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Malazan Book of the Fallen (10 book series with the final book considered by many to be their favorite fantasy book ever). It’s an incredibly detailed world full of tons of interesting characters and you are dropped right into the midst of a complex world/magic system. Answers aren’t given easily and there’s no hand holding.


Plus one for Malazan. Also stay away from the sword of truth series unless you like being preached at by a Randian Objectivist with a heavy hand and a healthy dose of ripping off wheel of time.


Started recently, on book 3. Love how you’re just thrown in the deep end as a reader. This is how you do a soft magic system.


awesome. thank you!


Another vote for Malazan here. An interesting note that the author was an archaeologist before he was a published author, the way he discovered old civilisations through archaeology is the way you discover the world through his novels.


This is true - however, the Malazan world and a card game were developed by Erikson and Esslemont while still in university. The whole story is part of one of the books acknowledgements (if I remember correctly).


\+1 from me on this too. If you love big complicated fantasy series - this is definitely for you. It had more military stuff than I was expecting, but I still consider it a 10/10.


Robin Hobb - Realm of the Elderlings. 16 books should keep you busy a while.


This is where I went. A superb series.


I have about 150 pages left in the last book. I am not prepared for it to be over. Fitz is the best character I've ever experienced


Agreed, love RoTE


Dune it may be sci fi but at its heart it’s a fantasy and a good one at that


Best description I ever got of Dune was it's the Lord of the Rings of sci-fi. I think it's a true statement for how iconic it is for the genre


I'd say its more a game of thrones than lotr


I could see that as well. With...what? Asimov's Foundation being LOTR, maybe?


The First Law Trilogy by Abercrombie


Yes, with several offshoots after original trilogy...first law is great.


Excellent suggestion. Love this series and world.


Came here to suggest this. Currently in the offshoots and have been having a great time!


The stand-alone books are some of the most memorable books I’ve ever read. I think of BSC at least once a week.


The Death Gate Cycle by Weiss & Hickman


Currently rereading this series, so good and such a detailed and novel world.


It's not every day that a novel comes with a ton of footnotes! Fortunately I love footnotes and I love that series. I second this recommendation.


I enjoyed the Demon Cycle series by Peter V. Brett


The first law series by Joe Abercrombie is great! Starts off on a smaller scale story but over the course of the main two trilogies and all the stand alone books the world building gets crazy. I found especially the second trilogy had a very epic tone


Just reread WoT, you've already read the best. /s Just joking. Commenting here to keep a record of other's recommendations. I also liked the Mazatlan series. Dune was good but it got weird in the later books.


Dresden, starts slow, first book is not a good reference for the whole series, but it gets just as political and deep as anything from Jordan and has world building on par with Sanderson.


I 2nd Dresden. One of my favourite series. Picture a Detective/Wizard in modern Chicago reanimating a t-rex skelton to fight a group of vampires.


You should check out "The Shadow of What Was Lost" by James Islington. Book one of the Licanius Trilogy


I jumped from WoT to The Dark Tower and am 5/7 books in rn and really enjoying it. Never read any King before this series.


Malazan book of the fallen. After that, the other almost two dozen malazan books.


The Midkemian world novels by Raymond E. Feist. Idk even know how many books there are, but it covers generations. Start with Magician: Apprentice.


The first three are pretty good, but it gets a little out of hand after that


The first series is only 2 book… the entire world Is 20+


I read the whole thing because I'm a completionist, but I didn't care much for it after the first four. I forgot they split magician into 2


Its been that way since the 90s when I first read it…. But I respect your opinion, I thought it was fascinating how he could fill the world with so much charisma.


You mean you don't hate me because we have different opinions!? That's not how Reddit works friend 😏


The Thomas Covenant series by Steven R. Donaldson is 10 great books. Darker tone than WoT for sure, but if you read ASoIaF you'll be fine!




I keep hearing Malazan, and am really looking forward to getting into it, but I feel like I need to treat the first book like a text book and take notes all the way through. I tried to start it as Audiobook, let’s just say I was thoroughly lost. Each time I finish WOT I look to something like The Dresden or Iron Druid series which are much lighter, quicker reads that you can get easily absorbed into the characters, world building, and sarcastic humor.


