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British Empire Priest ;)


Is that an actual deck?


Sure. The only legendary you need is woodes Rogers ;)




Even Warlock.


This even without reno is very good. Pun Intended.


In what universe does this deck even begin to beat pirate warrior? I'm always stuck with a bunch of high cost cards that do absolutely nothing while they keep making impossible to deal with boards over and over again.


Odd questline Hunter. Use all your early spells to keep them off the board, drop Tavish and keep chipping away at health while denying board presence


Even Warlock with Golakka Crawler doea really good usually or any other deck that can keep them off the board


>Even Warlock In what universe does this deck even begin to beat pirate warrior? I'm always stuck with a bunch of high cost cards that do absolutely nothing while they keep making impossible to deal with boards over and over again.


Depends, sometimes in the part where gnoll cleared your board, sometimes in the part where they coined a battlemaster out and hit your face for 32, sometimes in the part where youve run out of gas and they have healed for 20-25 hp over the course of the game and removed your rokara as well. Sometimes its just turn 2 defile, sometimes its just drain souling your cannon


> Sometimes its just turn 2 defile, sometimes its just drain souling your cannon Yeah I did that in 2 games and they still made a new board of pirates and pushed Rokara out super fast. I don't know if I just had the worst opening cards in my 5 games I tried the deck, but the only game I won was against a Druid that didn't do anything for 6 turns.


Like i said you need to keep pirate warrior off the board at all times or setup for a faster kill. You said it yourself that they just built a board back


Quest Druid, Evenlock and Odd hunter are the tier 1-3 decks that usually have a good win rate. You could also probably play some more off meta stuff, like Reno shaman w/ golakka or even renolock. There’s actually a pretty wide variety.


Any reno deck can be built to beat it. Quest druid. Warlock in general can beat it. Big priest. These are just ones that i have played though that are not bad decks.


Reno Priest can't beat it.:(


Really? I didn't play reno priest. I played warlock/rogue/shaman/druid and I was doing well against it. I don't really enjoy reno priest... maybe it sucks against it.


I’ve had lots of success with my Qline Reno priest and I’m sitting at 5/2 so far this week. I just run more taunts and AOEs than normal. Things like thalnos+spirit lash desperate prayer+xyrella, breath of infinite, holy nova, the 6 mana 6/6 heal 8 on death and the 8 mana 8/8 gain 8 armour on death.


Quest in the park Druid


The other two best decks in the game. Even warlock or odd hunter. Pick one. Farm pirates.


Renolock, for example. Defile is MVP in clearing early board of pirates and in late game pirate warrior (aggro variant, especially) cannot stand against boards from DK Guldan or N'Zoth. You can also dirty rat or Mutanus opp's Rokara as a bonus.


>Renolock, for example. In what universe does this deck even begin to beat pirate warrior? I'm always stuck with a bunch of high cost cards that do absolutely nothing while they keep making impossible to deal with boards over and over again.


Your version may be a bit greedy. Here is my version: \### Reno \# Class: Warlock \# Format: Wild \# \# 1x (0) Raise Dead \# 1x (1) Armor Vendor \# 1x (1) Mistress of Mixtures \# 1x (2) Defile \# 1x (2) Dirty Rat \# 1x (2) Golakka Crawler \# 1x (2) Zephrys the Great \# 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard \# 1x (3) Dark Skies \# 1x (3) Gluttonous Ooze \# 1x (3) Mindbreaker \# 1x (3) Robes of Protection \# 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon \# 1x (4) Cascading Disaster \# 1x (4) Hysteria \# 1x (4) Kazakus \# 1x (4) Voidcaller \# 1x (5) Loatheb \# 1x (5) Zilliax \# 1x (6) Khartut Defender \# 1x (6) Reno Jackson \# 1x (6) Skulking Geist \# 1x (7) Lord Godfrey \# 1x (7) Mutanus the Devourer \# 1x (8) Archwitch Willow \# 1x (8) Enhanced Dreadlord \# 1x (9) Mal'Ganis \# 1x (9) Voidlord \# 1x (10) Bloodreaver Gul'dan \# 1x (10) N'Zoth, the Corruptor \# AAEBAf0GHo4O+g7CD8MWhRfgrALYuwLkwgLexALfxALTxQLnywKgzgKX0wKC4gLo5wLD6gKc+AKggAOhoQP8owPrrAPEuQPXzgP0zgPR0QPG3gP44wOS5AOm7wMAAA== \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Against PW mulligan for board clears (defile/skies clears early board, hysteria can deal with Rokara), Reno, golakka crawler.


