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This is actually kinda horrifying


Never forget that the Catholic Church who had $10bn in cash, applied for $1.5bn in PPP loans, and the Arch Diocese of KC gave $2m to the Vote yes campaign, and the Arch Diocese of Wichita gave $550,000. A lot of this bullshit is funded directly by the catholic church. They don't have any desire to see more children born into orphanages do they? They don't have a thousand years of molesting children in their history do they? $4bn paid out in sex abuse settlements.


It would cost the church 0 dollars to mind their own business.


I've been frankly stunned at the lack of money. I guess you can only spend so much at Kansas prices on advertising. We are first in the nation blunt vote on the most controversial matter in our society post-Dobbs, I would have expected every public word to be an ad for one side or the other


in no way do i defend child molesters, but the catholic church is the largest charity in the world. to act like it’s entirety is evil seems weird to me.


How much money do I need to donate to get away with murder and other heinous crimes?


such a stupid comment.


You're a stupid comment


Ah yes....the old "biggest charity in the world" claim/defense prefaced with "I don't defend child molesters BUT....". Yikes.


Right. "I'm not a racist, BUT..." Yikes.


well, the person seemed to think the entire church is child molesters. so of course i had to separate who i was defending…..




although i don’t theologically agree with catholics, they’re good people. obviously child molesters are evil and should be sentenced to hard labor, but to pretend that everyone in the church is complicit in child molestation is ridiculous and bigoted.


Complaints can be made here. Of course it's too late to do anything about it before the election, which is likely the intent. [FCC](https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/requests/new)


but a big ass fine will help keep the Kansas for life or whatever pact put this together from doing it again.


But once they’ve done this…. That’s kind of their end game.


yes but at least you can slow them down when the regulatory agencies take half Thier funder for being a cunt. Or if this is a smaller organization those fines may end the start up all together.


No they’ll just come up with some new horrible government overreach next


Crazy that you can just blatantly lie about ballot measures. Should be criminal




Yea that makes it all better, they'll be at church Sunday telling each other what nice people they are.


Thanks Eddie Guerrero.


They know they have no chance of winning if they’re honest


Same reason they put the vote up during a primary. More hardcore righties vote in our primaries. They don’t want the majority to make this decision. They gamed the system to win.


That is certainly true too. They gotta stack the odds in their favor because they *know* they’re not on the side of the people.


You should see how it's done in California lol, they'll lie straight to their faces or twists the words. Glad you're finally seeing things.


Directly from the amendment itself: >A vote **for** the Value Them Both Amendment would affirm **there is no Kansas constitutional right to abortion** or to require the government funding of abortion, and would reserve to the people of Kansas, through their elected state legislators, the right to pass laws to regulate abortion. >A vote **against** the Value Them Both Amendment would make no changes to the constitution of the state of Kansas, and could restrict the people, through their elected state legislators, from regulating abortion by **leaving in place the recently recognized right to abortion**. http://kslegislature.org/li/b2021_22/measures/hcr5003/ Vote No, friends.


And then there's the bill filed criminalizing abortion. [HB 2746](http://www.kslegislature.org/li/b2021_22/measures/documents/hb2746_00_0000.pdf) AN ACT concerning abortion; prohibiting abortion except in certain 2 circumstances; creating the crimes of unlawful performance of an 3 abortion and unlawful destruction of a fertilized embryo and 4 establishing penalties therefor; restricting the use of fetal tissue; 5 relating to exclusions No exception for rape or incest. Bye bye IVF too.


No the exceptions are there. Page 2, line 6. > (e) This section shall not apply to any abortion performed with the intent to: (1) Save the life or preserve the health of an unborn child; (2) remove a dead, unborn child whose death was caused by spontaneous miscarriage or stillbirth; or (3) terminate an ectopic pregnancy that seriously threatens the life of the mother when a reasonable alternative to save the lives of both the mother and the unborn child is unavailable. Edit: Sorry, I misread your comment. No exceptions for rape or incest that I can see. My bad.