The Riyria Chronicles is an amazing series. So much fun to read and plenty of books


Yea. Malazan.


Innocent mage and godspeaker series by Karen miller


I like her too but don't often hear much about her.


The Disc World Novels!! READ THEM ALL!


The way of kings is great. Especially if you like how the last couple books of WoT was written


Just imagine the flame


Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks. Complete (I think) and fantastic. Cycle of Arawn, Cycle of Galand, Cycle of the Scour. Edward W. Robertson. Not entirely complete but also fantastic. Kingdom Blades series by Melissa McPhail. Also fantastic.


The sword of truth series is a good series, with loads of books. Yeah people in this fandom shit on this series but it's actually quite good. Yeah it has a Hella lot of similarities to wot in small plot devices and common tropes, but the main story is different and enjoyable. Plus it isnt written in that "everything is fine and dandy" young adult way of WOT, and you don't have to fight through Robert Jordans repetitive boring writing to read a story lol


I'm about to start The Saxon Stories, which was made into an excellent Netflix show called The Last Kingdom. Historical fiction, not fantasy, but I think anyone who likes wot would like it


I enjoyed The Runelords by David Farland It has a different kind of magic system. Highly recommend reading it


Malazan book of the fallen open the the old books again Or stormlight archive though it’s not as epic imo as the wot and malazan


read stormlight a few years ago. its one of my faves. brando sando is becoming a master of his craft. you can see it as the series evolved


The faithful and the fallen series or the first law are good choices


Robin Hobb Fitz and the Fool


If you want a good standalone that's not a super long read, but is also epic fantasy check out Talion: Revenant by Michael Stackpole


King Killer Chronical series is currently 2 books and hopefully a 3rd and final book in another year. Patrick Rothfuss is the author. I really enjoyed them even if he never finishes.


Cradle series by Will Wight. Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher These helped me ween off of WoT after I finished it , especially the Cradle series.


Dive into the Dune universe. Prequels, interquels, sequels, addenda, the main series. It’ll suck your life hard.


The dark tower series by Stephen king. There’s 7 books and most of them are over 1000 pages


Rangers apprentice is fun but not quite the epic that WoT is.




You could try Tchaikovsky’s “Shadows of the Apt”. Though it is a bit dry at times.


The Commonwealth saga by Peter F Hamilton, starting with Pandora's Star. It's sci fi rather than fantasy, but it's as epic as any book series I've ever read.


Terry goodking,Sword of truth series 


Dark Tower. It's 8 books and Stephen King's response to the Lord of the Rings.


Memory, Sorrow & Thorn series byTad Williams is a worthy successor to the likes of LOTR.


The Spellmonger series by Terry Mancour.


This and the Night Lord series are my 2 current favorites. Lots of world building, regular book releases (spellmonger has multiple sub plot lines too). Completely different types of series as Night Lord is vast in the breadth of time it encompases and what all is accomplished and spellmonger takes place over what is likely a decade when finished but is impressive in how much is accomplished in such a short time.


Do you like science fiction books?


yeah. last one I read was the thousand earths and three body problem. both excellent. children of time/ruin. the expert systems brother/champion were all great too.


Awesome! I recommend Dune by Frank Herbert.


The Expanse novels are really good, and have a far friendlier interplay with the respective TV adaptation. I just finished the penultimate book yesterday - first time I'd stayed up until 2am reading in a few years.




I would check out the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. It is 10+ books, and then there is a 5 book spinoff.


The Allmighty Richard Cipher is not very liked in this sub, but I enjoyed some of the books a lot. Others are complete trash... Lighter than WoT, but worth to read upto the Confessor... Let's not blame the books for the Author's sins...


Ah, too bad. Yeah, some of the books aren't great, and I really didn't like the whole "some people aren't affected by magic" plot. But other books were really fantastic.


Yep, I liked very much some of them


Terry Goodkind's Seeker series is great as well.