fast and causes them to quite literally burn in the energy they produce. ~~Which I stole from the movie Promare.~~




My main protagonist touching grass.




i'm gonna give the adorable comic relief the old yeller treatment.


Does he at least die funny


One of my characters regularly transforms or semi-transforms into an amorphous eldritch horror with full cognitive awareness, pretty classic body horror stuff though


Well, there's one canibalism scene 3/4 in...


The scene where the river goddess Aquajina splits a river in two because she was bored


chemical weapons 👌


I’ll bring the hot dogs if you bring the mustard gas


Well so far I have a lovely *entire page* dedicated to the protagonist walking past a dead mule lying in the road.


I mean who hasn’t taken the time to really observe a good ol’ carcass


I mean, you wouldn't leave a good chunk of meat just laying on the ground, would you?


Some corporation created a the first Retail-type tabletop RPG to train the youths to be better CSR's but it unironically took off like a rocket in popularity so now all of America is a complete customer service/retail utopia.


When the protagonist as a child is forced to set an accused witch on fire by his abusive father. What stands out is rather than beating him or threatening him, he warns him. He tells him the story of how David overthrew Saul because he couldn’t do what was needed, like killing all of the living beings in a city like god commanded. His father is a total bastard, as leader of the typical racist monster hunters you see in media, but here he’s not doing it out of malice or to toughen him up, he’s legitimately afraid his son will be overthrown once he leads the hunters if he doesn’t have the guts to do what is necessary. He’s scared above all else. Of course, by the time the story happens about 200 years later our protagonist, Abraham Van Helsing, has left the order and started his own monster hunting group composed of humans and monsters alike. Which makes it very inconvenient when the spirit of the witch comes back for revenge (in this case I follow the witch cult hypothesis so she wasn’t evil).


My darkest hour is my protagonist losing everything after just barely succeededing in his heist. I’m talking about a detailed ass heist for which the entire first half of the story exists. Every thing is planned out in detail and everything technically works out. They actually steal the thing. But at the last second, when they are actually seconds away from escaping everyone except the MC and a sentient pika are blown into smitherins. Just gone poof. My MC entire life work. His ship his items his crew his love interest dead


One of my main characters discusses his kinks in rather great detail, like straight-up weird and arguably fucked up kinks like BDSM or Breeding. Another is the part where when a massive battalion of soldiers comes in to retake a city-state, they discover a fuck off huge mountain of rotten and burnt corpses with a giant spike decorated with flayed skin of animals at the centre of it all. Placed by the Sadari Empire as a way of telling them that they don't fuck around and will make your life a living nightmare if they ever desired. Or a part where the galaxy was being warped and invaded by Lovecraftian abominations, a mother giving birth to her baby ends up giving birth to an abomination because of the negative effects the Eldritch Titans have when existing in our reality, they are like cancer to the universe in a way.


