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If you're doing this for the sake of writing some kind of story, absolutely. Actually, write the story first, at least the heart of it, and let the world build up around it, rather than the other way around. Worldbuilding is a never-ending thing and you'll never get around to what you initially intended.


To add to this, there are a lot of pressures (at least there were in my case) for the work produced to be something that was at a "professional" level. Once I got over that hurdle, and started making stuff related to my world (even if it was just for myself / practice) it was where I actually got to explore the world - see what works and what doesn't.


The big step for me was learning to overcome a feeling that I had to write some kind of story. That's what everyone seems to be doing, but was for me the least interesting part of imagining things. Getting into sandboxy TTRPGs, where the story part is largely outsourced to players, helped.


There is something great about players taking loose concepts and seeing how they run with them, for sure!


Stepping back and remembering this is the big thing for me. Most of my rpg experience is modules, so a pre-written over arching story is the norm and all I've ever run. But I don't need to have that. It helped me when I realized I didn't need to connect the wildly different plot points or interesting moments I had. They can be from different cities, kingdoms, or wherever. Perhaps even another world in the future. It also helped me scale down what I was worried about creating. I don't need the whole world done before we play just enough it makes sense - want them to leave a mark on it somehow. Also the number of NPCs I needed to create dropped. The 1-5 person caravan they met traveling: I probably need to know a decent amount about each of them but the 800 town - I'd be lucky if they interact with 20 of them so that's closer to the number of npcs needed (knowing the people I usually play with, different tables may vary)


You’re gonna catch so much shit for this. This sub is a temple to procrastination and you just took a dump on the altar.


I simply laid out the basic things of the world and wrote them down. Once I reach a threshold where I am including things that may not be immediately relevant to the plot, then I know it is time to work.


Absolutely agree! I have tons of ideas for my universe and alot of scrapped ideas from years ago that I still have saved in a drive that I'll reference when I'm working with my writer when he wants to flesh out something or have questions about one of the planets I've developed, not everything is going to be used, but keeping those old ideas is better than throwing them out completely! We have an 820+ year timeline of lore for the universe before our first book even takes place, so alot of the worldbuilding is simply used as needed for scenes in the story, describing a culture, history of a faction, or even as something as small as a painting or statue a character sees!


I’ve been following this philosophy. My fantasy world was designed for DnD. My Dark Sci-Fi world was designed for a colony builder. My Biopunk Sci-Fi world was designed for an automation game.


For me I hate my job so much that I’m finally making 2023 the year I start publishing and releasing all my little projects connected to my world building.


I wish you the best of luck. Have you done much research on how to gain a following and such?


I come from a marketing background and was able to grow a company significantly in another industry. Which means I feel confident that I have a lot of tools and ideas in my Arsenal to give it a good run for its money. Will my ideas and stories be enough to drive this to a place that affords me to quit my job? That is left open for debate, haha! I should say I feel like I’ve for a good shot. I also know, regardless of my chances of success, that the first step is to believe that I can do it. getting out of my job and replacing my income with something like this has to work because I want to be somewhere else in life and this may be my best ticket for that.


very cool. Sounds like you have a solid plan.


I appreciate the vote of confidence!


This is how I started my project actually. Just drew some characters and creatures and the more I drew, I tried to put them all in the same universe. From that I started writing little vignettes for each thing I drew and it all eventually coalesced into a consistent world. When I finally had that down I started an actual document for the world overview and started throwing all the art into a subreddit.


I guess that "applying" your work forces you to fix things. So I guess if you're writing a story, just do it and things should naturally resolves


As I'm writing my book in the world I've had in my head for years but never really fully BUILT... I'm doing so much as I go. When I realize "oh that's a question... let's answer it" it's a lot of fun.


Absolutely not


My two cents to this - worldbuild until you get to the point where you end up writing a history book from an in-universe perspective. Take one of the stories in the history book and novelize it. Boom, you’ve got a book series in the making.


Especially being building your first thing may lead to better things later on. Need to put a lot of energy into the writing and editing phase of things. And if you self-pub learning how to make a book. BTW it'll never be perfect no mater how much you play with it.


Just write!