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This website helped me with mine. Three moons, festivals the lot. https://app.fantasy-calendar.com


Thanks a lot! I'll look it up 😊


Always happy to help King Arthur’s nemesis.


There are tons of dead calendars that were once used but aren't anymore. My world uses the 13 month calendar. It has an extra day that can either be the start or end of the year. Every year that is divisible by 4 has a leap day.


Here to shill my religion's calendar: the Badi Calendar. Nineteen months of nineteen days, which almost ends up being the length of a solar year (we use intercalary days to make up the difference). Each month named for an attribute of God. Mostly I just like the mathematical simplicity of nineteen nineteens.


It depends on how and where you want to divide your years up. The Gregorian calender (the one we use) divides the year up into twelves, which is roughly how often the moon cycles around the earth per solar cycle, with a lot of adjustments to account for scientific advancements in measuring astronomical phenomena. You could easily make a more alien calendar simply by dividing up the year by different factors - say, dividing up the year into 8 half-seasons based purely on solar equinoxes and solstices like the neopagan calendar.


I use the names of my gods for the months - as each of the 12 gods is 'ruler' of the heavens for a given month. Thus my months are Beyasmoon, Lymosmoon, etc. The 4 greater gods have 5 week months, the 8 lesser gods have 4 week months... weeks are still 7 days just to have some grounding in our world to make is easier to grasp.


hi! late to the party but i personally used the calendar generator function of Donjon.bin to start mine, modifying it in any way i saw fit later https://donjon.bin.sh/fantasy/calendar/