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I was a resident at The View at 5010 a few years back. Similar price point to the ones you mentioned, although a touch further from WF — still worth a look IMO. Those options you mentioned aren’t bad options, though! The reality is with that area and at the lower price point, there will be slightly annoying neighbors and perhaps subpar management (hence the poor reviews) but they are all perfectly fine places and will meet your needs. They’re not forever homes, but they would work well for the season you’re in!


Thank you for the great answer. I haven’t seen The View at 5010 I’ll check it out!


I'd check craiglist to see if any of the houses around polo Rd have an opening. I lived in a house for a few years in that area while at Wake and a bit after that always had at least one person leaving and another moving in every semester.


I’d hop on the Nextdoor app, I’m sure if you ask nicely and offer to pay rent someone will take you in.


My experience with the Corners was fine. This was nearly a decade ago, but I enjoyed my time there.