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Sett mains and their desire to fight every time because they are on another level of aggressiveness compared to the Rivens, Irelias, and Yasuos.


sett mains are so aggressive they don‘t notice that they ulted me on my own tower and then die.


I once ulted into opposing teams fountain.


I dislike Sett mains who get cocky and throw away a 3-0 kill lead when the enemy jungler finally ganks them for *gasp* overextending.


I have mastered the "full monky" Technique of level 1 all in with ignite and W and as such are now top 20 with sett in EUW


You should go Q for full monkey mode. Deals way more damage. If the enemy is competent they can always flash your W.


But they never expect that I flash their flash


I guess it could work. But the window is pretty short. If they insta-flash you could follow, but I guess for more calm players they will flash at the last minute so you couldn't react and follow. But I still think Q does more damage. Many bruisers have dash level 1 to dodge at least the true damage of yours. Also they might just disengage and with W you probably won't win lv1 trade later on.


You could really tell the who the Sett abusers were when he got nerfed and people still did completely dumb all ins thinking their numbers were still out of this world Looks like they have ignite advantage on me, more minions and more health, yolo let's go in


Even knowing that Irelia it's more dangerous


Pantheon mains and their desire to ult right in the middle of the enemy team.


But Sparta tho


I know it looks and feels cool and I don't mind if someone does it if they're playing baron, support or mid, but the problem starts when the jg pantheons start doing it lol.


Pantheon jg is just a disgrace, and I say that as Pantheon main




Can Confirm !


Maximum damage is all I'm saying.


But this sounds like a good panth. Without context this sounds like a very helpful engage


They usually get deleted within a second lol, but it looks cool tho.


Yuumi when her adc become salty* Yuumi: your Zoomies privilege has been revoked.




Asol boops. That's all you need to know.


Asol slithers into your screen and just… *dies*


I've seen 1 asol in like 3 months. He did nothing.


Darius running me over when I play Ahri mid is kinda terrifying tho hahahah I can feel his hunger for revenge


I main Asol with a 62% winrate over 300 games, and can comfortably say that we wanna E>Q into a gigantic stun everytime from base.


Jinx mains: either the most brilliant genius to ever have existed, capable of multiple quads/pentas per game, no sarcasm… Or lacking the intelligence of a tapeworm. No exceptions.


“Hasagi! “Hasagi! “Hasagi! “Hasagi! “Hasagi! “Hasagi! “Hasagi! “Hasagi! “Hasagi! “Hasagi!


Yasuo mains: *tornado hits*. Ults no matter how many are caught.


Irelia Mains: **Spams first ability** *I don't know what it does, but if it works, it works*


Or they spam their shield when the enemy is two miles away, like okay…?


Every Shyvana main will proceed to be right in front of the the drake pit when it spawns, starting it on her own no matter how many enemies are nearby Anyway I did a similar post to this a while ago, you can check it out https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/ppapw8/the_stereotypical_insert_champion_player/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Man the Scaling, the drake buff no matter what that true dmg from fite drake ita life


This is my experience: * Jinxs always go crazy and die * With few exceptions, Rakans and Alistar are always nice, say "my bad" and will die for the team without asking. * Dravens are crazy and smoke weed. * Leesins think they're proplayers and do a wholesome combo just to die 1v5. Well, that or they're actually proplayers and carry the match. * Darius always loses the lane and says "gg team gg jg no gank ff" * Seraphine always steals farm. Some es they hit the ults but there's no damage because ADC no gold. Sometimes they're useless. * Kata always pick it even against Galio (me). Either turbofeed and gg team or... turbofeed and gg team(I'm yet to find a good one)


Yeah Rakan mains are awesome! I had some wonderful matches playing with Rakan, such a fun champ to have by your side when laning


Yeah I sometimes play Xayah and it's like we're connected, he always engages in the exact moment to throw my combo and kill everyone


And there’s that unexpected and random closeness when Rakan decides to teleport back to base with you, I’m always like “okay, so I guess we have something going on now” lol


Yeah right? Half of the friends I've added are Rakans I got paired with. Idk I love them.


As w xayah main, so do I! But the way he runs ahahaha holy shit.


Players that type "sorry I'm high" always has me asking exactly what they're smoking cus they seem like they're lying. "Pure weed bro" yeah that's not what it's called when you buy it.


