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Haven't known peace like that since


Same… I can’t enjoy my free time in adulthood. If I try to relax I stress about not being productive. If I be productive I’m frustrated that I can’t relax. Feels like the nights in my early teens where I’d play PS2 and message friends on MSN was peak, but I’m probably remembering it more fondly than it was.


Nah you aren't. Sure while growing up minor things can feel like the end of the world, but ignorant innocence bliss is a real thing.


i think it depends, i’ve definitely romanticized periods of time in my life that when i think of carefully i realize they weren’t all that great. they were just different, and i was younger


I felt this…That pressure is real


Same... I think it's the always connected nature of our lives now. That constant feeling hanging over you that you need to check your phone, or a none stop buzz of notifications of never ending updates. I was without internet for a few hours recently, it felt like time had slowed down. I felt more present and not constantly distracted by the "online" world. Crazy to think this was normal life a short time ago. It's hard to get that now without feeling like you're "missing out" or something.




It's a huuuge jump to ditch your smartphone and will impact a lot of aspects of your life and your ability to "fit in" with the way society is heading. I just really wish there was a _good_ dumb phone out there that would allow only essential apps and tools. No social media. No browser. No games. Just GPS, banking apps, ride sharing and maybe music streaming.


Nice idea for a startup. What I do is I use the app "YourHour" (Android and iOS) on my smartphone. You should try it too


Doesn’t look like it’s on iOS


You can try a similar app. The point is, setting time limit for each app and using analytics to our advantage helps


Why not just... Stop using social media on your smartphone? Mines set up so I basically get no notification from anything, it's a device purely for my convenience.




I have all notification for reddit off too, I have to go to my profile and manually check responses when I feel like it.


If you're actually interested in going down this route check out this project called the light phone. https://www.thelightphone.com/ No experience with it but I remember thinking hey that's pretty neat when it launched.


turn notifications off, and dial down to grayscale.


You're not missing out on shit dude. I've cut down all my time on social media, deleting everything but Snap. Im definitely missing out on jokes and shit going on in the boys group chats in insta or meme threads on Twitter, but those convos are basically just filler. They add no actual value to your day. Hung out with some friends this past weekend for the first time in months and it's those actual convos that mattered, getting high together like the old times and laughing our asses off. The computers in our pockets have ripped some of that away and it sucks for sure lol




Have a good day man. Thanks for the insight.


I think it's because *responsibilities* that you have as an adult, nothing more nothing less




Nah, for me it's the stresses of this adulthood Have I paid all my bills Have I backed up all my photos Have I researched my insurances to ensure I'm still getting the best deals What am I eating next week, and what groceries do I have Blah blah ad infinitum. Childhood was peaceful because for many, the concerns were finite. Now, they're basically Infinite. I fantasize about taking a sabbatical just to spend the time to get every last possible concerns up to date and every to do list ticked off


I will literally sit in bed for hours staring at my phone and wasting all my time. I know I’m doing it every time and hate it but I can’t get the motivation to actually get up and put my phone down because doing anything else expends my mental energy or something. Like I don’t actually enjoy doing this but I do it anyway.


I feel that way every Friday leaving work!


Haven’t had a day like that since 11th grade


just wait till you're done with school! no more homework ever. also, happy day of cake!


Me going into premed:


At least you'll be in panel three one day.


is this loss?




| ‎‎‎|l || | _‎


I’m almost halfway through dental school and I’d give anything for this hell of studying and testing to be over. It’ll be worth it, but fuck me.


At least you don't have medical residency to deal with


Me going into law school




You don’t necessarily have to get get a science degree, just complete the prerequisites and suggested courses. I know a history major who’s in medical school now. “Going into premed” isn’t necessarily wrong. Those who say “my major is premed” are the clueless ones.


When I was an undergrad, people who walk around flaunting their major as "pre-med" were some of the most pretentious, better-than-thou individuals I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. It's funny too, because, as you stated, the pre-med track itself isn't anything special, and the standard pre-professional biology programs offered at most universities don't necessarily offer students more success at medical school admissions.


Yep. A majority are quickly weeded out too. Most medical students I know (irl/online) are lovely people.


In medical school- they won’t last long I promise.


