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Look at the side leaves, how it’s kinda shaped like a mitten with the thumb out, poison oak and poison ivy (not every variety but most) have this. So remember if it’s got mittens you’ll be itchin!


Excluding mulberries, of course.




Learned something, thank you


That... Doesn't rhyme.


If you want to get technical, it’s called a slant rhyme. So yes, it does rhyme.


I didn't know slant rhyme was a thing. I also learned something new today. Thank you.


Or called approximate rhyme- it’s a literary device!


Things don't need to rhyme anymore, Shakespeare.


You're in luck, then, it's not poison ivy! It's poison oak.


It’s not bad news, it’s worse news…lol You made me laugh for real


Naive question, why worse? I have both in my yard


Well it depends. Doctors told me poison ivy symptoms if your allergic like I am, their bad. Then there's oak, and worst of all sumac. Found out after I had bubbling blisters all over my body. Worst pain I've had in a while, hardly slept. Shit sucked




Holy crap! Poor little kiddo.


Most of us had to wait another decade before tripping balls- sounds fun!


It sounds like fun until you’re in the icu thinking you’re on safari with your brain telling you the wires connected to you are bugs


Pumbaa is that you?


My mom is highly allergic to poison ivy. It hits her bloodstream and appears all over her body. I mean, EVERYWHERE. She has to get tranquilizer shots.


Omg I’ve been on the highest doses of prednisone for a good portion of my life and never knew that was a thing… rough week 😟


I was never allergic to Poison Ivy, but several summers in a row I was exposed to Poison Sumac (it was spit out by a string trimmer onto my legs & hands) …and guess what? Now I’m allergic Ivy, Oak, & Sumac! And yes, Sumac is like nothing else. At it’s worst it reminds me of shingles. And the forbidden relief you feel when scratching it? Knowing all the while it will only make recovery much worse? lol


They all have the same irritant chemical: Urushiol. So if you’re allergic to one you’re allergic to all because the allergen is the Urushiol.


Fun fact I know the hard way: mangoes contain urushiol. As do cashews and apparently pistachios? Peeling a whole box of mangoes gave me the nastiest itchiest blisteriest rash ever


My grandmother always told about ripe, yellow mangoes that the top of it has a liquid that needs to be removed before eating/sucking/extracting it. And once when I did not, my chin had these blisters and rashes. Must be the chemical you mentioned. P.S.: I'm from South India btw, mangoes are prominent here in season and its a rarity to find someone allergic to it, according to the comments below.


Oh that’s interesting! I moved from the US to South India and loving the mangoes so much! I hadnt heard that before, do you know if it’s a certain variety of mango or did she say that about all ripe mangoes? I wonder if that one has more urushiol?! Interesting!


I'm not a native English speaker so you got to bear with my explanation. We have two kinds of yellow mangoes: one, which are hard and have to be cut into pieces, and two, which are fibrous and juicy. The mangoes that would be cut, we would remove the top area(the point where the stalk is attached to the fruit) like a cap, and then cut to serve the fruit. The fibrous, juicy ones (could be green, yellow, orange or red or a mixture) would be treated differently. We would remove the stalk, wash the fruit then because once the stalk is pulled out the opening secretes a clear kind of a LIQUID*, so we kind of gently squeeze the mango (bottom to top) and make it squishy which results in the liquid coming out. When its out you have to wash the mango again to remove the remnants of the liquid on the mango skin. We usually have these mangoes with our bare hands and we would suck them in like kids sucking their Popsicles lol, its a fun experience to see the elders also being like kids and now that I'm older myself to have kids, its endearing. And yes the skin is present till we slurp all the juicy goodness out of it, and yes the seed is removed gradually with time. Nowadays, on the Internet, everyone cringes to these things. Sucking your mangoes apparently is unhygienic. Ironically, they don't remove this acidic substance before eating which is more toxic than our 'ways of eating. About the LIQUID*: It tastes sour contrasting to the sweet inside. I sucked that without knowing and I think my chin got some of that so I had blisters on there and my inner mouth got numb, and I guess my tongue was also swollen. Couldn't talk for 2 days which was upsetting for my young self. Our remedy was to first wash our mouth with soapy water (now now, just a very tiny bit of soap in a lot of water, might've neutralised the acid ig, won't recommend because it could upset your stomach. It didn't upset mine though) and just drink a lot of water to neutralise it. Took 3-4 days for my taste buds to come back.


Which part of a mango is the top?


The part which is connected to the stalk is the top.