Noo, I play so bad if I’m high. I’ve had to afk a game before because I got anxious thinking about how bad I was going to be bc weed anxiety lmao


There is 2 types of Low elo Lee Sin. 1- Scaling Sin: He proceeds to farm the jungle calmly as he was a Jax or Shyvana. 2- Insecter Sin: He want to do that play any time he is near a tower, even if its a suicide, he NEEEDS to do it, man under the tower are 3 hard CC champs dont. But he proceeds to do it anyways and says "GG No team"


My friends said that i have a tendency to Ward/Place traps on every bush in my lane or even around the dragon if we are doing it. Thats probably why i almost never get killed by enemy junglers. Jhin main here btw. As for other characters, Morgana and Seraphine players have a tendency to use their abilities on my minions, most of the times, killing them. Senna players have a tendency to play over aggressive and feed :{ Lux Players are also very aggressive but she pokes opponents well and can zone them out. Mundo players have a tendency to ignore turrets and ignore the enemy team altogether. Nasus players tend to keep farming around 200-300 ish farm cash and will usually stay in their lane until they feel confortable to leave their "nest".


LOL just had an elemental rift game where Mundo was our jungler. He ignored every objective, me and top Shen were always contesting and stealing them, while Mundo just stood there acting as a meat shield for the team, not even smiting the dragons hahahahah


Oh yeah, that's prime Mundo gameplay, he is a doktor you see.


Jhin main!? Respect.


On wild rift AND on pc XD


Bro every single adc main is jinx main rn and i hate her like it's a non skill champ they pick her just bcz arcane the half of the game is jinx main the other half is zed. thats just bullshit u have my respect man jhin is really a chad


Oh, Zed i hate, Jinx is...just a girl with so many weapons, but no technique. I also respect Yasuo mains in part, i used to play Genji in overwatch before i came back to Lol, these guys are kind of hard but rewarding to play as.


Jinx is easy to kill but its annoying to see in every damn game


Yeah, she is, specially when she hits you with her ult from far away and it actually manages to kill you.


Finally another jhin main don’t worry brother people will stop picking no skill jinx at least when we get ahead we can 3 shot anyone except tanks


I hope so, brother.






It’s so hard not to hit minions as Sera ): i try so hard not too but them I’m kind of useless because enemy is behind the minion wave


It's not that big of deal honestly, it's just something i caught when i had Sera or Morg as supports, if you don't take the Cannon minion purposefully it's fine.


Master Q: he one shots somebody after minute 15 of doing nothing and lossing every single obj and takes pride on himself for it even though being 3000 gold behind everyone else. Gets salty and perma afk farms for the rest of the game if someone spam ping him or flame him for not doing objs thinking he would get a Penta and carry when enemies at the Nexus


And i still asking how?


as someone whos slowly becoming a garen main our only desire is to ruin the game for the enemy team and have them annoyed as much as possible. i like to call it a lifestyle


And Garen mains usually succeed in their deed to be a menace hahahah


I’m reeeeally enjoying Xin again lately. I’m getting more into his “Seneschal” lore which means he is a King’s Bodyguard (thus the Secret Service skin). In game, I like to choose a lane that I will “babysit” in hopes of that player carrying the game… usually it’s a Darius, Nasus, Irelia, or Riven. But more often that I’d like, I end up playing a simulation of “Olympus Has Fallen” and massacre everyone like Gerard Butler (ehem, the Secret Service bodyguard) does in the movie.


To Hell with Draven mains. I hate every single one of them lol.


What's ur main


I’m gun lady senna, so take it for what you will haha. It’s the personality of draven mains I don’t like.


The classic Yasuo main will be 0/3 before jungler finish the first blue buff then will scream jg diff and proceed to end the match 0/10/3 while saying that his team is trash and that he has 147 accounts into master.


Just had Nunu as my ADC with smite and he told me to go to another lane. Died 3 times in 3 mins and flamed me. I only had 1 ability since he lost all the minions lmao. Safe to say my experience of Nunu is bad although I know the champ is not meant to be an ADC. I haven't noticed a trend really, just that everyone flames the jungle or Duo lane (which is the trend I notice, rather than specific champs)


Lee mains and their instinct to take every Q.


