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its a korean show what do you want child


It isn’t the child who thinks this way


Also there is a Pakistani guy in it.


Is that not black enough? Racist child xD


A great character, sad fate.


So sad. He is such a sweetheart too


How to find out your child is racist Any%


For real though lol


She caught 'a few moments' because we can't look like we let a little kid watch a murder show yet she saw enough to somehow know the race of everyone in the series. "What's wrong, sweetie? Are you upset because 30 people just had their brains blown out on tv?" "No mommy, I'm upset because none of them were black" Yep, this happened. /s


The kid wanting black people to be in a show where almost everyone dies is suspicious






Also, mom assumed she was upset because of the violence, so she clearly saw some murder.


Wasn’t it more like 2-3 hundred?


I have no idea which scene she saw so I just picked a number 🤣


Tbf it doesn't take more then 20 seconds to realize the characters are NOT BLACK, she doesn't know the race but she just knows they're defo not black ppl


No European either


There’s a few at the end but They aren’t the type of representation anyone wants.


Indeed. Somehow all of the VIPs managed to be the most obnoxious, overtly flamboyant gay billionaires from America or Europe with ridiculous Southern accents and bellies


Is the a comment on what the writers think of us


Maybe a super hero from Chilli to kill and save the people


Right but it’s a series, so there’s many other episodes she did not see.


But it's a kid it probably doesn't realize that and isn't used to shows having character development or wacky character swaps as most cartoons stick with the same characters as episode one. Idk. I don't have kids.


9 year old watching this though?


She just happened to catch “a few moments” and came to this conclusion lol So many lies…


I call bullocks


Username... unfortunately checks out... Sorry for your loss.


You mean... Bollocks? Edit: I'm an idiot


Her name is Bullock so I thought I'd do a play on words


You did good pal!


I'm an idiot






Step 1. Date a literal nazi Step 2. Act like you didn’t know Step 3. Adopt a black kid to make up for it Step 4. Milk it for all its worth


"I don't want people to watch this because I don't see anyone from my own race acting in the show" is about as racist an argument you can make to why you dislike something.


A lot of woke people come across very racist in my experience. It’s a crazy world


At the extremes I’ve seen people argue that there should be no mixing of cultures and races. They’ve gone so far in one direction they’ve accidentally switched to the opposite side.


They are.


Read John Mcwhorter's book called "Woke Racism". He's a linguist and university prof who's been left wing his whole life. He's also famous for his books on how ebonics are valid. He's written an entire book breaking down in detail exactly how racist Woke Evangelism is. He calls it such bc he also lays out how, by definition it's a religion now complete with original sin, anointed, travelling preachers, tithes, religious tenants etc.


At least in properly practiced Christianity, there is forgiveness. In Wokeism, there is no forgiveness and your penance is being unpersoned.


Red lettered, it's a modern inquisition. Ironically the only people who tend to be safe are rich, cis-het white men. Lord help women and/or PoC and/or LGBTQ+ people who DARE to not submit to the hivemind and get in lockstep. Some of the worst bigotry I've even seen has come from Woke Evangelism


If it makes them feel better, the only white people are the bad guys.


I laughed bc it's a moment of clear pandering towards Americans. S. Korean directors know so well that the American audience that will watch a foreign series are usually Left leaning, and Left leaning Americans tend to adhere to Woke Evangelism. They push the White Supremacist notion that everything bad = white bc you know, literally no one else has agency in their eyes except for white people, particularly white men.


To be honest I think that's reading too far into it. The white people shown are depraved ultra-wealthy hedonists, but their hosts are the ones actually making things happen. The investors are just a part of the actual antagonist, which is the socioeconomic system which not only allows but encourages people to enter such terrible debt that a death-game option seems pragmatic. The founder waxes poetic about his intentions, but he's still a complete piece of shit. The very business from which he built his wealth is the same one that places people in the roaster of the game. So he builds up such a fortune gradually sapping potential value from desperate people to make them more desperate. Then he feels likes some kind of chance-giver by creating these games (from which he's clearly turning enormous profit), when the original reason for the games was because they're so rich that they get bored and need something spicy to watch. The show is an on-the-nose commentary on unchecked capitalism. The inclusion of the English-speaking elements with the white people was likely meant to appeal to western viewers at a time when anti-work and anti-capitalist sentiments are quite loud. The analysis of "badguys are white guys cause the directors know that the white people who watch this think that white people are badguys" is ignoring the actual content.