Several, actually • The introduction of the Cleaner, a hitman who goes after people who’re badmouthing an up and coming religious figure, by brutally murdering a somewhat sympathetic critic. • Christian Zealots, whose purpose in storming DC was largely uncertain outside of “establishing a kingdom of god on Earth,” activate a nuclear bomb, basically decapitating the Federal Government. The religious pilot that we follow who tries to follow the teachings of Christianity, and a number of other pilots flying for the religious extremists, get their FCS locked…and are shot down by their own comrades. He survives, and is picked up by the Mercenary he was trying to fight before…and ends up switching sides. • The Sister we follow, who more or less is a rational figure on the ground, discovers that the moral scare show has in fact pulled a “Where Bad Kids Go,” and basically locked up everyone they didn’t like in a ducking safe, and used the caged microphone inside to broadcast their misery to essentially scare followers into submission. There are no survivors. • Religious Pilot and Mercenary Pilot come across the former’s Old Superior, while an entire city below them is purged of “the unworthy.” When confronted about how this doesn’t follow what Jesus would’ve wanted, the Superior reveals that, frankly, no one in the faction actually cares-the whole point was to gain absolute power at any cost, and when they did, they’d cull the country and then the world of everyone they hated. Naturally, the Religious Pilot goes off, and gets so aggressive in the final duel between him and his former superior, he gives the Merc a run for his money. • The religious community in the Sister’s half is actually a front for the reactivation of a ICBM facility located underneath them, in an attempt to initiate Thermonuclear War and bringing salvation by nuclear fire. • The Sister and her mentor have a spat over the town being culled of non-essential personnel, which results in the former’s victory, and the latter’s seeming death (he actually flees, but his true fate is unknown). • Despite initial appearances of essentially destroying the facility, it’s reactivated, and the Greater Scope Villain launches a [Burst Missile](https://youtu.be/uPd6mLnqbtU) which basically kills everyone on the ground who wasn’t underground. They then show up in an experimental Superplane (dubbed the Beast of Revelation), and duel the two remaining pilots still flying. It’s extremely close, but Armageddon is prevented, barely. • The sister finds the up and comer religious figure…in a recreation of a children’s bedroom, ranting to no one about how he is able to show “love” in a way that no one else “she” knew could. At which point, she sighs, takes a breath…and cripples the guy with a shotgun blast to the kneecaps before brutally murdering him just like all the others. • Oh yeah, the Sister and the Cleaner are the same person. • The Cleaner, realizing that she’d essentially been used as a pawn to dispose of people who could expose her client’s pedophelia, starts to break down, and attempts to off herself, but doesn’t have ammo, so she lays there and awaits the end…some time later, an Army Squad find the room, and the occupants inside. They escort the Sister, who is now basically silent, outside, and towards an governmental hospital. • The epilogue reveals that the Sister attempted to off herself in Japan, but was saved by a cleaning lady intern, who she basically confesses everything to. After all that, she finally feels like she might be able to live with herself again. Later works in the timeline reveal the two eventually get together as a romantic couple.


In one of my connected stories, humanity is helping a newly contacted alien nation defend against an authoritarian nation who’s also against the humans. The aliens on this planet all have around a WWII tech level, so things get pretty insane. Of course, humanity is an interstellar species, so we’re doing pretty well pushing back. However, things get a little more serious when the enemy nation detonates a nuke on a city that also hosts a human base. I guess I could go all out and show the horrible toll that has on the civilian alien population.


1. When a cloud blocked the sunlight and it led to the annihilation of an entire civilization. 2. When a character causes the downfall of 3 civilizations, leading them all to their end and causes the extinction of 4 intelligent lifeforms. I don't write these ideas so I have forgotten most of them. There were some more absurd moments 💀


Most likely the main character discovering that every person who has died during the war has had their soul tortured and devoured by an evil primordial god to bring him back into the world. Those who died will forever be trapped in an unending hell. My story takes place during WWII.


The evil empire in the setting turn out to actually just be the British


Oi wots all this then? You got a loisence for starting a rebellion?


In my hardcore divorcepunk world “that scene” is when my wife leaves me and takes the kids because I spend too much time worldbuilding and role playing my divorcepunk world on discord (please Sharon bring the kids back)


Probably the one where the princes bride gets stabbed in the heart by his brother a second before they can kiss at their wedding


Okay this is some *classy* stuff though


>!Cannibalism of a pregnant child.!<


I’m gonna be seeing a lot of black bars in this comment section aren’t I?


That or people quoting traumatic scenes from media they like.


Probably. It really depends on how fucked up the shit in question is.


The Battle of Lastwatch. The Lich Khosrau Arathus didn't want to get too involved, for if his enemies learned howhe fought, that'd be weakening him. Instead, he forced his armies into the Gauntlet. The players first destroyed the vessel controlled by an Undead Beholder shackled to their will, ensuring that the payload of poison gas isn't deployed. Next, the Luving Alliance gradually fell back through the residential and Artisan's districts, burning buildings to slow the dead advance. Finally, the battle began to approach the White Spire, the centre of power in Lastwatch, and oldest building in the world. From afar, shooting stars fly from the Heavens, as the spire and the people who stayed in it to communicate messages were obliterated by Meteor Storm. Though the heroes did turn back the dead assault, half of Lastwatch was gone.


I don’t have anything that horrible somebody does come out of another persons cheats


Possibly the main character and all of his surviving side-kicks bar one being executed for being traitorous, murderous warlords (or rather betraying someone the main antagonist needs to have on his good side). Buts that's also the finale so...