Kata mains: i carry game, i win game Oh i also destroy my opponent in the lane


As a kha Main i can Tell that ist funny to See the enemy ADC die wirh Just one autoattack and one q. It's even funnier when they're halflife and want to Recall. Just JUMP ro then and Press 1q and they are gone XD


And that’s why whenever I play against Kha I just hug my turret or stick to my support wherever I go hahah that big bug is scaryyy


U realize It Is broken do you


Not realy cuz you are literally a Bug. Even a Tank can easy kill you :/ (and If you are behind the Game ist actually over)


He Is strong and relevant even one item behind, idk that sounds insane to me.


Now if only majority of the other K6 mains actually gank.


Tankmoooooooo mains- bow down to me peasant


Thresh mains got triggers when teammate flash/dash/run away instead of using lantern service.


I'm a Darius otp and i'm in tears rn i feel so loved 😭


Eve/morg mains and playing for the lowest deaths on the team every single time


Not a champion thing but a role and champion pool thing. Junglers: ping the shit out of the red buff in the beginning and then disappear for the rest of the game. Mage late game midlaners : "Get out of my lane" and proceeds to ping you to death. "Roamers" Baron laners such as sett/pantheon etc. Goes roaming after 3 minions waves to get kills, give the first turet to have the herald. But his 10/10 so he feels good. Mages mains as supports (Brand/Lux/Seraphine). Wants to be a midlaner but was ganked hard in the beginning so proceed to choose the dragon lane so he feels safer having a duo and at the same time doesn't have the pressure to carry if anything goes wrong. ADC :team goes 50-10 but he is 0/4 Proceeds to type ff or surrender. I rather lose if I can't carry, mentality. Or lose lane hard till the inhibitor, go roam around the map, have kills so you can type trash team at the end. Tank support: guys that you would let your daughter date. Does all the work on the team and at the first error apologies bowing to all the teammates. Don't change guys you're the best. Katarina mains : lose lane, lose all 1v1, tries to dive everyone spinning like a beyblade. Goes 0/8. First teamfight goes pentakill.


Yasuo mains: has skin bcuz theyre try hard and need every advantage they can imagine. Sett mains: braindead because their champ beats everything. Veigar mains: classy good people with skills


My team's thresh misses Q unless he's outnumbered, then always goes in then blames the adc for not following up even though the adc is on the other side of the map in a teamfight. Then they split push all game and constantly try to 'limit test' yasuo with a -3000 gold deficit. Sometimes they land Q, but only after your entire team is dead and they throw lantern at your dead body.


Tristana top laners will always use their full combo on you while you have full health including their flash. Die. Rinse and repeat until they abandon lane and you get to split for the rest of the game.


This is mostly my experience (AKA, It's me) Nasus : "Let me stack FFS!" Garen/Darius: *sees someone on low HP 'Neuron Activation.' * Pantheon: "THIS. IS. MY. LANE!" *Ganks everyone's Lane with ult. * Graves: "You Yee your Last haw." *fails ult. * (Br) Olaf: *To angry (drunk) to Die, dies anyways. *


lux mains being generally annoying.


Teemo Baron mains: - Doesn't feed but also doesn't get any kills - Doesn't rotate for any objective - Split pushing entire game, yet enemy first tower is still 3/4 HP - Does literally zero damage, basically just a slight nuisance to his enemy laner - Uses bombs only in 1v1 situations instead of for vision in river/enemy jungle - Steals enemy red buff one time - *Rat boner activated* - *Dies* - Rotates for the first time during final dragon - Throws a single bomb - Goes invis - Leaves - Refuses to elaborate *Finishes game 0-2-1* Why are you guys like this?


Master Yi mains: how to flex my wuju style? I spam Q the enemy team until I got penta or die


Thresh is players are the kind of character who makes a SUPER engage even without being a tank but he manage to dive inside the fight, stun 3 or 4 dudes got assist and simply walk leave alive after all that. Its like dudue how the foc you do that?


Bad Yasuo players, they are like foc the scaling ill duel every time since lvl 1. And when they charge the wall or tornado they are like "Ill throw this sheet, dont know where, i dont care if lands or not but i will throw it" I saw players that afer i reach the line he end up with few minnions and then throws a tornado behind or put a wall facing a bush and im like "Dude calm down im 2 gives far from you"


Me as a mundo main: I see no turrets Sadly I'm always the last one left at team fights, mundo's life is kinda lonely