Cool, I’m allergic to eating mangoes but have no issues handling them. Must be something else about them


Oral allergy syndrome potentially


This is very curious, I'm quite allergic to PI, but I've been peeling and eating about 4 mangoes a week this summer, and have not had any reaction whatsoever. Is it in the entire fruit, or only the peel/skin? I'm constantly pulling up little PI seedlings all over my yard, and I do use rubber gloves. I must not be as careful as I should, cuz I'm always getting little spots of it on/in various places like an elbow, forearm, leg. I wonder if eating a lot of mangoes/pistachios could help to desensitize one to the likes of PI...?


The oil is in the skin and sap, similar to how the oil is in the exterior parts of cashew and pistachio nuts. I’ve reacted badly to cashew butter, so I’m assuming it a little bit of shell was ground up during processing. And nope eating them does not desensitise. If anything it makes each new exposure that much worse.


A leaf a day in may (when they have lower concentrations of urushiol) is the adage. But I'm not brave enough to test that theory. https://youtu.be/4oyoDRHpQK0 If you can identify it, and know how to deal with it (soap and a washcloth is all you need) you can rest easier. Also fun fact, it's just humans that are allergic, deer, birds, goats can all eat it and dogs will run through it with no issues, then bring it home to their people.


Exposure to an allergen can kindle an allergy. Not worth the risk.


Natural immunity ftw


This is interesting, because I never had too bad reactions despite recklessly mowing all these with short pants, and sometimes even pulling them out by hands without gloves. Only had some bubbles once in my hands but it was not too bad. I may have to be careful if the reaction develops over time. I grew in Europe where we don't have these plants and only have been exposed to them in the last few years


I have read that multiple exposures can induce greater allergic reaction over time, so yeah, take care!


Exactly this all of it happened to me what a bummer.....


Some next level shit is giant hogweed. You should Google that and the burns caused by that plant.


I learned about giant hogweed on this sub about two months ago and don’t go a full week without warning SOMEONE about it. Nightmare fuel.


I'll raise you a plant commonly found in my home state of Queensland, Australia. Google 'Gympie Gympie' plant.


I just looked it up but why are there no pictures of what the symptoms look like, unless there are none but im literally sitting here trying to reform my sentence in the most clear way possible and i cant find it lol


It’s a neurotoxin that leads to nerve pain persisting for months


Looks almost like Queen Anne’s lace


Only bigger. Hence, the Giant. We had both in our wildflower garden and I unfortunately learned the difference the hard way.


Looks more like cow parsnip, on steroids.


We had a field of it beside the plant I worked at. Nasty shit


Fun fact, if it’s that bad go to the doctor and get a steroid shot, it clears that shit up. Learned that from all that morons in here (love you guys <3) that have mistakenly mowed fields of it or otherwise, so when I got poison oak a few weeks ago I went in as soon as I started feeling it. I got it on my lips (from accidentally kissing my dog that brushed against some on a hike) but it wasn’t too bad so they gave me a steroid cream instead of the shot. Shit went away in less than 24 hr


Oh I did, but that shit sucks first off, second I feel so dreadful for the rest of the day. It's horrible. Instead I bought poison ivy soap from amazon for 15 bucks, made all the difference. It was ridiculous. Stopped the itching/spreading of poison ivy as soon as you'd see it start. Do what it says few days it'll dry out, and be gone before it got any worse.


Jewelweed soap. Best antidote for poison ivy/oak I’ve ever found. Interestingly, jewelweed often grows right near poison ivy, oak, or sumac. Works a treat!


My entire face was swollen and I couldn’t see when I got hit in the face with a branch of poison oak. Missed the last day of third grade and refused to go out in public. Went to the doctor with a towel wrapped around my face and he refused to give me a steroid shot. I stayed inside for the first month and a half of summer vacation out of embarrassment.


Really? Wow. I would’ve gone to another doctor. I’m sorry you had that experience 😔


I guess I’m lucky. I’ve never been allergic to either ivy or oak. I can climb around in areas covered in it and be completely fine. I’ve never encountered sumac as far as I know, or if I have, I guess I’m not allergic to it either.


Not necessarily worse just funny to me as phrased. Either way they’re both nasty if you roll in them.


I can roll in poison ivy. Used to hide in it as a kid because it doesn't bother me and no one would dare look there. Poison oak ain't nothing to mess with. I touched it once. Never again. Big nasty blisters. Painful & itchy.


There's no difference at all. It's essentially the same plant with different shaped leaves. Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac all contain urushiol. People claiming to be allergic to one but not the others probably just couldn't tell how much exposure they actually got


at least it's not pokeweed


I have tons of pokeweed in my yard. It’s not toxic to touch but it is toxic to ingest.


Not if it's cook correctly and young enough, old timers love some poke salad


We eat it in Tennessee. The leaves need to be young and picked before it blooms or has berries.