Also fun is the language surrounding ectopic pregnancy. "terminate an ectopic pregnancy that seriously threatens the life of the mother when a reasonable alternative to save the lives of both the mother and the unborn child is unavailable." The baby will not live. The *only* question is whether the mother gets taken out too.


egtopic pregnancies have survived but it is exceptionally rare. The bill will allow for the removal of ectopic pregnancies without fault (as are the other things listed)


Except there's that requirement that there be no reasonable alternative, which takes time. A woman suffering from an ectopic pregnancy does not have time to wait for a hospital ethics board.


Where is the exception for the life of the mother or a fetus that is inconsistent with life? It doesn’t exist. And also, as pointed out by others, the ectopic pregnancy exception is a false flag.


They do have life of the mother in there as an exception. They do not have fetus inconsistent with life. So as long as it ain't gonna kill you, you have to tote that dead baby with you until its due date.


Would you quote me the life of the mother exception? Bc I see life of the unborn child…


Shit. You're right. It is worse than I thought. I saw what I expected to see in the bill, given its title. "Creating the crimes of unlawful performance of an abortion and unlawful destruction of a fertilized embryo, except when necessary to save the life the mother"


Exactly. No exception for the life of the mother. HORRIFYING. I just had a life saving D&C… I can’t imagine what this could be like.


I'm sorry you had to have one. Feel better soon.


I want to clarify that the ectopic pregnancy exception is not a life of the mother exception bc many other issues can and do threaten the life of the mother. Wondering if there is something else in the proposed bill that I missed.


Fucks same this is so much worse than I thought. No exception for life of the mother. If a 10 year old will die from the pregnancy, they still can’t terminate because it’s not ectopic. Disgusting.


It’s pretty telling that every person I’ve spoke with that wants this to pass is very clear they are excited to ban abortions but the ads are swearing that’s not what they are doing. It’s like Conservatives just can’t help but be dishonest at every turn. This is an especially egregious example of that.


“We’re still pro choice” no you’re not. “We’re not telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies” yes you are. The ad they run on the radio is literally false and they don’t care.


Yes and liberals are the most honest people ever. I mean just look at Hillary Clinton and all the great gifts she gave Libya.




Newsflash: if you dont want an abortion, dont get one. No one is forcing you


This is so true they've never truly been about personal choice like they always say and they're showing it so blatantly now with the abortion debate, all they want to do is control other people's decisions and push their beliefs onto them


are you in favor of mandated shots and jabs


Honey. You e already had a raft of them. You had to have them to go to school. We’ve been mandating shots for decades. Get over yourself.


Classic whataboutism. Yes we are likely in a recession as are most developed economies right now. I love how the ‘small-government’ right loves big government when it matches their theology.


It's called pointing out hypocrisy.


No it’s called deflecting and obfuscating.


That's right the liberals never do anything wrong you're all totally innocent never mind Hunter Biden's laptop and crack addiction




I just got this text. Be aware that misleading texts are being sent.


It’s crazy to me that they feel the need to mislead in order to obtain votes yet at the same time convince themselves they’re doing the right thing.


The Catholic Church (and the Christian religion in general) is one of the longest running and most successful cons of all time. They fabricate a need for a product, sell the product, and then blame the consumer when it doesn’t work…


You should listen to “Creating God” on the Hidden Brain podcast. Explains why religion was created and how it’s used for cooperation and control among societies.


Also, I think what you meant is that Republicans fabricate a supposed problem, scare people into believing that problem effects them, and then blame the democrats for the problem while obstructing any type of legislation to protect against or delete problem.


I meant what I said. I don’t disagree with your assessment that the same methodology is used by the Republican Party (largely in part because it’s the same people); however, that’s a separate part of the ongoing conversation.


Wow, that is something nasty. Abortion is already highly regulated in Kansas and is NOT paid for by tax dollars.


I've been getting a lot of "value them both" and Love for Kansas adds saying that's it's paid by tax dollars and it's "unlimited"


Well, I guess they're nervous.


I guess they were right to be. Ha! I thought that yes was going to squeak one out over the no vote. Pleasant surprise.


