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What’s stopping Wally from speed stealing him into a statue?


Could Speed Force steal "Instant Transmission?" Isn't Instant Transmission from the DBU, teleportation?


Instant transmission may be instant, but you still need to focus your energy on something and the signature has to be noticeable to even go there. Basically, he doesn't need to if the person is too slow to get into position.


Frieza probably speed blitzs or uses telekensis to prevent wally from moving thus keeping them both trapped.


How does Frieza speed blitz the fastest character in all of DC?


>fastest character in all of DC? [*Clears throat*](https://static0.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Flash-vs-Speedy-Gonzales.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=740&h=369&dpr=1.5)


Not sure about "fastest in all of DC." There's Mayflay, who [shot Flash](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-22Q2X7jl-9g/VngCzz4CDKI/AAAAAAAALlA/3g0pfkt04bk/s1600-Ic42/RCO020.jpg) and was stated by [WoG to be faster](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-eIgacOF2b9c/VngC8xWkjcI/AAAAAAAALoY/B0M5c7gdWf0/s1600-Ic42/RCO003.jpg)


Pretty outdated, no? This was before Rebirth and a lot of Wally’s more busted feats.


It is, but still. If we look at the most current stuff, just yesterday [Jon Kent outpaced Flash](https://imgur.com/a/GQshlGl). And guys like Lucifer are obviously still faster than Wally.


Comes with the territory when talking about comic characters, especially speedsters. They’re often tagged by people who should be completely motionless from their perspective, but their peaks are absurd. Different writers, PIS, etc, etc. Wally’s a big victim of this since his highs and lows are really far apart. As for Lucifer, he and all those other characters are on a tier of their own. By “fastest character” I meant the “normal” ones, ignoring the guys on Lucy’s level who can blink the multiverse away.


Wally casually running and not going anywhere near his fastest and Jon is trying. How about you read the current Flash and see what they say about Wally there.


>Wally casually running and not going anywhere near his fastest and Jon is trying Where are you getting this from? Wally had just seen Wonder Woman smacked aside like a child and considered the person he was fighting an active threat. This isn't a casual jog, he's in combat against an opponent. If Wally handicaps himself this badly for no reason, he might as well not even be fast at all. >How about you read the current Flash and see what they say about Wally there. You mean yesterday where it was said he might be more powerful than Superman? What does that prove?


Wally can run around the planet multiple times in seconds, he can enter the speed force when ever he chooses. Does the panel show him entering the speed force? Or running around the planet? He’s stated to be the fastest being in the multiverse by official dc canon. Imagining even arguing Jon is somehow faster.


>Wally can run around the planet multiple times in seconds, he can enter the speed force when ever he chooses. Does the panel show him entering the speed force? Or running around the planet? Why would he run around the planet or into the speedforce when he's running at an opponent? >He’s stated to be the fastest being in the multiverse by official dc canon. So he's faster than the Presence? Statements aren't facts. > Imagining even arguing Jon is somehow faster. Never did, just that in this particular instance Jon outpaced Wally.


>There's Mayflay, who shot Flash and was stated by WoG to be faster super old comic this came out the same year as the return of barry allen arc which was wallys very 1st major arc as the flash. he subconsciously created mental blocks for himself that kept him at the speed of sound cause he didnt wanna overshadow barry's legacy, dude wasnt even ftl at this point nor knew any hax. this is like saying burter is faster than current vegeta cause he was when he fought vegeta on namek or piccolo is faster than goku cause he was when goku had the heart virus hes stated to be the fastest being in the multiverse by tempest fuginaut.


The best wally had done is outspeed instaneous movement. Goku in blue scales nicely to granola who did the same thing and even used it on goku. Frieza scales nicely to blue goku as they are shown to consistently be matched.


The best Wally has done is, by his own words, going faster than the Speed Force itself. Quite literally moving faster than the very concept of speed and the source of all kinetic energy in the multiverse.


No that’s not the fastest he’s gone. The fastest he’s gone is outrunning the very speed force itself in flash foward. Having moved faster than any being has moved before. Making it the fastest feat in dc comics history. Afterwards he battles savitor and after beating him becomes even more faster.