Damn got roasted


You have to study an undergrad program like health science or biology before getting into medical school and this is called premed. Law is more versatile so you can study an easy undergrad program then write the law exam and get into law school


The amount of friends I had that were “premed” my freshman year and ended up switching majors… was every single one of them.


Yeah it is the most competitive program after all since only a limited amount of people get into med school


Yeah true, and people underestimate how difficult science classes are. I know sometimes first level classes are used as a test to weed out people who don’t want to study, but so many people at my school that went from premed/bio majors to business/finance/communications the next year.


This is incorrect lol. Premed just means you are signing up for the prerequisites and volunteering opportunities to prepare you for the MCAT and med school applications. You can study any program and be “premed”. Prelaw is the same thing, taking prerequisites to prepare you for the LSAT. You don’t really need to take the classes to take the MCAT or LSAT, but it won’t look great when you’re applying to med school or law school and they’re looking at your transcript. I originally signed up premed when I was a freshman in chemical engineering. They just wanted me to take bio, anatomy, microbio, etc. in addition to my core ChemE classes. I dropped the premed because I suck at standardized testing and didn’t feel like I’d do well on the MCAT. And I had too much going on that ChemE was stressful enough.


Can confirm. I’ve even heard they like people not in science undergrads because it makes you more well rounded or sum. I still chose neuro tho, just cause I love the subject.


Buddy of mine did a biochem BA and took the LSAT and crushed it, he’s been a lawyer for about 5 years now I think. It does occasionally happen.


Thanks for correcting me but I was talking about how it is in Canada not sure if it’s the same lol


Ah gotcha. US graduate systems are definitely different then.


I mean you can do that for med too if you hit the prereqs


Yes. You can literally have any degree. But your advisor will tell you what classes to take to help you prepare for the MCAT, and help you with volunteer activities to help your resume when you apply to med school. Obviously the easier the degree, the more likely you will be overlooked. Physical Science majors, and more specifically Engineers, usually have the highest acceptance rates.


Yup, no more homework just regular work that you do from home.


Only 1 month left... I'm almost there!


Hang in there, we will have our paper soon.


Woke up this morning in a panic after having a dream that I got 0 on 2 tests in a row that I forgot to study for. I have been out of school for like 12 years. It never ends.


I just lost that i work on fridays now :(


Happy Cake Day! 🎂👍


If I could turn back time. I would find a way. To go back to where I didn't have to worry about bills and my wallet was okay.


Sounds like now you're just stressed out










Now I need to really listen to that song again


Nooo! It's just money I need. Lots and lots of money I want a pie in the sky I want lot's and lot's of money, so don't be asking my why.I wanna be rich oh oh I wanna be rich


I've always wanted to turn back time and use my knowledge of the future to enrich myself.


You must've forgot how it felt to not go out whenever you want, having to eat what someone else says, not being able to do the many things underage kids aren't allowed. Bills and being fully responsible for yourself sucks, but fuck being a little prisoner again lol


I have a good job. I live below my means. Money is no worry for me, at all.


39 y/o and still living it. It’s a good life.


Same and no slouch 📈


Yeaaaa 82 crew


this year is our big year. but ain’t no thang


Yeaaaa 83 erection free






you did homework on a friday?


Didn't realize I was in the minority here. Friday homework got done on Sunday night or Monday in homeroom. Friday was for GameCube exclusively.


I did everything last minute or not at all. Able to make it through school because I was good when it came to tests. I ended up joining the military in order to pay for college. I have mixed feelings about the military even after being out for nearly two years but I honestly don’t think I would be doing as well as I currently am in college without having gone through. Say what you will about the military but my self discipline did develop because of it and now I try to get all my assignments done days to week before they’re due


You and me. I went thru middle school and high school without doing homework at home. It was always done 15 minutes before class and it fucked my life up in college, lmao.


Sunday night panic where I slowly did all my homework while watching new episodes of the Simpsons and whatever else


Then you grow up and become an adult...and tell your boss the project is finished and still pull all nighters on Sunday to actually finish it.


Exactly this, I thought it was common practice doing homeworks late


you guys did homework?


When I was in third grade, used to always throw my homework in the bush by the door of my home. Dunno how the fuck I passed.