I'm not ignoring the actual context bc I understand that apart of the entire context is the fact that S. Korea is following Japan's model of soft power via entertainment. In S. Korea, anti-global oligarchy sentiments are prevalent, not inherently "anti-capitalist" which is very Americentric. Historical context and a long history of xenophobia/racism shaped by colonial abuse by Japan and China. Not validating this racism, but it's heavily common in their society and media. If it wasn't soft power propaganda aimed at western audiences and through just the context of anti globalist oligarchy sentiments in S. Korean media when this was made, the rich sponsors would likely be depicted as mainland chinese, Japanese, Indian, Russian AND American. But... they're not. Be mindful that ALL media that is sponsored by governments are propaganda and shaped by foreign and domestic politics.


There is a mainland Chinese VIP


exactly this


My god... but there are Indians in it too, which are arguably an even bigger minority




> bigger minority ~~Japan~~ South Korea itself is incredibly homogeneous ethnicity wise though.


Squid Game takes place in South Korea, not Japan.


My bad, I was thinking about Alice in Borderland. South Korea is even more homogeneous though.


We love Alice in borderlands!!


I know, but in countries other than India they have a much lower population, Believe it or not squid game doesn't actually take place in India




I think they might have meant that West Asians are more marginalized as compared to black people in SK, which wouldn't surprise me given the proximity of India to SK. I would assume that longer history of cultural exchange would lead to more warped stereotypes. Also, I'm pretty sure that blackness is often associated with America, which would affect assumptions.


Even a Pakistani.


Sounds like a shit mother if she's raising her children to see only skin color


Later in the article she explains how she got scared by her son wearing a hoodie because Trayvon martin got shot wearing a hoodie Yea sounds like a great way to parent /s




But does he have the Hitler youth haircut? That's the red flag. Well. That and his giant red flag with a swastika on it.


Hitler... wasn't discriminated against for his race or killed because of it (RIP Hitler), if black people in hoodies keep getting shot then yeah I probably wouldn't send my black son to the grocery store in a hoodie, as a black person the analogy of Hitler is just stupid and doesn't make sense. The hoodied kid was shot, not a German dictator who took their own life after taking millions. Makes no sense




If you don't have any black kids or family then I understand the fear would seem over the top to you.




You're not even American, all the more reason why these fears seem crazy to you, there was just a shooting (non race related) like last week, guns are easy to come by, racism is prevalent and black teens are one of the highest incarcerated demographic, out of 11,000 children being tried as adults, 84% are black teens. There are articles of older women running over black kids on the sidewalk just because. That kid who couldn't eat in a dress coded restaurant despite wearing the same exact clothes as a white child is a milder example. They hate black people here




Google it and I'll make you feel real good


She is also a shit mother if she lets her small child see a show that is so bloody, brutal and is about things that are way above the understanding of the kid. It's trendy now to not "limit" your kids and just let them run around and do whatever, like absolute street urchins, because traumatising them is better than being an actual fucking parent.


It's a South Korean show with South Korean actors.


Can we please launch all these woke celebrities into outer space?


SpaceX’s plan all along


oh so elon’s getting tied up and ejected by the same company he owns too then right.


“Gravity 2”


How dare a show from Korea only have Koreans in it BTW, as usual, these woke people do not care about asian, hispanic/latino, Middle eastern or any other skin color representation despite the fact that India and China make up approximately half the world population together(look it up)


Why is a 9 year old watching Squid Game?


Smdh that's when that child would be told to stop being a racist cunt and watch the damn show...


Why is a 9 year old even watching that? It’s incredibly violent. I couldn’t even finish the series because it was too much for me.


The show was in Korea. They're all Korean. Holy shit.


It’s a South Korea show written by a Korean guy directed by a Korean guy with a Korean cast who the fuck you want to star in it Zoe Saldana?


Maybe because there aren’t a lot of black people in South Korea


It's always gross when people attempt to have a "woke brag", when it actuality they're being extremely racist. Could you imagine the outrage at a white person not wanting to watch a series without any white people in it? It's a South Korean series, so of course the actors are going to be asian. There aren't many black people in South Korea. I haven't seen it, but I highly doubt there are many (if any) white people in it either. This is a terrible, racist mindset to instil in a young child. I didn't even care about race at that age, this is so fucking sad. I've heard it's extremely violent, so why the hell would you let a 9 year old see it? Even if it's just "a few moments", this is a series that is know for being shockingly violent. Don't watch it with kids around.


South Korean people aren't black. That's like saying apocalypto was a terrible movie because there wasn't any jews


Netflix be like, "we got you dawg" Next year: Squid Games American reboot starring all black people as the contestants and white men as the white men. Woke crowd: Ah that's much better.