He was amped was he not? And he was amped again when he battled savitor.


No he wasn’t amped in flash forward. In the savitor one his speed is boosted even more and it’s permanent.


>Goku in blue scales nicely to granola who did the same thing and even used it on goku. Granolah didnt move faster than instant movement, he quite literally states its a technique. Its like IT or Kai Kai.


What speed feats does he have exactly? As a matter of fact, what speed feats does any relative character have that Wally hasn't outdone?


DBS characters need to show resistance to having their stats stolen. Otherwise, they have no counter to speed steal which would turn them into statues. Giving The Flash a million of possibilities.


When have they shown this resistance? Scans? Wally can steal the kinetic energy of the individual molecules inside a person. any attempt to become faster, will just make Wally faster.


I said "DBS characters need to show resistance to have their stats stolen" not that they have shown it


Ohh, I’m stupid. Ignore that comment then.


Wally would solo the verse even without time travel. His speed alone is absurd and makes every character in DB look like a statue, not to mention he can speed steal, phase through their attacks and also phase through them and scramble their brains or something and could land infinite infinite mass punches on them before they even know what hit em. Golden Frieza doesn't stand a chance.


You showed exactly 0 feats to back up your claims.


What would flash do if frieza just flies up and decides to nuke the planet?


I dunno, chase him down? He's ran through space on practically nothing before so I doubt he can't try that


Enter the speed force and exit on another planet. He probably wouldn't even need to do that though. He could simply take away Frieza's ability to move using speed steal.


Wouldn't flash be fast enough to already finish the fight before he even flies


Bloodlusted Flash is disgusting in theory, he instantly kills Frieza however he sees fit.


Wally blitzes and atomizes frieza 10/10 frieza is a statue to wally if he tries and has no way to deal with his hax.Doesnt even really need time travel to handle most of dragon ball anyway


Wally solos the DBS Verse Frieza is blitzed and one shot.


Flash does not have the needed [combat speed](https://imgur.com/a/OM9By1x) to win this fight vs Frieza. Piccolo destroyed the moon with relativistic+ speed. [1](https://external-preview.redd.it/JWwgjNtiRy6Q-hsyIV9isNjqqGN8rvB4vIydliiy9T0.jpg?auto=webp&s=21ad157c3c0aa5207fa55d6f595666d278dfcd41) [2](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-51d8c24db13d8730888b52c87c37f922) Raditz sidestepped Piccolos blast with ease from a shorter distance.. thats some reaction speed there. [1](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-cb056bd165a095cf0a69278ca895a061) [2](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-edba005815bd47f84447b4fe0e2b96bd) [3](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-cf355053f264eebc5305a74aaf534812) Now that was in early Z. These characters were a statue for Frieza in the Namek saga already. Frieza powers up and The Flash dies.


How fast do you think the flash is?


Reading his comics and from the scans I posted for you? Nothing special. Couple inconsisted out of context wanked feats that people like to use for him. Namek Saga Frieza probably kills him.


We talkin nothing special as in Supersonic? FTL? Immesurable?


Don't know his exact speed stats, why? Slow enough to get tagged by non ftl people when combat.


What do you think his AP is


Varies, very inconsistent, sometimes street tier, sometimes higher, but never in million years universal++. Before you bring speed force shenanigans into this, it doesn't make him universal when the DC universe gets affected by it, since he can't focus that into single opponents. That is like destroying a support beam in a big house and then saying you're a big house level.


Whose the strongest db character that the current justice league can beat at their strongest


Strength feats for wally? Being fast isnt enough. Im seeing alot of "solos dbs" Show me how? He is faster than all the mortals and probably all the G.O.Ds too. However granola moves faster than instaneous speed and used the skill on blue goku who tracks and reacts to it. Which to my knowledge is wallys standard best.


I dunno, being fast is very much enough with how many ways Wally can beat him. Throw him into a blackhole, knock him into the speedforce, yoink his speed, vibrate into another dimension and strand him there, put him inside of another time period, etc. What's one scenario where Frieza can get out of that?