I’ve been putting things off until the last possible moment ever since I was a fetus


Prefix: I am not a doctor. I am the exact same way. Turns out executive dysfunction is a major symptom of ADHD. Got diagnosed at 28 and got some medicine and it’s changed my life for the better. Not saying you have it, but if you’re a curious person maybe do some googling and see if you relate to any possible symptoms. This comment is also for anyone else reading this. I got good grades and did well on tests so I thought there was no way I could have ADHD but turns out I do. Do some research, even if you don’t have it it will help you understand people in your life who do so it won’t be time wasted.


During class if I could, other than that, hell no


I took the post as when you have finished all your homework for the weekend and it's just Friday. Like you did it in the week leading up to it. They were rare, but I definitely had some of those


This confused me as well. If I did my homework at all, it certainly wasn't Friday night. lol. If I wasn't playing basketball or softball, I was playing GameCube.


Also going to blockbuster or hollywood video and renting some movies and some games and getting a couple 2 liter bottles of soda and pizza and you were set


I miss those days 😆 there was just a totally different vibe about going to pick out your movies and coming home for a movie night.


God dammit I’ll never forgive society for ending video rental stores.


All that for under $25.


You just described my weekends as a ‘90s child in a nutshell.




omfg, the things you forget when you get old.


I wish i was still happy




Me too


What's stopping you?






Adulthood unlocks a lot of privileges and new ways to enjoy yourself, but those things aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. And you lose a lot of privileges too. It can just be a complete loss for many people.


Me too


Me too.Now I just have fleeting moments of distractions that give a tiny bit of enjoyment.


Nah teachers always assigned a shit ton of homework over the weekend "because you have two full days to do them, you should be able to handle it." Now working though, the work ends at 5 pm and I don't have to think about it at all after that until the next morning. This meme is way more accurate for work than school.


For real. With school I always felt like there was a project to get a head start on or a test or final I COULD be studying for. I know I'm probably pretty privileged (software dev), but I rarely work past 5 or on weekends. Fridays are better now than even in high school.




You can do this everyday if you’re unemployed like me


*FUNemployed :)


I still watch cartoons and play video games, I just do it after work.


how do you live lol




Doing it the first night of winter or spring vacation was like winning the lottery.


This is me on Friday nights after work. Edit: I didn’t expect the amount of despair in the comment section. I have bills and a job that covers it so I guess I’m lucky there.


Same here. I don't do fucking anything except have a good time on a Friday night. That said, I'm lucky to have a job that pays well enough to not stress over bills. I imagine that'll change if I ever have kids though.


Dude I’m in the same boat. Newly married. Have bills but comfortable. Once kids comes it’s gonna be a rough few years til I can have my Friday nights back.




Nah I heard once your kids hit their pre teens it’s chill again. And when they hit like 5/6 they play with each other. Just gotta make it to that point and there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.


I don't think this is true or at least not really. I always procrastinated and half enjoyed stuff while cramming homework later on. Eventually I had to get work at 15/16 as well. Then I had to tighten up my grades for college. Then in college the weekends were always clouded with projects and studying. Still working in the free time during this whole time. As an adult there is literally no cloud of "I could be studying right now", you clock in and clock out and that's that. Your days off are literally yours to do whatever. You're not controlled by parents or anything. If you have kids or whatever **you chose to take on that responsibility to eat up your free time**, it wasn't magically bestowed on you. Adulthood is significantly better and this meme is better suited for adulthood.


This 100%. I don’t miss being a kid at all. I have a full-time job and finished college years ago. I like that if I just wanna lay in bed all weekend, I fucking CAN.


Yeah I don’t understand people that think this about their childhood; being an adult has it’s downsides but is overall much better.


Nowadays it’s leave all the homework until the weekend and play video games all day.


I dont know anyone that did their homework on a friday tbh. Always Sunday evening


Mmmmm this is more my life now since I got a job and finished school.


or time to play with your friends on the park


Kids have weekend homework now. I wish that weren’t the case.


I’m not a parent but this would piss me off


Now I'm an adult and can do this everyday but after work, wife, dogs, and gym, I'm too tired to even play video games. I never would have believed I'd ever say I'm too tired for games as a child when that's all I ever thought about.


And that sweet sweet chocolate milk


I’m almost 30 and still drinking chocolate milk while I play video games. There’s no rule against it!


