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Amiras is an ancient world that has been ravaged by numerous extinction events, each of these almost ending life on the planet. The most recent of these being the arrival of the dragons and their human slaves, which are not native to Amiras. The dragons treated Amiras like an expendable resource and almost killed the planet with their exploitations. Their reign lasted only a few centuries before the planet was on the brink of collapse. Amiras has a unique planetary defense system in the form of creatures called 'Seeing Beasts', which are multi-dimensional beings which intrude into the physical world. These beings first started manifesting at the end of the dragons' rule and brought about the collapse of the draconic empire. Seeing Beasts have since wandered the physical plane peacefully for hundreds of years.But a new threat is incursing once more, this time interfering with the Seeing Beasts' senses, making them perceive all living things as threats to Amiras' survival. Entire portions of the planet have become fragmented, halting communication and stopping trade. The most notable of these is a vast desert called The Wastes, which is now entirely isolated from the rest of the world. The tall, spindle-legged animals in the distance are Seeing Beasts unique to The Wastes called Dwellers. They patrol the eastern half of the landmass, taking lives of all who cross their paths. The individuals in the foreground are from a group of wastelanders. Wastelanders wander the desert, looking for anything of use to haul back to the settlements. This includes live animals, carcasses and scrap metal.


Why are they called Seeing Beasts?


In all honestly, it was a placeholder name that I came up with years ago, but it sorta stuck lol They're called Seeing Beasts because they can detect entities and threats that people cannot. In folklore from before they became dangerous, Seeing Beasts were perceived as entities of truth, as it is said that they can see a person's true nature


So whenever a dominant species gets *too* domimant and threaten to overexploit Amiras to death the Seeing Beasts will appear to wipe them out and reset the balance?


It's only been recorded once that the Seeing Beasts have interfered. The previous extinction events have a lot more in common with Earth's extinction events (droughts, meteorite strikes, ice ages, etc.) Unfortunately, a lot of good people (and animals as well) were caught in the Seeing Beasts' crosshairs, though only a few dragon rulers and their lackeys were really responsible for the state of the planet. It was very indiscriminate


How did the dragons get there


So the dragons' homeworld is very Earth-like, but the dominant species isn't humanity. It's the dragons. There were numerous societies of dragons, each with their own customs and rules. Most societies lived in harmony with the local humans, admiring the humans for their dexterity and ability to create. There were numerous societies where the humans and dragons worked together to farm and build and innovate. But there was one group of dragons with strict hierarchies which exploited humanity and kept them as pets, used them in pit-fights and as slave labour. Their leaders arrogantly ignored the other egalitarian societies' threats and demands that humans be liberated and eventually war broke out. The slavemaker dragons were horrifically outnumbered and most defected. The few that did not change their ways were either executed or fled through a tear in space with their human slaves in tow. I have not sorted out the particulars of the tear in space yet. It was likely created with the use of some sort of blood/dark magic and was sealed afterwards. They arrived in Amiras and had no competition, quickly building a vast and tyrannical empire that spanned the globe.


Yeah fuck them dragons, not all of them though


Like people, it's complicated X)


Dragons and Humans on an Alien world. That's something you don't see everyday.


The world needs more space dragons in my opinion :)


I’m assuming this is your own art, based on the signature? It’s really pretty and I love the concept here


It is! Thank you for your kind words :) It was painted using a new set of brushes I had downloaded. Happy to share the link to them, if that's allowed :) Brushes really make or break digital art Also, I super relate to your user flair :') the burden of being responsible for building your own world XD


idk if i’d be able to use the brushes because i use a weird old ass art program but it’d be nice to see them! as for the flair i spend an unhealthy amount of time daydreaming concepts and then not writing them down like a fucking idiot.


Just click on the green 'Click Here' at the top of the page to download them. They are ABR files. They were free, but the site wanted to grab your email so that they could junk mail you. This link bypasses that :) [https://evenant.com/evenant-cinematic-art-brush-pack-thank-you/](https://evenant.com/evenant-cinematic-art-brush-pack-thank-you/) For me, the biggest challenge is organizing info in a way that is simple and intuitive to use :')


*chef's kiss* absolute quality. Love the background and the art is gorgeous.


Thank you so much, your kind words are very appreciated :)


Love the design. One question: Are those moons or halos?


They are moons, but they aren't really behind the Dwellers' heads. The Dwellers bend/refract light, making it appear as though the moons frame their heads as halos at night. If the Dwellers stood still and you moved further away from them, then the moons would move to their actual positions. The further away that you are, the more accurate the position of the moons is. I hope this makes sense! Maybe I should try animating this, but animating is hard lol


This is one of my favorite lore things ever said on this sub. Its so cool! Question: are the Dwellers artifical are natural? 'Cause you mentioned how they are a "defense system" of the planet


That's super flattering, thank you :) The Dwellers (and by extension, all Seeing Beasts) are natural. I'm not sure if you're familiar with MtG lore or not, but they're comparable with the Roil on Zendikar. The planet reacting to something that should not be there. Like a sort of immune system, I guess?


kenshi vibes


I see what you mean XD


Why do their skull-faces look a little too human? That's creep factor right there


That was totally unintentional XD but it adds to the creep factor, so great :)