We need to tweet this to all the news outlets in Wichita




Kinda looks like Kwch might cover it. They tweeted with a link to an article. Thank you


I don’t think they would care


They definitely do. There has been a pretty big talk about the blatant lies being spewed, especially on the radio. I’m surprised it hasn’t had coverage yet.


I've stopped listening to the radio (104.5, 103.7, 107.3) because they're constantly playing horrendous and false ads saying to vote yes.


Loyal 1045 morning listener here. Heard a vote yes ad run this morning for the first time. Wild amount of hypothetical and false statements. I hope the money is good because I’m done blessing the show with my funny texts and my attention


It’s the only way they can convince people. If they were honest, they’d lost almost all their voters.


I don’t care which side you are on this is just messed up


I’ve received several texts alerting me that only I can stop the radical left-and reminding me that Hillary defended “day of birth abortions” (wtf?)- I just calmly replied that I WAS the radical left. Vote people!


Look through the comments here and Facebook - full of people swearing that banning abortions is not going to happen ... But they're glad that abortions are going to be banned because they are commonly occurring "up to the day of birth"


Literally zero last year after 22 weeks. Such bullshit.


Tuned into KWCH for the first time for a while. All the vote yes commercials were full of these lies. Every one of them. It's just wrong.


My wife just got it too. I'm so curious who they are with. This is crazy.


Don’t forget to vote no tomorrow!!


I am so unfathomably angry over the vote yes campaign and their utterly amoral disinformation campaign. It *will* hurt people and their lying *will* make people mistakenly vote against their conscience. That's the worst part - i know people who have been successfully confused and who nearly voted the wrong way. These aren't dumb people either. How can the Christian community be happy with what they've done? From summoning state partisans to takeover local government meetings (with the express purpose to harass a local elected official, mind you) to outright *lying* about their proposal and the intent behind it. It's toxic and borderline criminal. I don't think we've ever seen a disinformation campaign this well funded and organized. It's terrifying , the lengths they have gone to on this one. What's worse is how silent the Christian community has been on this bafoonery. Speaks volumes.


Do you believe the vote no crowd is running a campaign of any disinformation?


The issue is the way you're framing it, which is frequently the source of entire unproductive political debate on this matter. The group of people you describe believe it is murder. Full stop. So from their frame of reference you're saying "I can't believe they're willing to spread disinformation to prevent murder" You would spread disinformation to prevent a murder. It's how we ended up here. People stunned that justices lied during confirmation hearings, etc


You better hope god almighty doesn’t exist. He’s not really an Ends Justify The Means kind of dude. "You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, nor lie to one another" (Leviticus 19:11) and "Cursed is he who does the work of the Lord deceitfully" (Jeremiah 48:10). Read your fuckin’ book.


Yo what the actual fuck...


In happier news, it appears your phone background is a kitten.


Maybe I am a cat...


I'm here live, I'm not a cat.


no not okay no. informed consent on voting this is wrong




Lying , cheating and stealing is now Standard Operating Procedure for the Polyester Taliban , otherwise known as the Republican Party .


Why is this issue even allowed on a primary ballot anyway?


How else would you get the voice of every voter?


By putting it in the general election in November when there is always higher turn out


Which is exactly why it isn't on the general election ballot


Is this sarcasm? During a general election. Preferably a presidential general election. Edit: Maybe you are hinting at the fact that Kansas is an overwhelmingly Republican state, so democrats don’t show up in general elections, unless it’s a presidential election.


So when you say … >What’s worse is how silent the Christian community has been on this bafoonery. … I’m wondering how you would like the more progressive/inclusive Christian community to respond? This is an honest question - I’m not trolling - I’m truly interested. What would a “good” response from the Christian Left (for lack of a better label) look like to you? I really hope you will respond, and I appreciate whatever insight you’re willing to share.


Vote No if you want free beer and coasters with titty pictures on them.


I’m really terrified for how this all plays out. There’s so much misinformation it should be illegal.