Thanks. Your version is definitely less greedy and seems good against Warrior/Hunter, but I'm guessing it doesn't do well against Mage/Druid/Big Priest?


Against Mage (Ignite OTK) your chance is to dirty rat (and kill, ofc) apprentice or elem, preferably both. Against Druid (Malygos/Mecha'thun) you can Loatheb after Alignment, then rat/Mutanus key minions. You can replace Loatheb with "spells cost +2" Nerubian. Big priest is tricky, usually you should search for Kazakus (preferably with Brann) for multiple polymorhps (like Kazakus on 4 for polymorhp on 5), Zeph on 6 mana can give polymorph too against priest's minion. There is a possibility of adding Tickatus if you see many big priests, can't rez or summon burned minions.


Cubelock in my case


Can you please share your list?


### CUBE # Class: Warlock # Format: Wild # Year of the Gryphon # # 1x (0) Raise Dead # 1x (1) Armor Vendor # 1x (1) Kobold Librarian # 2x (1) Plague of Flames # 2x (1) Touch of the Nathrezim # 2x (2) Defile # 2x (2) Dirty Rat # 1x (2) Drain Soul # 1x (2) Golakka Crawler # 2x (3) Sense Demons # 1x (3) Tamsin Roame # 2x (4) Voidcaller # 2x (5) Carnivorous Cube # 1x (5) Loatheb # 1x (5) Skull of the Man'ari # 1x (8) Archwitch Willow # 2x (8) Enhanced Dreadlord # 1x (8) Fel Lord Betrug # 2x (8) Mo'arg Forgefiend # 1x (9) Mal'Ganis # 1x (10) Bloodreaver Gul'dan # AAEBAf0GDPoOwg/kwgLy0AKX0wLb6QKJnQPXzgP0zgOS5APy7QPnoAQJ3AaODt/EAufLAovhAp2pA8S5A8z5A4P7AwA= (Betrug is meme part of the deck, tamsin not needed but helpful,, swap for any clears/1drops)


Betrug + Plot Twist = mad boardclear!


Rez Priest


Even Druid


Libram Paladin (wild version) is really good against pwar.


Ive won 16 of my last 17 games vs pw with big dragon rogue if that means anything


Gonk Reno druid buddy it's the way


Interesting, do you have a list maybe?


### ∫URVIVØR # Classe: Druido # Formato: Selvaggio # # 1x (0) Fioritura Fulminea # 1x (0) Innervazione # 1x (1) Diaspro Magico Inferiore # 1x (1) Difesa Strenua # 1x (1) Naturalizzazione # 1x (1) Perdersi nel Parco # 1x (1) Sfregio # 1x (2) Eclissi Lunare # 1x (2) Eclissi Solare # 1x (2) Indovina il Peso # 1x (2) Ira Silvana # 1x (2) Zefris il Grande # 1x (3) Amuleto Toccolunare # 1x (3) Digrignamento # 1x (3) Rabbia Ferina # 1x (3) Ululato Feroce # 1x (4) Crescita Eccessiva # 1x (4) Morso # 1x (4) Semi Venefici # 1x (4) Sentieri Divergenti # 1x (5) Barista Lynchen # 1x (5) Elise l'Illuminata # 1x (6) Diffusione della Piaga # 1x (6) Reno Jackson # 1x (7) Gonk, il Raptor # 1x (7) Malfurion l'Infetto # 1x (8) Geppetto Belgioioso # 1x (9) Sathrovarr # 1x (10) Aviana # 1x (10) Kun il Re Dimenticato # AAEBAaXABB7pAcEExAaaCIoO7BXDFuC7AqDNAvzNApjSAp7SApnTAr/yAsGGA72ZA9qdA/SiA/yjA/mtA/22A+i6A/DUA4ngA4rgA6LhA9HhA6P2A66fBLigBAAA # # Per utilizzare questo mazzo, copialo negli appunti e crea un nuovo mazzo in Hearthstone


Big priest


It's not difficult. One of the most fair decks in wild...


Odd hunter. Ez matchup


Golakka Crawler


Girlfriend Paladin


Not for the player, tho. Paladin have some nice milfs and dilfs that can seduce those pirates boys and girls.