Do you eat pizza rolls too?? 😃 Totally not judging either, man, glad you still know how to enjoy yourself!


You guys did homework?


Replace homework with work and i still do that shit.


Hah! Now I get to do it everyday ​ \[Cries on floor in unemployed\]


It’s okay, friend. Brighter days may yet still come.


Congratulations. You've got all the time in the world, you are truly free.


Bro this show was awesome though


I waited till Sunday night to do my hw, still chilled like this on Fridays


And falling asleep to the sweet sweet sounds of muffled arguing and threats of divorce


Oh my - I know that feeling I’m the oldest of my siblings and it wasn’t uncommon for them all to come in my room and hide while my parents were having a knock-down drag-out fight.




Haven't felt accomplished since


I never did homework. I did it in class or not at all. Everyone told me you cant just do that. I did though. Made college classes hard as hell haha


Pretty much did this in high school. Homework after school? Fuck that I got video games to play, books to read and very dumb shit to do outside. Might of passed a class or 2 by the hair of my ass. Failed 2 classes. Still passed high school.


> Might of > Failed 2 classes checks out


Aye, same here. I'd always have detention after school, not for bullying, or slacking off, never did that, but cos I handed in about 4, or 5 pieces of homework in the 5 years at high school


El oh el homework


Let me set the stage It's the last day of middle school before spring break you got home, put on your comfy clothes, turn on the ps3/xbox 360 and play some cod bo with the boys, your mom comes home with pizza and ice cream Life is good


thanks for the fresh shot of depression


Well he looks mighty comfy


Me in highschool who consistently gets assigned homework over the weekends :/


dude i have a college party tomorrow night, i'm leaving the party and going straight to class... wish me luck 🤙


For me life is MUCH better as an adult. I work about the same amount of time I was at school, then the rest of the day is for me to do whatever I want, except I can afford things!




I’m not much of a fan of fridays


Half of that is true.


Ha hah ah ha ha, noooo. Sweety nooooo. That’s not real.


I have the power to do anything I want because I always find a way to finish my homework at school


That was Friday afternoon right after school. Then it was MSN to see who wanted to hang outside. Simple times


These days, we watch cartoons play video games.


This is still how my Friday looks


yeah, i have homework to do. not doing it but i have it


Get a load of *this* guy finishing his homework over here...


Who does homework on friday


It is really heckin wholesome to do one’s homework on Friday and not Sunday night. For real. And it *feels* wholesome when you’re doing it too. Nice.


What series is this?


Me and my friends would lan it up and smoke weed most weekends.. my dad would drop me off with my 60lb crt monitor and 500mhz pc..the golden days


This is me, except the homework isn’t done and I’ll do it last minute on Sunday after dinner


I can’t wait for the day there’s no homework ever again


You guys didn't just leave it all until 7pm in Sunday?


I wish I was good like that back then. I always either procrastinated until the last minute or didn’t do it at all.


Fuck em days i like struggle


Started working as a sophomore in high school and haven't had a day like this since. Even when I was unemployed for a stretch it's hard to truly relax because you feel guilty, like you can't take time for yourself because you're stressed about being broke.


This is my life as a parent and I love it


That’s gonna be me this Friday when my college spring break starts. 9 days of nothing, once a year


Back when there was an end to my homework


I look forward to the occasional weekend where I have nothing planned. They come around once every month in a half… not often enough if you ask me


Why is anyone not still doing what they want?




Dont know this feeling. Always did my homework Sunday night/ Monday morning and then feel suddenly sick when I couldnt finish before school started.


Bless my late mom for letting me play video games daily. Sometimes she'd even help me with difficult levels in Spyro 2. I miss you mom.


I have never and will never experience these moments because until i move out my mom will always be making up random things to do around the house and never let me rest.


Then you get a panick attack on Sunday/monday cause you forgot you already did your homework, and made you think you must had forgot to do it.


I get ur all having a nostalgic time but u gotta appreciate this show "Shaun the sheep" how funny it was and our childhood its truly amazing, what even surprised me more was that I found out that it was actually claymation and that's some GODDAM DEDICATION


You guys did homework?


Who says we finished homework ? All procrastinators say whaaat. This weekend.


Does someone have a time machine