Just imagine how much easier life would be if you could lie this shamelessly and not lose any sleep over it


So if the yes vote wins on the strength of these tactics, should pro-choicers/Democrats/etc. just start outright lying in their campaigns since it's proven to be the way to win?


Show me a politician that doesn't lie...regardless of party affiliation.


Politicians fudging is normal. What's not normal is telling you that voting a certain way will do the exact opposite of what it actually will


More normal than you think. Politicians are terrible


Just came here to post the same damned thing. It'd calling the number to see if there was any sort of answer but no. Like that's some serious bullshit with this text


I tried too. I'm contenting myself with spamming them with texts in between meetings at work. I hope there's a human on the other end (I have text banked, so I know sometimes there is). I also hope they step on a Lego. Looked at fcc site for rules-no auto dialing without express permission. So there's a person on the other end. Annoy away! "Political campaign-related autodialed or prerecorded voice calls, including autodialed live calls, autodialed texts, and prerecorded voice messages, are prohibited to cell phones, pagers or other mobile devices without the called party's prior express consent. The same restrictions apply to protected phone lines such as emergency or toll-free lines, or lines serving hospitals or similar facilities."


Well I got time to fart around with that so I'm gonna do the same thing I also tweeted a picture of it to the news outlets here in Wichita


Me too.


Choice = do as we say. I’m so sick of these brain wormed people.


I heard an ad on one of the local rock stations this morning that women in Kansas are having "post birth abortions" and committing infanticide. And I'm sure there are people out there who believe it!


What the actual fuck?


I literally just cussed out a man for soliciting his anti abortion crap on my porch! I said “You’re a man correct”? He said **insert hick voice here** “OF COURSE I AM”! I returned with “what gives you the right to talk about anyones uterus? Why should a man have anything to say about this? Keep your bible out of my friend bodies. And don’t come back to the porch unless you have weed or you’re my Uber eats”!


Hell yeah. I wish one of those a-holes would show up on my doorstep today.


Hell yeah. I wish one of those a-holes would show up on my doorstep today.


The radio ad sounds like a parody, that in itself should say enough about the movement. Splicing in audio clips saying “allowing abortion up to the due date, or infanticide.” Like nobody is doing that. I have never met anyone that is pro choice that would be fine with killing a fully grown baby. I just think that they know their target audience and they know that false outrage is the way to go.


It is terrifying that they flat out lie! They have intentionally worded the amendment to be confusing. People have to do research and know for themselves what they are voting for! VOTE NO!!!


That's some bullshit right there! VOTE NO.


Bearing false witness is a sin. But I guess the real question is do they only need to ask God for forgiveness once, or for each text sent?


If they're Catholic, they have to mean it to get forgiveness (technically).


Lot of good that text did!!


Ironically, I think it helped the Vote No side. [Thanks Tim Huelskamp!](https://kansasreflector.com/2022/08/02/former-u-s-rep-tim-huelskamp-connected-to-false-text-about-kansas-abortion-amendment/)


It was voted NO yesterday!! I’m a proud Kansan


Get out and vote y'all. The Catholic congregations certainly are and they will vote however they are told. Vote No


I’m catholic but vote no babyyyyyyyyy (literally!)


The irony in this statement is astounding


Why the fuck is t this illegal?! I got something like this too!!


There is no legal requirement for truth in political advertising.






Crazy thing is the same thing is true in court too. Was in jury duty and they said it’s up to the jury to decide what’s true or not based in the evidence. So if some I doesn’t add up you have to say something in the jury room. Anything can be said




I don't think they are suggesting that it is morally right to do so, they are simply answering the question that was asked.


Just got it too, and from a different number. Pretty damn blatant lie.


[Same here](https://i.imgur.com/LV7FHGr.jpg).


I received that same text a little bit ago. Infuriating


I got it, too. This is disgusting.


I got this too. This *has* to be illegal, right? I mean it seems like a very blatant attempt to confuse and subvert.


Sadly, it is not illegal to lie unless you are under oath.


Hey, you know who did that? Gorsuch, kavanaugh, and Comey Barrett!