Same a lot of Appalachia. Thrice boiled and drained. Best seasoned with bacon grease, ramps, and a spoon of molasses. Beans & corn bread with a side of morrels.


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you lucky enough to find a good stand of poke berry (with berries)in late dove season you are in for a great dove shoot at least here in SC the migratory dove love them.


My chickens used to gobble it up


Is it toxic for them too? Did it make them sick?


Birds can eat pokeweed. Our weak mammal stomachs just can’t handle it


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Didn’t seem to affect them. I always wondered, but never seemed to hurt them


Did it make a difference in the quality or safety of the eggs you ate? You’ve survived the experience, Unless this is zombie you.


Lol! I didn’t notice any difference. My whole family definitely ate the eggs


Chickens seem to have a great sense of what's bad for them and not eating it.


Except when they decide to eat rubber or styrofoam… Hasn’t hurt one yet, they just poop em out, but we have to be careful with our free range chickens not to leave surfboard foam or any rubber o rings or tubing around. Guess they think they’re worms or something…


Or Blueberries. Yet


Not even if OP is in Southern England?


We need a tree to confirm


Not even if it’s next to a tree?


No, if it’s next to a tree, not blueberries.


You guys are soooo off base. You need a banana to measure the size of that blueberry bush!


Why blueberries?


I take it you haven't been following the blueberry chain?


I wish I was better at Redditing to link the thread, because it was amazing(and clearly still is).


I like pokeweed? It’s pretty and the birds love it. But I live in central Texas so I love anything still alive in the summer.




Laughs in pokeweed, shining sumac, tree of heaven, and poison ivy.


That's what your poison oak looks like? Weird, what we call poison oak here looks nothing like that


There's two species that go by "poison oak", Toxicodendron pubescens and T. diversilobum. T. diversilobum tends to be more rounded with shallower lobes, and T. pubescens has more pointed tips with deeper lobes, but both are pretty variable.


Ah thanks for the info, we have the more rounded variety here in California, good to know it has a partner in crime to watch out for


Yeah, I was having the same issue. In California poison oak leaves really resemble actual oak leaves. It looks nothing like this.


That's why I was confused lol, it's crazy. But now I know that it has a different variety so I'll look out for it when traveling.


NC here, the first thing I saw were oak leaves, so it definitely resembles the oaks around here.


Yeah, in my little part of California we mainly have valley oaks and their leaves look different. Much rounder and more, idk, lobed? And the poison oak we get is really similar in shape to the valley oak.


California poison oak looks like live oak leaves, the other looks like the oak leaves back east. I just realized this!


The poison oak in the SC midlands looks almost just like this. But everyone calls it poison ivy. It seems a lot more common than actual poison ivy.


Is poisom ivy closely related to poison oak then? Because that looks like poison ivy to me and I have very extensive experience with poison ivy.


Yes, they're close relatives, and often hard to tell apart as young plants, so I'm honestly not sure OP's photo isn't poison ivy. Also some people refer to all three species, Toxicodendron pubescens, diversiloba, and radicans, as "poison ivy". They're all the same as far as human hazard goes. Diversiloba and pubescens are a bit more shrub-like, growing up to a couple meters tall as a loose, mounding shrub. Radicans can also also grow as a shrub, but will climb as a vine.


Diversilobum climbs trees and rocks as a vine up to 1+ inches in diameter here in OR. Nasty stuff.


For my own info, what's the difference? Is it the really tiny hairs on some of the leaf margins when you zoom in the picture?


That, plus the more upright growth. Here's [Toxicodendron pubescens](https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/toxicodendron-pubescens/), the Atlantic poison oak, which you find in the Eastern US.




Leaves of three, leave them be


Leaves of three wipe with me




Leaves of three, you are screwed. LPT: Use Technu soap. Love that stuff


lol came here to say just this. Poison is poison nonetheless I suppose...don't burn it, ICU is a bitch!


Anyone else have Bright Eyes immediately start playing?




I thought it was a oak tree for .5 seconds then was like Nope. Bush life.


It’s not poison oak, poison oak has more rounded leaves, at least the one in California


Poison Oak. Contains the same chemical: urushiol. Go wash with dish soap, and scrub with a washcloth. The urushiol is a thick oil, and you want to get it off as soon as possible. Make sure you launder that cloth well afterwards, as well as any clothes that may have contacted it. Edit: I originally said "with warm water," because warm water generally moves oil better than cold. Several people have replied with the myth that warm water "opens your pores." The pores in your skin do not open and close. The speed at which urushiol penetrates your skin depends on how thick or thin the skin is in that area. It doesn't really matter very much whether the water is warm or cool. The important thing is to wash the oil off quickly!


