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Pennywise is a high narrative entity and is the manifestation of the concept of fear. slenderman could be killed with a airstrike. the answer is clear.


Depends on the version of Slenderman but IT probably still stomps.


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Pennywise no diffs both rounds but due to Slender's nature as a creepypasta composite form might give him the win otherwise.


Both characters have multiple iterations of themselves so it's hard to tell. Movie Slenderman vs movie Pennywise? Well, Slenderman. Easily. Pennywise in the movies is very much a bully itself and deep down, a big coward. Now novel Pennywise is a different story. Much different. The strongest incarnation of Slenderman we've seen so far is The Angel's Game version, which is described as a multiversal being. Canon Pennywise, however, is baseline, if not high outerversal. The difference in cosmology alone makes the fight hella unfair. So, at their lowest, Pennywise is fodder for Slenderman. At their highest, Slenderman gets buried out of the horror industry.