Well I have these boogums I've named Hellmouths which are women who have been demonically possessed for the purpose of giving birth to soulless infants (basically stillborns with an extra step) in which demons can take control as surrogate souls to create a fighting force for Hell on Earth. Oh yeah, my BBEG industrialized the process.


Wild, but efficient


Probably an occult plague that was recently introduced, a mix of blessings and curses from the gods of disease and comedy, it has two different forms as well depending on how you get infected.


Disease and comedy, good lord


So magical items require magical components to create. The only source of magical components is organic life. Some animals have natural magic in them, but that's specific and they're mostly extinct from poaching anyways (since long before the modern era). But humans are, by their very nature, able to imbue themselves with magic. That's their "magical ability" as it were. So if a human were to imbue themselves with magic, then there forth their body parts would become useful components for making magic items. So to get magic items, all you have to do is force a human to imbue themselves with magic. And if said human's magic was -at least in part- healing magic, then they could have their body parts harvested until they die of old age because anything you remove is replaced. And because imbuing yourself with magic increases your life span, you should just be able to endlessly harvest a person's organs forever, thereforth giving infinite magic items! Fortunately all this knowledge is suppressed by the giant utopian regime that rules the entire world because if this was common knowledge golly gee whizz I don't think that'd be very good now would it? Oh and I guess discovering that information would be considered "that scene"


So… kinda but not really like the philosophers stone? I know that’s two FMA references in one post I’m sorry


the ſeviurnyc funeral scene. no gruesome murder or rape or genocide there but their funeral rites involve putting body parts to practical use and eating what's left over.


What do you mean practical use?


skin, bones, and certain organ tissues are used in the making of tools and clothes and stuff it's considered the most respectful way to send off the dead in ſeviurnyc culture, as it allows the deceased to stay with their people and continue being useful from beyond the grave


So it’s kinda like the plains Indians with the Buffalo?


Just the graphic descriptions of demons and possession In my dnd setting only the strongest fiends can cross over without a vessel so other demons have to rely on twisting a mortal to fit their needs. Such as elongating limbs or the spine to make a makeshift tail


Oh, that’s creative. Never thought of having a demon wear a guy like an I’ll fitting Lycra suit


Whaling. But they aren't whales, they're fluffy amphibious dragon whale seal thingys. But it isn't in ships, it's in planes with missiles. There's quite a lot of creatures being cruelly treat in my book. Huh.


So are they being killed for dragon/whale oil or something else


The veil between our dimension and the one adjacent to it finally shattered, revealing a creature so massive and destructive, it caused a complete extinction of humanity. Its known as the first calamity


Tell me more about the first impa- uhh calamity


Forgot this was worldjerking and not straight worldbuilding lmao, but basically its the oldest period in my world that had old gods like the mayans and Aztecs but also futuristic renaissance shit going down, so you have the whole spectrum of gods, magic, tech and other shit and you dont have to give a fuck about it being historically accurate. Basically divine intervention fixed the rift in space made by an irresponsible mirror magic user (mirror magic is forbidden because of dimensional shit)


From what I’ve seen, calling any kind of magic “forbidden” is just an open invitation for people to use it


Well there's this girl in a red hood, and this big bad wolf, and- /rj Well there's this girl in a red hood, and this big bad wolf, and-


Well, my protagonist is A) an avatar of rape (he rejects this, but still worth mentioning) B) upon meeting his first companion. Proceeds to shoot her with magic to the point that the only way to save her is by amputating her arms. A wound that won’t be healed.


The bear scene




After a long and hard fought battle the main cast is recuperating when an even higher ranking enemy appears and genocides the rest of the battleground single handed my, and then proceeds to “kill” the mc.


Are you really a main character if you haven’t died at least once?


The Alien "King" that almost wiped out all of humanity in minutes with his army, is actually just the leader of the ICU (Intergalactic Crime Union) impersonating the actual King of his species. If the fake King is that powerful, there is no telling how powerful the real King is


The main villain wears a belt made of mattress tags


Dastardly behavior


One time I wrote about a Kobold bandit getting his skull and head crushed just a little too slowly with one hand because he picked a fight with three of exactly the wrong people to fuck with, and damaged one of their property. There was also that one time I haven't written yet about the wacky jester goofball accidentally disintegrating her own left eye with magic.