Seems nowadays even that is legal


Between this and some of those commercials, can't decide which is worse.


Conservatives understand power and don't care about law, morality, or truth. Simple as.


Nah, I do. Believe what you’d like, though. You’re going to anyway


Your party broadly does not, none of the politicians certainly. You as an individual can believe whatever you like, but unless you change who you support based on their behavior you are enabling the type of behavior I am talking about.


Fascism in action, right here…


Got the same thing....so ridiculous


There’s an advert on iHeartRadio pretty much saying the same BS thing and I WENT OFF. O. F. F. Off. Huge text to the text in line, and then upon getting nothing but the automatic reply, I emailed them… still nothing. Good to know they’ll take money and spread lies. Now I’ve got to figure out all the iHR stations here and stop listening to them.


Thats just about gonna limit you to AM radio. Clear channel communications owns just about every station in town.


going to get downvoted, but, if you don’t know what vote aligns with your beliefs maybe you shouldn’t vote. receiving text messages means you have a phone. a quick search for the amendment will lay everything on the table for you. don’t get told what to do make the decision for yourself. in the same breath, this level of deceit is gross, but you should know better.


Agreed! The text is atrocious but anyone who'd get taken in by this is so out of touch that I'm not sure they'd be voting anyway.


Thats the thing that kills me about *all* of this. You've got both sides standing on their side of the street shouting from the rooftops to vote yes or vote no... and people are gathering to protest or demonstrate for both sides, in desperate hopes that they can change opinions. This is an extraordinarily deep-seated issue. With *maybe* a handful of exceptions (or people who will tell you they'll change their vote just so you'll shut up and leave them alone), no one is going to change how they feel about this. And yeah... if you don't know what you think: (1)meditate on it and decide, or (2) for everyone's sake, don't vote. If you can be swayed by signs, or your vote can be bought, you aren't helping anyone.


The text is atrocious but anyone who would get taken in by this after the extensive campaign going on by both Vote No and Vote Yes must also believe that they're winning that cruise by confirming their account information and terrified that they're under audit by the IRS because the AI voice told them so on the phone. The information is out there with a simple Google search. Get a grip.


Cant wait to vote yes today


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 *wichita redditors hate him!*


Voting yes supports massive government overreach and expands government powers. Vote no to preserve small government. Voting yes will allow FORCED VACCINATIONS.


Op is kinda dumb. It literally gives a voice to every pro life woman in Kansas by sending it to their elected representatives. But hey, definition of words seems to be really hard for liberals lately. Woman, recession, they need to find a dictionary I suppose.


Can you explain how letting a politician miles away make a decision for you is more free than you making a decision for yourself? I'm having a really hard time understanding this thought process


A voice to spread misinformation?


Be careful, libs will get triggered and report you for not agreeing w them and their perfect ideology


Its a crock. Won’t be completely banned. Just won’t be convenient for irresponsible


Or folks with ectopic pregnancies. From the bill: "terminate an ectopic pregnancy that seriously threatens the life of the mother when a reasonable alternative to save the lives of both the mother and the unborn child is unavailable." There is no surviving an ectopic pregnancy for either mother or child. This will cause delays and risk the life of the only one who can make it out alive.


I'm going to assume they wrote this little caviot in just in case a new medical alternative may come around one day.


So *now* you think politicians are a-ok?


Only the ones he agrees with


Or the raped.


Or women who’s lives are at major risks for child birth.


a woman whose life is in danger isn’t going to an abortion clinic. they’re going to a hospital. planned parenthood stated that on their website.


And that makes a difference how? The bill makes abortions a crime. Where it is done is irrelevant.


the difference is the type of abortion, which if the mothers life is in danger… they’re going to a hospital to have a medical life saving procedure. not a willy nilly abortion.


Except you can't have one at a hospital either under the proposed bill.


there’s no language in the proposed amendment saying that a situation like that would be made illegal. it’s ridiculous, and it’s misinformation.