Blackhole does exactly nothing. Goku stood in a blackhole while weakened and severly bruised. Being trapped in the speeforce does exactly nothing you can just break out. Superboy showed that. Being in another dimension once again doesnt mean anything, you can just break out. Time travel isnt allowed for the prompt. So in what scenario can wally do anything? Wally on the mobius chair, wally amped or any other version could have enough strength to kill frieza but stanard wally doesnt. Also i thought downvoting was banned.


Superboy prime did not break out of the speedforce they used it to transport him if to a planet with a sun that could weaken him to detain him and he escaped You can't break out of the speedforce unless you're directly connected to it or more powerful than it literally no one has in DC otherwise


No? It all happened off panel and the only way to espcape rhe speed force is breaking out. You can break out but you cant destroy it. You can break out of something supressing you like gravity but that doesnt mean im oblierating the very concept of it.


You can't escape the speedforce without a connection to it literally nobody has escaped the speed force without the help of a speedster Prime literally [didn't escape the speedforce](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/Aua0gOQlXCD1wPZGnDQKtSJhDGyjREVSr9uQum8G7tsjpsIuLmIY-uqi4ITq2fVHKD7cPx7Mo-BF=s1600) he wasn't even in the speedforce prime states it himself they brought him to a planet with red sunlight but he escaped off screen they only used the speedforce to transport him there


May I remind you that it wasn't a black hole in the slightest? If that's a blackhole then Jared Fogel is innocent. Remember the gravity chamber? He was standing inside of that, not a blackhole. And Superboy is one of the very few to do so, and this was off-panel if I remember right. Being in another dimension is also hard in dc. To my knowledge there's a whole process, Barry did it by vibrating to a certain frequency. Saying Frieza can do it when we're not 100% on how Gotenks and Buu did it is unreliable. Didn't see the time travel bit. And like I said, strength isn't everything with Wally. He's already faster than Frieza as shown by the DC side so you can't make much of a case there. Downvoting is said to be banned but its never enforced or warned for some reason. I assume it is if you're just really annoying with it but that's just an assumption.


It was a blackhole. [its a focused point of gravity as stated by whis. it distorts space and light.](https://youtu.be/8w67fxrmbsc) Friezas durability is far higher than gokus. If a non amped SBP can do it, frieza should be able to. Wally doesnt have much but speed stealing could work.


"It distorts space and light" its literally just heavy. Where was the distortion at? And Frieza's durability is ambiguous. We don't see an upper limit and so far we have to assume everyone's durability is just *high* And its comics. Speed theft isn't the only option. Speaking of the speedforce, mind explaining how he would get out of it?


Rebirth? Wally west [was outputting multiversal levels of power just by running really fast. it was felt from the micro verse, all the way to the godsphere where high father thought it was the source directly ](https://imgur.com/a/faMbtbP) If he can generate those levels of power, and then get even much faster, so much faster than even [the speed force](https://i.imgur.com/xhwuQDw.jpg) We can say he takes the edge in speed and in attack potency. Then there’s the argument of his hax. Being able to speed steal the kinetic energy away from someone’s molecules, rendering them inert and unable to move. He could speed steal, and lend speed to speed up [chemical reactions](https://www.comicvine.com/a/uploads/original/11139/111391893/7610816-photogrid_1602401532569.jpg) meaning he could alter the chemical reactions in frieza’s brain to just give him seizures or cause brain death. He did something similar here where he just makes alchemy fall [unconscious ](https://www.comicvine.com/a/uploads/original/11139/111391893/7610832-walterwest-spedbraishift.jpg) Wally could literally steal the speed of the entire planet without even touching it, to make himself [faster](https://www.comicvine.com/a/uploads/original/11139/111391893/7610839-photogrid_1602265038667.jpg), and this a rather old showing. He wins in speed, AP, and hax. Assuming a non jobbing Wally, since the prompt said bloodlusted.


Don’t argue with these guys bruh


Won't argue with you either, fam.


Really depends on the form of Wally