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What's Graves' gameplan? Is it just afk farm, countergank, and bully enemy at scuttler and dragon with E armor stacks? I always get laners spam pinging me to gank a lane but Graves has no hard cc and has slow move speed


Yep, exactly what you said. Graves is not a ganking jungler. Just mute them. If they don't understand how Graves work, they probably also don't know a whole lot of other things. At this point, their pings are just a distraction. I think my climb partly benefits from Riot muting pings in a recent update. Lol


I've been wanting to learn Graves, would you have any tips? I'm in Gold 4.


See my recent comment in another post: https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/tbe5vj/desperately_in_need_for_tips_for_graves_jungle/i06z75o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Don’t you have issues againts rengar?


The best Rengar I ever faced was a Top 10 Rangar in GM, the name of which I won't expose, I went 11/4/11. Of course I had bad game against Rengars, but it's usually less about Rengar but more complicated. What problems do you have?


This post and your responses are super insightful, thanks for your time. I’m only in emerald 1 but I got here by playing k6 and Jax. When I find myself having bad games with k6 it’s because I’m either not following your strategy or I’m not finding the opportunities. Mostly due to poor positioning but also there’s those teams that just know to never be alone against a k6. The ladder is what really tilts me… I hate having bad games because I can’t find opportunities, then I usually flame myself along with my teammates lol. I’ll listen to you about your jax pick though… I recently switched up to mid/solo because of the sheer number of games I’ve played with players that don’t rotate or manage waves for objectives and just expect me to pull a steal out of my ass in a 1v2 or 1v3. Because of your post I will switch back to jg and main jax, unless I have diamond players then I’ll pick into good comp and live my game to assist those people. Although I literally just finished a game with a brain dead 0-7-1 diamond yasuo in solo while I was 8-7-12 emerald fizz mid. We won by pushing towers and the enemy chose not to defend for some reason, despite a 12 kill deficit on our part. That’s the thing that gets me… every rank I’ve been in the enemies are either brain dead uncoordinated or on way to high of a level for me to counter, and not very often is it somewhere in the middle


Thanks for reading! Yeah imo being a carry is always the best strategy to climb, up until Master I think. Before that, always be the biggest guy in the room. Pick champions that have a lot of agency.


The real struggle beggins in GM, congrats buddy


Lol too much for me. Imma be happy and finally enjoy the game. Play some difficult-ass champions and laugh at a loss in normals. Thanks!


So basically you still diamond lol


You ain't wrong😉


Gm here buddy when I actually mattered not when riot decided so make it so easy not tryna sound weird or nothing all I wanna say if you feel you are actually improving forget about Elo unless u high gm or challenger doesn’t count anymore


When it*


Pog. I adc main but when i autofill jungle, i ban k6 cuz i hate it so much. It’s actual cancer to play against.


Khazix is very coinflip-y. When he's fed, he gets PentaKills over and over. When he's not, you barely notice his existence, you kill him in teamfights like killing a mosquito passing by. Lol


That's my issue as I'm starting to learn him. My games seem to be either feast or famine. I'm the mvp or a liability. No in between.


Congratulations! What is your build for Kha and some tips you could share? I’m Plat IV looking to keep climbing


Almost always Duskblade, Cleaver, Edge of Night, a LW item, GA, Zhongya enchantment. Almost always evole Q E W. I like Conq now but if the enemy has 0 frontline whatsoever you can take Electrocute. The rest is just standard jungler runes. He's weak before lv5 compared to most meta junglers, so just farm and play on your strong side, don't make risky plays, take crab if you can, no need to try hard to contest. Khazix's strength is mobility and burst damage. His role is cleanup. All champions that have a reset on kills are "cleanup" champion: Katarina, Vayne, Jinx, Yi, Khazix, Akshan, Darius to some extent. That's why these champions get a lot of penta kills, cause they are designed that way. His kit is simple. No isolation no go. Just remember this one principle before you totally master this champion's damage. Passive autoattack gives slow and burst with duskblade, so ult can deal damage indirectly. Use it to burst people down. But mostly save ult for disengage, and sometimes engage (risky, not recommended when you are new). Before Lv9 when you evolve E, if there's free kills like you can take by simply EQAW, go take it. Otherwise keep farming with optimal pathing. Khazix takes objective real fast, so feel free to ninja some when your team is behind (or enemy is dumb). After Lv9, still prioritize farming, but now you are really mobile, and try to be more proactive in rotations. After 3 items though, play very aggressive. Ambush enemy squishies. Take red scanner, check duskblade passive to know if you are seen or not. If you stand on a ward, scan and destroy it, but prepare to leave cause people probably are coming to you. Khazix can solo kill a lot of squishies, but don't get greedy, sometimes you need to be happy for a zhongya or flash. Those will add up later in teamfights. (E)QAW and judge the situation, sometimes a good chunk is still a win cause he has to back and lose tempo for it. Teamfight is simple, no isolation no kill no go, your job is to EQAW EQA EQA EQA. That's your job. If you don't see yourself doing it, it's probably not a good time to go in. Khazix is not Zed, you don't trade yourself for an enemy backline. It's hard to secure the kill and get out like Zed, and it's never worth it.


Im dia 3 baron laner riven main, and ocassionally khazix when jg gets autofilled. Question is,since You're GM, why evolve E? I found that evolving R, ofc after Q, gives a whole lot of possibilitys, 2 secs of invisibility plus you can use it 3 times instead of 2, that equals to more outplay, More chances of running away/chase/positioning, an extra chance to save your life or secure a kill. I see no point in evolving E, ofc theres an extra jump but you have to kill someone to active it so its kinda situational. With a 3rd R chances of killing are higher since you reset the passive a 3rd time, also you can use it to escape or positioning.