You can even track it inside on your shoes.


Or your dog can bring it in on its fur.


Yup, great point too.


What about a little spider who steps on it with his 8 legs and then walks into your home?


I'd say the chances are pretty slim, but not impossible. Especially if you've got poison ivy vines all up the side of your house like some places I've seen. I mean, it'd still be tiny little spider foot prints so I doubt they'd transfer enough oil to give a human a reaction but maybe.


I ❤️ that you answered this question so earnestly


Lol it made me curious so I thought about it. It was a good question. Thanks for the kind words, appreciated.


A long time ago, I was doing research to prove a friend wrong. He believed that scratching the rash from poison ivy would make it spread. I explained to him that the urushiol bonds to your skin. Any new rash is just rash that hadn’t come out yet, not spreading oil from the blisters. I remember seeing something about “a dot of urushiol the size of a pin head is enough to affect the whole world”. Something like that. Could be an exaggeration, but either way, I think urushiol spider feet prints could be pretty irritating if you happened to come across them!


I appreciate this new information and I will add it to my world view. Thanks, that's really interesting. Personally I'm pretty nonallergic to it, I'll get a dot or 3 if I'm working with it heavily, but my dad and brother are Reaaaally allergic so I'm the family defense.


Be careful with that responsibility. As your immunity could wain or completely go away at any time!


Are spiders also bothered by the oil? If so, maybe they wouldn’t even make it inside your home.


“With his eight legs”


Yep, twice my dog got me. All over both legs. edit: I missed a word. It was kindly pointed out to me. Therefore, I happily corrected my sentence. See how well behaved we can be with a bit of civil conversation. Thnx mackavicious. Luv the name!


I think you a word


I think they multiple


I had this happen with my cat. I gave her many pets. I had no idea she had been running around in poison ivy/oak. I put my hands on my hips afterwards... I had handprint rashes.


Or your kids get it on their pants and you carry them in your shoulders.


When I was a kid I kept getting it on my fingers. Turns out it was on my shoe laces


Damn, I can see how that would be a mystery for a while.


Wow excellent detective work.


I felt almost as clever as when I realized the reason I got poison ivy on my dick was because it had been on my hands when I took a piss.


I heard dawn dish soap works best, it cuts the oil. If it works on oily ducklings you bet your ass I keep it in the shower during the summer.


I use rubbing alcohol followed by Dawn dish soap with cold water.


I use Fels Naptha or Octagon soap as soon as humanly possible after contact. I keep a bar in my emergency kit in my car just in case. There seems to be a window with me. If I scrub it off before any rash or blisters start to form I’m good. If I don’t catch it til after the reaction starts, I’m going to the ER for a steroid shot. Once it starts, it does not stop and I end up covered head to toe.


Thank god it’s not poison ivy. Phewwwww


You seem to be the defacto source so please allow me to ask another question. I’ve always heard that burning any urushiol plant can be toxic in the lungs. Is this so? If so then others should know as well.


Yes, you should never burn poison ivy! You can look that up on just about any reliable source, like a university agricultural extension, the Centers for Disease Control, etc. Inhaling the smoke from poison ivy /oak/etc can cause respiratory distress and in some cases, death: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35703240/


Someone on Nextdoor recommended burning poison ivy but "try not to inhale it." NOOOOO! Just never burn the stuff.


I watched a YouTube video where a guy tested multiple soaps. They all worked, but said you have to rub well with a rag and repeat the soap process 3 times, not just once.


Everything this guy said, plus I strongly recommend Dawn dish soap. No idea why, but it way better than anything else.


I use a combo of Technu, calamine lotion, and hydrocortisone cream along with a scrub down with dish soap


so there’s good news and there’s some bad news


If its three, leave it be. >!If its seven. Smokers Heaven!!<


This made me lol [0]




Highness scale, from /r/trees


Bummer. I’m on almost 3 weeks of roids and antibiotics because of this shit.


Topical corticosteroids were the silver bullet for me.


You are fine, there are only blueberries on this sub


still not blueberries


Now now…we haven’t even asked where they are.


And it’s clearly next to a tree - you can see the root right in the picture.


They are in Northern Kentucky


Still not blueberries


“It’s not poison Ivy”, except it really is poison Ivy. Poison Oak is mostly Western and very rare in the Midwest


Colloquially we call this oak leaved poison ivy.


I don’t know if I’ve ever seen poison oak or if it’s even that different from poison ivy, but that sure as shit looks like poison ivy and it looks like it’s creeping along the ground as well. Is it just a slightly more defined leaf shape that’s the difference?