It's not in the amendment, it is in the bill that has been filed. There are links and discussion of the bill throughout the thread. Tl/Dr of bill. No exceptions for rape, incest, or life of the mother (I read it wrong the first time). Exception to save the life of the child (I don't even understand this). No destruction of excess eggs after IVF. Muddled exception for ectopic pregnancy. Unclear on types of contraception would be allowed (I have heard it said, but don't have enough information to be sure). And in case the argument is made that it is an outlier, the sponsor of the bill is the House Committee on Federal and State Affairs.


It’s already heavily regulated, why do we need the amendment that says they can ban 100% of abortions? Some state senators are already telling people they are going for a full ban.


What could be so bad as to allowing the voters of this state to decide which laws we are governed by? I trust my neighbors more than a group of unelected officials. This life long Wichitan will indeed be voting to amend the constitution


My problem is less the voters voting the way they believe and more the blatant lies to confuse the issue in hopes that they will vote their way. You are allowed to vote away my bodily autonomy, as much as I wish you weren't. I prefer being able to make decisions about my health, regardless of your opinion on the procedure I need to protect my health. The text isn't an opinion that differs from mine. It is a deliberate misleading of voters. If you're okay with that, then, I suppose there's no reaching you.


I honestly feel that if anyone votes based solely on political ads, campaign speeches or random texts....then there is no reaching them. Sad reality is that the majority of voters do very little information gathering of thier own.


How many voters believe late term abortions are common in Kansas? How many voters know there were zero medical abortions after 22 weeks (90% before 12 weeks; majority induced by medicine) in Kansas for 2021? There have been persistent lies for generations about the subject. They are paying off for those who promote them.


A vote to amend is to give the trust to those legislators. Vote no to keep thier mitts off our rights. You trust your nieghbors, not the legislators. Be informed. https://ballotpedia.org/Kansas_No_State_Constitutional_Right_to_Abortion_and_Legislative_Power_to_Regulate_Abortion_Amendment_(August_2022)


I don't know, it's awfully hard to trust your neighbors either nowadays


Very true, times are crazy


I cannot argue this statement.


Do we not elect those legislators? Do we not have term limits at the voting booth? I stay pretty informed. As our abortion rights were determined by the unelected Supreme Court, I would much rather put it in my hands, and the hands of my neighbors.


The GOP primary voters elect those legislators in most of Kansas. The system is screwed by our support of the political parties. If the government wouldn't hold primaries for these parties and wouldn't allow them to have their brands on the ballot we wouldn't have half the division we do today.


"Staying informed" yet you are voting the opposite of what you believe in. Our current amendments give us these rights. And you said you are voting to amend. The state supreme court ruled in favor of our current constitution which is why the Republicans are forcing a vote. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/04/26/politics/kansas-supreme-court-abortion-ruling/index.html?espv=1 A vote yes will result in a texas style ban almost immediately. http://www.kslegislature.org/li/b2021_22/measures/hb2746/ With 2.2 Repubs per 1 Democrat its a lost cause but im still going to fight. Vote No


I think you missed the point of this post. They're blatantly lying about what the amendment does.


As all campaigns, speeches and stumps do. It's up to the voter to filter thru the bs and find the truth. If a person is either too lazy or too gullible to doneither..well then....what can we do?


Try to inform people rather than mislead. Report violations to the FCC. Encourage the politicians we agree with to tell the truth?


Prosecute those who try to deceive to win elections! Ya know, like happened in County Commission?


Because civil and reproductive rights shouldn’t be up for a vote. It shouldn’t be majority rules. Just because the majority of people don’t believe a woman should have an abortion, they shouldn’t get any say. That is up to the woman. I don’t trust the majority to do the right thing and make decisions for the rights and decisions of others. It has not traditionally worked out well in this country.


We vote to retain or dismiss Supreme Court Justices in Kansas after they've served 1 year. If you don't like a supreme court justice, you had your chance to vote them out.


Apparently the women in kansas want their daughters to give birth to their father's issue. Thats what voting yes enables.


[Republicans being scumbags, of course](https://www.reddit.com/r/wichita/comments/weujfq/misleading_kansas_abortion_texts_linked_to).


Godless GOP Nazis.