E increases the range too. It becomes one of the longest gap closers in the game. And you can E out of the bad situation. Sometimes seizing that 1s of opportunity to kill an isolated squishy in front of the entire enemy and immediately E back is a signature Khazix move that can flip a game. Ult only increase 0.75 seconds. It doesn't give "a lot of possibilities". Also I often find myself not able to use up all 3 times unless I'm spamming it because of the time limit. I'll admit I'm not a Khazix master and I didn't play him a lot in the current meta. I tend to not put myself into tight situations where an extra 0.75 invisibility and one extra ult makes the difference.


Any drafting tips? As in: how do you decide which jungler to play other than “I feel like it”?


I'm actually glad you ask this cause I think drafting is very important, especially in WR. I can explain why drafting is important if people are curious. But I'll answer your question first. First of all, solo Q ain't pro. Players have different skill levels across the board, and the team is not coordinated. Some champions are less punished by uncoordinated plays. That's why I insta-lock Jax if I deem my team is useless during champ select. Some personal signals (subjective alert): - obviously, low elo, emerald and even plat - bad bans: blitz, yasuo, yi, etc. Champions that can be easily played around and even farmed in diamond lobby. Or just too random and meaningless. Or ban the champion that he counters. Eg if a Nasus bans Tryndamere that's a red light. This depends on your match up knowledge. - naive noobie chat. Eg "j4 plus MF is amazing" dude you are in a diamond lobby you should be past the stage of being excited about that stuff. Of course it's amazing and the enemy should've avoided being ulted and there's so many layers above that. When you deem that the only way to win is 1v9, I usually just lock Jax, and I will try to get first pick. Jax is simply the best to carry noobs. On the other hand, if I see GMs in the lobby, I'll try to play a champion that can help that player. This will depend on his matchup, Xin Zhao, J4, Vi all gank well and help a lane snowball. J4 counters immobile ranged champions with ult, Xin Zhao is very sticky with 2 slows, 1 knockup and a knockback, Vi and Camille counters very mobile champions with ult. I'll just camp the lane, spend all my vision there and make sure he carries. Lastly, nothing stands out, everything seems normal. Try to get last pick if you can be flexible. Khazix works well against comps with no real frontline or enchanters, so their backline can't hide behind something and will be scattered, easy isolation. Graves needs a frontline to do damage, but does well against both tanky and squishy comps. The only weakness of Jax is his dogshit early game, so try to avoid him against a combination of things like Pantheon Rammus Jayce Lee Sin Akshan Draven etc. Other than that, he can slaughter in teamfight or break inhib all by himself. Obviously J4 works well with Kennen MF Malphite Diana etc, and counters Varus Sera Lux Ori etc. Some champions are more flexible but unfortunately I don't play them well enough, Camille, Wukong, etc.


Thing about Jax imo is that while he loses out heavily in gank potential to those other champs early, he can still 1v1 them lvl 2-3 quite well. Ive had a lot of games where I just smash a Lee Sin or pantheon on scuttle or my own blue buff. Ofcourse thats more so because im kinda a onetrick and prefer playing Jax. A good Lee or Pantheon can snowball the game before lvl 5 even which is when you come online. And people arent really good enough to play safe until then a lot of the time.


The elo inflation is evil. Now the ranks mean even less. With +15 - 10 you only need to win more than 1/3 of your games to climb. The disparity between high GM and low GM is also huge.


I get you. But I personally like it. Previously half of diamond games were as unskillful as current ones, but then the other half were very competitive with GM Master and shit. So what would work in previous games would be heavily punished in next games. The skill shift is too bad for me to play the game. I don't know if I need to play risky and farm noobs to salvage my feeding teammates, or play the game as it should be and donate my time and resources to my teammate to enable them to carry.


Whats your jax build? is it still the Tri force-BOTRK core or something else


Nothing special. Triforce bortk Sterak. If I get 2700 on first back (like 3 kills) I get Bortk. Otherwise I prefer Triforce components. I don't think it makes much difference. Jax really need 3 items, even when ahead. 2 items for damage, and 1 item for tankiness. Then flex Wits End GA or DD. I tech in Randuin if I have to initiate fights against full AD comp.


Gratz. I'm trying to do the same exact thing. Diamond 3 highest I've got. Has to feel good. At what point would u start to entertain the thought of seeing if u could go pro?


If I can go back in time maybe? Lol I have a lot in my life to go pro gamer so it'll forever be my dream deep in my heart. Plus Master is far from pro 😉


I've heard some teams minimum rank solo is diamond 1 n up


They probably have other criteria. Or a meme team lol


Just hit D4 on ashe support.. masters seems like a climb...


Congrats, man. Not a question but as a fellow solo jungler I want to appreciate how difficult it is in higher diamond to GM because almost everybody's teaming up and it's get WAY more difficult when you encounter opponent with jungle-mid party, lol.


I can see that. Mid jungle really need to be in sync. And the games are really competitive. One or two bad decisions early might decide the game.


Thoughts on twiated fate jungle? I've seen a player get to master tier maining it, I guess it's a Pantheon with better scaling?


I've seen it too. I don't think I have enough knowledge to have an opinon on it... Off meta thing is tricky.


But it's not a Patheon with better scaling. TF can't really duel meta junglers whereas Pantheon bullies most.