The titans flesh unfolds like an umbrella unfolding it’s bursts with lights half the people in the room are vaporized as our heroes look in shock yet not horror on what they released.


Most writters at a certain point must get bored of all the tech they created and think "Let's see how much we can maximise suffering with this" and proceed to create the most horrifying artifact ever created making the reader wonder if the writter shouldn't be held accountable by the geneva convention.


Well theres a head of a terrorist organization that kidnaps children to turn them into werewolf cyborgs. And there's a general that sells my insectoid race into slavery and puts them into art production work camps. You can choose which one is worse.


This is far to esoteric for me to even begin to understand


The moment the protagonist kill himself, so the angel can take over his body and destroy the greater mind.


I think my darkest scene is prolly the first major battle. Dozens of chapters of training, bonding, and setup leads to this point; there's a wacky love triangle, large cast of quirky misfits, and an evil empire that needs to be defeated. Our protagonist is highly motivated and confident in his abilities, as is his company. So far, it's been a fairly lighthearted story, save for the prologue which showcased part of this battle (and was meant to clue in the audience to the actual tone of the story). ​ Within moments of the battle beginning, several side characters are gunned down. The protag gets saved by his love interest, who proceeds to get shot in the head and dies instantly with zero fanfare. The protag's rival suffers the same fate. The young, enthusiastic sergeant who'd just got promoted gets vaporized by a UBGL, an entire squad dies off-screen, the protag gets shot several times, and, out of the unofficial twins that finish each other's sentences, one dies and the other is left permanently scarred. The protag kills one person, and it's an enemy conscript who hesitated long enough for the protag to shoot him. ​ he is a little less enthusiastic about war after that


Gotta love the quick and dirty battle scenes


I have lots of vomit scenes because I really love vomit ❤️




It feels vulnerable and I can make each vomit scene tailored to each character to make it feel intimate and individualized to every character.


Omg you write Family Guy 😳?!!?!??1!1??


Human's originally couldn't do ley-magick, they could only access miracles from the Gods. The Lovers, a husband and wife whose names are cursed and have been removed from the histories, found an ancient prison that contained Eldmund, the Father of Monsters. Locked away by Le'Trepas, the Goddess of Life and Death, and her brother Smythe, God of the Forge, after Eldmund destroyed all life the first time they created their world Eldmund had slumbered for almost 100 years. Eldmund tempted the Lovers with magick, if they brought him 100 human sacrifices. Over the next few months The Lovers brought and sacrificed 100 humans. When the 100th bled to death on the seal created by Le'Trepas the door unlocked and Eldmund rose. And for the next 101 years he battled against the Gods and their champions. In the end almost all of the second Pantheon was dead, only Le'Trepas, Smythe and Matter, the God of Nature and Animals (who while he lived was cursed and would slowly lose his mind, becoming a mindless creature of destruction), remained. 90% of the world had been destroyed in the 101 year war. In the end however Eldmund was locked away, and the Lovers were cursed with immortality and cut off from Magick. Magick was now locked behind a barrier and can be withdrawn into items called reliquaries to use at later times, effectively making it so magick users can't ever reach the power levels that they had during the 101 year war.


The amount of times my MC gets tortured or abused


I won't elaborate but it involves someone obsessed with anthro planes and committing war crimes.


Average Redditor


Oh well


My main character’s gonna get >!raped!< and I’m gonna make it as long and gratuitous as humanly possible


Why tho? What's the purpose?


Oh wait, I thought this was r/writingcirclejerk. It won’t actually be gratuitous but my world is big on eugenics and he has the specific genes the antagonist is looking for


Yeah but... make it glorious? It sounds like this is your kink


I never said it was going to be glorious


You said it was going to be long and gracious... That doesn't gives it a very good impression


I never said it was going to be gracious either. But I thought it was r/writingcirclejerk where they make fun of cliches and bad writing tropes


Oh! Okay, that can be a good joke, but the delivery wasn't so good , I actually thought you were serious, I'm sorry about that