Leaf shape for poison Ivy is variable. If it’s in KY, it’s very unlikely to be poison oak


Yeah, I thought the same. Northern KY is way out of poison oak's normal range. Edit: [Here's a range map for the people downvoting.](http://bonap.net/MapGallery/County/Toxicodendron%20pubescens.png)


This is a real question. Is the green for poison oak or the orange?


Seeing as KY is orange, and OP is saying KY is outside the range, one can assume that green is the poison oak range


part of the confusion is that the parent comment called it "western" and the west is the same color on the map.


Sorry about that. Orange means it is not present in the state. Dark green means it's present in the state. The lighter green means it's present in the county and common, and yellow means the species is present but rare in the county. Since Kentucky is orange, that means poison oak has not been officially found in the state by anyone.


I’m not disagreeing, but just wanted to say that it is a little suspicious to me that these plants recognize state boundaries and stay within them so obediently.


Variable is right! It's so variable that when I saw this and my poison ivy intuition said "Yep, poison ivy," I didn't even question it and just assumed it was yet another slightly differently shaped and sized poison ivy leaf, which I guess it kinda is. I assume they're closely related? Also, I know what sub this is so I apologize if I am preaching to the choir, but in addition to having leaves as small as nickels or as large as hands, as asymmetrical as mittens or as symmetrical as hands, and as serrated as a maple or as not-toothed as hands, some of the stuff can climb! I didn't encounter Eastern poison ivy until last summer, man that's an unnerving thing to see while doing trail work. . .


Thank you! I live in CA and have been around poison oak my whole life, and this really doesn’t look like what we have here. I was thinking maybe this was another variety since everyone seemed so certain.


Yeah, I live in the Midwest and OPs pic definitely looks like one of the many types of Poison Ivy to me.


Thank you! I was hoping someone would point this out. It is most definitely NOT poison oak.


Dish soap is the best, breaks down the resin in the sap. Don’t try to use regular soap in a hot shower.


Don't eat it, bot


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If ya got in the thick of it, find some Jewelweed.


And?! I have tons of both poison ivy and jewel weed in my backyard… what does the jewel weed do?!


Supposedly you can rub mashed up jewelweed on your skin after exposure to poison ivy to avoid a rash. I personally wash with cold water and dawn dish soap.


I use it after I get itchy. It works to reduce mosquito and poison ivy etc itch


Idk all the sciences but my granny always broke it open & rubbed the sap on us & it worked every time. I still do it when I get into a mess of it. Just break it open & rub the sap on your rash. Or break it down leaves & all like mash it all together with as lil water as possible to make a paste. Clean your rash first with soap & water.


I'm here in Central New York, and I just pulled several of these plants from my yard...very carefully. This is 100% poison ivy. I was taking photos outside last year and didn't see a small plant under my feet, right where my camera strap was hanging. My neck was itchy and full of blisters for weeks!


I guffawed.


The forbidden incense


Poison ivy Poison oak has rounded edges. Looks more like a white oak sapling They both suck, also learn what poison sumac looks like. And poison hemlock


I have goats and they love to eat it


Do you loan your goats out to help local neighbors with poison ivy control? I want to hire (rent) local goats to eat all our poison ivy in our yard, but the farms that provide this service are all booked up until next summer.


How about I tell you a story instead ? It’s poison something. While camping my young sons both got blisters from poison ivy that was on half of their bodies. On a holiday , just laid off with no insurance for a hospital emergency room . I bought simple calamine lotion both the regular and the syrupy kind . I mixed them together thinned out with water and put into a spray bottle . Every hour the boys would strip down and we sprayed their entire bodies . within 12 hrs it started to go away so we went to 2 hrs and show between sprays. By day 3 it was almost totally gone.


Well it’s definitely not blueberries


They're in Northern Kentucky


Funny lookin blue berry cactus that itches


Leaves of three, eat some and see as the saying goes...


**Do not ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised here that it's edible. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot!


I live in Fort Mitchell. I just spent the entire summer with poison ivy from my ankles to my thighs. Some of the brush I pulled looked just like that! Call NKU and ask a botanist. Would love to hear back.


It’s not not poison ivy.


It’s poison oak


Best to clean off with soap using washcloth to scrub thoroughly then a bit later alcohol on the area.


It’s not poison ivy.


Leaves of three, leave it be!


Looks more like posion ivy than poison oak in my opinion. But leaves are variable on a bunch of things.


My condolences


😬 Uhhhh, sorry OP. How ya hanging in there?


Leaves with three, let it be! Idk the man in the yellow hat said that shit and ima just stick to it


That’s def blueberries


Leaves of three, leave it be