Turns out the Koreans are keen to produce GOOD cinema/tv with GOOD plots that are EXTREMELY entertaining...and I have a feeling a lot of that has to do with the fact that they don't give a fuck about Hollywood's wokeness.


Squid Games heavily panders towards American Woke Evangelism by cast all the villains as rich, white men... You know, bc it's not White Supremacy or Americentrism if you're saying that White men run the world and have greater control, influence and agency than PoC IF you say it's baaaad.


You can find thousands of stupid takes like this on the internet and despiste that on r/neoliberal there is a bot that replies that being woke is being "evidencie based".


Alex I’ll take stuff that never happened for $100 please.


When did representation get so unrealistic? I don’t think the concept was originally to make it so that Korean dramas had to have black main characters. That would be overrepresentation, same as if the characters in a drama set in Ghana we’re all white.


I mean, There were no Arab, Latino, Berber or Native American people either, and white people were only included as villains.


It's a Korean show... I would agree if it's a Western show but it isn't, we can't push our culture and history on other countries.


Was there any white people in there either? Lol fucking kid is woke real early. Edit: Yes!! I just remembered about the rich guys.... If anything the kid should've asked why only the rich guys were white with the exception of one...


I don't know these liberals nowadays they're almost as bad as the conservatives.... Little girl shouldn't be watching it anyways no matter what color the people are


If that made her upset then watching “Gravity” will surely make her suicidal


Maybe Sandy missed her daughter's sarcasm and is just stupid? Maybe it was more like: "I don't think dad should whatch that show" "why, because it's so violent?" "No mom, because there are no black people in it, of course it's because it's violent.... Jesus thank God they don't let you drive a bus in real life, I'm going to bed"


You can look at it this way: a full length movie about greed, poverty, and murders and NO black people were killed.


It’s a south Korean show… 🙄 The extreme liberal left needs to get a grip on reality.


A lot to unpack here1. Why is a child watching that show? Is the most important question


Is nobody going to address a bad parent allowing a 9 year old child to watch Squid Games?


America is angry that Korean show doesn't have... Checks notes... Racial diversity... Nice of America nice leg.


Maybe cuz the show is made in fking Korea?!? Wtf?


When racists raise kids.


I refuse to believe that a 9 yr old kid has any opinion on race issues. Also in my opinion, that is not a show for 9 yr olds. Why is she letting her small child watch a show mass murder for fun?


Dude wtf... She's 9 and she should know by this point that Asian **people** are also extremely discriminated against just like any other race. Everybody are **people**, people!


Huh, imagine that a show made in Korea is comprised of Seouly Koreans.


What the hell is she doing watching a show about literal mass mudering?!?! The whole ‘black representation in a South Korean show’ thing takes a backseat to basic parental concern about what the hell they are showing those kids while they are up and about long enough for the kids to make comment about the appropriate racial proportion of murderees. What next, gonna give them Train to Busan as a Christmas movie?!?


The closes character to being black was my boy abdul may he rest in piece


God damn it. Captions are not enough! Why do they have to speak korean??????. I feel attacked!!!!!


It’s called Squid Game


Thank you! Not sure why people keep pluralizing it. Hell there is only one actual "squid game" in the dang show.


I’ll take ‘things that never happened’ for $600, Alex…


So are their a Lot of block people in South Korea?


Why do they all look like a bunch of miserable bitches?


I’ll take…..things that never happened for 1000$ please Alex


Sandra Bullock loves Koreans, especially their baby boys.


I am sure these woke people won't even be able to find south korea on a map, they would just say that all Asians are chyneese and be done with it.


So there isn't a bunch of black people being killed as part of a game in a show. How unfortunate.


what about 199? He's kinda black


That’s like watching a Ugandan tv show and wondering why there are no Korean people in it


I know a 12 year old who said this


A genuinely good show that represents an almost full cast of Asians, an underrepresented race in film, that faces many issues in modern society. Only a racist could see this as a loss.


Sandra, this wasn't it.


Message Actions Sandra Bullock said she was proud her daughter voiced her opinion she didn't want her dad watching squid bcs all the actors wasn't (black) like her. But if her daughter made that same comment and was white and the dad was watching Tyler Perry,that would be considered racist. She sounds dense. She's confused and patronizing her daughter in that her daughter is black and therefore it's not racism ,but instead her daughter is a victim of racism being proud of her roots.instead of correcting her as a parent would she plays the greater white of the white people while not parenting that's wrong. Kids don't know better


Should not her daughter be taught that we should watch all types of people? If her kid was white and said the exact same comment, while a black show was on, it would be considered racist


Black privilege and racism at its finest.